Adds Sonic the Hedgehog as a playable survivor. Now works with SOTS.
(Assets) Added a loading screen sprite of Sonic if LoadingScreenFix is installed
(Assets) Redone boost VFX
(Bug Fix) Fixed for SOTS Phase 1
Known Issues
- There's a bunch of errors saying something like "failed at invokehandler, invalid packet" but everything seems to work anyway so it can't be that important
- Boost meter is kinda shaky as clients in multiplayer
- Jumping animation is not synced in multiplayer (Apparently they aren't synced for any survivor?!)
(Assets) Added an inspect description to the Chaos Emeralds
(Bug Fix) Removed obnoxious TestState spam in the logs
(Bug Fix) Holding Sonic Boom now properly stacks Luminous Shot
(Optimization) Optimized some stuff with item pickups. You should see less log statements about items needed for transforming if you use stuff like Aerolt
(Config) Added a new config option that handles how Chaos Emeralds are shared between players, letting you be more restrictive with who gets to activate the Super form when emeralds are split between players
(Config) Added a new config option to announce in chat when someone transforms into their Super form
- (Dependency) Forgot R2API_Items... oops3.0.0
SOTS update came at a bit of an awkward time. At this point i'm like 90% done with the complete rewrite of Super forms but not quite at the point I want to be. Still, I don't want to keep people waiting without a Sonic mod so custom super form mod compatibility will come next update.
Almost everything related to Super Sonic has been rewritten. For most players, the difference won't be too noticeable, but this will soon allow other modders to make their own Super forms for Sonic or for any other survivor. Next update Next major update will include this and will likely be the final update I make to the Sonic mod.
(Assets) Added a new sound for when Chaos Emeralds are purchased
(Assets) Reworded Chaos Emerald descriptions, mostly for parity with base game descriptions
(+) ALL survivors are now able to turn Super with the Chaos Emeralds
(Bug Fix) Fixed mastery achievement often not being unlocked when it should have
(Bug Fix) Fixed errors causing broken run history to be generated
(Bug Fix) Fixed yellow glow staying when losing Super form while boosting
(Compatibility) Added LookingGlass compatibility with buff descriptions and Chaos Emerald information
(Config) Added new config options for controlling the number of Chaos Emeralds that can spawn each stage
(Config) Added a new config option for allowing Chaos Emeralds to spawn even if no one is playing Sonic
(Config) Added a new config option for changing the price of Chaos Emeralds
(Config) Added a new config option for allowing the Chaos Emeralds to not be consumed after being used
(Dependency) Removed dependency on R2API, instead using the separate R2API modules
(Dependency) Added LoopingSoundFix as a dependency. I noticed some issues with Super Grand Slam rain projectile looping its sound for the entire stage so it's here just in case. If you don't want it, it can be removed
(New Form) Added Super Sonic and collectable Chaos Emeralds
(New Skin) Added a new mastery skin. Thanks to FORCED_REASSEMBLY for the help with making it (Can also be unlocked through the config)
(Assets) Adjustments to most animations
(Assets) Adjustments to many VFX
(Assets) Added custom buff icons to Sonic's armor when homing attacking
(Logbook) Added logbook entries for Sonic. Chaos Emerald logs coming soon
(+) Flat cooldown reduction (Purity) now increases the boost cap more (25 -> 33.3)
(Bug Fix) Homing targeting has been adjusted so it now works with Artifact of Chaos
(Bug Fix) Homing Attack and Grand Slam movement slows down when approaching enemies so you won't overshoot at high speeds
(Bug Fix) Fixed strange movement involving melee and extreme attack speed
(Read Me) Completely redecorated it with tables and images
- (Bug Fix) Probably fixed NREs from alt secondary skill achievement
(New Skill) Added a new alternate secondary skill. This can be unlocked by completing a newly added achievement (Or just unlocking it with the config)
(New Skill/Compatibility) Added support for StandaloneAncientScepter. Upgrade Boost into Thundering Boost, dealing damage to enemies you run through
(Assets) Small adjustments to most VFX
(Assets) Small adjustments to a few animations
(Assets) Created new "Homing" keyword and added it to applicable skill descriptions
(+) Boost speed scaling has been adjusted to increase base move speed and move speed multipliers (Default movement speed is the same, but scales better with other movement speed buffs)
(+) Momentum passive now has a unique interaction with flying. While flying, build momentum by moving in a straight line
(=) The camera now zooms out while boosting
(Bug Fix) Fixed cases where Sonic's primary wasn't proccing shuriken
(QoL) Using Grand Slam without a target and then hitting something will now set that enemy as the target for the rest of the attack (I've been trying to do this from the very beginning)
(Read Me) Added a section listing compatible mods
(Changelog) Put older patch notes into dropdown menus
(Assets) Many animations have been changed slightly
