
Updated 6 months ago


0 Skill Name Skill Slot Description
2 Flamebreath Primary Release a burst of flame, burning enemies for 250% damage.
3 N?ll Beam Secondary Draw deep from the Void, battering enemies with a swath of tentacles for 900% total damage.
4 Void Dr?ft Utility Slip into the Void, dealing 200% x 2 total damage, with a chance to take enemies with you.
5 Entr?py Special Reorganize your cells, healing for 25% and poisoning enemies, or harming yourself for 15% health to deal 300% x 3 damage. If held, creates a temporary black hole, choking everyone inside and applies your Passive on exiting.

Voidcrid Tips


Class: Where Acrid excels as a ranged hit-and-run character, Voidcrid is a striker; Isolating targets, closing gaps in the battlefield to inflict heavy damage and then quickly escaping.

In general, running Voidcrid with Spikestrip's Soul/Deeprot creates a fantastic Void-spewing experience. All Void abilities will pull from the Deeprot Passive and apply its effect in different intervals according to the ability.


Flamebreath pairs well with Gasoline and Propane Tank. Gasoline extends the duration of Flamebreath's effect and Propane Tank multiples the damage output. Flamebreath has zero canon with any semblance of a Void-based Acrid, but sometimes it looks like a Lemurian so I decided to have some fun.

N?ll Beam:

Polylute or Plasma Shrimp add serious damage-per-tick to N?ll Beam. Any damaging buffs that are difficult to proc under normal conditions typically have a higher rate of success via N?ll Beam due to the high rate of fire.

Void Dr?ft:

Used as an escape or to close the gap. It's ability to stun in and out of the effect enables you to punish enemies who get too close.


There are two forms to this attack: Healing yourself, and hurting yourself. When healing, you apply your Passive to enemies on each successive hit x3 (goes well with Blight). When hurting, you do not apply any Passive but will still apply any item-based effects on successive hits. Regardless of the decision of the attack, you have the option to hold down the key / trigger to open a temporary blackhole. Everyone, including yourself, will take damage inside. On exit, the blackhole sends enemies flying and applies your Passive for good measure.

Pairs well with Focus Crystal, Crowbar, or any general AOE-buffing items.


On death, if you are running more than 3 Void items, you'll notice the little whisper of the Void as your body crumbles. If 7+, you'll unleash a devastating Entropic explosion one last time, consuming everything and everyone in the vicinity.

Flavor Text

If you've set Voidcrid's "Display" config to true, there will be alternative Acrid Game Over text when facing Mythrix.
