Garbage_Mammal-TerminalGames icon


Adds 6 games to the terminal. No longer in development.


Version 1.0.0 - The Games Update

Added New Games

-Added BlackJack.
-Added Numbers.

Version 1.1.0 - The Dice Update

Added New Games

-Added Liar's Dice, a gambling game.
-Added Go Fish, a regular game.

Added Rules Screen for all games

Added Stats Screen

-Counts wins and number of games for all games.
-Counts average number of guesses for Numbers.
-Counts average number of books in Go Fish.
-Counts Credits earned/lost.

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed BlackJack bug where an Ace could be counted as 1 several times.
-Fixed Numbers bug where the end of the game could display an incorrect message.

Version 1.2.0 - The New Years' Update

Added New Games

-Added Salvage Synergy: The Company's Lost Legacy, an adventure game.

Updated Games

-Improved graphic capability of some text based games.
-Slightly buffed AI difficulty of Liar's Dice.
-Slightly buffed AI difficulty of Go Fish.
-Implemented the double down feature in blackjack

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed Dice bug where betting after playing a game of blackjack would result in another game of blackjack.

Version 2.0.0 - The Home-Stretch

Added New Game

-Added Hint, a lethal take on a classic board game concept.

Improved credit syncing among players, including a new dependency.

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed BlackJack bug where credits were not given despite the player winning. (Thanks to DavidYJC on Github)
-Fixed BlackJack bug where the dealer recieving two aces resulted in an incorrect loss for the player.
-Fixed bug that prevented the stats screen from opening when certain games hadn't been played.

General Changes:

-Split list of games into two lists for easier readability.
-Updated rules keywords for ease of access.

Version 2.0.1 - The Day One Patch

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed a bug where upon starting a new game credits were set to zero. (Thanks to Sourceshard on Github)
-Fixed a bug where upon changing save slots the credit value of the previous save slot overrides the credit value of the new save. 

Version 2.0.2 - The Cash Money Patch

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed a bug where selling scrap would not increase the player's credits. (Thanks to BrawleyGithub on Github)
-Fixed a bug where the penalty for players dying would not apply correctly.
-Fixed a bug where the overtime bonus for selling scrap would not be added.

Version 2.0.3 - The "Whoops" Patch

Fixed Bugs:

-Actually fixed the bug where the penalty for players dying would not apply correctly.
-Fixed a bug where being fired would not reset credits. (Thanks to BrawleyGithub on Github)

Version 2.0.4 - BlackJack Patch

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed a bug where drawing an ace as the final card would not change it to be a 1. (Thanks to BrawleyGithub on Github)
-Fixed a bug where doubling down and recieving an ace which would bust the player did not change it to be a 1.

Version 2.0.5 - Hint Patch

Fixed Bugs:

-Fixed a Hint bug where the AI would sometimes guess two rooms instead of a room and a character. (Thanks to BrawleyGithub on Github)
-Fixed a Hint bug where sueing would not properly resolve.

Tweaked Mechanics:

-Hint sueing is now clearer, and typing 'sue' in by itself will explain how to do it.

Version 2.0.6 - The Penultimate Patch

Revised Systems:

-Improved a system in place to sync credits among players.

Fixed Bugs:

-(Hopefully) Fixed a Hint bug where the correct hints were not selected, making the game impossible. (Thanks to BrawleyGithub on Github)
-Fixed a Blackjack bug where, if both the dealer and the player had a blackjack, the dealer would still incorrectly win.