Adds 35 new items! Updated for SotS.
- Fixed Russian translation for Edible Glue.
- Added Japanese translations (thank you @B. on discord).
- Part 2 of the rebalancing patch. Be sure to recreate your config files for this one!
- Changed
- Carving Blade
- Honestly... still too strong. Making it a max of 20x instead of 40x for the first stack.
- Damage Cap:
4000% (+1000% per stack) BASE damage⇒ 2000% (+1000% per stack) BASE damage
- Defiled Heart
- Max Health Gained:
350 HP⇒ 300 HP
- Max Health Gained:
- Paper Plane
- This item has too many good competing items (mocha, hoof), which means that this item usually becomes scrap, unless you're playing Artificer. I want to change it to be more of a universal item without losing the airborne aspect.
- Movement Speed: Removed
- Damage Bonus:
0% damage⇒ 15% (+15% per stack) damage while airborne
- Edible Glue
- This item is meant to be strong early and weak later, but the current scaling requires you to get stacks of this item before it feels worthwhile. Hoping this change will make it more interesting early game.
- Slow Radius:
8m (+8m per stack)⇒ 20m (+10m per stack)
- Loaf of Bread
- This item just kinda sucks. It's only really ever good if you're struggling during the boss fight, but usually that struggle can be avoided by scrapping this item for something better... So I'm changing it.
- Healing On-Kill: Removed
- On-Kill:
5% (+5% per stack) missing HP⇒ +1 (+1 per stack) gold - Break Bread: After 100 kills, grants 25 gold (scaling with difficulty) and converts this item into scrap.
- Carving Blade
- Fixed a bug where LookingGlass stats showed Spirit Stone health reduction stacking linearly.
- Fixed a bug where Vanity would grant a stack of Hubris when killing with the equipment activation.
- Updated dependencies for more recent versions.
- Changed
- Carving Blade
- This item has been way too OP for a long time, and now its day of reckoning has come.
- On-Hit Scaling:
1% (+1% per stack), hyperbolic⇒ 2% flat - Damage Cap:
20000% BASE damage⇒ 4000% (+1000% per stack) BASE damage - Setting the damage cap to -1 will no longer remove the cap.
- Carving Blade
- Fixed me misspelling Portuguese in the changelog and README.
- Added Portuguese translations (thank you @Poppy on discord).
- Changed
- Bottle Cap
- Cooldown Reduction:
8%⇒ 10%
- Cooldown Reduction:
- Debit Card
- Rebate Amount:
8%⇒ 10%
- Rebate Amount:
- Milk Carton
- Damage Reduction:
8%⇒ 10%
- Damage Reduction:
- Tattered Scroll
- Kill Reward:
20 gold⇒ 20 gold (scaling with difficulty)
- Kill Reward:
- Bottle Cap
- Fixed Bottle Cap text from "ultimate skill" to "special skill" to match RoR2 verbage.
- Fixed a bug where items that were scrapped or used for 3D printers were super small in the pop-up sprite.
- Fixed a bug where Horseshoe stats in LookingGlass would be different than the stats actually given (I think, please report it on the github issues tracker if you still get this bug on v0.5.2).
- Slightly reduced the scaling of Vanity's explosion radius.
0.5.1 Hotfix
- Fixed a bug where shields and other out-of-combat effects worked while in combat if Broken Mask was enabled, causing Overloading enemies to become virtually immortal demigods (oops).
- Fixed a bug where Golden Horseshoe's bonus health was temporary and would not regenerate.
- Seekers of the Storm update! Be sure to delete your config file for this one.
- Fixed a bug where Carving Blade would proc on damage the user dealt to themselves (Railgunner's Concussion Device for example).
- Changed
- Carving Blade
- Damage Cap:
200x BASE damage⇒ 100x BASE damage
- Damage Cap:
- Photodiode
- Attack Speed:
2.5% per stack⇒ 2% per stack - Max Attack Speed: unchanged
- Attack Speed:
- Fleece Hoodie
- Recharge Time:
8 seconds⇒ 10 seconds
- Recharge Time:
- Glass Marbles
- Base Damage:
2.5 per level⇒ 2 per level
- Base Damage:
- Defiled Heart
- Base Damage:
1% max HP⇒ 1.5% max HP
- Base Damage:
- Shadow Crest
- Health Regen:
1.5% missing HP⇒ 1.2% missing HP
- Health Regen:
- Carving Blade
- Fixed a bug where DLC-corruptible items were not able to be disabled in the config files.
