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Wolfo-WolfoQualityOfLife-3.2.8 icon


Gives Merc Skins, Blight Acrid colored effects. Adds a lot of information and visual Quality of Life. (This mod no longer affects game play)

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 3.2.8
Download link
Downloads 2964
Dependency string Wolfo-WolfoQualityOfLife-3.2.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2
tristanmcpherson-R2API-5.0.5 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 5.0.5



This mod aims to be highly configureable. You can use Risk of Options to do that ingame.

Every play needs this mod by default.

If you wish to use this mod with players who do Not have the mod, you can enable compatibility for that in the config.
This will disable multiple features, not really any way around it.


Mercenaries Oni Skin now uses a red sword and red particle effects for his attacks.
Mercenaries Frail Skin now uses green particle effects for his attacks.

Acrids attacks now have a different coloration if you use blight.

REX's vines when moving now match his skin.

Fixes Engineers Mastery and Colossus Skin Turrets looking wrong. (improper glow)

Lunar/Elite Equipment, Void White/Red/Boss, Lunar Coins now use their own color.
Adds colored highlights for Tiers that were using the default one and Equipment.

Elite Brass Contraptions projectiles match their color. (Disabled currently due to Sots changes to effect system)

Geysers in Sulfur Pools and Abyssal Depths have different fluid color to match their environment.

Added Perfected Elite displays for all enemies that were missing it.

Readds the old large chunky printer Model for Uncommon and Mili Tech Printers.

Image of Visual changes

More Icons

Image of Ping Icons\

A Unique Ping Icon for the vast majority of Interactables.

Many visual buff icons to convey more information.
How many Feather Jumps you have left, Headstomper Cooldown and Freeze duration as the important ones.
Best used with mods like LookingGlass.
(None of the buffs this mod adds will help Growth Nectar)
Also recolors some buff icons because they looked the same as others yet had different effects.

Consumed Keys item like how there's consumed Elixir/Watches.
"Consumed" Prayer Beads that tell you how many stats you are getting.

Unique new Icon for Engineer Walker Turrets, Empathy Cores.
Updated Icons for Squid Polyp, Devoted Lemurians.


Objective Hud can have it's font size and spacing customized to fit better for some languages.
(Russian recommended 22 Spacing 10 Font size)

Eclipse lobbies will show the Eclipse Level on the character select icon.
Simulacrum lobbies will show a Pink Border on the characters you beat Wave 50 on.


A updated Death Screen showing what Equipment you used, Elite Prefix of the killer included in their name, the Inventory of the enemy that killed you or the enemy items of the run.

When you die a more detailed death message is shown to everyone

A reminder to open your Lockbox and Shipping Terminal will be added to your objectives.
Reminders for Portals are also added.
A reminder that you have Sale Star in hopes that you don't waste it.

Messages upon losing items to Printing/Cauldron/Cleansing. (Global)
Messages for Void Upgrades and Egocentrism. (Private)
Message for when Chance Doll activates.
Item names will be colored in pings.
Picking up a void will show how many it corrupted on pickup.
Picking up a normal will show how many of the void you have that it gets absorbed into.
Pings last twice as long.

Equipment name will be shown under Equipment Drones name

For each activated Mountain Shrine a mountain shrine symbol will be displayed

Adds descriptions to items lacking one. (Elite Equipment, Tonic Debuff, Fuel Array)
Fixed many wrong descriptions.

A Cost Hologram for the Cleansing Shrines, Lockboxes, Lunar Recycler and Broken Rex as they Lacked one.
A Charge/Position Indicator for Void Field Cell events so you can see the charge percentage when active.
Halcyon Shrines will have an objective showing their charge amount.

Elite Aspects, Geep, Gip, Twisted Scav and Malachite Urchin show up in the Logbook.
Changes the name of Lunar Chimera to include their type.
Adds a description for Aspects, Fuel Array, Tonic Afflictions (and many unused items) so it doesn't show a blank one with UI mods.

The Void and Limbo ending now have their own coloration/text.

Lunar Seers include their destination when pinged and in the purchase context.

Image of various features

Image of Expanded Death Screen


Scavenger in the main menu is back.
Main Menu theme now changes randomly.

