Sketaful-Sketafuls_Adventurepack icon

Sketafuls Adventurepack

[Testserver is online!] Around a 100 Mods to expand all parts of Valheim while also trying to fix a lot of the cumbersome parts of the game without making it feel like cheating.



* NoTreeDust v1.0.0 by Azumatt
* NoWeaponDust v1.0.1 by Azumatt
* NoHoeDust v1.0.6 by Azumatt
* NoCultivatorDust v1.0.6 by Azumatt
* NoCreatureDust v1.0.3 by Azumatt
* NoBuildDust v1.0.6 by Azumatt
* BetterZeeLog v1.13.0 by ComfyMods - Remove vanilla spam in console

* Almanac will be updated to v3.4.6
* WackysDatabase will be updated to v2.4.52

* The amount of creatures with stars should be a bit less.
* Bulk planting set to max 9 plants at a time.
* Maximum range for pulling stuff from chests and to sort to chests set to 15 (default is 20)

I'm very, very tired right now so if there is something missing I just want to say sorry in advance. ;)


There have been a lot of errors with shaders and a bunch of memory leaks and more.  
Searching for what was wrong took ages since it's not just a matter of
running one mod at a time since one mod working by itself still could screw up
up together with another mod. Often it didn't make sense which one and the logs kept  
complaining about mods that had nothing to do with these problems. 

So basically it was A LOT of manual testing. It's not perfectly done yet but it should be
a lot better now (I hope).

There is warnings in the log about memory leaks while running around Plains. 
There is also a bunch of errors when near tamed animals.
BOTH these errors are there even if you play vanilla so they are not caused by any mods  
and to have them fixed we just have to wait for Valheim to get a new patch solving this.

* Farming - Give strange errors that should have nothing to do with farming.
* ResinGuard - Giving shader errors. Removed as part of fixing problems.
* BoatAddition - Sorry. This is one of the mods giving most shader errors. Removed as part of fixing problems.
* VNEI - This was actually never intended to be included in the modpack.
* customtutorials - Never used it and was supposed to have been removed ages ago, but I messed that up.
* PerfectPlacement - Removed and switched back to Gizmo (again). Seems it works if only on client.

* Almanac will be updated to: 3.4.4
* CookingAdditions will be updated to: 1.2.7
* MorePins will be updated to: 420.0.8
* WackyEpicMMOSystem will be updated to: 1.9.38
* ZenSign will be updated to: 1.1.1

* AzuClock
  Since the update it needed setup to show time. Since the thought with the modpack is that players  
  shouldn't have to go through settings, this is now included. If you change it, just be aware it will  
  be reseted back to the modpacks config when updating.


* BoatAdditions v1.3.7
* ZenSign v1.1.0

* Professions (well, readded since it's been updated and should work now)
* Viking Sails
* WardIsLove - To better be able to protect your things on a server.

* Fixed some configs being accidently included when not needed to.


* AzuAntiCheat v4.3.11
* Jotunn v2.24.3
* ResinGuard v1.2.5


* AzuClock v1.0.5
* Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition v1.2.7
* Logo_Changer v1.0.12
* ZenRedecorate v1.0.9
* ZenSign v1.0.15


* Gizmo
  For some reason portals stop working when using Gizmo.  
  Strangest thing since this should have no effect on portals (it handle rotations).  

* PerfectPlacement 1.2.2 by Azumatt
  Replaced Gizmo. Allows rotations around all axis, finer adjustments etc.  
  Not as straight forward as Gizmo but the only solution next to just skipping it all together.  

* Moving building blocks, chests etc is changed from SHIFT to C.  
  So to move something placed wrong, instead of having to tear it down,  
  Hold the hamme, hold C and left-click on the object. This way you can move a chest with inventory intact.  
* PerfectPlacement had really annoying keybindings. Most of which was used by other vanilla keybindings.  
  Now you rotate on different axis by holding SHIFT, CTRL or ALT and using scroll wheel.  
  You can enter "Advanced Building" by pressing F3 (you will see controls for that ingame to the left).  


* Gizmo will v1.15.0
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs v1.4.4
* ZenRedecorate v1.0.8

* Professions (UI problems)


* AzuCraftyBoxes v1.7.2
* BoatAdditions v1.3.6
* ClayBuildPieces v1.2.4
* CookingAdditions v1.2.6
* CoreWoodPieces v1.2.3
* CrystalCollector v1.1.6
* FeatherCollector v1.1.8
* FineWoodBuildPieces v1.1.7
* GlassPieces v1.2.4
* GuckCollector v1.1.6
* MagicPlugin v2.1.2
* TarCollector v1.1.7
* VikingsDoSwim v1.3.8
* WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming v1.1.2

 Changed keybinds that had been reseted.
 P stores from inventory to chests again.

 I have one friend that tried logging in to the server after last update and his character was stuck,  
 his inventory was messed up, his view showed buttons for controllers and nothing worked.  
 He's the only one I know that experienced this problem and I can't replicate it. 
 PLEASE! If anyone else experience the same problems, joind my discord and upload your logfile
 so I can find a solution to this. It's really weird and as said, he's the only one, so far.

* RichDiscordPresence
  The mod worked perfectly but somehow it's not working with AzuAnti-Cheat.  
  It just refuses to be accepted. Joining server with this not in the list  
  of allowed mods doesn't work, which is fine, that's how it's supposed to be.

  But if added to the list of allowed mods, AzuAnti-Cheat starts complaining  
  about a mod not being allowd on the server and just randomly choose a mod  
  to complain about even though they all are on the allowed list.

It's annoying but the only solution is to just not use RichDiscordPresence  
since it's not essential to the game. But now I'm sad. ;(


* Expand_World_Size v1.25.0
* MonstrumDeepNorth v2.0.6
* Waypoints v1.1.4

* RichDiscordPresence v1.0.6 (Rich Presence in Discord based on your ingame state)

* Added the serverlist in main window. (oops)


* Guilds v1.1.11
* Expand_World_Data v1.52.0


* NetworkTweaks v0.1.5
* DiscoveryPins v0.3.10
* Item_Stand_All_Items v1.22.0


Of course there's some mmods updating as soon as I uploaded my update. :p

* Soulcatcher_JC_KG_Additions v4.5.9
* Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restockv 1.4.13

V2.1.0 - Updated for Patch 0.220.3

Update V2.1.0 is finally out!
This is the first version that support NEED the new version (0.220.3) of Valheim.
Make sure you run the correct version before you start this modpack, it will not run on older version at all!

Make backups on your own world before running this!
It should work but I can't promise nothing will be wrong. (Let me know if you find any errors).