- Fixed a few typos in the language files.
- Added Spanish translations (thank you @Yguenko on discord).
- Updated all item assets.
- Added
- Brass Knuckles: Hits that deal at least 400% BASE damage are 25% (+25% per stack) stronger and stun enemies.
- Thumbtack: Gain 4% (+4% per stack) chance to bleed enemies on-hit for 240% BASE damage over 3 seconds. Your bleed effects last an additional 0.25 (+0.25 per stack) seconds.
- Changed
- Broken Mask
- Burn Duration:
5 seconds⇒ 4 seconds (higher DPS)
- Burn Duration:
- Iron Heart
- On-Hit Damage:
2% max HP⇒ 1.5% max HP
- On-Hit Damage:
- Epinephrine
- Buff Duration:
1.5 seconds⇒ 1 second
- Buff Duration:
- Broken Mask
- Fixed a bug where Broken Mask was sometimes applicable to teammates.
- Fixed a bug where Horseshoe would reroll the same stats repeatedly.
- Fixed a bug where Horseshoe would sometimes grant a very small stat boosts.
- Fixed a bug where chance-based items (Permafrost, Magnifying Glass) did not use the attack's proc coefficient in calculations.
- Changed
- Golden Horseshoe
- Slightly weaker early (reduced available stat points from 20 to 18)
- Level Scaling:
+100% every 10 levels⇒ +100% every 12 levels
- Golden Horseshoe
- Fixed bug where having Holy Water when reaching Mithrix sometimes caused the game to crash repeatedly, forever... (missed a null check)
- Changed
- Crown of Vanity
- Cooldown:
40 seconds⇒ 30 seconds - Penalty per Hubris Stack:
4% base damage⇒ 3% base damage - This active can now crit based on the user's crit chance and cannot be blocked or reduced by armor (essentially true damage).
- Hubris stacks are now cleansed before damage calculation.
- Cooldown:
- Loaf of Bread
- Healing On-Kill:
3% missing HP⇒ 5% missing HP
- Healing On-Kill:
- Crown of Vanity
- Fixed me forgetting to add item names to the README.
- Fixed a bug where Edible Glue wouldn't slow enemies after the Devotion update.
- Fixed a few strange bugs with the Ancient Scepter mod and items with on-kill effects.
- Better null checks and refactoring for items with on-kill effects (less likely to crash now I hope)...
- Added Russian translations.
- Updated README. Now has pictures!
- Changed
- Defiled Heart
- Health:
200 HP⇒ 350 HP
- Health:
- Shadow Crest
- Regen:
1% missing health⇒ 1.5% missing health
- Regen:
- Defiled Heart
- Updated language tokens to work with localized language files. If you would like to help translate this mod, don't hesitate to reach out to me in the modding discord or raise a pull request to the git repo. I will store all the lang files there.
- Added
- Shadow Crest: Regenerate 1% (+1% per stack) of your missing health every second.
- Defiled Heart: Gain 200 HP. Also, gain 1% (+1% per stack) of your max health as bonus BASE damage.
- Epinephrine: After taking damage, gain 60% attack speed for 1.5 (+1.5 per stack) seconds.
- Crown of Vanity: Gain stacks of Hubris when killing enemies. Each stack reduces your BASE damage by 4%, stacking exponentially. Activate to cleanse all Hubris stacks and deal 200% damage per stack to a target enemy. [40 second cooldown]
- Changed
- Broken Mask
- Burn Damage:
1.5% enemy max HP⇒ 2% enemy max HP
- Burn Damage:
- Carving Blade
- Deals a minimum of 0.1 damage per proc (this is to prevent rounding errors with floating point numbers).
- No longer considers shields/barriers as part of enemy current health when calculating damage.