More "tp like" structures get flowers if you have Lepton Daisy.
Captains Shock Beacon now has a range indicator.
Scavengers play a sound when spawning.
Sprinting UI is slightly different to support charge attacks.
Void Fiends Mouse2 now has a crosshair response like other charging attacks.
Void Allies have cyan eyes for slighty easier identification in the dark.

When winning a chat message will be displayed of the characters win quote.

Some Lunar Seer destinations look less bright.

Elite Children have stronger colors so you can notice them easier.

Fixes War Bonds handles being untextured.
Fixes DoTs being deleted if Burns or Poisons end.

Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.

A lot of things are configurable. If you feel something should be configurable yet it isn't you can suggest it to me.


Thank you for anyone who wishes to translate.

Russian by kreeperHLC on GitHub

Content Disable Config

The config will disable anything related to adding stuff that is indexed/Id driven by the game.
(Items, Buffs, Projectiles and Effects).
This means changes related to those, such as Red Oni Merc and Blight Acrid, will be disabled.

If you are a Client when the Host doesn't have the mod additional features likely also do not work.
Such as Mountain Symbol Stacking, Treasure Reminders, Loss Messages.

Mods to Not use alongside this one

This mod already does what those mods do in a different way so they become kind of redundant.
There shouldn't be any compatibility issues if you use both but I still don't recommend it.



v3.2.8 - 
Fix for 1.3.7 and other stuff I was working on before.
Added config for individual Reminders. (Key, Shipping, Sale, Geode)
Added config for Regen Scrap reminder. (Off default)
Made "Chat always on death screen" it's own config.
Fixed issue where ArtifactWorld wouldn't spawn interactables if travelled to with commands.

v3.2.7 - Patch for 1.3.6
Consumed Equipment now have a grayer-orange color.
Made buff for Unstable Transmitter duration visible.
Removed extra line when proccing Chance Doll. (Official replacement)
Updated SotS elite aspect descriptions to match their new effects.
Moved "Burns ending all DoTs" bug fix here.
Moved "War Bonds untextured handles" bug fix here.
Added config to allow some buffs to work with nectar. (Disabled by default)

Added Russian Translation 
Added Config for objective pannel spacing.
Added Config for objective pannel font size.
(Can be changed mid-game via Risk of Options)

Made elite Children more distinguishable
Fixed Sale Star reminder not showing up in Simu.

v3.2.5 : Forgot there were Voids that eat multiple items and left a debug thing on whoops.
If you pickup a void or a normal item if you have the void it'll show the quantity you'll have post corruption. (ie had 3 Bear, Safer Spaces(4) in pink)

If rusted becomes crusted or gets scrapped the reminders recheck how many rusteds are left compared to the reminder.
If sale star is scrapped reminder fails.

Fixed Sale Star reminder not getting cleared on Client.
Fixed Hosts Sale Star reminder being cleared by Clients.
Fixed Halcyon Charge Objective not updating on Client.

Added colored Engi Harpoons to the alt skins as per request.
Fixed item loss messages not using correct token for second person.
Fixed item loss and detailed death messages having First/Second person reversed.
Fixed item loss messages getting the body name instead of the user name.

v3.2.2 - Quick Fix for 1.3.5
Fixed Shipping reminder not being cleared.
Fixed part of the expanded death screen not being disabled with the config.

Added Config to try and make mod able to be used with Clients/Hosts that do not have a mod
-(This of course means the mod is no longer tagged as "RequiredByAll")
-Features that will be disabled would includes Buffs/Items/Projectiles/Effects added by mod.
--This is because they all have an id/index. Different amounts of ids cause desyncs.
--This does mean Skin changes will be disabled. I can't realistically change that.
-Various features might not work properly if you're a Client with mod can't really do much about this either. 

Added Risk of Options support.
Added Language Files, so translations are possible.
Moved AssetPack out of dll for optimization.
Moved all images to AssetPack.

Added unique icon for Rebirth win.
Changed delayed green orb message so it doesn't show up full screen with MSU sometimes.
Added config for Lunar Seers stage name in display
Fixed menu selector not actually setting copied weather to active.
Fixde "Trial of ArtifactName" Objective not being in new artifact worlds.
Fixed Sale Star not working on Stage 5s. 
Fixed an issue with Blight Orb trails sometimes disappearing.
Fixed/Reenabled Elite Brass balls.

-Needed to change a fair amount of stuff with assets and strings so some things might be broken.