* AllTameableTamingOverhaul v1.5.2
* Almanac v3.4.1
* Armory v1.3.1
* AzuAntiCheat v4.3.10
* AzuCraftyBoxes v1.7.1
* AzuExtendedPlayerInventory v1.4.9
* Chatter v2.11.0
* ConfigurationManager v1.0.25
* CookingAdditions v1.2.5
* CreatureLevelAndLootControl v4.6.3
* Groups v1.2.9
* Guilds v1.1.10
* Jewelcrafting v1.5.33
* Jotunn v2.24.2
* Monstrum v1.5.1
* MonstrumDeepNorth v2.0.5
* MountUpRestored v3.4.2
* OdinsSteelworks v0.2.6
* PlantEasily v2.0.3
* PlantEverything v1.19.0
* Recycle_N_Reclaim v1.3.6
* ServerCharacters v1.4.15
* TargetPortal v1.1.21
* WackyEpicMMOSystem v1.9.37
* WackysDatabase v2.4.51
* Wagon v1.1.4
* Warfare v1.8.9
* WarfareFireAndIce v2.0.8
* Waypoints v1.1.3
* Wizardry v1.1.8
* XRayVision v2.2.5
* ZenRedecorate v1.0.7
* ZenSign v1.0.14

* NONE! (I just had to let you know this)

* Removed some broken parts in config
* Fixed some prices on recipes
* Added food to cauldron since they were missing
* Made some order in configs

* New icon! Whohooo! ;)

Pre-patch 0.220.3 updatelog V2.0.9
* Jotunn will be updated to: 2.24.1
* AzuCraftyBoxes will be updated to: 1.7.0
* AAA_Crafting will be updated to: 1.6.5
* PlantEverything will be updated to: 1.18.3
* PlantEasily will be updated to: 2.0.3
* AzuExtendedPlayerInventory will be updated to: 1.4.7
* Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock will be updated to: 1.4.12
* Jewelcrafting will be updated to: 1.5.33
* CreatureLevelAndLootControl will be updated to: 4.6.3

* LicensePlate v1.3.0 by ComfyMods
* ZenSign v1.0.12 by ZenDragon
* ZenRedecorate v1.0.6 by ZenDragon
* ReportCard v1.3.0 by ComfyMods
* Bird_Is_The_Word v1.1.1 by MaxFoxGaming

* Fixed configs for saddles which should work better now.
  Still need to add the last creatures to config to make them tameable. 
* Fixed config for Waypoints and for Boss Stones.
* Added some images to the loadscreen.


* Jotunn will be updated to: 2.24.0
* OdinsSteelworks will be updated to: 0.2.5
* ResinGuard will be updated to: 1.2.4

* Intermission by ComfyMods
Adding tips to the loading screen and portal screen. 
If you play with this modpack and have some nice building or screen you'd like to share,  
send it to me on discord and I'll add it as a screen in the next update. 

* TravelingHaldor v1.0.7 by OdinPlus - Sadly bugged to much. Looking for another solution.

V2.0.7 - The february extra update #3 (beta?)

* MissingPieces 2.2.2 By BentoG
* TravelingHaldor 1.0.7 By OdinPlus

* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs will be updated to: 1.4.3
* MorePins will be updated to: 420.0.7
* MagicPlugin will be updated to: 2.1.1
* WackysDatabase will be updated to: 2.4.50
* Custom_Raids will be updated to: 1.7.14
* VNEI will be updated to: 0.15.6

* Jewelcrafting - Lowered chances of basically everything. (Cause it's OP). Max slots per item lowered from 5 to 3 because more than that is stupid.
* Professions - Changed to limit top one profession at a time. Change prof can be made once every irl day. Doesn't reset xp.
* Backpacks - Added seedbag. Will need more work.
* Madhatter - Set all hats to only be available thrue traveling Haldor and needing different worldevents to have been done.
* Traveling Haldor - Lessen change of showing up but stays much longer.
* TargetPortal - All portals made will be set as public as default. Just shift click to change ingame.
* ItemStandAllItems - Itemstand will be invis as long as there is something attached to it (looks better)
* Buildable Boss Stones - Recipe changed, needs less resources but need an extra summon object (deer head, dragon egg, etc)

V2.0.6 - The february extra update #2

* MonstrumDeepNorth will be updated to: 2.0.4
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs will be updated to: 1.4.2
* TravelingHaldor will be updated to: 1.0.6

V2.0.5 - The february extra update #1

* AzuCraftyBoxes will be updated to: 1.6.1
* WackyEpicMMOSystem will be updated to: 1.9.36
* WarfareFireAndIce will be updated to: 2.0.7
* DiscoveryPins will be updated to: 0.3.9
* MonstrumDeepNorth will be updated to: 2.0.4
* Monstrum will be updated to: 1.5.0
* Drop_That will be updated to: 3.1.0

V2.0.4 - The february fix #1

* AzuCraftyBoxes will be updated to: 1.6.0
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs will be updated to: 1.4.1
* GuckCollector will be updated to: 1.1.5
* MultiUserChest will be updated to: 0.6.1

* Config for taming, mounts and saddles have been fixed. Need some more love.

V2.0.3 - The monthly update 2025 #1

* MorePins will be updated to: 420.0.6
* AzuCraftyBoxes will be updated to: 1.5.10
* Jotunn will be updated to: 2.23.2
* WackyEpicMMOSystem will be updated to: 1.9.34
* ConfigurationManager will be updated to: 1.0.24
* CrystalLights will be updated to: 1.1.4
* Gizmo will be updated to: 1.14.0
* Chatter will be updated to: 2.10.0

V2.0.2 - The bugfixing update #1

The mods removed was nerver meant to be included in the first place. Sorry about that.
That's the problem doing things when you're tired. :pack

If anyone miss these mods, just install the modpack and then install these yourself into the modpack.
Should work fine.

If you're using 1.4.x of this modpack, please make sure to do a clean install of 2.0.x. 

* Server_devcommands v1.62.0 by JereKuusela
* Upgrade_World v1.64.0 by JereKuusela
* Structure_Tweaks v1.34.0 by JereKuusela

* Fixed some taming errors in config.

V2.0.1 - The taming update

* Structure_Tweaks will be updated to: 1.34.0
* Jotunn will be updated to: 2.23.1
* AAA_Crafting will be updated to: 1.6.4
* Jewelcrafting will be updated to: 1.5.32
* MagicPlugin will be updated to: 2.1.0

* Changed taming a bit added some and removed some other.
* Added a bunch of tamable creatures to be rideable (with the right saddle)

V2.0.0 - The makeover update

I can pretty surely say this version prob won't go well with 1.x worlds without something breaking or missing. Sorry.

* Advize-PlantEverything-1.18.2
* Azumatt-AAA_Crafting-1.6.3
* Azumatt-AzuClock-1.0.4
* Azumatt-AzuExtendedPlayerInventory-1.4.6
* Azumatt-Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition-1.2.6
* Azumatt-MajesticButton-1.0.5
* Azumatt-ResinGuard-1.2.3
* Azumatt-SearchableBuildMenu-1.0.4
* blacks7ar-BoatAdditions-1.3.5
* blacks7ar-CoreWoodPieces-1.2.2
* blacks7ar-MagicPlugin-2.0.9
* blacks7ar-VikingsDoSwim-1.3.7
* ComfyMods-Gizmo-1.13.0
* CookieMilk-Wagon-1.1.3
* CookieMilk-YouAreBeingWatched-1.0.4
* Digitalroot-Digitalroots_Slope_Combat_Assistance-2.0.27
* Digitalroot-Eternal_Fire-1.0.17
* Goldenrevolver-Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock-1.4.11
* JereKuusela-Expand_World_Data-1.51.0
* JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.88.0
* JereKuusela-Upgrade_World-1.65.0
* KGvalheim-Soulcatcher_JC_KG_Additions-4.5.8
* Meldurson-AllTameableTamingOverhaul-1.5.1
* Meldurson-MountUpRestored-3.4.1
* OdinPlus-CrystalLights-1.1.3
* OdinPlus-MadHatter-2.2.2
* OdinPlus-OdinsSteelworks-0.2.3
* RustyMods-Almanac-3.4.0
* RustyMods-UsefulPaths-1.0.4
* RustyMods-Waypoints-1.1.2
* Searica-AdvancedTerrainModifiers-1.4.1
* Searica-More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs-1.3.5
* shudnal-ConfigurationManager-1.0.21
* Smoothbrain-Backpacks-1.3.6
* Smoothbrain-Blacksmithing-1.3.2
* Smoothbrain-Cooking-1.2.1
* Smoothbrain-Farming-2.2.1
* Smoothbrain-Jewelcrafting-1.5.31
* Smoothbrain-Professions-1.4.4
* Smoothbrain-StaminaRegenerationFromFood-1.5.6
* Therzie-Armory-1.3.0
* Therzie-Monstrum-1.4.9
* Therzie-Warfare-1.8.8
* ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.23.0
* WackyMole-WackyEpicMMOSystem-1.9.33
* WackyMole-WackysDatabase-2.4.48