- Chalice
- Cooldown:
60 seconds⇒ 70 seconds
- Cooldown:
- Heretic Seal
- No longer grants 1% bonus damage for every 1% missing health. (scaling up to 200% damage)
- Now grants 0.3 base damage for every 1% missing health. (scaling up to 30 base damage... I'd like to make stacks of this item less OP lategame)
- Iron Heart
- Bonus Health:
150 HP⇒ 200 HP
- Bonus Health:
- Tattered Scroll
- Gold On-Kill:
25 gold⇒ 20 gold - Curse Duration:
12 seconds⇒ 10 seconds - Equipment Cooldown:
75 seconds⇒ 100 seconds
- Gold On-Kill:
- Totem of Prayer
- Damage Bonus:
30%⇒ 25% - Health Regen:
12% max HP/s⇒ 10% max HP/s
- Damage Bonus:
- Soul Ring
- Addition Stack Regen:
2 HP/s⇒ 3 HP/s
- Addition Stack Regen:
- Spirit Stone
- Health Penalty:
50% max HP⇒ 30% max HP
- Health Penalty:
- Broken Mask
- Updated all textures to be more similar to vanilla.
- Fixed bug where Chalice could kill you on activation.
- Changed
- Blood Dice
- This item now samples a normal distribution to roll the health amount gained instead of generating a random number. This means that you are more likely to roll numbers near the average (default is 7). This average is increased with luck.
- Chalice
- Damage Bonus:
20%⇒ 30% - Attack Speed Bonus:
50%⇒ 90% - Duration:
8 seconds⇒ 10 seconds
- Damage Bonus:
- Golden Horseshoe
- Prevented stats from rolling very small bonuses. Some stat adjustments to make health and shield rolls stronger.
- Permafrost
- Now procs upon dealing any damage.
- Freeze Chance:
7%⇒ 3% - Freeze Bonus Damage:
70%⇒ 90%
- Blood Dice
- Fixed some inconsistencies with dependency strings (I hope).
- Fixed some text formatting. Official translations next patch?
- Changed
- Crucifix
- Burn Duration:
3 seconds⇒ 3 (+3 per stack) seconds
- Burn Duration:
- Holy Water
- Experience Scaling:
5% to 50%⇒ 1% to 100% - Stack Bonus:
20%⇒ 50%
- Experience Scaling:
- Iron Heart
- Damage On-Hit:
1% max HP⇒ 2% max HP
- Damage On-Hit:
- Crucifix
- Fixed bug where Horseshoe synced stats incorrectly.
- Updated luck calculations to be continuous instead of discrete.
- Fixed Blood Dice sometimes rounding down when calculating luck.
- Fixed bug with LookingGlass display for Horseshoe.
- Changed
- Golden Horseshoe
- Stat Bonus Level Scaling:
+100% strength every 5 levels⇒ +100% strength every 10 levels - Cooldown reduction stat bonus removed.
- Stat Bonus Level Scaling:
- Golden Horseshoe
- Changed
- Golden Horseshoe
- Red item could stack a bit better.
- Extra Stack Multiplier:
20%⇒ 30%
- Magnifying Glass
- Analyze Chance:
8%⇒ 6% - Damage Amp:
12%⇒ 18%
- Analyze Chance:
- Soul Ring
- For a green item, this was way too strong.
- Max Regen On First Stack:
7 HP/s⇒ 5 HP/s - Max Regen For Extra Stacks:
7 HP/s⇒ 2 HP/s
- Golden Horseshoe
- Fixed bug where Horseshoe didn't consistently reroll on stage entry.
- Fixed accuracy of Horseshoe description text.
- Fixed some text inconsistencies.
- Turned off debug flags.
- Overhauled textures.
- Added
- Golden Horseshoe: Gain a random assortment of stat bonuses that are rerolled upon entering a new stage. These bonuses scale with level, and each additional stack increases all bonuses received by 20%.
- Possible stats are base damage, attack speed, crit chance, crit damage, armor, regeneration, health, shield, movement speed, and
cooldown reduction(removed in 0.3.3).