Fixed Blight Acrid skin being black and not having mesh replacements set.
Main Menu selector config as per request.

Green/Purple orb messages are now delayed by 1s so that they open chat box. (Shrine of Halc)
Eclipse display now automatically disabled if you have other Eclipse Display mod.

Added a number displaying beaten eclipse level during Eclipse character selects.
Added a void outline for if having beaten Wave 50 on a character during Simu character selects.
(Bit function over form but it's usefull, can be turned off if undesired)

Equipment Drone Names now update properly on equipment transformation.
Fixed Sale Star reminder only working on stages it's not supposed to.
Fixed skin textures added by mod not being able to scale down.
Fixed ping icon with Verdant Falls guaranteed interactables.
Disabled Brass Elite Balls because changes to the effect system don't really allow for this. (Until they fix it)

Added config to remove Scav/Gup on title screen.
Added friendly-outline to Devoted Lemurians

You won't get more Rusted Chest reminders than keys.
-If Devotees spawn 17 Rusty chests, but you only have 2 keys. You only have a reminder for 2.

Fixed bug where Devoted Lemurians are in the log instead of Wild ones. (Vanilla bug)

Fixed SS2 interactables not having ping icon assigned anymore.
Doubled range at which Sale Star effect spawns.

Hopefully fixed issue with Prayer Beads Blessing having really long numbers sometimes.
Reminder for VanillaVoid Cornucopia
Made BlueTP objective disabled by default.
Fixed KipKip being named TwipTwip

v3.1.4 - Requests
Made Prayer Beads Blessing tell you how many stats you get in the full descrption.
Prime Meridian tells you how many Geodes are left to crack for the secret aurelionite fragment.
Saftey checked Acrid Blight stuff for mods that reuse Acrids parts.
Treasure reminders now get marked as failed when Mithrix/False Son fight starts & Voidling Phase 1 dies.

Added Halcion Shrine charge percentage. (Automatically disabled with NoMath mod)
Added Unique line for when Chance Doll activates.
Added Prayer Beads (Blessing), to show you how much of a bonus you got. 
(The item notification and description tell you how many bonus levels you got from all blessings.)
Made the previous Red Printer ping icon the Green Printer one. Red Printer now has a more unique icon.
Death messages for Glass, Twisted and Echo conditions.

Removed Sale Star reminder for non-standard but timed stages. (ie Moon, Planetarium)
Fixed more guaranteed interactables using wrong interactables. (Verdant, Impact)
Fixed Blue Tp description not working multiple times.

-Mod loads later for hopefully better compatibility with other mods that change strings.
(Changed name from com.Wolfo.WolfoQualityOfLife to just Wolfo.WolfoQualityOfLife)
-Made Opal/Shield cooldown buff get applied differently to support modded Warped Echo.
-Tagged used Keys as consumed.
-Fixed issue with previous blue tp objective.

Added a objective reminder for Sale Star (I forgot I had this item so many times)
Made the Sale Star effect bigger.
Slightly less spacing between objectives so the list gets slightly less long.
Primordial TP objective text is now colored blue.
Teleporter Icon when the "Discovery" setting is enabled now start off as light-red.
Fixed Chests in Gilded still having loot bag icon. 
Fixed Rallypoint fans using vanilla Chest icon.
Fixed vanilla bug where Chance Dolls effect uses an invisible color.

v3.1.0 - Green Merc update
Added Green attack effects to Colossus Merc skin and skins ending in Green.
Merc Oni backup skin now disabled by default.
Sorting for Oni Backup skin should work properly again.
Fixed Colossus Engi Skin having the same problems as Mastery Engi.
Fixed a bug with the mod causing Colossus Engi Turret skins to be overwritten.
Gave Colossus Rex better Vine colors. (Automatic one looked pretty whack)
Fixed vanilla bug where half of War Bonds is pure black
New Elite Equipment proper item sprite, pickup quote and description.
Elite equipment are now sorted after Equipment. Shared Design is now sorted with the rest.

Updated to Seekers of the Storm
-Buffs added by this mod don't contribute toward Nectar

v2.5.9 - (Unreleased)
Added icon for Egg 
Fixed vanilla bug where Chests show loot icon
Fixed Lunar enemy lore not displaying due to the name change.
Fixed strange issue involving Sawmarang infinitely duplicating.

v2.5.8 - Fixed storepage image being gone due to Discord.
-Gave Void allies cyan eyes for easier identifaction.
-Made Stomp/Freeze buff not get added when Risky Mod is loaded as they add their own.

