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zolantris-ValheimRAFT-2.0.1 icon


ValheimRAFT - a water vehicles mod for valheim. V2 has new hulls,walls,slabs.

Date uploaded a month ago
Version 2.0.1
Download link
Downloads 1378
Dependency string zolantris-ValheimRAFT-2.0.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.20.0 icon

Jötunn (/ˈjɔːtʊn/, 'giant'), the Valheim Library was created with the goal of making the lives of mod developers easier. It enables you to create mods for Valheim using an abstracted API so you can focus on the actual content creation.

Preferred version: 2.20.0



ValheimRAFT Community Made Boat Hjalmere

This mod aims to continue support for Water based features of the original ValheimRAFT mod and incorporate more vehicle items and mechanics within the mod and further extends it's capabilities.

Build Status

ValheimRAFT Build


This repo is a ValheimRaft fork that works with latest Valheim. The original mod owner Sarcen stopped maintaining the mod, but gave permission to maintain/improve and open source this mod as of 12/25/2023.


Client/Server/SinglePlayer Support

Server support may or may not work. In >=1.6.2 ships and loading were mainly fixed by adding some threading optimization. There is also a config called ServerRaftUpdateZoneInterval this allows users to tweak the update frequency of checks.

The following has been tested:

  • SinglePlayer
    • boats will load
    • FPS issues with giant ships
  • Client only with a server IE (connecting to server without mod),
    • creating a boat and logging on and off the server does not destroy the boat.
    • sailing and teleporting does not destroy the boat.
    • The client will still be able to create items and the server will keep those raft items. (unless you have mods that garbage collect unused ZDOs)
    • restarting/stopping/starting server keeps the boat.
    • Removing the ValheimRAFT mod from the client will make the server glitch out the boat items.
    • joining back (after adding the mod again) will render the items correctly.
    • Loading a ship into view will possibly
  • Server & Client
    • Loading a 4500 build plan ship. Traveling around a couple sectors. The ship remained as built.
    • Moving away from the ship until it unloaded. Moving back immediately and attempting to land on the ship while it renders. It works and still loads. Looks a bit funny as it spawns.
      • Warning to anyone that builds property next to a large ship, when it renders it's possible a wave could briefly flip it and the top part of the ship rolls and hits property.


  • Build a RAFT on the water using Valheim's building prefabs.
  • Adds a climbable ladder
  • Add piers that reach the ocean floor (stone and log)
  • Adds anchors
  • Adds custom sails (requires meshes to be working)
  • Adds ropes (requires meshes to be working)
  • Sails now will each contribute to the total shipShip.Speed. Mesh sails do an area calculation while tier1-3 sails are preset values.


Join us on discord to get the latest information, upcoming features, and discover other mods.

Discord Link


ConfigName Description
InitialRaftFloorHeight Lets you set the height of the floors so they do not clip. Recommended to stay between 0.4 and 0.6.
ServerRaftUpdateZoneInterval Set interval in seconds for the server update to trigger and re-render pieces if in view
pluginFolderName Allows you to specify the plugin folder if it's been renamed. See the meshes section below for more details
raftHealth Set the raft health for wear and tear. I set it to 500 default, but it was originally 10000 which is not balanced
fixPlanBuildPositionIssues Turn on/off the patches for PlanBuild, only needed if the user has PlanBuild and it adds support for ValheimRaft coordinates. The planbuild plugins requires a specific naming convention. Make sure in the plugins folder it is named either "MathiasDecrock-PlanBuild" or "PlanBuild"
DisplacedRaftAutoFix Should automatically regenerate the displaced raft. Only useful if the command raftoffset 0 0 0 works for this issue.
RaftSailForceMultiplier Removed in 1.6.7. Use the propulsion controls below
EnableCustomPropulsionConfig Enables custom propulsion overrides (For customization and testing)
HasShipWeightCalculations (propulsion) -> enables ship weight calculations for sail-force (sailing speed) and future propulsion, makes larger ships require more sails and smaller ships require less
HasShipContainerWeightCalculations (propulsion) -> enables ship weight calculations for containers which affects sail-force (sailing speed) and future propulsion calculations. Makes ships with lots of containers require more sails
MassPercentageFactor (propulsion) -> Sets the mass percentage of the ship that will slow down the sails.
SpeedCapMultiplier (propulsion) -> Sets the speed at which it becomes significantly harder to gain speed per sail area, the ships will still be capped at their maxSailShip.Speed.
MaxPropulsionSpeed (propulsion) -> Sets the absolute max speed a ship can ever hit. Prevents or enables space launches. Will be used as a cap for all propulsion introduced in future versions.
MaxSailSpeed (propulsion) -> Sets the absolute max speed a ship can ever hit with sails. Prevents or enables space launches, cannot exceed MaxPropulsionSpeed.
SailTier1Area (propulsion) -> Sets the tier1 sail area.
SailTier2Area (propulsion) -> Sets the tier2 sail area.
SailTier3Area (propulsion) -> Sets the tier3 sail area.
SailCustomAreaTier1Multiplier (propulsion) -> sets the area multiplier the custom tier1 sail. Currently there is only 1 tier
AdminsCanOnlyBuildRaft (Server config) -> ValheimRAFT hammer menu pieces are registered as disabled unless the user is an Admin, allowing only admins to create rafts. This will update automatically make sure to un-equip the hammer to see it apply (if your remove yourself as admin). Server / client does not need to restart


