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HIFU-Inferno-1.7.5 icon


A hard unique difficulty that changes enemy skills, AI, scaling and more! Features 6 Mastery Skins. Small patch.

Date uploaded 2 days ago
Version 1.7.5
Download link
Downloads 4809
Dependency string HIFU-Inferno-1.7.5

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
RiskofThunder-R2API_Difficulty-1.1.2 icon

API for adding custom in-game difficulties

Preferred version: 1.1.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.6 icon

API for adding content to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.6
RiskofThunder-R2API_Language-1.0.1 icon

API for modifying the language localisation of the game

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.4.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.4.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Items-1.0.4 icon

API for adding custom items

Preferred version: 1.0.4
Moffein-AI_Blacklist-1.6.4 icon

Lets you blacklist items from Monsters, Vengeance Doppelgangers, Scavengers, and Mithrix. Server-Side and Vanilla-Compatible.

Preferred version: 1.6.4
Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2
KingEnderBrine-LobbySkinsFix-1.2.1 icon

Fixes issues with switching to modded skin and back to vanilla in lobby

Preferred version: 1.2.1



Modding Server:

discord server click me


In-Game Difficulty

This difficulty aims to make the game tougher in a fair and learnable way. It requires lots of awareness and skill.

For comparison's sake, I believe this is the hardest, below that of Armageddon, however you can configure it to be much more difficult, pretty much impossible.

It should feel a lot more like the planet doesn't want you here, and is there to obliterate you. You are likely gonna get swarmed.

Note: Other mods that change enemies/directors might not be compatible or fair with this difficulty.

Infernal Eclipse

Eclipse with Inferno as its base difficulty... Featuring custom medals and a cool background. (can be disabled in realtime in the settings or config) This was a highly requested feature so I chose to include it.

Skin Credits

  • Thanks to dotflare for doing 98% of the work

More skins are going to be added whenever dotflare OR other people feel like working on them.


1.7.5 Patch Notes

  • Fixed arena vanishing lol

1.7.4 Patch Notes

  • Forgor to remove multiplayer testing thing

1.7.3 Patch Notes

  • Updated for SOTS.
  • Made skin achievements give 30 lunar coins each.
  • Made the difficulty icon and lobby icon (no game ending icon yet) show up as Infernal Eclipse under the right circumstances.
    • This is just a small patch to fix it quickly before any additions, since the base game is gonna be a bit rocky with updates for some time.

1.7.2 Patch Notes

  • Fixed Mercenary skin breaking due to Devotion Update (they really had to reoder array indices instead of appending to the end) (also I think the Devotion Update skin is just a worse version of the Headless merc :shrug:)

1.7.1 Patch Notes

  • Added extra compatibility for EclipseExtended
  • Added difficulty icon swap for Infernal Eclipse
  • Updated the localization files

1.7.0 Patch Notes

  • Added Infernal Eclipse (configurable ofc)
  • Added some extra flare here and there

1.6.2 Patch Notes

  • Small optimizations
  • Bugfixes

1.6.1 Patch Notes

  • Nerfed Beetle damage quite a bit

1.6.0 Patch Notes

  • Added 3 new mastery skins (Artificer, Mercenary, Railgunner)
  • Added config options for
    • Mithrix Changes (not perfect sadly)
    • Pillar Speed
  • Buffed Clay Templar Damage slightly
  • Bugfixes

1.5.1 Patch Notes

  • Made all champions teleport when out of bounds
  • Made Mithrix cleanse debuffs during the leap
  • Bugfixes