More various fixes for minor network oddities. (Equipment Drone names, Shock Beacon visible Radius)
-Moved backup Blue Sword Oni Merc to the end of the skin list and added config to disable it.
-Fixed an issue with mods using red merc effects.
Attempted fix for vanilla bug where Multishops would sometimes look closed for clients.

Removed buff order manipulator because it seemed to cause issues for people.

Fixed Blight Contagious Trail not being Blight colored on Clients
More ExpandedDeathScreen fixes
Loader Pylon will match the skins color again
//Moved Opal Cooldown buff next to Opal Ready//

Added missing saftey check related to feather buff which could cause desyncs

SimuAddtions Red Merc support
ReAdded Scrapping messages cuz I like much info. (configurable of course)
Lunar Coin amount backdrop is blue instead of pink

-Should be more consistent on Clients : 
--Equipment Drone with Equipment Names
--Portal Reminder messages 
--Feather buffs being not properly synced

Fixed Brass Balls not getting elite skins on clients
Fixed Expanded Death Info not working in multiplayer when dying multiple times throughout a run.
Fixed Blight Acid Pool being a wrong projectile if used by Clients.
Elite Equipment won't be in the logbook if ZetAspects is enabled.

Fix Text config not working.  
HistoryFix compatibility.   
(This mod does what that mod does anyways so i'm not sure why you'd have both)  
Watch message again and VV watch message.  
Loader hook fist changes with skin again.    

v2.5.0 - Cleanup  
-IL Code hopefully making it cleaner  
-Networking fixes  
--Messages are now subjected  
--Sometimes random stuff like Lockboxes having messed up visuals  
--Killer Inventory  
--Treasure Reminders  
--Red Merc Expose  
--Feather Buff not working on Clients   
--Extra Mountain Icons  
-Main Menu theme randomizer
-Death Messages are now one color and show up before the normal death message  
-Shield/Opal cooldown buffs won't show up on enemies  
-Abyssal Geyser  
-Void Highlights  
-Updated Printer Icons  
-Item Names Colored in Pings  
-Mod Support for SpikeStrip, Starstorm and VanillaVoids  
-Removed Goo River in Aquaduct  
-Removed Vagrant Predictor  
-Moved GameplayQoL to LittleGameplayTweaks  
--Slightly Faster Interactables   
--Married Elders using Bands  
--Prismatic Trial stuff   
--Random tiny bits  

Really Old Changelog:

v2.0.5 - Updated for\
* Removed Lysate Cell Captain feature due to different official implentation
* Removed Void Allies having blue/green looks due to different official implementation

v2.0.4 - Bug Fixes\
* Updated for version 1.2.3
* Vanilla Fix: Run History deleting essentially random runs instead of the oldest.
* Bug Fixes

* Bug Fixes
* Regarding Buffs not showing up : Since i've heard mixed things, it works fine for some people and not for others, trying some generic fixes like resetting the config or using pre launch fix might help but I'm not sure. Just as always when reporting bugs send a log file.

* Config for Lysate Cell Huntress stuff
* Config for Lysate Cell Captain stuff
* Config for Sprint UI changes
* Bug fixes

* Updated to Survivors of the Void
* Blighted Default Acrid Skin and Blue Sword Oni Merc as seperate Skin
* Pings dont disappear over time anymore
* Lunar Seer Info QoL from my Artifact mod is now here too
* Lysate QoL for Huntress Ballista and it working for Captain
* Info Messages for Elixir, Delicate Watches, Benthic Bloom and Egocentrism
* Objectives for Portals, Lockboxes, Shipping Deliveries and more.
* Void Allies from Newly Hatched Zoea are now more Blue/Cyan/Green colored.