(Assets) A new animation has been added for entering boost while standing still
(+) Movement while meleeing has been adjusted, giving slightly more movement based on movement speed
(+) Using Grand Slam without a target now goes further
(=) Adjusted hit stop for melee and homing attack
(-) Max targeting range of all homing skills has been reduced
(Bug Fix) Melee and homing attack sounds no longer desync
(QoL) There is now a reticle for aiming homing skills
(QoL) New config option for whether homing attacks require a key press to be triggered or whether they can be activated by holding the key down
(Read Me) Removed mention of homing skills scaling with sprint speed (Sprint speed is jank and I can't get the scaling to work)
(Assets) The following sound effects have been added
- Jumping
- Starting melee attacks
- Landing melee attacks
- Starting a homing attack
- Landing a homing attack
- Firing a sonic boom
- Landing a sonic boom
- Boosting
- Switching between boost types
- Charging a Grand Slam
- Landing each hit of Grand Slam
- Dying
(Assets) Updated all icons
(+) Bandolier now restores a small portion of the boost meter
(=) Walking speed reduced but sprinting speed multiplier increased, max speed stays the same (10 and 1.45 -> 8.5 and 1.7)
(Bug Fix) Replaced v0.4.1's temporary fix to passive skill stuff with a permanent fix
(Bug Fix) Fixed small bug with the speed decrease of the momentum passive
(Bug Fix) Fixed being permanently stuck after using a homing skill with 0 movement speed
(Bug Fix) With the power of extreme jank, Malachite Aspects no longer break every bone in Sonic's body. All jitter bones placed on Sonic will be forcefully removed
(Bug Fix) Exiting boost mid-air no longer stops the jump ball animation
(Compatibility) RiskOfOptions compatibility with settings to adjust boost meter positioning
(Compatibility) BetterUI compatibility
(Read Me) Added momentum passive and general information about Sonic to the read me
(Optimization) Stat changes now mark stats as dirty instead of calling recalc directly
(Bug Fix) Temporary band-aid fix to issue with Sonic's passive skill and passive skill family
(New Skill) Added the Momentum passive. This passive makes Sonic speed up when running down hill and slow down when running up hill
(Assets) New VFX has been added for the following
- Starting boost
- Starting power boost
- Starting a homing attack
- Landing a homing attack
- Landing any melee attack
- Landing the final kick of Grand Slam
(Assets) The boost meter will now glow when power boosting
(Assets) Added ending text
(Assets) Slight tweaks to skill icons
(Bug Fix) The max time you can spend in Grand Slam's final kick now scales with movement speed, so low movement speed doesn't stop the attack from landing
(Compatibility) Mostly moved from On.RecalculateStats to RecalculateStatsAPI (RecalculateStatsAPI where is my acceleration stat)
(Compatibility) CustomEmotesAPI support
(Compatibility) Sonic will now have proper movement and infinite mid-air boosts while flying (Milky Chrysalis)
(Compatibility) The slow descent at the end of Milky Chrysalis can now be cancelled by using any homing skill
(Compatibility) Sonic is now compatible with utility skill replacements (For the 0 people who would want to replace Boost with Essence of Heresy)
(Assets) T-Posing no more! The following animations have been added
- Jumping
- Spinning in a ball
- Grand Slam's final kick
- Ascending/Descending
- Dying
- Idle animation for not moving for a while
(Assets) The boost meter has been redone with these new features
- No longer breaks from changes in screen resolution
- Now has custom visuals to show changes in the boost cap
- Infinite boost icon now properly fades away like the normal boost meter does
(Assets) Added some vfx to Sonic to indicate power boosting
(Assets) Skill descriptions changed slightly
(+) Flat cooldown reduction (Purity) now increases the boost cap much more (10 -> 25)
(=) Boost speed and power boost speed have been adjusted to make the difference more noticeable (40/60 -> 35/65)
(-) The auto-targeting of the final hit of Grand Slam can no longer track upwards
(Bug Fix) Fixed boost sometimes not switching between normal and power boost speeds
(Bug Fix) Fixed permanent invincibility involving Grand Slam and Volcanic Egg
(Assets) Redone textures
(Assets) Made visuals for the Sonic Boom projectile
(Assets) Small tweaks to some vfx
(Assets) Added skill icons
(+) Melee hitboxes are now slightly larger
(+) The final hit of Grand Slam now does more knockback
(=) Sonic Boom and the start-up of Grand Slam now slow to a stop instead of stopping immediately
(=) Sonic Boom projectile is now smaller to make it collide with the floor less
(-) The repeated attacks of Grand Slam can no longer kill
(Bug Fix) Missing the final kick of Grand Slam will now set your velocity to 0, preventing fall damage
(Bug Fix) Fixed a lot of weird animation transitions
(Bug Fix) Picking up an item that gives additional utility skill stocks (Hardlight Afterburner) while grounded will now immediately restore all utility stocks
(Bug Fix) Sonic is no longer extra small in the character select screen (He's not THAT short)
- Initial Release