HoneySeal-Custom_Discord_Things icon

Custom Discord Things

I made cause I wanted to make something for my friends who are addicted to this game.


Version 1.3.4:Added config & new sounds

Version 1.3.3: Made the Models from the previous update actually work.

Version 1.3.2: 4 New Models, fixed up some old ones as well.

Version 1.3.1: Fixed the issue causing the Models to Break, added another Cosmetic

Version 1.3.0: Added 3 Custom Models, New Suit, & New Cosmetic

Version 1.2.0: Added Custom Model, Added Jester, Slime, & Lightning Strike Sounds

Version 1.1.1: Changed the chances for different Shotgun Pickup Sounds

Version 1.1.0: Added Boombox Replacements, along with Custom Cosmetics for my Friends

Version 1.0.2: Added Days Left & Bracken Replacement Sounds

Version 1.0.1: Removed Coil Death Replacement, Added Shotgun Pickup & Shoot Replacements