* Moved Price Changing stuff, Boss Drop percentage to LittleGameplayTweaks

* Allies can't steal Healing&Bandolier pickups anymore.
* Lepton Daisy appears on Pillars/Cells
* Visual fixes for Deskplant & Rachis
* Moved Family Event stuff to LittleGameplayTweaks
* Moved Beads and Convergence changes to LittleGameplayTweaks

* Config to disable Third Seer/Commencement Seer (Commencement Seer disabled by default now)
* Fixed weird Tsunami incompatibility

* Oni Merc has red effects now
* Lots of touch ups didn't keep track
* Mountain Shrine icon stacking

v1.6.1 - Accidentally left testing stuff in.\
v1.6.0 - Fixes
* If the Killer has passive items, the Killers items and Equipment will be shown on the death screen

v1.5.9 - Fixes\
v1.5.8 - Fixes
* Beads of Fealty stacking

* Third Lunar Seer
* Win messages will also be displayed in chat like death messages
* Small other fixes

* Prismatic Trials stuff
* Rex attacks will now try to be correctly colored (Leaves, Vines)

* Added ItemDisplays for all enemies for Shared Design(Lunar Elite) for PerfectedLoop/FixedSpawnDissonance
* Added ItemDisplays for normal elites for Engi Turrets & Lunar Chimera & Mithrix (vanilla elite only)
* Added ItemDisplays for Fuel Array for Engi Turrets
* Acrid Blight will now affect the looks of some attacks (if you have suggestions on how to make it look better please ping me)

* Moved around and fixed up Family events where deemed necessary 
* Added new Clay & Solus Probe/Vulture & remade Parent Family event
* Elite Brass Contraptions have colored Balls
* Void Fields and Elder Lem tweaks

v1.5.3 - Fixed up alt skin Engi Turrets to have proper glow.\
* Menu Theme config
* Equipment will be shown alongside items on death screen.
* Picking up a Boss Item now shows a yellow highlight instead of white
* Picking up a Equipment now shows a highlight
* Touched up some skins.

* Ability to increase amount of White items from RedToWhite Cauldron (under price changer)
* All drone prices can now be changed.

* Renamed Mod to more accurately reflect what it is. (and to hopefully get more traffic and feedback)
* Organized Config

* More buff icons
* Hopefully fixed networking

* Distant Roost now can't spawn without a Newt Altar.
* One Lunar Seer after Skymeadow will show Commencement.
* Ability to change Cost of TC Drone, Healing Shrine, Gold Shrine.
* Primordial Teleporter unique icon
* Equipment Drones use equipment more often

v1.3.9 - Bug fixes
* Description for Aspects, Fuel Array, Tonic Afflictions.

* Headstomper Buff Icons like Elemental Rings
* Feather Buff Icon for extra jumps
* Shield Regen Delay icon (Medkit icon)
* Config to change names of Lunar Chimera
* Added Consumed Rusted Key

v1.3.7 - Quick missed fix\
* Acrid is intangible while sleeping.
* Fix LunarExploder not using subtitle, Pot/FusionCell using ? instead of PlanetDeathIcon. Unique Icon for Soul Wisps.
* Swamp Altar Skeleton will always be there and option to do the same for Locked Artificer

v1.3.5 - Minor Tweaks
* More buff visual config

v1.3.4 - Fixes
* Changed color of buffs that use same icon/color as other buffs. (ie Cloak Speed, Whip Speed)

* Tweaks to Limbo Ending
* Config to make Lunar/Boss equips use Lunar/Boss droplets instead of Orange droplets.
* Unique Icons for Empathy Core Probes, Updated Beetle Guard Ally and Missile Drone Icon

v1.3.2 - Hopefully more optimization\
v1.3.1 - "Quick" Lid position fix\
* Debuff Icon added for Hellfire tincture. 
* Config to invidually change the Printer model to the old ones.

* Unique Icon for Engineer Walker Turrets

* Option for more Logbook entries
* Added more Ping Icons.

v1.2.6 - (actiually disabled by default)\
* Module to change color of Lunar/Elite equipment if you want Yellow Elite Equipment or any unique color for either. (Disabled by default)
* Added more Ping Icons.

* More Icons & Config
* Twisted Scavengers now hold Beads of Fealty

v1.2.1 - 1.2.3 - Minor Fixes\
* Added more Ping Icons

v1.1.2 - Minor Fixes?\
v1.1.1 - Made mod slightly faster

* Added or Updated Ping Icons for many interactables
* Added Cost Hologram for Lockbox, Cleansing Pool, Broken Rex
* Added Position Indicator to Void Field Cells

v1.0.0 - Release.