2. The keybindings

Updated a month ago
AAA_Crafting Toggle RecipeUI LeftSHIFT + PageUP
AllTameableTamingOverhaul Cycle key LeftSHIFT + Z
AllTameableTamingOverhaul Command key Z
Almanac Hotkey to Open F6
AzuClock Show/Hide Clock HOME
AzuCraftyBoxes FillAllModKey LeftSHIFT
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory Drag Keys (Quickslot drag) Mouse0 + LeftCTRL
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory HotKey (Quickslot 2) NUM1
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory HotKey (Quickslot 1) NUM2
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory HotKey (Quickslot 3) NUM3
BoatAdditions Anchor Key DISABLED
Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition Toggle Build Mode B
Chatter ScrollContentDownShortcut PageDOWN
Chatter ScrollContentUpShortcut PageUP
DiscoveryPins AutoPin ShortCut Mouse1 + LeftSHIFT
Farming Toggle Snapping Hotkey LeftCTRL
Farming Toggle Mass Plant Hotkey LeftSHIFT
Gizmo ZRotationKey LeftALT
Gizmo XRotationKey LeftCTRL
Gizmo ResetAllRotationKey O
Gizmo SnapDivisionDecrement PageDOWN
Gizmo SnapDivisionIncrement PageUP
Groups Ping Modifier Key LeftALT
Guilds Interface Key G
Guilds Ping Modifier Key LeftSHIFT
Jewelcrafting Advance Tooltip Key LeftALT
MagicPlugin Unsummon Key F + LeftSHIFT
MountUpRestored Adjust Custom Mount Mode Switch BackQuote + LeftCTRL
MountUpRestored Player Mount Modifier Key LeftSHIFT
PlantEasily DecreaseYKey DownARROW
PlantEasily EnableSnappingKey F10
PlantEasily ToggleAutoReplantKey F11
PlantEasily EnableModKey F8
PlantEasily GamepadModifierKey JoystickButton4
PlantEasily DecreaseXKey LeftARROW
PlantEasily KeyboardHarvestModifierKey LeftSHIFT
PlantEasily IncreaseXKey RightARROW
PlantEasily KeyboardModifierKey RightCTRL
PlantEasily IncreaseYKey UpARROW
Professions Panel Hotkey H
Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock FavoritingModifierKeybind1 LeftALT
Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock SortKeyBind P
Quick_Stack_Store_Sort_Trash_Restock FavoritingModifierKeybind2 RightALT
Recycle_N_Reclaim DiscardHotkey(s) DEL
Recycle_N_Reclaim TrashingKeybind Mouse-2
Recycle_N_Reclaim TrashingModifierKeybind1 X
TargetPortal Modifier Key for Toggle LeftSHIFT
TargetPortal Hotkey Map Icons P