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LethalMatt-Bozoros-2.3.5 icon


[v69] A custom clown / circus themed moon. Featuring custom music, weather events, an interior, enemies, mechanics, and a firework show!

Date uploaded 5 days ago
Version 2.3.5
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Downloads 19385
Dependency string LethalMatt-Bozoros-2.3.5

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.4.11 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v69 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.4.11
AudioKnight-StarlancerAIFix-3.8.4 icon

Automatically assigns interior/exterior AI for enemies based on their spawn location. Also fixes a null reference exception regarding EnableEnemyMesh(). Part of my Starlancer Series!

Preferred version: 3.8.4
AntlerShed-EnemySkinRegistry-1.4.6 icon

Compatibility mod for custom enemy skins.

Preferred version: 1.4.6



A custom moon with a clown / circus theme. Inspired by BigTop Burger by Worthikids.

Featuring music, weather events, voice acting, a custom interior, custom enemies, custom mechanics, and a firework show!

All models and textures were created from scratch, with a few exceptions. Support my work by giving me a follow on Instagram, and checking out my ArtStation!

Tipping is good karma! You can Venmo donations to me: @MattAttackVen


"The planet spins around moments of happiness." -Mister Munkustrap


CONDITIONS: Colorful and bright. It smells like cotton candy here?

FAUNA: Ecosystem likely to induce hysterical laughter.

DIFFICULTY: B+ (for Bozo).

PRICE: 300 credits.

TAGS: Fun, Funny, Clown, Circus, Lake, and Paid.

WEATHERS (spoiler):

  • Stormy: Strong winds, cloudy skies, loose balloons!

    View of the sky during stormy weather, showing gray clouds as well as many balloons of different colors flying. View of the lake during stormy weather, showing balloons flying from a different angle.
  • Eclipsed: Tents on fire, confetti rain, ominous sky!

    View of the eclipsed sun above the main entrance, showing burning tents and a red sky. View of the lake during an eclipse, showing how the red sky reflects on the water surface.

ENEMY SKINS (spoiler):

  • Goofy Puffers: Colorful little guys!

    A Goofy Puffer defending its territory. Two Goofy Puffers, one defending its territory and another turned to the side.
  • Clown Giants: Don't let them make you the butt of the joke...

    A Clown Giant with its hands out chasing the player. A Clown Giant burning after being set on fire.
  • Santa Butler: Are we sure he's not an impostor...?

    • NOTE: Currently out of season, so it won't spawn by default. Feel free to add it back through the EnemySkinRegistry configuration, though! A Santa Butler standing in the middle of a hallway inside the Circus Facility, acting suspicious.
      A Santa Butler outside with his Candy Cane knife out ready to stab the player, with one of the Fire Exits visible behind him.


One of the Circus Facility's loot rooms, with two shelves and wooden pallets, illuminated by purple and blue lights.
View of the Circus Facility's staircase tile through a door frame, illuminated by lime green lights, with another door at the back showing further paths.
View of the Circus Facility's main entrance from the front, showing the wooden doors, wooden floor, some of the vanilla Facility's recolored props, and an available path to the right.
View of a catwalk room with a Fire Exit to the right and an ominous open door to the north, illuminated by magenta and red lighting.

View of the main entrance, showing the Ferris wheel and half the lake. View of the path to one of the fire exits, showing the BigTop Burger food truck. View of the lake from the ground during the firework show at 10:00 PM, showing several colorful bursts in the sky, as well as the active water fountains.

MORE IMAGES (spoiler): A bundle of balloons purchased from a nearby balloon stand, with instructions on how to use it in its scan node. A completely normal popcorn machine in front of the main entrance, nothing suspicious going on with it. View of the firework show from up the rollercoaster rail, showing the cannon and Ferris wheel near the lake.


Volume for all music and sound effects can be adjusted via the config file. There is also a "Streamer Friendly" mode for DMCA-free firework music (enabled by default).

Particle intensity for almost all visual effects can be adjusted (fireworks, eclipsed confetti, stormy balloons), which applies a multiplier to almost all their parameters.

