GTFOModding-ScanPositionOverride icon


Set custom fixed scan positions

Last updated a year ago
Total downloads 1171
Total rating 0 
Categories Rundown Mods
Dependency string GTFOModding-ScanPositionOverride-1.0.0
Dependants 6 other packages depend on this package


Check the template file that gets generated for an example of the json layout

Template path BepInEx\GameData\ScanPositionOverride\Template.json

Tpositions can be empty and is used for assigning travel positions for moving scans

Use the BepInEx log to verify the positions of the scans as well as what index they are

Use UnityExplorer to get the local player's current position for preferred placements

Restarting the game is required for changes to be applied currently

All players must have the mod installed and the possition files, otherwise desync will occur