Hayrizan-XUnity_AutoTranslator icon

XUnity AutoTranslator

Advanced translator plugin

Last updated 4 months ago
Total downloads 121435
Total rating 9 
Categories Tools Misc BepInEx Client-side Translations
Dependency string Hayrizan-XUnity_AutoTranslator-5.3.0
Dependants 60 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



This is an advanced translator plugin that can be used to translate Unity-based games automatically and also provides the tools required to translate games manually.

All the basic information about the plugin is located here - XUnity.AutoTranslator

Plugin author - bbepis


The plugin has been moved here to address the Xunity issue. Due to numerous DLL using it during loading, they encountered problems with "Package rejected - Invalid submission." First and foremost, all of this was done to assist RTLC Russian Translation.

If you are also encountering errors when updating localization, you can use this mod as a dependency and remove Xunity from your archive directly.