Names for Clown Giants and Goofy Puffers are randomly picked from a configurable list of names, there's a handful of them by default but you can very easily add your own! These are client-sided, so if you have a different list than the host it might not pick the same names.

Pricing for the balloon stands can be adjusted in the config file as well, setting it to a value of -1 disables purchasing balloons altogether (if you choose to become the Grinch).


The moon and all its dependencies should automatically install when using your mod manager of choice (Thunderstore, r2modman, Gale).

For manual installation, install BepInEx normally and drag and drop all .lethalbundles and .dll files directly into a folder under BepInEx/plugins. This must also be done for dependencies.

Make sure you have all the required dependencies installed before launching the game! The only optional dependency is EnemySkinRegistry, which should be fine to disable client-side if you wish to not see the custom enemy skins, but you can just simply turn them off in-game through LethalConfig by AinaVT.

All players are required to also have this moon installed in order to be able to join the lobby at all.


Featuring the voice-over talents of Nicholas Ryszkowski.

Extended thanks to Micalobia for helping make the config file.

Special thanks to the folks in the Lethal Company Modding Discord.

IAmBatby for LethalLevelLoader, which allows this moon to exist at all.

AntlerShed for EnemySkinRegistry, which is now being used for the custom enemies.

AudioKnight for StarlancerAIFix, which allows certain enemies to actually function outside. Also for their very comprehensive moon tutorial, which helped me a lot when reviving the project.

Project revived by pacoito after the original Unity project files were lost!

Music & SFX

Clowning Around by Shane Ivers (Silverman Sound Studios)

IN YOUR HEART by Worthikids

Orpheus in the Underworld: Can Can composed by Jacques Offenbach, played by Charles Gerhardt and the Philharmonic Symphony of London

Entertainer from Nichols Electronics' Digital II Music Box

Various sounds from Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

Various sound clips from Bigtop Burger:

Various sound effects made by Sound Ideas:

Ice sound effects made by @soundjay:

Miscellaneous assets

Cartoony banana peel by Rida W, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0



Version 2.3.5

  • Added option for banana peels to only drop the player's held item (and made it default), as a middle ground between being fun and being mildly annoying.
  • Fixed locked Ferris wheel window tooltips not being thematic.
  • Fixed balloons not being rideable when playing with a controller... probably...
    • Can't actually test if it works as for some reason the game won't detect my controller, but I changed the grab requirement to holding the Jump action.
  • Fixed icy lake not showing up during Snowfall in the newest LethalElements versions (again).

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Added Pandoramus and StarlancerZero to the default moon spawn weights for no particular reason...

Version 2.3.4

  • Slipping on a banana peel now causes players to drop their items!
    • Can be toggled off via the BananaDropsItems setting.
    • Also lowered indoor potassium level curve a bit due to this.
  • Made banana peels able to spawn on other interiors that generate on Bozoros.
  • Fixed players slipping on a banana peel into a pit not counting as having 'landed', causing them to remain rotated at a 60° angle when respawning (backslash pose).
    • I couldn't fully reproduce this issue during testing for some reason, the player's rotation seemed to always correct itself a few seconds after respawning, but it should be fixed in any case.
  • Increased audible distance for the banana peel's AudioSource.
  • Added the client-sided ReduceMotionSickness setting.
    • Currently only toggles the player's camera turning when crossing the Twisted Hallway, but will likely affect more stuff in the future!
  • Fixed the Bozo-Apparatus not waking up dormant Old Birds.
  • Fixed a specific tent's LOD causing it to change its texture upon getting closer.
  • Stormy effects (cloudy sky and loose balloons) should now appear during CodeRebirth's Tornado weather (it was still set as Windy).
  • Added some compatibility for CrowdControl's weather switching to allow it to properly toggle special weather effects (e.g. tent fires and confetti particles during Eclipsed).
    • A bit jank but should be fine for the most part.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Fixed BananaMultiplierInside setting only applying when landing on Bozoros specifically.
    • Adjusted the CircusMimic prefab to fix a couple small inconsistencies it had with the real fire exits.

