Panthr75-AllSoundsAreBruh_VineBoomSFX icon

AllSoundsAreBruh VineBoomSFX

A plugin that replaces all sounds in the game with the vine boom sound effect

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 768
Total rating 0 
Categories Client Mods
Dependency string Panthr75-AllSoundsAreBruh_VineBoomSFX-0.1.3
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package


What is this plugin?

A shitposting mod requested by Dak in the Modding Discord

What does this plugin do?

Replaces all sounds in the game with the Vine Boom SFX sound.

How do I install?

Install via R2ModMan, or if doing a manual install, put the dll in the extracted zip's /plugins folder into the BepInEx /plugins folder

Why is the plugin a megabyte?

Cry About It! The sound file is internally stored inside the plugin for ease-of-use.

Can I configure what sounds are bruh?

Not yet, but I may add support for it in the future