* Advize-PlantEasily-2.0.2
* ASharpPen-Custom_Raids-1.7.13
* Azumatt-AzuCraftyBoxes-1.5.7
* Azumatt-Logo_Changer-1.0.11
* blacks7ar-ClayBuildPieces-1.2.3
* blacks7ar-CookingAdditions-1.2.0
* blacks7ar-CrystalCollector-1.1.5
* blacks7ar-FeatherCollector-1.1.7
* blacks7ar-FineWoodBuildPieces-1.1.6
* blacks7ar-GlassPieces-1.2.3
* blacks7ar-GuckCollector-1.1.4
* blacks7ar-TarCollector-1.1.6
* BlackViking-MorePins-420.0.4
* JereKuusela-Expand_World_Size-1.24.0
* JereKuusela-Structure_Tweaks-1.33.0
* JewelHeim-Monstrum_Raids-1.0.0
* JewelHeim-Wizardry_Raids-0.0.3
* OdinPlus-OdinsValConAssets-1.0.0
* RustyMods-CustomTutorials-1.0.4
* Searica-DiscoveryPins-0.3.6
* Searica-NetworkTweaks-0.1.4
* shudnal-TradersExtended-1.3.9
* Smoothbrain-CombatOwner-1.0.0
* Therzie-MonstrumDeepNorth-2.0.2
* Therzie-WarfareFireAndIce-2.0.6
* Therzie-Wizardry-1.1.7
* turbero-KillMeForMyPower-1.1.2

* Azumatt-AzuHoverStats-1.1.8
* Azumatt-BetterWards-1.9.3 (I am looking into adding WardIsLove in the future when server is ready)
* Azumatt-CurrencyPocket-1.0.5
* Azumatt-DeathPinRemoval-1.0.5
* Azumatt-FastLink-1.4.3 (Will be re-added when server is ready)
* Azumatt-MaxPlayerCount-1.2.3 (Will be re-added when server is ready)
* Azumatt-MistrootTamer-1.0.2
* Azumatt-PetPantry-1.0.2
* Azumatt-Ship_Stats-1.0.4
* Azumatt-Where_You_At-1.0.10
* Azumatt-XRayVision-2.2.3
* BentoG-MissingPieces-2.2.0
* blacks7ar-FineWoodPieces-1.5.9 (Replaced with FineWoodBUILDPieces since I didn't like the furniture)
* blacks7ar-SeedBed-1.2.3
* Buttergeland-CraftFromContainers-3.5.2 (Replaced by AzuCraftyBoxes)
* JereKuusela-Expand_World_Events-1.11.0
* JereKuusela-Expand_World_Factions-1.4.0
* JereKuusela-Expand_World_Spawns-1.9.0
* Marlthon-SeaAnimals-0.2.6
* MSchmoecker-TimeoutLimit-0.1.0
* MSchmoecker-VNEI-0.15.4
* OdinPlus-TeleportEverything-2.7.0 (broke ashlands stoneportal making them useless)
* RockerKitten-BoneAppetit-3.3.1
* Searica-Extra_Snap_Points_Made_Easy-1.4.0
* Smoothbrain-Building-1.2.5
* Smoothbrain-CombatOwner-1.0.0
* Smoothbrain-ConfigWatcher-1.0.1
* Smoothbrain-Evasion-1.0.3
* Smoothbrain-Exploration-1.0.3
* Smoothbrain-Foraging-1.0.9
* Smoothbrain-HildirsQuest-1.0.2
* Smoothbrain-Lumberjacking-1.0.5
* Smoothbrain-Mining-1.1.5
* Smoothbrain-Network-1.0.2 (Replaced by NetworkTweaks)
* Smoothbrain-PackHorse-1.0.3
* Smoothbrain-Ranching-1.1.3
* Smoothbrain-Sailing-1.1.7
* Smoothbrain-ServerCharacters-1.4.14 (Will be re-added in time for server)
* Smoothbrain-Tenacity-1.0.3
* Smoothbrain-TombstoneLock-1.0.7
* Smoothbrain-Vitality-1.1.2
* Soloredis-RtDBiomes-2.5.3
* Soloredis-RtDGardening-0.1.4
* Soloredis-RtDHorrors-0.2.7
* Soloredis-RtDItems-0.6.8
* Soloredis-RtDMagic-0.2.9
* Soloredis-RtDMonsters-1.7.3
* Soloredis-RtDMonstrum-0.3.6
* Soloredis-RtDOcean-1.2.9
* Soloredis-RtDSouls-0.2.9
* ValheimModding-HookGenPatcher-0.0.4
* VentureValheim-Venture_Location_Reset-0.10.1
* Xutz-ValheimCuisine-2.1.1

I'm working on a server for this, but first I need to see that it actually works. I mean, it works for me,
but I need more people trying it out before I can start working on a server. 
The good part is that most configs are done now in this modpack and should only need minor changes for a server.
Old Changelogs

V1.4.1 (Beta-ish)

Updated for latest version of Valheim, finally.

Please report any problems in my discord.
I am sure there will be a bunch of bugs and need helpful people reporting them to find them all. :)


README This is a quite late and big update.
Either remove the old configs before running this one or preferably, do a clean install of this version.

Life came between me and the modpack which left it in a void for a long time  
and I still haven't gotten the time to go through the configs as I'd like.  
Sorry for that. 

There will most probably be a bunch of things needed to be changed in the configs,  
specially when it come to spawning and drops. This is because a couple of mods have  
changed their prefabs which I need to change in the configs as well.
Luckily (I guess we can call it) these are not that many as it could have been since  
I haven't had time to make all the changes I planned. But some are going to need to be  
done and I will as soon as possible.

Try it out and make sure it works. I have tried it but it take so much time to accidently  
do "that" which breaks the whole pack so ever little info or help in finding bugs is good help.