Version 2.3.3

  • Fireworks show is no longer enabled by default, causing it to play regardless of weather (whoops).
  • Added LODs to the banana peels, and enabled culling for them.

  • CircusFacility changes:

Version 2.3.2

  • Added a banana peel hazard!
    • Spawns both outside and inside (only in CircusFacility at the moment), with a bit of spawn configurability for each.
    • Comedic relief included!
  • Various performance fixes/optimizations:
    • Removed unnecessary AudioReverbTriggers near entrances.
      • Players standing near entrances when not using LethalPerformance (which you should be using!) will no longer cause major lag spikes. This includes the fire exit in the Ferris wheel, too.
      • Thanks for the help with this, Zaggy1024!
    • Made the remaining AudioReverbTriggers only trigger twice every second, instead of once every frame.
      • Not sure if this could actually cause any issues, but it seemed fine during testing...
    • Enabled animation culling for the Ferris wheel.
    • Enabled static batching for a couple map objects.
    • Added LODs to the rotating parts of the Ferris wheel.
    • Switched all MeshColliders to use their highest level LOD instead of their base mesh.
  • Fixed compatibility with WeatherRegistry v0.4.0 and above.
    • NOTE: Older versions will not work properly with this release.
  • Fixed compatibility with WeatherTweaks' combined and progressing weathers... probably.
    • Combined and progressing weathers are handled dynamically, so there might be some goofy combined effects (e.g. Eclipsed + Rainy having tents on fire while it's raining), or possible leftover effects when it switches to another weather.
    • NOTE: Not all possible weather combinations were fully tested, but the only real issue I encountered was during None > Blackout (from MrovWeathers), where riding the Ferris wheel or crossing the Twisted Hallway during the switch to Blackout causes your player to be deactivated. Stay clear of those areas at 6:00 PM!
  • Fixed special Snowfall and Blizzard weathers compatibility with the newest LethalElements versions.
    • Grass is once again properly replaced with snow, and the icy lake is back to being precarious during Snowfall!
    • Made snow color blend in better, too.
  • Made Toxic Smog weather a purple color instead of green, specifically matching Spore Lizards' spore cloud color.
    • The lake is also poisonous!
  • Made time-based events a bit more robust, so any mods that skip ahead in the day or change weather in the middle of the round (that aren't WeatherTweaks) won't trigger the fireworks show immediately anymore.
  • Made slight adjustments to the cannon's 12:00 PM firing event.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Moved a couple scrap spawn locations slightly.
    • Reduced radius of a specific Hazard spawn point that could result in a Turret spawning inside a fire exit door.
    • Adjusted depth weight for props in rooms set to spawn at specific depths.
    • Fixes for the Bozo-Apparatus:
      • Fixed clients pulling the apparatus not 'counting', which caused its plugged-in audio to continue playing, and prevented the alert from showing up (though lights still went out).
      • Fixed the Bozo-Apparatus playing its plugged-in audio in the ship when reloading the lobby.
      • Fixed the Bozo-Apparatus not being able to spawn in the double door room at all.
        • Due to switching dungeon generation to start at that specific room, its path depth can only ever be 0, so it could never spawn it with the previous curve.

Version 2.3.1

  • Added compatibility for LethalLevelLoader v1.4.0.
    • Moon assets should now be dynamically loaded!

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Adjusted tile bounds for every single tile, as an attempt to fix the blocked Main entrance some were having.
      • NOTE: I have extensively tested generating the interior, both on this version and the previous one, and couldn't get a blocked Main entrance to generate once, so I can't actually verify if it's fixed or not...

Version 2.3.0

  • Snow has melted, the lake has begun to thaw, festive decorations have been taken down, and all Nutcracker statues have found their home... Thank you for visiting Bozoros this festive season, we hope you enjoyed the show!
    • NOTE: A few aspects of the winter theme still remain during LethalElements' Snowfall and Blizzard weathers!
  • After a long period of downtime due to maintenance, the Ferris Wheel is once again open to the public!
    • Feel free to hop on and catch a ride, entrance is free as long as you're here!
    • We will not be held responsible for any injuries that may arise from unsafe guardrails, or unclear danger zones near the attraction.