- Possible stats are base damage, attack speed, crit chance, crit damage, armor, regeneration, health, shield, movement speed, and
- Golden Horseshoe: Gain a random assortment of stat bonuses that are rerolled upon entering a new stage. These bonuses scale with level, and each additional stack increases all bonuses received by 20%.
- Changed
- Chalice
- HP Penalty: 90% of user's current health
- Damage Bonus:
40%⇒ 20% - Attack Speed Bonus:
110%⇒ 50% - No longer reduces max health while buff is active.
- Iron Heart
- Proc Coefficient:
0⇒ 1
- Proc Coefficient:
- Spirit Stone
- Each stack now reduces your max HP by 50%, exponentially.
- No longer applies stacks of Permanent Curse upon taking damage.
- Soul Ring
- Max Regen Per Stack:
6 HP/s⇒ 7 HP/s
- Max Regen Per Stack:
- Chalice
- Fixed bug where Spirit Stone couldn't be disabled.
- Fixed bug where Carving Blade ignored enemy shields during damage calculations.
- Fixed bug where Seal of the Heretic reduced your base damage if you were overhealed.
- BetterUI is no longer supported and will not be supported in future versions. Use LookingGlass instead.
- Added
- Permafrost: Gain 7% (+7% per stack) chance to freeze enemies on-hit. You deal 70% (+70% per stack) bonus damage to frozen enemies.
- Changed
- Soul Ring
- Regen On-Kill:
0.2 HP/s⇒ 0.1 HP/s - Max Regen Per Stack:
25 HP/s⇒ 6 HP/s - Item Tier:
Red⇒ Green
- Regen On-Kill:
- Soul Ring
- Fixed bug where Edible Glue couldn't be disabled.
- Updated LookingGlass statistics for versions 1.5.1 and after. This version is NOT backwards-compatible with previous versions of LookingGlass.
- Changed
- Blood Dice
- Health Cap:
600 HP⇒ 550 HP
- Health Cap:
- Loaf of Bread
- Healing On-Kill:
4% missing health⇒ 3% missing health
- Healing On-Kill:
- Blood Dice
- Added more statistics for LookingGlass users.
- Fixed bug where Glass Marbles granted an extra stack of itself during stat calculations.
- Added integration for LookingGlass mod as a replacement for Better UI. Better UI integration is still supported for versions before BetterUI 3.0.
- Changed
- All items can now be enabled or disabled in the config file. If you are having config file issues, delete it and let the game regenerate it.
- Glass Marbles
- Base Damage:
1 per level⇒ 2.5 per level - Item Tier:
Green⇒ Red
- Base Damage:
- Glass Marbles
- Fixed bug where Glass Marbles didn't grant any base damage at level 1.
- Changed
- Blood Dice
- Health Cap:
500 HP⇒ 600 HP
- Health Cap:
- Holy Water
- Bonus XP:
2% (+2% per stack) level cap⇒ 5% - 50% (+20% per stack) enemy max HP - Now scales over time based on current game difficulty
- Now scales linearly with additional stacks
- Bonus XP:
- Fleece Hoodie
- Base Cooldown:
5 seconds⇒ 8 seconds
- Base Cooldown:
- Blood Dice
- Fixed bug where Bottled Chaos could trigger the Chalice buff at random.
- Changed
- Bottle Cap
- Special Skill CDR:
5%⇒ 8%
- Special Skill CDR:
- Carving Blade
- Damage On-Hit:
0.75% current HP⇒ 1% current HP
- Damage On-Hit:
- Debit Card
- Rebate on Purchase:
5%⇒ 8%
- Rebate on Purchase:
- Milk Carton
- Elite Damage Reduction:
5%⇒ 8%
- Elite Damage Reduction:
- Rusty Trowel
- Cooldown Reduced By:
-10% per stack⇒ -30% per stack - Now grants additional Mulch stacks on-hit with additional stacks of the item.
- Cooldown Reduced By:
- Bottle Cap
- Fixed bug where all players received bonus gold on-kill for no reason.
- Changed
- Abacus
- Every 1% crit chance above 100% now grants 1% bonus crit damage.