In Mod versions at or lower than 1.4.9 there were problems with the folder being renamed. In >=1.5.0 there is a configuration manager option to change the path to resolve the ValheimRAFT folder.

If you want meshes (IE sails and ropes ) to render automatically, your mod must either be named ValheimRAFT or zolantris-ValheimRAFT.

Otherwise make sure to edit the pluginFolderName key and add the folder name for ValheimRaft located within the BepInEx\Plugins path. Afterwards relaunch the game. There should be no mesh issues.


If you have a bug, please create an issue under the repo's issues section.

  • Please respect the form. Adding the relevant information makes it easier to triage the problem.

Click here to create an issue now.

Mod Support

In 1.6.0+ this mod supports PlanBuild a popular blueprinting mod.

Support is added via a patch that makes PlanBuild use the Raft localPosition instead of world position which each item could be moving/swaying and updating as the PlanBuild iterated through the items. This easily breaks the Plan save.

  • Hopefully this logic can be incorporated within PlanBuild directly. There is a config toggle to turn this patch off to future proof things.
  • Alternative approaches for this could be doing a detection if the game object is attached to a parent object and calculating coordinates of the items after all object positions have been fetched.

Noting that Planbuild does not register well with harmony so searching for it is not possible (from what I saw). There is a path resolution and a config flag to enable coordinate fixes. Disable the config value fixPlanBuildPositionIssues and it should not longer cause errors for not having PlanBuild installed.


This project supports both Vulkan and Direct3D11 as of >=1.6.11. Previously it only supported Direct3D11.


  1. Please fork the codebase and make a pull request via your fork branch.
  2. Changes need to be feature based IE keep the changes minimal and single focused. Larger changes are welcome, but they have higher chance of breaking other things and are harder to maintain.
  3. If you want to directly get involved. Reach out on discord.


  • Sarcen: For creating the initial mod and supporting it until v1.4.8!
  • Zolantris: For supporting and expanding the Raft Mod since v1.5.0.
  • RacerX: For contributing a stag icon for sails. Looks awesome!

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Logging Metrics

These packages may contain logging. Logging can be opted out by any user by unchecking enableMetrics. If you choose to opt-out, please be aware, this will make it more difficult to troubleshoot issues.

What information will be collected

  • Paths related to Valheim Game directory

  • Paths related to ValheimRAFT / ValheimVehicles plugin directory such as symlinked directories from vortex mod installer or directories created by r2modman or thunderstore.

  • Health related to the ValheimRAFT mod. It will track performance, slowdowns, and bottlenecks making it significantly easier to debug.

This logging has yet to be implemented.

Installing nuget packages

With Rider

use Rider and click nuget (should be bottom left panel, one of the items), and search for the package

with nuget.exe (not recommended)

  1. Install nuget.exe
  2. For installing sentry as an example run.
    ..\..\programs\nuget.exe install Sentry -Version 3.41.3 -OutputDirectory Packages`

The example above is if the path for nuget exists 2 directories above this repo and within programs folder.

Getting Started

Please reference the getting started docs.

Custom Logging for powershell

Add this to your powershell profile. This will allow your to highlight only logs from ValheimVehicles and ValheimRAFT mods as well as errors.

These commands are for powershell users. If you are running things on linux there are simpler (and similar) commands for syntax highlighting. I advise googling them.

function Get-LogColor {

    process {
        if ($LogEntry.Contains("ValheimRAFT") -or $LogEntry.Contains("ValheimVehicles")){
          if ($LogEntry.Contains("Debug")) {Return "Green"}
          elseif ($LogEntry.Contains("Warn")) {Return "Yellow"}
          elseif ($LogEntry.Contains("Error") -or $LogEntry.Contains("NullReferenceException")) {Return "Red"}
          else {Return "White"}
        if ($LogEntry.Contains("NullReferenceException")) {Return "Red"}
        else {Return "White"}

When launching the game just run the following command to output the latest logs.

gc -wait -tail 10 C:\Users\fre\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\Player.log | ForEach {Write-Host -ForegroundColor (Get-LogColor $_) $_}