  • Due to fire safety concerns, a fourth Fire Exit has been installed to help evacuate visitors in case of emergencies.
    • Wait, they put it WHERE...?
  • Added decorative balloons back to the dropship, and tweaked its overall appearance to be a bit more thematic.
    • Also added an optional scan node to it with some flavor text!
  • Removed Rainy weather and readded Stormy as a possible weather.
  • Greatly lowered confetti particle effect intensity during Eclipsed weather.
    • Should still look pretty similar, but with substantially fewer particles!
  • Water is now extra green during LethalElements' Toxic Smog weather.
    • Who poisoned the water supply?
  • Lowered volume and range of grabbable balloons' AudioSources a bit.
  • Made Santa Butlers only spawn on moons with the Jolly tag by default, but also removed the moon's Jolly tag.
    • The skin will still be available for any moons that may want to have Santa Butlers visit them!
    • NOTE: You will most likely still see them around in Bozoros since they previously also had the Fun tag by default, so you'll have to update their configuration manually, or regenerate your EnemySkinRegistry config.
  • Fixed Popcorn hive value being a lot lower than intended.
  • Fixed floating Santa hats manifesting next to the ship whenever a RossButler would spawn.
  • Fixed CircusMimics showing up in other moons after landing, reloading the lobby, and routing to a different moon.
  • Changes to spawn weights:
    • Removed Butlers from the outside spawning pool.
    • Slightly increased outside spawning weight for Barbers.
    • Slightly increased outside spawning weight for Circuit Bees.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Made branch paths 1-2 tiles longer.
    • Made the Twisted Hallway more rare, and no longer able to generate in branch paths.
    • Modified generation to inject the entrance tile right in the middle of the dungeon instead of starting from it, to create the illusion of more than one main path generating!
    • Tweaked archetype lengths a bit, and did other miscellaneous adjustments to room generation.
    • Made further attempts to reduce chances of multiple fire exits spawning in the same room, or close to the other entrances.
    • Turned puddles into decals to blend in a bit better on certain non-flat surfaces.
    • Fixed breaker boxes being comically large... it was quite funny, but unintended.
    • Fixed the Bozo-Apparatus disappearing after reloading the lobby.

Version 2.2.5

  • Happy new year!
    • I was planning on releasing this update a week ago (which is why there's a bunch of Snozoros-related fixes), but got distracted by a couple fun ideas...
    • If no further (critical) issues show up, this'll most likely be the last update before Christmas decorations are taken down.
      • It'll be around for an extra week or so, festive season's still ongoing!

  • Turned asset replacements into proper items, registered via LethalLevelLoader.
    • Candy canes now persist on lobby reload, and can drop on other moons as well.
    • Coal pieces are no longer a Plastic Cup in disguise, which was arbitrarily chosen as the item to replace due to its scale.
  • Made Candy cane blood particle effects a bit jollier.
  • Made Grinch Particles appropriately green.
  • Made Santa once again slightly more lenient in regards to whose name is put on the naughty list.
  • Tent and Ferris wheel lights are now green during LethalElements' Toxic Smog weather.
  • Popcorn hive value now scales depending on its distance from the ship, similar to how it's supposed to work in vanilla.
  • Fixed hives not being correctly relocated on clients, which caused them to be a bit off from where they were supposed to be.
  • Fixed Santa's gifts disappearing when going into orbit without dropping them on the ship at least once.
  • Fixed Snowmen and Nutcracker statues spawning inside walls/tents (probably).
    • Adjusted their width property to spawn further away from NavMesh edges.
    • Removed NavMesh inside tents.
  • Fixed balloons sometimes reappearing for a split second after popping.
  • Fixed dropship flames not showing up once again.
  • Changes to spawn weights:
    • Slightly raised inside spawning weight for Butlers.
    • Slightly lowered outside spawning weight for Circuit Bees.
    • Added Coil-heads to the inside spawning pool, with a pretty low weight.
    • Lowered weight for regular Facility interior a bit.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Added a custom rainbow Apparatus to the interior.
      • Bozo-ratus?
    • Added a new, very ordinary hallway tile that has nothing weird going on in it.
    • Moved Catwalk surfaces into the Room layer, since they're replaced with a wooden floor and thus should be able to be spray painted.
    • Tweaked dungeon generation a fair bit:
      • Disabled repeats for almost all loot room tiles, so there's only one to find.
      • Made some larger tiles spawn very close to the middle, so most of their doorways have a path generated.
      • Made larger tiles no longer able to directly connect to other larger tiles.
      • Made the dungeon itself a tad larger, and increased branch length by 1.
        • Let me know if the interior feels a bit too large now, trying out stuff here and feedback is appreciated!
      • Modified fire exit spawns a bit as an attempt to lower chances of several spawning very close to each other.
      • Tweaked spawn weights for some larger tiles to generate at the end of branch paths.
    • Reorganized the hierarchy of nearly every tile pretty drastically.
      • A lot of prop spawns (e.g. lights, shelves, wooden pallets, etc.) have been modified as a result.
      • There could also be a few things that might feel a bit off, but I've tried to keep everything pretty much the same.
    • Compressed some stuff a bit further.

