
Updated 7 months ago

What is the BundleAPI?

The BundleAPI is an API for loading custom assets into the game, such as meshes and textures.

Note - In order to get the BundleAPI to load your assets, you need to put them into an AssetBundle.

Loading assets from a bundle

The BundleAPI has a class named "BundleLoader". This is where the magic happens.

The 2 important things inside the BundleLoader are "OnLoadedAssets", and "GetLoadedAsset".

OnLoadedAssets is a delegate that is called when the BundleLoader finishes loading all assets present in the bundle directory. You can use this to load your assets once they are all done loading.

You use LC_API.BundleAPI.BundleLoader.GetLoadedAsset to get an asset.

You need to specify the type, and the path. The path should be the path of the asset in the .manifest file generated alongside your assetbundle.