- Abacus
- Fixed text formatting to make it more aligned with vanilla items.
- Fixed bug where the Forgive Me, Please doll didn't trigger Abacus stacks.
- Fixed bug where Abacus stacks didn't grant bonus crit chance if the item was removed from your inventory.
- Added
- Abacus: Killing an enemy grants 1% (+1% per stack) crit chance until the end of the stage.
- Changed
- Ancient Coin
- Bonus Gold Gained:
90%⇒ 100% - Bonus Damage Taken:
35%⇒ 25%
- Bonus Gold Gained:
- Carving Blade
- Damage is now capped at 20000% of the player's base damage.
- Magnifying Glass
- Damage Amp:
10%⇒ 12%
- Damage Amp:
- Soul Ring
- Max Regen Per Stack:
20 HP/s⇒ 25 HP/s
- Max Regen Per Stack:
- Ancient Coin
- Fixed networking issue with some items that needed their stats recalculated.
- Fixed some bugs related to missing null checks.
0.1.8 Hotfix
- Fixed issue with Loaf of Bread preventing any mobs from spawning.
- Added
- Loaf of Bread: While the teleporter is charging, killing enemies heals you for 4% (+4% per stack) of your missing health.
- Paper Plane: Gain 18% (+18% per stack) movement speed while airborne.
- Changed
- Bottle Cap
- Ultimate Skill CDR:
4%⇒ 5%
- Ultimate Skill CDR:
- Carving Blade
- Now scales hyperbolically with additional stacks.
- Chalice
- HP Penalty:
35% max HP⇒ 50% max HP - Cooldown:
55 seconds⇒ 60 seconds
- HP Penalty:
- Holy Water
- Item Tier:
White⇒ Green - Now grants bonus experience to all allies.
- Item Tier:
- Rubber Ducky
- Armor Bonus:
3⇒ 5
- Armor Bonus:
- Tattered Scroll
- Cooldown:
65 seconds⇒ 75 seconds
- Cooldown:
- Totem of Prayer
- Regen Bonus:
300% bonus⇒ 12% max HP per second - Cooldown:
45 seconds⇒ 55 seconds
- Regen Bonus:
- Bottle Cap
- Added
- Spirit Stone: Killing an enemy grants 1 (+1 per stack) health as permanent shield. Taking damage reduces your max health.
- Changed
- Broken Mask
- Max Health Damage:
1.2%⇒ 1.5% - Burn Duration:
6 seconds⇒ 5 seconds
- Max Health Damage:
- Carving Blade
- On-Hit Damage:
0.6% current HP⇒ 0.75% current HP
- On-Hit Damage:
- Chalice
- Damage Bonus:
65%⇒ 40% - Attack Speed Bonus:
130%⇒ 110%
- Damage Bonus:
- Debit Card
- Rebate On Purchase:
6%⇒ 5%
- Rebate On Purchase:
- Holy Water
- XP Multiplier:
1%⇒ 2%
- XP Multiplier:
- Totem of Prayer
- Damage Bonus:
45%⇒ 30%
- Damage Bonus:
- Broken Mask
- Fixed bug where on-kill effects didn't proc on the Forgive Me Please doll.
- Fixed bug where Holy Water didn't award bonus XP on minion kills if the minion didn't have an inventory.
- Fixed bug where shields in the health bar UI weren't reduced when using Chalice.
- Added
- Chalice: Consecrate yourself and all allies. Consecrated allies gain 65% damage and 130% attack speed for 8 seconds, but lose 35% max health.
- Changed
- Blood Dice
- Health Gain On Kill:
1 to 6 bonus health⇒ 2 to 12 bonus health
- Health Gain On Kill:
- Fleece Hoodie
- Buff Duration Bonus Per Stack:
35%⇒ 40%
- Buff Duration Bonus Per Stack:
- Totem of Prayer
- Cooldown:
40 seconds⇒ 45 seconds
- Cooldown:
- Blood Dice
- Blood Dice now turns your health bar red when in inventory.
- Crucifix burn damage is now configurable. Default burn damage is 5% max health.
