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Krumpac-Datys_Professions-1.1.3 icon

Datys Professions

Valheim Reforged - Datys's Reforged Cooking and Alchemy System

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 1.1.3
Download link
Downloads 854
Dependency string Krumpac-Datys_Professions-1.1.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2105 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2105


Datys's Reforged Cooking and Alchemy

Valheim Reforge Addition

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Foods, Alchemy, Plants & Sacrificing Addition

This mod is part of the Valheim Reforge!

Thunderstore Download

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What is the Food System ?

  • The goal of this mod is to increase the variety of food, drink, and potions in order to give the player more options and choices for sustenance. Food recipes can be discovered in the normal way or by praying to the gods, collecting dungeon materials, etc. There are more steps in crafting food and drink, which creates a more immersive experience for meal preparation. There are also more ways to cultivate and farm the land, and gather meat from its creatures.

Neck Cave

Neck Cave Neck Cave

Valheim Reforged: A Completely New Way to Play Valheim

In Valheim Reforged, there are a multitude of new ways to gather, plant, harvest, hunt, prepare, cook, and even serve nourishing food and drink. Tame and cultivate the land, or hunt its forests and live in balance with nature. There are so many new foods, drinks, and recipes for you to disover out there. Feast on the bounty offered by the gods- it may not last forever!

CLICK to Show More Screenshots:


  • Download the Files
  • Extract them and drag & drop the *.DLL File into your "ValheimFolder"/Bepinex/Plugins
  • Launch the game and eat / drink your fill!

Good to Know:

  • Reforged items and buildings require materials and components that are not native to vanilla. There are so many more ways to interact with the game world to gather materials and refine them. Experiment! The crafting system has been designed to be intuitive and as realistic as we can make it without going too far.

  • This new way of handling food and drink allows for far more combinations of ingredients for prepared dishes!

  • Hunting works differently here. When a boar or deer is killed, it may drop a carcass instead of "meat". The carcass is heavy and must be prepared before you can harvest meat from it. To do this, you can place the carcass on a pole in the ground and slice away the unusable parts by using a cleaver (a new tool type, craftable at the food prep table). Use the special attack button on the cleaver to hack the steaks from the carcass. This is just one example of how different the food prep will be!

  • Bees do not enjoy having their honey taken from them. Before you go stealing from them, make sure to craft the appropriate protective gear!

  • The new crafting stations will mean that you'll need to largely re-think item progression. You will spend more time in the meadows and black forest in Reforged, because there is much more to do.

  • If you get stuck or have any technical issues, we have a welcoming community on our discord. This mod is our passion and we love helping people enjoy it.

  • We have begun to produce translations for the mod in as many languages as possible. Right now we have the core available in English, German, Spanish, French, and Chinese- but we'll add as many as we can if you can help us with the translations. Visit our discord to learn how to work with us on translations - we can offer incentives for assistance!

  • There are other mods produced by our team that supplement and improve the Reforged Core experience. New dungeons, ships, cooking materials, and much more. More info is available on our discord.

And finally, the big question: does this cost me anything? In short, you can enjoy the Reforged experience for the first few biomes with no strings attached- by then you will know if the mod is right for you and your viking squad. Our team has logged thousands of hours and spent thousands of dollars to develop/test and acquire new assets for the mod. Beyond the swamps, some of the items will be for subscribers only- premium starts at $5 which we believe is more than fair for the dozens/hundreds of hours of playtime this mod will facilitate for you.

Reforged Lore:

The story of Valheim Reforged centers around your character's effort to regain the approval of the gods after being betrayed by Loki, who became envious of you in a moment of petty jealousy. You are not a hero tasked with saving the world- you simply want to prove yourself to anyone who will listen by performing deeds of valor. Father Odin has much grander plans than anything involving you. Only by pushing yourself and defeating Valheim's champions can you hope to gain the AllFather's notice, and prove to him that you are not a Skóggangr (foolish coward) as Loki named you.

>CLICK HERE< To see all DLL's comes with Premium

- Krumpac Reforged Core

- Krumpac Weapon Arsenal

- Krumpac Armor Sets

- Krumpac Blackforest Dungeon

- Krumpac Neck Cave Dungeon

- Krumpac Locations

- Krumpac Building Pieces

- Krumpac Tribe Ornaments

- Krumpac Sacrificing Altars

- Krumpac Praying System


>CLICK HERE< To read the full Lore : Laufey's LORE

As you begin your journey, you are carried by one of Odin's Valkyrie into the world of Valheim. Your story begins from this point, but how you ended up here is a tale of its own...

