0p41-0p41_Sots_ItemsReworked icon

0p41 Sots ItemsReworked

A rework of the new items introduced in SotS, all white items and 3 green items done, now fully configurable.

By 0p41
Last updated 10 hours ago
Total downloads 996
Total rating 0 
Categories Tweaks Items Seekers of the Storm Update
Dependency string 0p41-0p41_Sots_ItemsReworked-0.5.0
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.6 icon

API for adding content to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.6
RiskofThunder-R2API_Items-1.0.3 icon

API for adding custom items

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Language-1.0.1 icon

API for modifying the language localisation of the game

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.4.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.4.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Dot-1.0.3 icon

API for adding custom damage over time effects

Preferred version: 1.0.3


This is very my first mod so expect some jank.

I didn't like the new items and even less having to blacklist them with a mod to try and enjoy the game, so I spent a week and a half learning how to (very poorly) mod this game.

The white items are specially bad, not only are most of them useless, they bloat the loot poll so other good items like Energy Drink or Delicate Watch are harder to find, this is extra bad since the DLC didn't add any white movement item to keep the ratio of movement items to the rest.

All my opinions on the new items are completely subjective.

No multiplayer testing has been done.

Common Rarity Items | White Items

Warped Echo:

  • Taking damage equal or higher than 20% of your maximum health will instead deal 40% of it upfrontand the rest will be applied gradually over the next 4 (+0.5 per stack) seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 10 seconds after all of the damage is dealt.

Warped Echo is not really bad, I like the concept a lot is just that the effect feels a bit weird with the biggest problem being that it doesn't have a minimum damage threshold so it can activate against weak attacks instead of actually threatening attacks.

Now it has a minimum damage threshold and the damage is applied over time with 4 ticks per second so you can mitigate some of the damage by healing while it applies and adds synergy with RAPs due to the nature of multiple hits, DoTs have a minimum damage of 1 per tick, so if the damage that you should take is less than the amount of ticks the dot will end early when all damage is applied, this is intentional so you don't take more damage than you should.

Chronic Expansion:

  • Every 5 enemies killed grants a stacking damage bonus up to a maximum of 20, Elites count as 5 kills and Champions as 10. Each damage stack increases base damage by 1.25% (+1.25% per item stack), damage stacks are reset back to 0 at the start of the stage.

Chronic Expansion is probably the best white item of the new ones, but it feels a bit clunky to use due to the need to get multi kills, and also if you can get said multi kills chances are you don't need the extra damage and also is potentially broken since you can get infinite damage with FMP.

I keep the main concept of stacking damage via kills but instead or requiring you to get them in a specific way, now every 5 kills grant an stack of bonus damage for the stage, elites and champion counting as multiple kills to get the damage stacks faster and feel rewarded for your effort, it scales higher than Delicate Watch since it takes a while to build up (needs more testing)

Knockback Fin:

  • Increase damage by 15% (+15% per stack) against airborne enemies. 10% (+10% per stack) chance on hit to knock grounded enemies into the air.

The problem with knockback fin is that it doesn't really do anything beside sending the enemy flying upwards for a bit, it provides no damage or utility unless you have a LOT of stacks.

Now grants unconditional damage to flying enemies which are present in every stage and keeps the chance to shoot grounded enemies into the air so you can take advantage of the damage bonus against them, kinda like clay pidgeon shooting, knockback(up) doesn't apply to bosses.

Bolstering Lantern:

  • Increase armor by 10 (+5 per stack). When below 50% health, double the armor increase.

Bolstering Lantern main problem is that it requires you to stay below 50% hp for a damage boost, it is not really worth the danger of being that low and even if you try you can't maintain that threshold because of all of the healing effects that may bump your health back up.

Now it grants armor passively and doubles the effect when you are below 50% health which is when you need it the most, this maintains the original item gimmick.

Antler Shield:

Gain a shield equal to 4% (+4% per stack) of your maximum health that recharges outside of danger. Increase movement speed by 8% (+8% per stack) and jump height by 25% while you have a shield.

Antler Shield is by far the worst new white item, it's an offensive item that has a chance to proc, requires you to take damage to do anything, the damage that it deals is dependent of the damage that you take, you need 10 stacks to deal 100% of the damage, enemies health scales much faster than their damage so for you to deal any meaningful damage to them you would need to get hit by an attack that deals multiple times your hp at which point you would be dead.

The core concept for the new effect is antlers==deer==mobility and blue=>shield, the new effect grants a weak shield that is meant to break when you take a hit and then regenerate later, like antlers, the second effect grants you increased mobility while you have a shield, the extra movement speed and jump height will make dodging attacks and traversing the stage easier.

Uncommon Rarity Items | Green Items

Chance Doll:

  • 20% (+10% per stack) chance to gain an extra item on Shrine of Chance payout, 1% (+{0.5}% per stack) chance for a Boss item. Reduce cost ramp up of Shrines of Chance by 25%.

Chance Doll is not bad, it even has a cool gimmick, the "rarity increase" is actually just a different drop pool that includes boss items which allow shrines of chance to drop them, the problem is that higher rarity does not always means better item, an ATG, Bands or a Ghor's Tome is better than a War Bonds, Aegis or Desk plant for example, it just makes you spend the same amount of money for the same amount of items that may or not be better than what you would've gotten.

Now it has two effects, a non stackable reduction of the shrine of chance cost ramp up and a chance to drop an extra item on payout, this item like the original effect is from a new poll which only includes whites, greens and reds, with white items being less common than greens, while also having a very low chance of instead getting a boss item, keeping the cool gimmick of being able to get boss items from shrines while also keeping them rare. Drop chances need more testing which is hard to do since they are random.