* AAA_Crafting updated to v1.5.8
* AdvancedTerrainModifiers updated to v1.4.0
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.12
* Almanac updated to v3.3.8
* Armory updated to v1.2.6
* AzuExtendedPlayerInventory updated to v1.4.5
* AzuHoverStats updated to v1.1.8
* Backpacks updated to v1.3.5
* Blacksmithing updated to v1.3.1
* BetterWards updated to v1.9.3
* BoatAdditions updated to v1.3.4
* Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition updated to v1.2.5
* BuildableBossStones updated to v1.0.9
* Chatter updated to v2.9.0
* ConfigurationManager updated to v1.0.19
* Cooking updated to v1.2.0
* CoreWoodPieces updated to v1.2.1
* CreatureLevelAndLootControl updated to v4.6.2
* CrystalLights updated to v1.0.20
* CurrencyPocket updated to v1.0.5
* DropThat updated to v3.0.8
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.48.0
* Farming updated to v2.2.0
* FastLink updated to v1.4.3
* FineWoodPieces updated to v1.5.9
* Gizmo updated to v1.12.0
* Guilds updated to v1.1.9
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.30
* Jotunn updated to v2.21.3
* LocalizationCache updated to v0.3.0
* MadHatter updated to v2.1.8
* MagicPlugin updated to v2.0.6
* Monstrum updated to v1.4.4
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.13
* MultiUserChest updated to v0.6.0
* OdinsSteelworks updated to v0.2.0
* PlantEverything updated to v1.18.2
* Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock updated to v1.4.10
* Recycle_N_Reclaim updated to v1.3.5
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.5.3
* RtDGardening updated to v0.1.4
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.2.7
* RtDItems updated to v0.6.7
* RtDMagic updated to v0.2.8
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.7.2
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.3.5
* RtDOcean updated to v1.2.8
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.8
* SearsCatalog updated to v1.6.0
* SeedBed updated to v1.2.3
* ServerCharacters updated to v1.4.14
* Soulcatcher_JC_KG_Additions updated to v4.5.7
* SteadyRegeneration updated to v1.0.3
* TeleportEverything updated to v2.7.0
* Venture_Location_Reset updated to v0.10.1
* VikingsDoSwim updated to v1.3.5
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.24
* WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.42
* Wagon updated to v1.1.2
* Warfare updated to v1.8.0
* WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming updated to v1.1.1
* YouAreBeingWatched updated to v1.0.3

* Better_Cartography_Table (more trouble than helpful)

* CombatOwner-1.0.0
* Expand_World_Events-1.11.0
* Expand_World_Factions-1.4.0
* Extra_Snap_Points_Made_Easy-1.4.0
* ItemHopper-2.0.0
* RtDOceanFoods-0.1.0
* RtDVines-0.0.3
* Waypoints-1.1.0

V1.4.0 Beta <- Sorry. Ignore this one.

Was a bunch of things totally messed up. All changes are in version above.
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.4.1
* RtDOcean updated to v1.2.3
* Drop_That updated to v3.0.7
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.6.0
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.2.0

* MistrootTamer v1.0.2 by Azumatt

Some small config changes have been made. 

* Turned off auto-closing of doors for Wards.
* Buildings inside Wards heal itself by 10% each 60 tick.
* Buildings take 20% less damage inside a Ward.
* Buildings take no water damage inside a Ward.

* The range you can pull things from chest have been upped to 20m (from 15m).
* Terrain tools have can no longer have the radius changed. 
  (blame the shovel for making it "cheaty")
* Mistlands have been regenerated to make Mistroot Tamer work.
* Made some more changes: UI, bindigns, etc (will put these separate if you want)
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.4.0
* RtDMagic updated to v0.1.5
* RtDItems updated to v0.4.1
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.5

* Network v1.0.2 by Smoothbrain
(Trying this out to see if it helps)
A mixup with the files for the modpack have been fixed and the modpack
is now working correctly together with the server again. (I hope)
* Jotunn updated to v2.20.3  
* RtDMagic updated to v0.1.4  
* Drop_That updated to v3.0.6  

* LitLiterature By CookieMilk (Not as useful as I had hoped)  
* AdvancedPortals by RandyKnapp (Throws errors)  

ADDED: (just trying out atm)  
* CurrencyPocket v1.0.1 by Azumatt  
* SearchableBuildMenu v1.0.3 by Azumatt  
* Ship_Stats v1.0.4 by Azumatt  
* WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.24
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.20
* Jotunn updated to v2.20.2
* RtDOcean updated to v1.2.0
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.9
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.5.8
* RtDMagic updated to v0.1.3
* RtDItems updated to v0.4.0
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.3.8
* ConfigurationManager updated to v1.0.17
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs updated to v1.2.3
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.8
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.6
* OdinsSteelworks updated to v0.1.26

* Chatter by ComfyMods
* YouAreBeingWatched By CookieMilk
* LitLiterature By CookieMilk
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.4  
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.7  
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.8  
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.5.7  
* RtDMagic updated to v0.1.2  
* RtDItems updated to v0.3.7  
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.1.3  
* RtDGardening updated to v0.0.6  
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.3.7  
WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.22
Almanac updated to v3.3.4
* ComfortTweaks
  (Sorry, forgot to remove this in the last update)
* Expand_World_Spawns updated to v1.9.0
* AAA_Crafting updated to v1.5.6
* ValheimCuisine updated to v2.1.1
* Soulcatcher_JC_KG_Additions updated to v4.5.6
* Almanac updated to v3.3.3
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.17
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.3.3
* PetPantry updated to v1.0.2
* WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.21

* BetterNetworking 

* Tombstones disapearing have been fixed, kinda. It's now set on a timer.
  Every time you die you have 30 days (real life time) to get your
  things back before the tombstone disappear. This to give you time but
  not forever because the world spawn would be filled with tombstones from 
  one-time logins dying a bunch of times and never coming back. 
  Every tombstone is locked so it can't be looted by other players so they
  need to be removed somehow. :)
* Professions is having some overhaul. Atm it's only some nerf in sailing,
  nothing big. Max speed with boats at level 100 in sailinng i changed from
  50% increase to 30% increase. May have more nerfs and fixes in the future
  (changing it for each ship is the future plan since some mod-ships are to fast.)
* ComfortTweaks
* Azumatt-SleepSkip-1.2.0 (forgot to remove last time)
* AAA_Crafting downgraded to 1.5.2 (dup bugs in later)

* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.12
* ComfortTweaks updated to v3.3.7
* ValheimCuisine updated to v2.1.0
* AAA_Crafting downgraded to 1.5.2 (dup bugs in latest)

* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.11

* Removed unused sadles from being able to be made.
* Renamed saddles Tier1, Tier2 etc to instead show what animals they're for.
* BuildableBossStones
(Bug somewhere seems to remove the boss stones very rarely. 
This let you just build your own.)

* RtDHorrors updated to v0.1.2
* RtDItems updated to v0.3.4
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.3.2
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.5.4
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.29
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.15
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.6
* RtDGardening updated to v0.0.5
* RtDMagic updated to v0.1.1
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.5
* ConfigurationManager updated to v1.0.16
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.2
* AAA_Crafting updated to v1.5.3
* WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.13

Fixed config for SleepSkip. I kinda missunderstood the config thinking
that setting it to a minimum of 2 players would make it just be vanilla 
sleeping when only one player was online. Instead it meant that if there
was only one player online sleeping didn't work at all.

