This mod requires the following mods to function

Azumatt-AAA_Crafting-1.6.3 icon

AzuAnti-ArthriticCrafting. Gives you an input field to enter the amount of items you want to craft, a search filter feature, and recipe tracking. Controller friendly, with virtual keyboard.

Preferred version: 1.6.3
Azumatt-SleepSkip-1.2.1 icon

Server and Client mod that allows players to skip the night when a percentage of players agree to skip.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
SpikeHimself-XPortal-1.2.21 icon

Select portal destination from a list of existing portals. No more tag pairing, and no more portal hubs! XPortal is a complete rewrite of the popular mod AnyPortal.

Preferred version: 1.2.21
MathiasDecrock-TransparentSail-1.3.0 icon

A fully-configurable dynamic pixelated transparent sail to see where you are going. Toggle with HotKey.

Preferred version: 1.3.0
CookieMilk-YouGotMail-1.1.7 icon

Send your friends mail in Valheim!

Preferred version: 1.1.7
Pineapple-MoreGates-1.0.11 icon

v1.0.11 by LordHayze at NexusMods. This mod adds a ton of build objects. Windows, doors, gates, a drawbridge and various other pieces.

Preferred version: 1.0.11
denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202
Searica-SkilledCarryWeight-1.4.1 icon

Configurable increase to max carry weight based on skill level per skill. Also adds a quick attach/detach feature to carts and can allow increasing your max carry weight to make carts easier to pull.

Preferred version: 1.4.1
WackyMole-WackysDatabase-2.4.46 icon

WackysDatabase allows you to control all items/recipes/pieces/creatures/materials/textures via YML files with ServerSync and so much more.

Preferred version: 2.4.46
Therzie-Wizardry-1.1.5 icon

Fills the magical gap in vanilla Valheim with MANY unique extras!

Preferred version: 1.1.5
Azumatt-AzuExtendedPlayerInventory-1.4.6 icon

AzuEPI is Extended Player Inventory from OdinsQOL pulled out for your modular pleasure. Currently pulled out as is, but soon get a rewrite of sorts!

Preferred version: 1.4.6
shudnal-TradersExtended-1.3.9 icon

Trader specific buy and sell items lists. Store UI with sell list, filter and repair button. Gamepad support. Trader use coins. Markups and discounts.

Preferred version: 1.3.9
Smoothbrain-CreatureLevelAndLootControl-4.6.2 icon

Puts YOU in control of creature level and loot!

Preferred version: 4.6.2
WiseHorror-Veinmine-1.3.0 icon

Allows you to mine a whole rock/ore vein by holding down a key. Progressive mode is a less OP version meant to fit in better in Vanilla

Preferred version: 1.3.0
Neobotics-HUDCompass-1.0.12 icon

A Heads Up Display compass with map pins and dynamic markers for Ships, Carts and Portals

Preferred version: 1.0.12
cdymrtn-BuildRestrictionTweaks-0.3.0 icon

Lets you remove different restrictions on building placement including inside dungeons, space and biome restrictions, player blocking, etc. Made by aedenthorn

Preferred version: 0.3.0
Fantu-Sages_Vault-1.1.4 icon

Sages Vault add some elegant clothing for a more civilized age and new Artifacts of incredible power

Preferred version: 1.1.4
ComfyMods-SearsCatalog-1.6.0 icon

Resize and reposition the build panel in-game.

Preferred version: 1.6.0
blacks7ar-FineWoodPieces-1.6.2 icon

Adds finewood variants of the wood build pieces, stone roof shingles, thatch walls, clay build pieces, 16 containers, 23 clutters and 58 new furnitures, 6 windows, 1 trapdoor, and 18 buildable plants to decorate your home.

Preferred version: 1.6.2
ComfyMods-ColorfulLights-1.11.0 icon

Color any torch, firepit, stone hearth and bonfire using RGB and HTML color codes.

Preferred version: 1.11.0
Tekla-AutoRepair-5.4.1602 icon

Interacting with a workbench will repair all items it can from your inventory.