- Fixed bug where Fleece Hoodie didn't work on minions.
- Fixed bugged info text for Bottle Cap.
- Added
- Seal of the Heretic: Gain 1% (+1% per stack) bonus damage for every 1% msising health.
- Magnifying Glass: Gain 5% crit chance. Critical strikes have an 8% (+8% per stack) chance to Analyze the enemy, increasing their damage taken by 10% from all sources.
- Fleece Hoodie: The next timed buff received has its duration increased by 35% (+35% per stack). Recharges every 5 (-15% per stack) seconds.
- Changed
- Rusty Trowel
- Mulch stacks are now gained on-hit instead of on kill.
- Heal Per Stack:
12 HP⇒ 3 HP
- Ancient Coin
- Bonus Gold:
75%⇒ 90%
- Bonus Gold:
- Rusty Trowel
- Fixed bug where the assetbundle identifier wasn't unique and interfered with other mods.
- Fixed bug where Mask damaged yourself if you were holding Crucifix.
- Fixed wording for Debit Card to include purchases other than chests/multishops.
- Added some missing null checks.
- Adjusted sizes of item models.
- Changed
- Soul Ring
- Regen On-Kill:
0.1 HP/s⇒ 0.2 HP/s - Max Regen Per Stack:
10 HP/s⇒ 20 HP/s
- Regen On-Kill:
- Tattered Scroll
- Curse Duration:
10 seconds⇒ 12 seconds - Gold Per Kill:
15 gold⇒ 25 gold - Cooldown:
80 seconds⇒ 65 seconds
- Curse Duration:
- Totem of Prayer
- Armor:
80⇒ 100 - Damage:
30%⇒ 45% - Attack Speed:
60%⇒ 75% - Regeneration:
200%⇒ 300% - Duration:
15 seconds⇒ 12 seconds - Cooldown:
55 seconds⇒ 40 seconds
- Armor:
- Soul Ring
- Fixed bug where damage done by minions of the player did not increment the damage dealt tracker in BetterUI.
- Fixed bug where dropping/scrapping extra stacks of Blood Dice didn't reduce the permanent health cap.
- Fixed bug where kills by minions with Holy Water in their inventory did not increase player XP.
- Fixed bug where Tattered Scroll was not cursing certain enemies.
- Fixed bug where Broken Mask had a 6 second cooldown after finishing its dot effect.
- Fixed some incorrect text tokens.
- Fixed some BetterUI stat formatting.
- Changed
- Broken Mask
- Burn Duration:
3 seconds⇒ 6 seconds (this is a nerf)
- Burn Duration:
- Holy Water
- Experience Bar Gain:
3%⇒ 1%
- Experience Bar Gain:
- Broken Mask
- Fixed bug where Holy Water triggered on boss kill instead of elite kill.
- Fixed bug where Broken Mask was calculating damage incorrectly.
- Added
- Blood Dice: On kill, permanently gain 1 to 6 max health, up to a max of 500 (+500 per stack) health.
- Totem of Prayer: On activation, grants either 80 armor, 30% damage, 60% attack speed, or 200% health regeneration for 15 seconds.
- Changed
- Broken Mask
- Burn Damage:
1.5% max health⇒ 1.2% max health - Tick rate increased
- Burn Damage:
- Carving Blade
- On-Hit Damage:
0.8% current HP⇒ 0.6% current HP
- On-Hit Damage:
- Crucifix
- Damage Reduction:
50%⇒ 40%
- Damage Reduction:
- Holy Water
Gain 20% (+20% per stack) bonus experience.⇒ Upon killing an elite enemy, gain 3% (+3% per stack) of your level experience cap as bonus experience.
- Iron Heart
- Bonus Health:
200⇒ 150
- Bonus Health:
- Milk Carton
- Elite Damage Reduction:
3%⇒ 5%
- Elite Damage Reduction:
- Photodiode
- Max Attack Speed:
25%⇒ 20%
- Max Attack Speed:
- Tattered Scroll
- Cooldown:
50 seconds⇒ 80 seconds
- Cooldown:
- Broken Mask
- Fixed README.md formatting
- Initial release