0p41-FalseSon_Survivor_Tweaks icon

FalseSon Survivor Tweaks

A bunch of tweaks to make the character more fun to play while kepping his identity intact, completely configurable via Risk Of Options.

By 0p41
Last updated 2 hours ago
Total downloads 57
Total rating 0 
Categories Player Characters Tweaks Skills Seekers of the Storm Update
Dependency string 0p41-FalseSon_Survivor_Tweaks-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.6 icon

API for adding content to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.6
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.4.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.4.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.4 icon

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication

Preferred version: 1.0.4
Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2


False Son feels a bit too clunky to my taste, specially his passive, so I tweaked him a bit so he is more fun to play.

I tried to keep the tweaks as vanilla as possible so it keeps the identity of the character intact.

No testing has been done in multiplayer.

Almost everything is toggle able and configurable via Risk Of Options or editing the config file.



  • Added a growth counter so is easier to keep track how much you have.
  • Now you gain 1 Growth every 5 level ups, this is calculated separately so it doesn't dilute the gains from bonus health, this equal to 4 Growth by level 21 which is around the level you would be by stage 5.
  • The formula has been tweaked a bit and the values have been changed, now is easy to get the first couple of stacks, with 100 HP being equal to 4 Growth, but is a bit harsher the more stack you have.

I like the concept of making bad items like Bison Steak be actually useful, now a Steak printer is not a waste of credits.

Lunar Tampering (Passive)

  • New effect: While in combat gain +2.5% attack speed and +2.5 armor per Growth. While outside of combat gain +2.5% movement speed and +1 health regeneration per Growth instead. (Values need more testing)
  • The effect is weaker but far more consistent since it now depends of Growth and not of your current spikes, also grants a bit more control of how you use it.

False Son passive is by far the most clunkiest part of his kit, to benefit from the movement speed you need to, stop running, shoot some spikes, start running and after a couple of seconds as you regain your spikes your speed is gonna go back down, so you need to again, stop running and fire some spikes to regain the boost, this just doesn't feel good, at all, the values may need more testing.

Club of the Forsaken (Primary)

  • Reduced slam max damage from 1500% to 1200% but now scales with Growth.
  • Increased slam blast radius from 5 to 6 but now scales with Growth.
  • Reduced slam blast proc coefficient from 3 to 1 for the grounded version, the airborne one was already 1.
  • Reduced slam minimum charge so is a bit easier to use, the damage and range scales with charge so if you don't charge it fully the effects will be accordingly weaker.
  • Fixed vanilla bug, if you hold your secondary skill while the skill is ending and then hold your primary, you'll start swinging your club and will not start the slam charge until you let go of the secondary skill button and press it again.
  • Now you can start charging the slam if you hold your secondary skill first and then your primary.

The aim of these changes is to make the slam feel better to use and be more of a AOE tool.

Lunar Spikes (Secondary)

  • Added Agile keyword so you can shoot them without cancelling your sprint.
  • The delay between shots is reduced so you can fire them faster, they still scale with attack speed.
  • The projectile itself is faster, by default 2.5 times faster.

Not much to say here, just QoL stuff to make the skill feel better to use.

Step of the Brothers (Utility)

  • Changed dash formula, so is less affected by movement speed.
  • Now you gain Barrier for each enemy hit which scales with Growth.
  • Reduced base stock from 2 to 1.

I didn't like how this skill made the character feel too mobile when the character is supposed to be a heavy looking stone golem/statue, specially since the skill says "Dash a short distance" but launches you to the moon the moment you gain some movement speed, the base distance is a bit higher with base speed but now has a utility function that is meant to help you go in at melee range, the barrier values may need more tweaking.

Laser of the Father (Special)

  • Fixed laser wobbling around if you walk while firing, this is the same fix from StormTweaks by pseudopulse, thanks for letting me steal use the code.

Laser Burst (Special)

  • Increased damage from 1000% to 2200%.
  • Increased blast radius from 3m to 6m.
  • Increase cooldown from 7 to 10.
  • Increased Lunar Spikes restock from 30% to 50%.
  • Gain 1 extra stock every 4 Growth. (This is vanilla behavior)
  • Decrease firing delay, so you are not stuck in the animation after firing.
  • Fixed vanilla bug, if you lose all of your Growth, you keep the extra max stocks and can't go back down unless you get at least 1 Growth back.
  • Added self knockback when firing downwards while in the air, this is more for fun but is also useful since I reduced the dash charges.

These changes aim to make the Laser Burst more viable, since the the vanilla uncharged laser does more damage than one shot of this skill, which is horrible, the new damage should be around 1/3 of a fully charged laser with no Growth, but instead of taking 4 seconds (without taking Growth into consideration) + 1.5 seconds of charge the laser in now instant.

Known Issues

  • Being able to start the slam with your secondary is more of a bandaid fix, I need to find a better way to do it.
  • If you gain too much attack speed, starting to charge the slam with your secondary becomes a bit hard because the windows becomes shorter.
  • The laser burst stock will make the skill looks weird if you lose all of your Growth but will work correctly, once you use the extra stocks the cooldown effect will go away, this is just a visual bug.


  • Fix bugs.
  • Rework Lunar Spikes and Lunar Ruin effect since having a skill that just straight up makes the target take 10% more damage, is stack able and has a 4 seconds cooldown is a nightmare for balance and breaks the game if you can proc Death Mark, I already have some ideas ready.



  • Initial Release