Preferred version: 5.4.1602
warpalicious-More_Ore_Deposits-1.3.5 icon

Adds small ore deposits (gold, coal, iron, silver, and blackmetal) to the respective biomes

Preferred version: 1.3.5
virtuaCode-TrashItems-1.2.8 icon

This mod adds a trash can to your inventory screen where you can drag and drop your unneeded items to destroy them permanently. (With gamepad support)

Preferred version: 1.2.8
Searica-AdvancedTerrainModifiers-1.4.1 icon

Quality of life building mod that improves how terrain manipulation with the hoe and cultivator works and adds new terrain manipulation tools.

Preferred version: 1.4.1
Searica-DodgeShortcut-1.3.1 icon

Simple mod to add a configurable dodge button. Allows you to dodge with a single key press.

Preferred version: 1.3.1
Roses-SmarterContainers-1.7.0 icon

Want to quickly drop your loot? Tired of looking for chest with a specific item-stack in order to store some more of it? Teach your containers to arrange items with their neighbors!

Preferred version: 1.7.0
Smoothbrain-Jewelcrafting-1.5.31 icon

Adds a risk / reward socket system to Valheim.

Preferred version: 1.5.31
OdinPlus-CrystalLights-1.1.3 icon

A Custom Build Piece Expansion for Jewelcrafting! Use Uncut Gemstones and Iron to create light sources! HUGE FPS difference with configurable range.

Preferred version: 1.1.3
OdinPlus-OdinsFoodBarrels-1.1.4 icon

ModWish from OdinPlus Community - buildable dynamic storage containers for seeds, fruits, and vegetables!

Preferred version: 1.1.4
OdinPlus-OdinBanners-1.1.9 icon

Custom Banners is just simple mod for additional banners which You can use as decoration of your village or castle. If you're building lover this is definitely another mod for you.

Preferred version: 1.1.9
OdinPlus-OdinsSteelworks-0.2.3 icon

Steelcrafting and weaponsmithing! Crossbows, 2handed swords, axes, and more!

Preferred version: 0.2.3
OdinPlus-TeleportEverything-2.7.0 icon

This mod adds extra excitement and functionality to the portal system. Teleport wolves, boars, loxes and other allies. Transport ores, ingots, carts and even take enemies with you, or block players teleporting when enemies are nearby.

Preferred version: 2.7.0
NaNNaBoaT-Simple_Chat-1.2.0 icon

A straight forward chat mod that sends messages as /s, or shout, and removes the forced upper-case.

Preferred version: 1.2.0
Marlthon-OdinShip-0.4.6 icon

Add to your game the most beautiful and functional boats, in all there are 9 boats in the cargo, speed, fishing and war categories.

Preferred version: 0.4.6
pipakin-SkillInjector-1.1.1 icon

Injects new skills in a simple way for mod authors.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
LVH-IT-UseEquipmentInWater-0.2.4 icon

Allows you to use your Equipment while swimming in water

Preferred version: 0.2.4
KGvalheim-MoreMapPins-1.0.0 icon

Mod allows you to add map pins to place on map. Up to 250 new pins

Preferred version: 1.0.0
ComfyMods-ColorfulPortals-1.8.0 icon

Color the activation glow effect of any portal using RGB and HTML color codes!

Preferred version: 1.8.0
ComfyMods-ColorfulPieces-1.17.0 icon

Color any building piece made with the hammer using RGB/HTML colors!

Preferred version: 1.17.0
blacks7ar-HildersCloths-1.0.2 icon

A simple mod that enables all the recipes of hilders cloths and put them on the less use craftingstation.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
blacks7ar-MagicPlugin-2.0.8 icon

Adds early-game till end-game magic weapons (elemental and summoning totems) and armor sets, accessories with their own inventory slot, eitr foods and a battle mount.

Preferred version: 2.0.8
blacks7ar-VikingsDoSwim-1.3.6 icon

A simple mod that lets you configure Max Swim Speed at max swim skill level. Scales your swim speed, stamina regen and stamina consumption to your swim skill level. Adds a new diving mechanic that lets you swim underwater.