Version 2.2.4

  • Added vanilla SnowmanSimpleAI script to the custom Snowman prefabs that can spawn around the map. They can now turn and laugh!
    • Why do they need to be on the MoldSpore layer...?
  • Fixed softlock caused by reloading the lobby while landed on Bozoros.
    • Added some (redundant) null checks for good measure, but they're really not necessary.
  • There is no longer a ReflectionProbe during WeatherTweaks' Blackout weather.
    • Spooky!
  • Toned down brightness of the moon prefab's lighting.
  • Switched to using LethalLevelLoader's LethalLevelLoaderNetworkManager to register the balloon prefab on the network.
    • LethalLib should no longer be a required, undeclared dependency.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Found a couple more vanilla assets to compress that I missed.
      • AssetBundle size decreased even further!
    • Removed wooden boards from the back side of door blockers.
      • They were poking through certain walls, and I'm pretty sure the player can't see them at all in the first place.

Version 2.2.3

  • Added windy/blizzard ambiance sounds during Rainy weather.
  • Tweaked outside ambiance to actually play the forest ambient noises that have been supposed to be playing this whole time.
    • I now understand AudioReverbTriggers ~5% more.
  • Drastically reduced range of Mysterious Shard AudioSource, for it could previously be heard all the way from the main entrance.
  • Made quicksand/mud actually look like snow, with a blue tint to differentiate it from walkable ground.
  • Nerfed Santa's gifts a lot, for he could sometimes be quite generous.
    • Scrap spawn weights are now being taken into account (instead of just picking any item in the pool), and there's a maximum value each present can have.
    • Made Santa slightly less forgiving in regards to choosing whose name gets put on the naughty list.
    • Santa also found his (magic) broom.
  • Fixed purchased balloons only spawning for the host.
    • I'd moved the balloon prefab to a subdirectory without updating the direct paths I was using to load them, so they were simply not being registered on the network and couldn't spawn for clients.
  • Switched to using LethalLevelLoader to load certain assets, instead of having the additional bozorosstuff AssetBundle.
    • I am also no longer using direct paths to load assets...
  • Made balloon stands easier to interact with.
  • Added a notification for the local client when purchasing a balloon, with brief instructions on how to operate it.
    • Should only show up once per session, until closing and reopening the game.
    • Added the client-sided BalloonInstructions config setting to turn this notification off, if you're already balloon-certified.
      • I recommend leaving it on if exporting a profile to share with others though, since it might be useful for any new players that join.
  • Painted terrain in a few places to make dirt blend a bit better with the snow.
  • Bozoros' enemy skins are no longer enabled globally by default, and should actually only show up on moons with their respective tags.
    • Probably still need to remove them from the global list manually, I don't think it retroactively removes config entries if the default values change.
  • Improved compatibility with WeatherTweaks somewhat:
    • Tent and Ferris wheel lights now turn off during Blackout weather.
      • It's still pretty easy to see through the dark due to emissive materials.
    • Firework show is no longer canceled during Cloudy weather.
    • Rainy > Eclipsed weather is currently treated as Rainy + Eclipsed due to the weather switching not working.
      • Likewise, Eclipsed > None is simply Eclipsed.
  • Fixed moon prefab showing up much closer to the ship when joining a lobby or loading a save file while orbiting Bozoros.
    • Boooo!
  • Changes to spawn weights:
    • Lowered outside spawning weight for Butlers.
    • Reduced maximum spawn limit for Butlers.