1.5.0 Patch Notes

  • Made the readme a lil' slicker
  • Added Config options for
    • Enemy % Cooldown Reduction Scaling
    • Ally Permanent Damage % (0 by default kirn lmao)
  • Moved some configs around
  • Added AI Scaling for Mini Mushrum and Beetle
  • Added Anti-cheese for all Mithrix Phases
  • Made all monster projectiles last at least 4 seconds
  • Made monsters not spawn during Mithrix Phase 3
  • Buffed Enemy Regen Scaling
  • Buffed Alloy Worship Unit Fire And Stop Movement Type
  • Buffed Clay Apothecary Face Slam Blast Radius and Cooldowns
  • Buffed Grovetender Damage
  • Buffed Imp Health and Double Slash Damage
  • Buffed Larva Health
  • Buffed Lesser Wisp Damage
  • Buffed Mithrix in so many ways 3kliksphilip could make a 20 minute long video
  • Buffed Parent Teleport Distance, HP Threshold and Cooldowns
  • Buffed Scavenger Sit HP Threshold and Range
  • Buffed Solus Control Unit Special HP Threshold and Primary Stock Count
  • Buffed Void Barnacle Range
  • Buffed Void Devastator Cooldowns
  • Buffed Void Reaver Fire Portal Bomb Damage and Count
  • Buffed Wandering Vagrant Spawn Animation Duration
  • Buffed Xi Construct Range and Laser Aim Speed
  • Berfed Imp Overlord Ground Pound Distance
  • Nerfed Bighorn Bison Cooldowns
  • Nerfed Clay Dunestrider Prep TarBall Animation Speed
  • Nerfed Clay Templar Damage
  • Nerfed Grovetender Animation Speeds
  • Nerfed Lunar Exploder Cooldowns
  • Nerfed Lunar Golem Cooldowns
  • Bugfixes (this impacts the difficulty quite a bit)
  • Beetles hitting twice still isn't fixed (I have no idea how to

1.4.1 Patch Notes

  • Bugfixes

1.4.0 Patch Notes

  • Added a bunch of stuff to make it harder and more fun, written below
  • Added Config options for
    • Enemy Armor Scaling
    • Enemy Health Scaling
    • Boss Health scaling
    • AI Scaling
    • Combat Director Credit Multiplier
    • Holdout Zone Speed
    • Holdout Zone Radius
  • Buffed Beetle Queen Cooldowns
  • Buffed Clay Apothecary Cooldowns
  • Buffed Hermit Crab Cooldowns
  • Buffed Lunar Golem Cooldowns
  • Nerfed Lunar Exploder Cooldowns
  • Nerfed Clay Templar Speed
  • Nerfed Mithrix Phase 4 health a lot
  • Split Config
  • Simplified Config descriptions

1.3.2 Patch Notes

  • Bugfixes

1.3.1 Patch Notes

  • Bugfixes

1.3.0 Patch Notes

  • Added 3 Mastery Skins (Commando, Bandit, Captain)
  • Adjusted Stone Golems, much worse aim, much faster laser charging
  • Adjusted boss health
  • Miscellaneous buffs
  • Added Config options for
    • Level and Difficulty Boost
    • Scale Level and Difficulty Boost with player count
    • Monster Limit
    • Enable AI Changes
    • Enable Skill Changes
    • Enable Stat Changes
    • Enable Combat Director Changes
    • Make Mithrix scale with Attack Speed
    • Randomization
  • All Config options now update in realtime, as well as the description
  • Updated description
  • Bugfixes

1.1.7 Patch Notes

  • Added slight vignette and red color grading
  • Buffed HIFU's modding skills

1.1.6 Patch Notes

  • Updated Risk of Options icon
  • Yeah that's it (it was bugging me fr)

1.1.5 Patch Notes

  • Added Risk of Options support
  • Nerfed Phase 4 Mithrix

1.1.4 Patch Notes

  • Buffed Magma Worm and Overloading Worm speed
  • Nerfed Xi Construct range further
  • Nerfed Stone golem aim further
  • Nerfed HIFU's sanity
  • Tried to add my own AI and failed for the 20th time (im going insane)
  • General optimization

1.1.3 Patch Notes

  • Bugfixes

1.1.2 Patch Notes

  • Added config options for
    • Difficulty Scaling
    • Level move speed
    • Level regen
    • Level attack speed
  • I forgor
  • Added list of changes doc

1.1.1 Patch Notes

  • Updated the localization files

1.1.0 Patch Notes

  • New Icon
  • Mastery Skins coming soon ! ! (Thanks dotflare)
  • Buffed Monster level regen, level attack speed and level move speed
  • Changed how the above works - worldspawn enemies are now affected
  • Buffed all spawn animation times to 2.5s
  • Buffed projectile speed a bit - they are now 25% faster instead of 20%
  • Buffed Mithrix attacks for all phases
  • Buffed Elder Lemurian flamebreath
  • Buffed Aurelionite gold fist
  • Buffed Beetle Guard sunder animation times and count