Preferred version: 1.3.6
blacks7ar-WeaponAdditions-1.2.1 icon

Adds 40 new weapons (axes, bows, daggers, hammers, maces, swords, spears, scythes) and 4 shields, no lore no background story just weapon additions.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
blacks7ar-GlassPieces-1.2.3 icon

Adds 63 new build pieces made of glass, iron and copper, 2 new materials, 1 new resource that you can mine, and 1 resource collector.

Preferred version: 1.2.3
BetterUI_ForeverMaintained-BetterUI_ForeverMaintained-2.5.7 icon

BetterUI once again fixed up for the masses. This time, it won't be abandoned.

Preferred version: 2.5.7
ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.23.0 icon

Jötunn (/ˈjɔːtʊn/, 'giant'), the Valheim Library was created with the goal of making the lives of mod developers easier. It enables you to create mods for Valheim using an abstracted API so you can focus on the actual content creation.

Preferred version: 2.23.0
BentoG-MissingPieces-2.2.0 icon

A fix for what impedes your building fix.

Preferred version: 2.2.0
bdew-QuickConnect-1.6.0 icon

Adds a quick connect window with a configurable list of servers, no more dealing with steam's buggy favorites widow and entering passwords.

Preferred version: 1.6.0
Azumatt-BetterWards-1.9.4 icon

A dedicated ward mod aimed at improving the way wards work in Valheim.

Preferred version: 1.9.4
Azumatt-AzuClock-1.0.4 icon

Simple clock for in-game time.

Preferred version: 1.0.4
Azumatt-MistBeGone-1.0.2 icon

A simple plugin that removes the Mist from Mistlands. Globally. Everywhere. It gives no fucks. Is destructive for anything that uses the vanilla mist components to generate mist. Client Only.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
Azumatt-Official_BepInEx_ConfigurationManager-18.3.0 icon

Mod to assist with configuration of BepInEx mods

Preferred version: 18.3.0
Advize-PlantEasily-2.0.2 icon

Allows you to plant evenly spaced crops, either one at a time or in any amount of rows and columns, with grid snapping features and invalid crop placement prevention. Harvest in bulk and optionally auto replant crops. Configurable and supports gamepad.

Preferred version: 2.0.2
Advize-PlantEverything-1.18.2 icon

Allows your cultivator to plant berry bushes, thistle, dandelions, mushrooms, previously unavailable tree types, and other decorative flora. Includes many other miscellaneous features (see description). Highly configurable with localization support.

Preferred version: 1.18.2
rendl0449-CraftFromContainers-3.5.8 icon

Allows you to make use of resources in nearby containers when crafting, building, using smelters and kilns, refueling fires, cooking food, etc.

Preferred version: 3.5.8
blacks7ar-GunzNBullets-1.0.4 icon

Adds 6 guns (rifles/musket) and 18 kinds of bullets.

Preferred version: 1.0.4
blacks7ar-CoreWoodPieces-1.2.2 icon

Extends vanilla corewood pieces and adds 23 more pieces that you can build.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
blacks7ar-TarCollector-1.1.6 icon

Adds a new build piece that collects tar if you build it near a tarpit.

Preferred version: 1.1.6
blacks7ar-BowPlugin-1.7.9 icon

Allows you to configure velocity, accuracy, drawspeed, exp multiplier, crit chance, crit damage, bow crosshair and crosshair color of bows and crossbow weapons. Adds a few new crossbows and bows.

Preferred version: 1.7.9
Azumatt-Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition-1.2.6 icon

Adds a build camera to your vanilla and custom hammers. Taken over from the original mod by Azumatt.

Preferred version: 1.2.6
blacks7ar-RefinedStonePieces-1.0.8 icon

Adds 103 build pieces made of a new material called refined stone which you can craft at the stonecutter.

Preferred version: 1.0.8
GoldenJude-Blacksmiths_tools-2.0.3 icon

Tool for hiding parts of the player model when equipping wearables, also a fix for incorrectly deforming skinned meshes on custom items.

Preferred version: 2.0.3
Azathoth1414-ShogunEra-1.0.6 icon

Japanese-themed weapons and Armors

Preferred version: 1.0.6


Random Modpack.

I recommend using thunderstore's mod manager for easy installation.

BogWitch Ready, Valheim Version 0.219.16