  • CircusFacility changes:
    • Added missing collider on door blockers.
      • Turrets could very rarely target you through the wooden boards, through certain walls.
      • I think CodeRebirth's laser turrets also went through them, but I'm not 100% sure.
    • Made footstep sounds for surfaces actually sound how they're supposed to (mostly wood).
    • Did some repairs to the floor at the main entrance.
    • Lowered brightness of the chandelier at the main entrance.
    • Fire Exits are hungry now?

Version 2.2.2

  • I've been informed having the terrain in the Terrain layer is not a requirement for snowy footsteps, and also causes some issues. It's now set back to the Room layer.

Version 2.2.1

  • Reverted some "compatibility" (extreme jank) stuff for WeatherTweaks' combined and progressive weathers, which was breaking events altogether with WeatherRegistry installed...
    • There will be weird stuff happening if you land on Bozoros while on a combined or progressive weather at the moment.
    • Modded weathers work just fine with how I currently have them.
  • Removed Stormy weather, for it didn't make much sense to have lightning without rain.
    • Moved Stormy weather particle effects to Rainy, which now has both the balloons and blizzard effects!
    • The fireworks show also no longer plays during Rainy weather.
  • Changed terrain tag from Grass to Snow and moved it to the Terrain layer, so snowy footsteps actually show up.
    • Side effect: Hitting the ground with a shovel no longer makes a sound, but it's really not that important.
  • Moved every AudioSource for the icy lake to the Master mixer group and reduced their range a bit.
    • Don't think this'll fix their sounds mysteriously being global... Not sure what's going on with that, as Spatial Blend is set to 1 for them all.
  • Removed collision from the moon preview prefab while in orbit.
    • Forgot when exactly I added this, but I was testing some stuff and left it there...

Version 2.2.0

  • Snowy season is here, just in time for the holidays!
    • Be sure to stick around until late for an extra special, jolly firework show!
  • Snow has covered up all grass around the circus, you may even stumble across a wild Snowman!
    • We don't know who's making them, but they keep showing up...
  • The firework show's water fountains will not be operational for the time being, as the lake has frozen over completely!
    • We're not actually sure if it's fully frozen... Tread lightly!
  • Candy Canes and Nutcracker statues now adorn the circus.
    • The Candy Canes are purely decorative. They may appear tasty but we strongly advice against licking them!
    • The Nutcracker statues appear to have been purchased en masse from a factory by a nearby Toy Store, but they were sent to the wrong address. You may see them from time to time while we're still transporting them to their rightful owners!
  • There have been reported sightings of a red-clothed individual acting suspicious around the circus and stealing Candy Canes.
    • We've been unable to verify their identity as they keep evading security, but be on the lookout and stay safe!

  • The CircusFacility interior has returned!
    • There have been too many changes/adjustments/tweaks/fixes to list since the v1.0.1 release, but it's kept the same essence!
    • Some things may be a bit off or different, as it was rebuilt from the ground up. Feedback is welcome in case there's anything to improve!
    • A few minor things (e.g. an additional Hazard spawn point here and there) were intentionally added.