Centuries ago you brought yourself up from the dirt and strived for glory. Leading men through battle after battle, you made a name for yourself and your Banner, Bright blue as the sky and bearing a Sigil of a Jotunn. From the coldest Mountains to the most dry deserts, you have come far. Unbeknownst to you at the time, the Banner Sigil you held so dear Whispered to a Jotunn with open ears, by the name of Laufey. Through many wars, and accross many battlefields you fought during life, you gained the attention of Laufey, a gentle yet powerful Frost Giant. The seemingly friendly Jotunn took notice of your thirst for battle, and blinding rage that suited a giant, let alone a man. This blessing carried a heavy burden, one you couldn't possibly anticipate.

On a routine Skirmish, after raiding an enemy encampment, you lost your way down a corridor and were surrounded by ten Warriors, all hungry to get the glory from your death. You Valiantly fought them off, and though you managed to beat them and get away mostly unscathed, A Javelin hit you in the back from somewhere out in the field, and you fell to your knees. Though the pain was nearly unbearable, you couldn't help but smile as a raven flew in circles just over your head. "FOR ODIN!" you shouted, "FOR THE ALL-Father! MAY I GO NOW TO VALHALLA!".

You knew, at the very least, Odin would see your efforts, and you would be allowed into Valhalla. It was then that Laufey recognized your bravery and strength to its fullest, and she gave you her blessing. Odin, seeing this, and feeling pity for you, decided to recruit you to the Einherjar, the Glorious Army of Valhalla."

Time went on, and you continued to impress, but some remained indignant towards you for your status as mortal.

One such Man, the God Loki, detested you to the highest degree for getting special attention from his mother, who he himself couldn't impress. You see, Laufey abandoned Loki as a child for his human size, thinking it to be a curse or bad omen.

Loki survived, even thrived, and fought his way up the ranks in Asgard. Odin took him in to train alongside his son, Thor, where he continued to thrive, only faltering at times to think about the feelings of inadequacy towards Laufey. It haunted him, to this day, where you confidently boasted of her blessing, completely ingorant of the fact that she didnt bless her own son, who was about the same size as you. A Blessing for some may be a Curse for others.

One Night in Asgard, when the Gods were having another joyful celebration for their efforts, Lothur, one of Odin's Brothers, proposed to challenge one of the Mortals, to see how strong they really were. Loki, seeing the perfect opportunity for revenge against you, Shouted, "Lothur! I bet that you are not brave enough to fight the blessed one!”

Lothur smiled, and replied, "What makes you think that one would even pose a challenge for me?".

All eyes turned on you, yearning for a response, but you held your tongue. Loki however, not satisfied, contiued,

"You didn't hear? He killed 10 warriors by himself, and they barely touched him. Is it that you're afraid of losing?"

Lothur, furious at even the idea of being a coward, shouted with all of his anger, "HOW DARE YOU accuse me of that, i simply do not feel like wasting my time."

Loki knew the perfect thing to say to seal the deal.

"I can think of other reasons" he said seriously, trying to hide his grin. Before Lothur could respond, Odin who had witnessed everything, began to laugh, which prompted the gathering crowd to laugh as well. Lothar could not stand the laughter, so he begrudgingly decided to spar with you. This was your chance to prove to the gods your worth! Though Terrified, you remained determined. This was also Loki's chance to get what he wished, and he had this planned from the very beginning. Loki rushed up to you, and handed you an axe.

"May you win with pride, or lose with honor" he said before departing into the crowd. Loki felt accomplished, for what he gave you was no ordinary axe. Hidden within the blade was an incredibly lethal poison, even to the gods, and you were none the wiser.

The fight was intense, but you somehow managed to hold your ground against Lothur. The Gods were pleased of your Valor, and all of the other Einherjar in the Great Hall of Valhalla were cheering. You thought you had a chance of victory, but before you could continue Lothar had caught your mistake, and struck you with a powerful blow. At this, the Crowd Roared loudly, for this was a mighty battle to witness. While you lay dazed on the ground, Lothar turned to the crowd and began to roar in triumph; no longer would they doubt either his courage or strength, at least for now. With his back turned, you saw your chance and struck at his back with all of your remaining strength, but something was wrong. You both were just sparring, it was not meant toinflict any real damage, and yet Lothar fell to the ground. The crowd and the gods grew silent.

After what felt like an eternity, Odin finally stepped forward, and with his mighty spear Gungnir in hand he pointed it directly at you. In front of Odin's might, it was near impossible to move. while a few Gods began inspecting Lothar and the Weapons, The remaining Gods in the pantheon began to shout, “Lothar is alive! The axes were poisoned!”. Odin Swings his head towards you, and exclaims "Poison?! How dare you!"