1.0.5 Patch Notes

  • Buffed Imp Overlord void spikes, move speed, tweaked AI
  • Buffed Geep and Gip damage and move speed
  • Buffed Aurelionite health, move speed, tweaked AI to match stone titan
  • Buffed Beetle Queen - tweaked AI
  • Buffed Imp - tweaked AI
  • Buffed Mini Mushrum cooldowns
  • Buffed Beetle Guard animation times
  • Buffed Mithrix Phase 1 and 3 aggression, wave damage, wave count, tweaked AI
  • Buffed Phase 4 Mithrix - unable to be frozen
  • Buffed Elder Lemurian firebreath radius and spread
  • Nerfed Imp Overlord void spikes damage
  • Nerfed Phase 4 Mithrix orb slam animation time
  • Nerfed Stone Golem aim very slightly
  • Nerfed Xi Construct aim a looot
  • Nerfed Elder Lemurian firebreath animation times
  • Nerfed Clay Templar damage

1.0.4 Patch Notes

  • Nerfed Minor Construct fire rate quite a bit
  • Nerfed Blind Pest damage quite a bit
  • Nerfed Monster aim very slightly

1.0.3 Patch Notes

  • Buffed Monster projectile speed by 20%
  • A couple bugfixes, one of which will make the game harder

1.0.2 Patch Notes

  • Changed Imp AI a little bit
  • Changed Mini Mushrum AI
  • Changed Wandering Vagrant AI - shouldn't be as close now
  • Buffed Beetles, Lesser Wisps and Void Reavers - they are now resistant to stuns
  • Buffed Solus Control Unit health and speed
  • Buffed Scavenger speed
  • Buffed Larva health
  • Buffed Imp dash distance
  • Buffed Imp slash boost
  • Buffed Alloy Vulture cooldowns
  • Buffed Clay Dunestrider animation times, tarball count and barrage ball count
  • Buffed Alpha Construct animation times
  • Buffed Wandering Vagrant animation times
  • Buffed Xi Construct aim
  • Buffed Hermit Crab mortar count, damage overall and animation times
  • Buffed Grandparent rock throw animation times and speed
  • Buffed Brass Contraption animation times
  • Buffed Imp Overlord void spikes damage slightly
  • Buffed Imp Overlord ground pound radius slightly
  • Nerfed Larva speed massively
  • Nerfed Beetle dash animation speed yet again (literally went from 1.5s => 1.62s => 2.7s in three versions lol)
  • Nerfed Xi Construct range
  • Nerfed Clay Dunestrider barrage ball damage

1.0.1 Patch Notes

  • Added Based mod dependency
  • Changed Monsters to no longer start with Titanic Knurl
  • Changed Mithrix - lower health across the board, higher base damage for Phase 4, Phase 4 item steal should be more similar to vanilla now
  • Buffed Monster level regen slightly, with the loss of Titanic Knurl
  • Buffed Parent move speed and cooldowns
  • Buffed Bighorn Bison move speed, cooldowns and tweaked AI
  • Buffed Lunar Exploder cooldowns
  • Buffed Lemurian fireball damage slightly
  • Buffed Lesser Wisp spawn animation time
  • Buffed Mini Mushrum animation times and damage quite a bit
  • Buffed Void Barnacles animation time and projectile count
  • Buffed Clay Dunestrider balls animation time and projectile count
  • Buffed Gup damage and move speed, tweaked AI, each split gains more move speed
  • Buffed Void Reaver balls animation time and projectile count
  • Buffed Clay Apothecary range and move speed
  • Buffed Escape Sequence Lines damage (mfw Mithrix Phase 4 breaks opal and this change rarely comes into play)
  • Nerfed Lunar Exploder move speed
  • Nerfed Lunar Wisp damage, changed their AI to be more close range
  • Nerfed Beetle dash animation time slightly
  • Nerfed Stone Golem aim slightly