New config means that when enough people sleeps a countdown of 15 sec start
until everyone get to vote on sleeping or not no matter if they're in bed
or not. This is only on the server.
On the client it's a 3 sec countdown and then you sleep. No vote or anything.
I figured noone that play this in singleplayer would like to have to wait
15 second for a popup to show before they can sleep. ;)

I'm still having a hard time getting the spawning changes to work.
Seems like mobs I thought I managed to change the spawning on still
spawn during days when set to only nights and so on. 
Strange is that they spawn less, which means it actually affects the
spawning so the settings still works kinda and that's even worse.
Would have been better knowing I just screwed up the configs but now
I'm not sure it's not just a prob with spawning behavior over all.

I'm also just going to continue the screwed up versions since I already
have it set now. 

Config changes is going to be a lot easier than changing/updating mods
so most changes during the week will be on the server and when I see
that they work I'll implement them into the modpack. This way I don't
have to do a modpack update each time I do a config change and have Some
time trying them out since configs is serverside when on a server.
* ComfortTweaks updated to v3.3.5
* UsefulPaths updated v1.0.3
* Almanac updated v3.3.2
* RtDMonstrum updated v0.1.4
* RtDMagic updated v0.0.9
* RtDOcean updated v1.1.5
* WardIsLove updated v3.5.12
* RtDMonsters updated v1.5.2
* RtDItems updated v0.3.1
* RtDHorrors updated v0.1.1

* RtDAdditions (isn't needed)
* WardIsLove (because it conflicted with some mods)
* FactionAssigner v1.0.2

* BetterNetworking_Valheim v2.3.2
* BetterWards v1.9.2
* Expand_World_Factions
* ImageSigns v1.0.0 (just tryout, might be removed)
* LocalizationCache v0.2.0
* PetPantry v1.0.1
* ResinGuard v1.2.2
* ResourceUnloadOptimizer v1.0.4
* SleepSkip v1.2.0

* Added RTDMonsters to EpicMMOSystem
* Turned off all extra bushes, flowers and musrooms clutter from RtD-mods since they
  don't add anything more than stuff to run into when trying to travel.
* TeleportEverything - Small chance of enemies follow you trough portal if your chased.

* LuminousLooker_RtD turned off Spawning.
* Bonefish_RtD turned off spawning.
* BoneSquid_RtD turned off spawning.
* SA_Whiteshark, SA_BlacktipShark and Shark_RtD only spawns in Ocean biome.
* Crawler_TW changed groups of spawn from 2 to 1.
* MeadowsHorror_RtD only spawn after killing Eikthyr, in group of 1 and only at night.
* MeadowsSnade_RtD only spawn after killing Eikthyr, in group of 1 and only at night.
* MeadowsGolem_RtD only spawn after killing Eikthyr, in group of 1 and only at night.
* BlackForestGolem_RtD only spawn after killing The Elder, in group of 1 and only at night.
* BlackForestLocMur_RtD only spawn after killing The Elder, in group of 1 and only at night.
* SwampChaser_RtD only spawn after killing Bonemass, in group of 1 and only at night.
* SwampSludger_RtD only spawn after killing Bonemass, in group of 1 and only at night.
* MountainHorror_RtD only spawn after killing Mother, in group of 1 and only at night.
* MountainUndead_RtD only spawn after killing Mother, in group of 1 and only at night.
* PlainsHorror_RtD only spawn after killing Yagluth, in group of 1 and only at night.
* MistlandsHorror_RtD only spawn after killing The Queen, in group of 1 and only at night.
* AshLandsHorror_RtD only spawn in group of 1 and only at night.
* DeepNorthHorror_RtD only spawn in group of 1 and only at night.
* PlainsChomper1_RtD changed groups of spawn from 2 to 1 and longer between spawn checks.
* PlainsChomper2_RtD changed groups of spawn from 2 to 1.
* PlainsChomper3_RtD changed groups of spawn from 2 to 1 and longer between spawn checks.
* PlainsChomper4_RtD longer between spawn checks.
* PlainsSizzler_RtD changed groups of spawn from 2 to 1.

* AzuHoverStats - Binded to Keypad4
* ComfyQuickslots - Binded to Keypad1, Keypad2 and Keypad3

* SA_Whiteshark, SA_BlacktipShark and Shark_RtD all drop SharkMeat.
* WackysDatabase updated to v2.4.12
* RtDItems updated to v0.3.0  
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.3.0  
* WardIsLove updated to v3.5.9  
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.4  
* RtDMagic updated to v0.0.6  
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.3  
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.44.0  
* ValheimCuisine updated to v2.0.9  
* RtDAdditions updated to v0.1.0  

* FactionAssigner v1.0.2 by Azumatt
* Expand_World_Spawns v1.8.0 by JereKuusela

* Custom_Raids v1.7.11 by ASharpPen
* Drop_That v3.0.4 by ASharpPen
* Spawn_That v1.2.14 by ASharpPen

These will probably be added again later if I ever figure out how to make them work. :)
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.1
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.7
* AzuAntiCheat updated to v4.3.8
* Almanac updated to v3.3.1
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.3
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.5.1
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.2
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.1.0

Server updated to latest modpack and latest Valheim version.
* RtDSouls updated to v0.2.0
* ValheimCuisine updated to v2.0.7
* Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock updated to v1.4.8
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.1

* Server_devcommands (Oops. Accidently left this in which blocked anyone from logging into the server)

* WackysDatabase (Needed by the new version of alheimCuisine)
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.0.6
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.1.0
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.9
* RtDItems updated to v0.2.9
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.29
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.2
* Digitalroots_Slope_Combat_Assistance updated to v2.0.25
* Eternal_Fire updated to v1.0.13
* RtDAdditions updated to v0.0.9

ADDED: (on trial, if not working as I think might be removed again)
* Drop_That v3.0.4
* Custom_Raids v1.7.11 
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.8
* MagicPlugin updated to v2.0.5
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.28
* FineWoodPieces updated to v1.5.8
* CoreWoodPieces updated to v1.2.0
* BoatAdditions updated to v1.3.3
* SeedBed updated to v1.2.2
* VikingsDoSwim updated to v1.3.4
* RtDSouls updated to v0.1.9
* WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming updated to v1.1.0
* RtDAdditions updated to v0.0.8

* Spawn_That by ASharpPen

I'm learning how Spawn_That works but the plan is to use it to make it a bit easier, specially at start  
RtDMonsters will be only night-spawns when I'm done and a bunch of other things.
Somehow managed to upload an old file. This is really the 1.3.24 update. Sorry.

Before updating, run the game, put your inventory in a chest or something and then do this update.  
You will lose your things othervise!**
Before updating, run the game, put your inventory in a chest or something and then do this update.  
You will lose your things othervise!

* ComfyMods-ComfyQuickSlots-1.6.0

* Azumatt-AzuExtendedPlayerInventory-1.4.3
* TimeoutLimit by MSchmoecker (for real this time!)
* Where_You_At by Azumatt
* TimeoutLimit by MSchmoecker (fixes server's timeout problem)

* UsefulPaths updated to v1.0.2
* Almanac updated to v3.3.0
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.5
* RtDOcean updated to v1.1.1
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.5.0
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.0.9
* RtDMagic updated to v0.0.5
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.0.5

* ShutUp v1.0.2 by Smoothbrain (temporary prob)
* StartupAccelerator v1.0.3 by Smoothbrain (temporary prob)


Since StartupAccelerator and ShutUp put themselves as "patchers"  
you need to either do a clean install of this modpack or manually  
remove the folder for them in BepInEx\Patchers\ of your modfolder.  