Prayer Beads:

  • At the start of the stage this item transform into a copy of 1 (+1 per stack) of your items (40% for Greens/15% for Reds/5% for Boss Items/40% for Void items, corrupted Green items have a higher chance) with a 10% chance to transform into 2 copies. (Increase chance of high rarity with item stack.)

Prayer Beads has four main problems, it requires a way to remove it to get the effect, it requires a way to remove it WHEN you have it stacked so you get the most of the effect, the effect is pretty weak and is pretty unclear exactly what it does or how much it actually does, I had to use some UI mods to check that the effect worked at all.

I focused in two main concepts of the original item, the prayer part as in you are hoping for something good to happen and the effect on remove part as in when the item is removed then you get the effect. The new effect makes this item transform into an item that you currently have at the start of the stage, although this just sounds completely random it has the advantage that you can influence the randomness to some degree by removing items that you don't want duplicated it kinda works like a portable 3D printer, it has a small chance to give you 2 copies of the same item while only consuming 1 Prayer Bead.

Noxious Thorn:

  • Gain 5% critical chance. On hit, 25% chance to fire a burst of 2 (+1 per stack) thorns at 3 (+2 per stack) enemies within 15m, each thorn deals 60% of TOTAL damage and increases their own critical damage by 25% per each unique debuff the initial target had.

Noxious Thorn is the worst new green, it's comparable to Antler Shield in both effect and effectiveness and it shares the same problems with it, at the time of me writing this Noxious Thorn is extremely bugged and will only apply 1 stack of bleed and nothing else, which is pretty useless for a green, is we assume it's not bugged and works properly, the effect is still really underwhelming since it's an offensive effect that not only requires you to get hit, has a chance to trigger it depends on the enemy having a debuff and being close enough, it directly competes with Razorwire which is far superior in every way and less gimmicky.

I struggled a lot on the new design and went through many different variations, I really wanted it to be a new non stackable passive +5% crit chance item like Predatory Instincts and Harvester's Scythe, since finding crit was harder thanks to all of the new items added, but I was having problem with it because it was too close to other items like Shatterspleen or it being too bloated or convoluted due to me trying to keep most of the aspects of the original item, in the end I went with the crit chance part and keep 2 concepts of the original, Thorns and Debuffs. Currently the effect can't trigger on the same target that you proc it from, since this is more of an burst small AOE item, however this may change after more testing.


  • Fix this god forsaken code.
  • Figure out how to add a config so every item change can be disabled or enabled at will.
  • Fix any balancing issue I find
  • The rest of the Green items, all Red Items and maybe the Lunar, I already have a design for most of the greens and some of the reds I just haven't started implementing them.



  • Now fully configurable, all of the item values can be changed, by default the values reset to their default value after an update but can be changed in options.
  • Added Noxious Thorn Rework.
  • Warped Echo code has been rewritten.
  • Warped Echo now applies the correct upfront damage thanks to the new code.
  • Tweaked a bit of Warped Echo description.
  • Warped Echo damage split changed from 50-50 by default to 40% upfront, 60% gradual.
  • Antler Shield movement speed nerfed from 10%(+10% per stack) to 8%(8% per stack).
  • Tweaked items tags so they drop from the chest types that better match their new effects.
  • Chronic Expansion and Chance Doll item tags keep as is.
  • Added BrotherBlacklist tag to Warped Echo, this prevent Mythrix from using it, although it should be fine I added it just in case.
  • Added Damage tag to Knockback Fin.
  • Removed Damage tag from Bolstering Lantern.
  • Removed AIBlacklist tag from Antler Shield.
  • Added OnStageBeginEffect tag to Prayer Beads.
  • Removed AIBlacklist tag from Noxious Thorn.
  • Replaced Utility tag with Damage tag on Noxious Thorn.


  • Added config file to toggle items changes, no values configuration yet.
  • Added rework of Prayer Beads.
  • Tweaked Chance Doll second item drop chances to match red items drops of normal Shrines.
  • (This change was made in 0.3.4, I just forgot to mention it) Removed changes of Cautious Slug and Personal Shield Generator descriptions because of the removal of antler shield effect and because this is outside of the scope of this mod.


  • Added rework of Chance Doll.
  • Removed and replaced Antler Shield "outside of danger" with increased jump height while shielded to focus more in the mobility aspect and keep the effect simple.
  • Tweaked some parts of Antler Shield description to improve readability by rephrasing it to spreading out the colored prefixes more.
  • Removed Bolstering Lantern stacking health regeneration for a simpler effect that focuses on armor on low health to maintain original item main gimmick.
  • Rewrote and summarized items explanations in the Thunderstore page.


  • Fixed Antler Shield new "outside of danger" effect always applying.
  • Fixed Elites and Champions kills affecting other multikill items like Berzerker's Pauldron.
  • Fixed some typos.


  • Antler Shield new effect added and minor tweaks to description.
  • Cautious Slug description tweaked, "outside of combat" changed and highlighted to "outside of danger" since the description is incorrect, the Cautious Slug effect triggers when you have not been hit for 7 seconds aka "outside of danger", "outside of combat" is when you have not attacked for 5 seconds.
  • Highlighted Personal Shield Generator(PSG) "outside of danger" in the description.
  • Chronic Expansion description rewritten for better clarity.
  • Elites and Champions count as multiple kills for Chronic Expansion stacks.
  • Added the back normal SFX for when you gain the first stack of Bolstering Lantern.


  • Forgot to include Dll...


  • Initial Release