Shocked by this, you plead, “I was betrayed! I would never Dishonor you all like this! You have to believe me!”

Odin shouted, "BE QUIET!" and the crowd went silent again as he continued, "I was told beforehand by Loki to not trust you, That you were a warrior sent by the Vanirs. I did not believe that you were sent here by those Half-God scum, to infiltrate our army, at first. But now it is very clear. You are a FOOL, a Skóggangr, for thinking you could get away with this."

Immediately Loki stepped out from the crowd and began to chant “Skóggangr!”, to which the Crowd followed with “It’s a Fool! It’s a Skóggangr”! Odin let them go on, but he needed to make a decision, and it came easily to him. He raised his hand, signalling for the crowd to quiet down. Once they did, he began, "I have decided you will not die here, for that would be a gift. Instead, you can take yourself and Laufey's blessing with you to Valheim, where you will live as a Skóggangr, forever, undying. I have gone as far as to order the Goddess Hela to ban you from entering Helheim. You have shamed the name of the Gods, and that is no light crime. Farewell."

Taken away by guards, you were brought to the edge of asgard. From there, the Valkyrie has brought you to where you are now, and now your story begins. Who knows what lies in these strange new lands? Will you be able to prove your innocence? There is only one way to find out.

You Like it? You Love it? Leave a comment on my discord =)

You can also offer me a cold Beer!

If you would like more Creations & Content, consider to support me as a Patreon for the rest of my stuffs

Protected by KeyManager!

KeyManager Disclaimer

Changes 1.1.3

  • Update config for Praying System

Changes 1.1.2

Delete your old config!

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fishes can be now cleaned again
  • Fixed drop for carcasses
  • Fixed Material errors
  • Fixed some recipes description
  • Lowered HP of all herbs
  • Removed timed destruction from some herbs and trees
  • Some more changes and fixed problems

Changes 1.1.1

  • Bug fixes (Oil Fermenter)

Changes 1.1.0

  • Not all the big changes have been made yet. This update is only for krumpac Core compatibility
  • Removed Dependence on Spawn That


  • Remove Spawn for Herbs (flowers can now be found at locations and dungeons)
  • Remove Bowls usable for mortar and pestle
  • Changed nuber of crafted bandages to 5
  • Changed nuber of crafted Alchemy Leather Bags and Vials to 10
  • Add icon for Chervil seeds and herb sapling
  • All saplings can be removed now
  • Crushed Thistle moved to mortar and pestle


  • Renamed Food Plate to Decorative Catering
  • Changed crafting station for Wood Plates and Tankards to Workbench
  • Changed crafting station for Stone Bowl to Tribe Ornament lvl 1
  • Changed crafting station for Bronze Plate to Anvil lvl 1
  • Changed crafting station for Bronze Skewer to Anvil lvl 1
  • Changed crafting station for Wood Barrel to Workbench lvl 2
  • Fix Localization for : Carrot seeds, Wood Table
  • Fixed Hoe duplicity
  • Removed fishing station, Fishes can be now just roasted does not need to be cleaned.
  • Removed Dryed fishes
  • Remove Wood Roasting spit
  • Added possibility to plant all vanilla trees
  • Replaced Orange tree with Walnut tree (Black Forest)- Orange tree seedling can be found in Black forest threasures
  • Fixed the bug the with items recovered from Alchemysts stations
  • Removed all carcasses for now (will be implemented in next update with barns, coops etc.)
  • Removed Deer tonque and Boar Tusk

Patch Notes:


- Edited Foods for the Sacrificing Altars

Patch Notes:


- Removed Premium content from some foods.

Reduction material cost of Foods: Raspberry Juice

  • Apple Juice

  • Meadows Juice

  • Roasted Boar Meat with potatoes

  • Roasted Neck tales with potatoes

  • Change Recipe for : Wooden Shelf Type B (moved to Meadows biome)

  • Primitive Bandage (Removed herb)

  • Increasing drop from Alchemy herbs

  • Changed Bronze skewer type

  • Increasing Food time duration for some combined foods

  • Add new meadows lamp and lantern

  • Increased radius of hoe

  • Add visual height indicator for hoe

Release on Thunderstore

Krumpac Modding Discord:

My Youtube channel:


  • 6.0.0
    • Ashlands Release
  • 5.0.0
    • Before Ashlands Release - Forced Release
  • 4.0.1
    • Check discord news
  • 4.0.0
    • Check discord news
  • 2.0.5
    • Check discord news
  • 2.0.4
    • Keymanager Fix
  • 2.0.3
    • Update for new patch
  • 2.0.2
    • Fixed experience gain for other players what not plant or harvest.
    • Fixed Error when choosing a plant.
    • Reorganized Biome requements for plants/trees/mushrooms/etc.
    • Add flare and bees for blueberry bush, Catharanthus and Erigeron for better visibility.
    • Fixed collider for stone griddle.
    • Removed sherry tree (for now)
    • Add meat and carcass for wolf and serpent.
    • Add Roasting spit for bigger meats.
    • Now there is no need to gut the fish, now it is possible to roast them on the griddle.
    • Renamed burned meat to burned remains.
  • 2.0.1 Bug fixes
  • 1.1.6 Only update old version for new patch
  • 1.1.5
    • Since the mod pack is currenty under development, playing the BETA is only available for closed community members!
    • Added Registration Form for applying to become part of the closed BETA testing community, and it is also necessary to join the discord server for being part of the closed community, since we plan to communicate closely with each other
    • Added Copyright, permissions, credits & distribution permission
    • All Reforge mods have been bundled under one Key Manager registry for easier handling
    • Due to the request from IronGate to remove all PAYWALLS from all mods, we need to deactivate all previous versions that did contain the PREMIUM checks, all versions before this new version will not be able to be played anymore with this change!
    • We got official approval from IronGate to be allowed to create a closed community until Steam Workshop is available for Valheim for continuing to develop the mods with a closed community that helps us beta test until release on steam workshop
    • All old Key Manager registrations will be deleted and you will need to fill out the registration form, if you are not already a member of the closed community
  • 1.1.4
    • Add T3 Biome foods and drinks
    • Decreasing Health for Herbs
    • Removed Timed destruction for some items
    • Other bug fixes
  • 1.1.3
    • Update config for Praying System
  • 1.1.2
    • Fishes can be now cleaned again
    • Fixed drop for carcasses
    • Fixed Material errors
    • Fixed some recipes description
    • Lowered HP of all herbs
    • Removed timed destruction from some herbs and trees
    • Some more changes and fixed problems
  • 1.1.1
    • Bug fixes for Oil Fermenter
  • 1.1.0
    • Not all the big changes have been made yet. This update is only for krumpac Core compatibility
    • Removed Dependence on Spawn That
    • Alchemy:
      • Remove Spawn for Herbs (flowers can now be found at locations and dungeons)
      • Remove Bowls usable for mortar and pestle
      • Changed nuber of crafted bandages to 5
      • Changed nuber of crafted Alchemy Leather Bags and Vials to 10
      • Add icon for Chervil seeds and herb sapling
      • All saplings can be removed now
      • Crushed Thistle moved to mortar and pestle
    • Cooking:
      • Renamed Food Plate to Decorative Catering
      • Changed crafting station for Wood Plates and Tankards to Workbench
      • Changed crafting station for Stone Bowl to Tribe Ornament lvl 1
      • Changed crafting station for Bronze Plate to Anvil lvl 1
      • Changed crafting station for Bronze Skewer to Anvil lvl 1
      • Changed crafting station for Wood Barrel to Workbench lvl 2
      • Fix Localization for : Carrot seeds, Wood Table
      • Fixed Hoe duplicity
      • Removed fishing station, Fishes can be now just roasted does not need to be cleaned.
      • Removed Dryed fishes
      • Remove Wood Roasting spit
      • Added possibility to plant all vanilla trees
      • Replaced Orange tree with Walnut tree (Black Forest)- Orange tree seedling can be found in Black forest threasures
      • Fixed the bug the with items recovered from Alchemysts stations
      • Removed all carcasses for now (will be implemented in next update with barns, coops etc.)
      • Removed Deer tonque and Boar Tusk
  • 1.0.9
    • Edited Foods for the Sacrificing Altars
  • 1.0.8
    • Removed Premium content from some foods.
    • Reduction material cost of Foods:
      • Raspberry Juice
      • Apple Juice
      • Meadows Juice
      • Roasted Boar Meat with potatoes
      • Roasted Neck tales with potatoes
    • Change Recipe for : Wooden Shelf Type B (moved to Meadows biome)
    • Primitive Bandage (Removed herb)
    • Increasing drop from Alchemy herbs
    • Changed Bronze skewer type
    • Increasing Food time duration for some combined foods
    • Add new meadows lamp and lantern
    • Increased radius of hoe
    • Add visual height indicator for hoe
  • Release of TS