In the next update I will switch from ComfyQuickSlots to  
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory because it's just plain better and more  
supported by the other mods in this modpack.  

To not lose your things in the extra slots on your character,  
remove everything from your character, EVERYTHING, and put in a chest  
before updating the modpack!
* PlanBuild
* RockTheBoat

* RtDAdditions  

The problem this modpack got when mods changed, mods got split up  
and other have driven me half-insane.  
I'm not saying it's solved yet, but I found some of the mods that  
didn't work well with others. So errors in log is down by 90%.  
I will have to look into why Deer is getting worked up when players  
get neer, but not scared enough to run away like they should.  
* TargetPortal updated to v1.1.20
* RtDSouls updated to v0.1.5
* RtDHorrors updated to v0.0.3
* RtDMagic updated to v0.0.3
* RtDMonstrum updated to v0.0.4

Remind me to never ever update a mod that's been rewritten, 
split up or had any other major change.

Hopefully these updates to the RtD mods will let players
join the server again. 
(Console error was "znet" and the updates says "Fixed double znet")

Server runs new world now. Regular size.

Solaredis split his mods into smaller ones which ruined a lot for me since I only 
watched what updates he released through the modlauncher and only installed mods 
show up there.  

So here's an update again with the missing parts of his mods. Enjoy.

* RtDBiomes Updated

* RtDGardening
* RtDHorrors
* RtDMonstrum
* RtDMagic
Just fixed a typo.
The server is reseted.  
So for those that want a server to just have fun on trying  
out this modpack on, then now's the time.  

The server is at its easiest the first 50 days.  
After that it get a bit harder over time. 

* RtDSouls updated to v0.1.4
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.14
* RtDOcean updated to v1.0.9
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.4.7
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.24
* RtDItems updated to v0.2.6
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.7
* ComfyQuickSlots v1.6.0 by ComfyMods

* EquipmentAndQuickSlots v2.1.13 by RandyKnapp

* SearsCatalog updated to v1.5.1
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.6
* OdinsSteelworks updated to v0.1.25

Changed from Randy's Quickslots to Comfys since it seem to be a problem 
with losing your things from time to time. Hopefully this is fixed.

Reseted time on server. Should be easier for new players.
* ConfigurationManagerupdated to v1.0.13
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.4

* Changed the included password for the server to a longer one because it was to 
  short and made Valheim spam console.
* Changed some of the harder mobs from RtDSouls not to get any stars since they're to hard as is already.
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.40.0

* XRayVision v2.2.3 (sorry, didn't thing it was needed by others than admins but server demands it be there.)
* Venture_Location_Reset updated to v0.9.1

* SeaAnimals
* AzuHoverStats
* AAACrafting
* ConfigurationManager updated to v1.0.12

* ValheimTexturesSideLoader by NorgerLegacy
Somehow it didn't save my last edit so one mod was left that should have been gone "UseEquipmentInWater" 
and one mod that always been there and should have been there now was gone "DualWield". Gah!
* Digitalroots_Slope_Combat_Assistance updated to v2.0.24
* Eternal_Fire updated to v1.0.10

* Smoothbrain-StartupAccelerator v1.0.3

* Fixed UsefulPaths config to follow same rules as the SpeedyPaths did
* Added a smaller backpack for plants through backpacks mod
* Other small fixes in config
* Made Necks and Deer tameable
* Made most tames react on right click by following
* CraftFromContainers v3.5.2 by Buttergeland
* Eternal_Fire v1.0.8 by Digitalroot
* WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming v1.0.9 by blacks7ar
* UsefulPaths v1.0.0 by RustyMods

* CraftFromContainers v3.5.1 by DrZed
* FuelEternal v1.2.1 by Marf
* LicensePlate v1.3.0 by ComfyMods
* Blacksmiths_tools v2.0.3 by GoldenJude
* Wearable_Trophies v1.8.0 by JereKuusela
* UseEquipmentInWater v0.2.4 by LVH-IT
* SpeedyPaths v1.0.8 by Nextek
* NoWeaponsGlow v1.0.1 by noglow

There is quite a bit of smaller mods not having been updated that have a bunch of bugs.  
Trying to fix them  as I find them and if you find a bug, please let me know on github.

Right now a bunch of these are removed.  
Some I found substitutes for but a lot I will fix something similar in the future.

Right now the focus is to get some stability to the modpack. 
* RtDSouls by Soloredis (AGAIN! Don't know what I'm doing, missed it in the settings even though I KNOW I added it! Gah!)

Just re-read this :P : Sorry for the mass-updates. The updates recently have shown a bit of problems from older mods that 
seemed to work before so going through them and fixing them as I find them. 
* InstantMonsterLootDrop by cjayride (since the old one bugged out)
* RtDSouls by Soloredis (Really not sure about this one but now I have all RtD-mods and they coop so...)

* InstantMonsterLootDrop by aedenthorn (old, not updated for 7 month and screwed up the modpack)

Sorry for the mass-updates. 
The updates recently have shown a bit of problems from older mods that seemed to work before so going through 
them and fixing them as I find them. 
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.5

* ConfigurationManager v1.0.9 by shudnal
* PlanBuild v0.16.0

* Viking Sails (Again. I missed it somehow last time)
* Official_BepInEx_ConfigurationManager v18.3.0 by Azumatt

* Days reseted to 0 from today. If anyone want to try it out, now's the time because 
  it get quite hard to start later.  
* I am looking into making the meadow around spawn a lot easier to help new players 
  along when the server gets harder but it's not done yet.
* ServerControl
* Viking Sails (it was bugged)

* PlantEverything updated to v1.18.1

You might need to reinstall the modpack to be sure old absolete mods isn't left.
* FineWoodPieces v1.5.7

* MagicPlugin updated to v2.0.4
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.3
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.5
* SearsCatalog updated to v1.5.0

* Added Bats and the Serpent to taiming list
* Added SerpentMeat, HareMeat, BearMeat and FoxMeat to what Wolfs eat

Server have been updated to work with this version.
* MagicPlugin updated to v2.0.3
* AdvancedTerrainModifiers updated to v1.3.3
* RtDItems updated to v0.2.5
* Warfare updated to v1.7.5
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.23
* Monstrum updated to v1.4.2
* Armory updated to v1.2.1
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.4.6
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.5.1
* Backpacks updated to v1.3.4
* Blacksmithing updated to v1.3.0

Server have been updated to work with this version.
So I have finally moved to a new apartment. 
Not been able to get everything done here so computer isn't up so fixing this quickly 
by connecting it to the TV. Might miss something.

* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.39.0
* MagicPlugin updated to v1.9.7
* PlantEverything updated to v1.18.0
* ComfortTweaks updated to v3.3.1
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.15.0
* Professions updated to v1.4.3
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs updated to v1.2.2
* AdvancedTerrainModifiers updated to v1.3.2
* RtDItems updated to v0.2.1
* Warfare updated to v1.7.4
* AllTameableTamingOverhaul updated to v1.4.2
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.4
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.26
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.13
* SeedBed updated to v1.2.1
* CrystalLights updated to v1.0.18
* CoreWoodPieces updated to v1.1.9
* BoatAdditions updated to v1.3.2
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.22
* Monstrum updated to v1.4.1
* WardIsLove updated to v3.5.8
* Jotunn updated to v2.20.1
* Almanac updated to v3.2.9
* CreatureLevelAndLootControl updated to v4.6.1
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.4.5
* RtDOcean updated to v1.0.8
* Gizmo updated to v1.10.0
* Better_Cartography_Table updated to v0.4.3
* ServerCharacters updated to v1.4.12
* Cooking updated to v1.1.16
Just added some config changes I missed for the tamable mod.
The first version supporting Ashlands!
* MonstrumAshlands v1.1.8 by Therzie
* MonstrumDeepNorth v1.2.0 by Therzie
* WarfareFireAndIce v1.1.7 by Therzie

* AllTameableTamingOverhaul v1.4.0

* AdvancedTerrainModifiers updated to v1.3.0
* Almanac updated to v3.2.8
* Armory updated to v1.2.0
* AzuAntiCheat updated to v4.3.7
* BoatAdditions updated to v1.3.1
* Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition updated to v1.2.3
* Chatter updated to v2.8.0
* ComfortTweaks updated to v3.3.0
* CoreWoodPieces updated to v1.1.8
* CreatureLevelAndLootControl updated to v4.6.0
* CrystalLights updated to v1.0.17
* DeathPinRemoval updated to v1.0.5
* Digitalroots_Slope_Combat_Assistance updated to v2.0.23
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.37.0
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.14.0
* Expand_World_Size updated to v1.18.0
* FastLink updated to v1.4.2
* Foraging updated to v1.0.9
* Groups updated to v1.2.8
* Guilds updated to v1.1.8
* Heightmap_Unlimited_Remake updated to v1.4.1
* Item_Stand_All_Items updated to v1.21.0
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.22
* Jotunn updated to v2.20.0
* MagicPlugin updated to v1.9.6
* MaxPlayerCount updated to v1.2.3
* MissingPieces updated to v2.2.0
* Monstrum updated to v1.3.9
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs updated to v1.2.1
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.3
* OdinsSteelworks updated to v0.1.24
* PlantEverything updated to v1.17.3
* Professions updated to v1.4.2
* Recycle_N_Reclaim updated to v1.3.4
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.9
* RtDItems updated to v0.1.8
* SeedBed updated to v1.1.3
* TargetPortal updated to v1.1.19
* Venture_Location_Reset updated to v0.9.0
* VikingSails updated to v1.1.4
* VikingsDoSwim updated to v1.3.3
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.9.12
* Wagon updated to v1.1.1
* WardIsLove updated to v3.5.3
* Warfare updated to v1.7.1


The next couple of days:  
The modpack is updated to work with Ashland but isn't fully tested at the moment.  
As of writing this I'm just going to upload it and then turn off my computer and  
pack everything up and tomorrow morning I'm moving to a new apartment. 

*OBS! I would advice anyone that already have this modpack to remove the folder with
the mods before updating to this one. Othervise some mods might still be there breaking
the modpack. If you don't want your skills and styff be reseted, don't remove the profile  
but only the mods.*

My internet ism't going to be installed in my new apartment until monday (earliest)  
so the server is going to be down for a couple of days. The server isn't updated to  
the latest version atm, I'm waiting with it until I've moved and had time to test  
the modpack a bit more since it's quite a lot on it that I would like to keep. :P

I've gone through the configs some more and changed a bit in some of them.  
Most things shouldn't be noticable but I've done a lot of changes in how the world  
load in stuff onto the map.  
There should be no more spawned traps on the map and all the extra grass, mushrooms  
and other "clutter" that's been added by different mods should be gone. I hated these  
so for me personally it's better this way. They were more in the way than bringing anything  
nice to the maps and the way modded clutter didn't fade in/out but just showed up/dissapeared  
instantly looked awful, specially in biomes like The Plains.

I've also made the extra trees be spawned in less than before. 

All these changes to clutter and trees should make the maps better. Before this you could  
hardly move without getting stuck on something and at the start you could barely build a  
basic camp because all these mushrooms and trees needed a better axe to remove.
* Jotunn updated to v2.19.4
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.31.0
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.12.0
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.8
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.4.4
* RtDItems updated to v0.1.4
* RtDOcean updated to v1.0.7
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.11.0
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.30.0
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs updated to v1.1.0
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.2 (because of course it got updated like 1 min after I pushed an update.. grr...)
* Jotunnupdated to v2.19.3
* Expand_World updated to v1.29.0
* RtDItems updated to v0.1.2
* Monstrum updated to v1.3.8
* MonstrumAshlands updated to v1.1.8
* MonstrumDeepNorth updated to v1.2.0
* Exploration will updated to v1.0.3
* AzuAntiCheat will updated to v4.3.5

* ClockMod v1.6.0 - because it's marked as deprecated
* PlanBuild v0.15.0 - Gave to many strange errors in log. Seemed to work but why bother? ;)

* AzuClock 1.0.3 - to replace ClockMod
* CoreWoodPieces v1.1.6
I actually forgot to update these. Sorry. Fixed now. ;)

* MajesticButton updated to v1.0.4
* AzuAntiCheat updated to v4.3.4
* Player Activity v1.1.2
* SmoothSave v1.0.5

* MajesticButton updated to v1.0.4
* AzuAntiCheat updated to v4.3.4

* ChangelogEditor
* pluginInfo
* (Because I have aimed from start to make the modpack have exactly one hundred mods :P)
* Soulcatcher_JC_KG_Additions updated to v4.5.5
* PlantEverything updated to v1.16.5
* BoatAdditions updated to v1.2.6

Been goin through the whole modpack during two days now trying to find what made the chat crash. 
Guess what... Nothing!

After spending forever checking the configs and then spending even longer adding each mod one at a 
time to find out what could have broken the chat... It all works!? Like... No reason at all! 
I haven't changed a thing and it just works. So now I'm pissed!
Oh well...

SERVER * Changed the player cap on the server to 20 people. Will probably change it to 50 or something in the future. Just not sure it works :p * Changed the map to 2x the size in diameter which in reality make the map four times bigger. This is to see if it works ok and to actually make it not to crowded if there would be more players since, as mentioned above, the cap on server is set on 20 atm. * Chatter was added last update which make the chat better for players to actually use (as long as the chat continues to work).

* MaxPlayerCount v1.2.2
* Expand_World_Size v1.15.0
* Chatter v2.6.0
* RtDOcean v1.0.6

RE-ADDED * Monstrum v1.3.7 * MonstrumDeepNorth v1.1.9 * MonstrumAshlands v1.1.7 * Groups v1.2.7 * Guilds v1.1.7

* Warfare updated to v1.6.8
* Armory updated to v1.1.9
* WarfareFireAndIce updated to v1.1.7
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.10.0
* TargetPortal updated to v1.1.18
* Gizmo will be to v1.9.1
* PlanBuild will to v0.15.0

FIXES * Finally found the frekkin skull traps spawning config. Fixed! No more of those ruin a world (but you can still build and break your own). It wasn't just one mod behind it but a really bad cooperation between RtDBiomes and Expand_World_Data. * Fixed some settings in ShutUp to only show errors now. * Lessened the clutter and trees from different mods. Should be able to actually move around now. :P

* CreatureLevelAndLootControl v4.5.20 (Let's see if they fixed it)
* SeedBed v1.1.1

* Jotunn updated to v2.19.2
* Jewelcrafting updated to v1.5.20
* TargetPortal updated to v1.1.17

REMOVED (until updated/fixed) * Guilds * Groups

REMOVED (until updated/fixed)  
* CreatureAndLootControl
* Monstrum
* MonstrumAshlands
* MonstrumDeepNorth

* It seems like the update changed quite much. It changed monsters/animals behaviors a bit, it switched out the engine 
  for a newer version and a lot more. This sadly made some mods crash. The ones that broke the game have been removed. 
  There is still some errors in the logfiles but atleast it seem to work now.
* The server have had the mods removed as well and been tested. Some small error in a cfg-file can make it fail to 
  let you connect the first time, but second time you should be fine.
* Both modpack and server will have mods added again when they've been updated. :)
* Better_Cartography_Table updated v0.3.0
* MagicPlugin updated v1.9.1
* Jotunn updated v2.19.1
* Venture_Location_Reset updated v0.8.2
* Expand_World_Data updated v1.28.0
* WardIsLove updated v3.5.2
* BoatAdditions updated v1.2.5
* Official_BepInEx_ConfigurationManager updated v18.3.0
* PlantEverything updated v1.16.4
* AzuAntiCheat updated v4.3.3
* FastLink updatedv1.4.1

SERVER * Serverworld reseted because of some major updates to how some of the things works.

* Almanac updated to v3.2.6
* MissingPieces updated to v2.1.0
* Venture_Location_Reset updated to v0.8.1
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.8.99
* Almanac updated to v3.2.5
* Jotunn updated to v2.18.2
* Warfare updated to v1.6.7
* WarfareFireAndIce updated to v1.1.6
* MonstrumDeepNorth updated to v1.1.8
* MissingPieces updated to v2.0.8
* Expand_World_Data updated to v1.27.0
* More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs updated to v1.0.7
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.1.3
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.4.0
* RtDItems updated to v0.1.0

* nbusseneau-Better_Cartography_Table-0.2.0 (readded)
* Jotunn updated to v2.18.1
* MountUpRestored updated to v3.3.1
* Expand_World_Prefabs updated to v1.9.0
* WackyEpicMMOSystem updated to v1.8.98
* Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock updated to v1.4.7
* RtDBiomes updated to v2.0.9
* RtDMonsters updated to v1.3.5
* RtDItems updated to v0.0.9
* Recycle_N_Reclaim updated to v1.3.3

* Better Cartographer table
* TargetPortal

* XPortal

Since there isn't a good place to comment or anything on thunderstore (what I've seen) 
I will add in the wiki-part if there is something going on with the server. 
So if the server is down or something, check there. 
I might be working on it and needed a restart.

If anything is wrong with the modpack or server, please follow the link on the modpage and just make an issue in github so I know :)

* Quick Stack Store Sort Trash Restock updated to v1.4.6

* Recycle_N_Reclaim v1.3.2
* PlanBuild v0.14.9
* Build Camera Custom Hammers Edition v1.2.2
(Switched ReadyToDies RtDBiomes and RtDMonsters to Soloredis versions instead since he (she?) 
seem to have taken over these)

* Updated RtDBiomes to v2.0.5
* Updated RtDMonsters to v1.3.4
* Updated Almanac to v3.2.0
* Updated WackyEpicMMOSystem to v1.8.97

* RtDItems v0.0.8
* Almanac updated  v3.1.9
* MagicPlugin updated  v1.8.9
* Jewelcrafting updated  v1.5.19
* MultiUserChest updated  v0.5.10
* Typo in config making it crash.
* CrystalLights to v1.0.16
* MultiUserChest to v0.5.8

* Typo, accidently naming update 1.1.0 as 1.0.9.
* Almanac to v3.1.5
* MagicPlugin to v1.8.7
* Warfare to v1.6.6
* MonstrumDeepNorth to v1.1.7
* MissingPieces to v2.0.7
* WarfareFireAndIce to v1.1.5
* Armory to v1.1.8
* Monstrum to v1.3.5
* MonstrumAshlands to v1.1.6
* Jotunn to v2.17.0
* Venture_Location_Reset to v0.8.0
* Jewelcrafting to v1.5.16
* MultiUserChest to v0.5.7

* Server updated together with modpack to work again. (Kinda updated everything but never had time to upload the update :P)
* Took some time to admire Angmar's cosy welcoming cottage on the server.
* Almanac (Again)
* RTDBiomes
* Plugin Info
* Slope Combat Assistance
* License Plate

REMOVED: (Again, wtf!?)
* Expand World Data 
* Expand World Prefabs

* Since the Expand world mods didn't seem to be removed as they should have the server blocked the modpack.
  This should now be fixed. 

* Server is running a new world (noone actually playing on it anyway and I plan to start :P).
* Almanac
* MagicPlugin

* Expand World Data
* Expand World Prefabs
* Expand World Spawns
* MountUpRestored
* RtDBiomes
* RtDMonsters
* Almanac
* Warfare
* Monstrum
* WarfareFireAndIce
* MonstrumDeepNorth
* MissingPieces
* MonstrumAshlands
* Expand World Data
* Expand World Prefabs
* More Vanilla Build Prefabs
* Armory
* MagicPlugin
* Expand World Spawns

* FirstPersonMode (It took over the scrool zoom for from other mods)

* Server plugins not being the same as modpack blocking login.
* More shortcuts have been fixed as well as some problems with quick slots.
* Updated Jotunn
* Updated FirstPersonMode
* Updated VikingsDoSwim
* Updated DethPinRemoval
* Updated AdvancedTerrainModifiers
* Updated WardIsLove

Getting error <code>"ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: $item_wolf_meat_cooked"
but it can be ignored for now since it doesn't affekt the gameplay in any way. Had this since the start and 
pretty sure which mod it is, and in that case it's a stupid misstake from the mod devs side.
Of course one or two mods just have to get updates right when I post the update!

* Updated RtDBiomes and RtDMonsters to latest releases (frekkin like minutes ago).
* Fixed the description... Maybe...
* Fixed a small setting I missed. Sorry. 
* Updated a bunch of mods (well, every mod that had an update).
* Removed BowsBeforeHoes because it stopped working making arrows do no damage.
* Removed StatsLogger because Almanac feels like enough.
* Removed StartUpQuicker because it broke "something".
* Removed Leach because it's really badly made. Can basically make any creatrure stuck.
* CONFIG! Actually made some configuration changes. Amazing! :P
* SERVER! Fixed the server. New world. Working and all. Just click the Fast Link at the menu to login 
  without needing any password. No whitelist but it demands a new character since the character is saved serverside. 
* Uppdated RtDMonsters and WackyEpicMMOSystem to latest versions. Yeah, that's it basically. Sorry. ;)
This is the first released version. Nothing in the configs have been tuned. Some might be to rewarding,  
some to hard. All this fixed in later versions but it will take time since this is made on the side of  
my "real" modpack for my whitelisted "friends only" server.