  • Switched to using pure EnemySkinRegistry as a dependency, no longer using EnemySkinKit.
    • Clown Giants and Goofy Puffers that spawn in other maps will now also have their custom names!
    • It's still a completely optional dependency, if enemy skins are not desired.
  • Miscellaneous tweaks/fixes:
    • Balloons now properly despawn when leaving Bozoros.
    • The interior no longer becomes red during Eclipsed.
    • Added some more Vain Shroud spawning locations around the map.
    • Added "Jolly" tag to the moon.
  • Changes to spawn weights:
    • Lowered inside spawning weight for Brackens.
    • Lowered outside spawning weight for Old Birds and Barbers.
    • Raised inside and outside spawning weight for Butlers.
    • Raised outside spawning weight for Circuit Bees.

Version 2.1.2

  • Accidentally inverted the StreamerFriendly setting when I re-did some config stuff... Sorry about that.
  • Readded the dropship's thruster flame, took it out while testing possible replacements and forgot about it.
  • Beehives are no longer being classified as Popcorn on other moons.

Version 2.1.1

  • Actually included the updated Bozoros .dll file... I should've looked at the file dates.

Version 2.1.0

  • Balloon stands are now open! Make sure to grab a balloon or two for you and your friends, they make for great gifts!
    • Watch out for any strong winds, though they may lead you somewhere useful!
  • Management has heard frequent complaints from visitors regarding bee infestations. Rest assured, circus staff is now working hard to keep hives out of all general areas!
    • Be sure to celebrate with some Popcorn!
  • Tweaked sky volume profile during Stormy and Eclipsed weather to stop using volumetric clouds and be substantially more haunting, respectively.
  • Configuration file changes:
    • Made config settings for particle effects affect more than just the maximum number of particles.
      • Now the intensity multiplier also applies to both emission rate and burst amount for the root ParticleSystem, as well as any children it may have.
    • Fixed audio/volume settings not actually applying, which was also preventing StreamerFriendly mode from being turned off.
      • Also changed most default volume settings back to 1, since they've been adjusted from within the map to be roughly the same volume.
    • Added a couple more configuration settings.
  • General map changes:
    • Added missing collision to every part of the rollercoaster rail.
    • Put up a second ladder on the other side of the lake to get on top of the rollercoaster rail from that side.
      • Ladders are now also about 4 times faster to climb, to encourage their use a bit.
    • Moved a tent slightly forward to stop a support beam from piercing right through it.
    • Moved a support beam in front of one of the fire exits a bit to the right, to stop it from being in the middle of the road.
    • Opened up an additional narrow passage to get to one of the fire exits behind the ship.
    • Readded Goofy Puffers as Daytime enemies, and up to 8 can now spawn. Yippee!
  • Miscellaneous map fixes:
    • Implemented an ethically dubious solution to Tulip Snakes throwing a bunch of SetDestination() errors after diving into the lake.
      • LostEnemyFix by JacobG55 is also highly recommended in case any other enemies are also causing this issue.
    • Made sure all OutsideAINode points are correctly placed on top of surfaces, and are not too close to any map prop.
      • Should hopefully fix most 'Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh' warning spam, though some modded enemies might still just inherently cause it.
    • Adjusted an AudioReverbTrigger outside the ship's door to stop audio from becoming echoey while on the catwalk.
    • Fixed left side of the bench texture not fully matching how the other side looked.
    • Vanilla assets used in the map are also now being compressed to shave off a bit more from the AssetBundle size.
    • Rainbow lighting for the water fountains disabled for now.
      • The rainbow lights were causing my game to flash a black screen every so often while staring at the water fountains, not sure if that's only happening on my computer but I'm temporarily disabling it just in case.

Version 2.0.3

  • Made further improvements to the NavMesh, mostly targeting compatibility with 2-sToRy sHiP by MelanieMelicious.
    • Revoked enemies' unauthorized access into the ship (through the walls) when using the 2-story ship.
    • Changed object collection from a specified volume back to every object within the current hierarchy, but added massive NavMeshModifierVolume boundaries (set to Not Walkable) outside the expected play area to stop the NavMesh from generating there.
    • Voxel size further lowered to 1.17 voxels per Agent radius (previous value was 1.4).
    • Tile size lowered to 27 world units, (previous value was 76.8).
    • Despite the two changes above, loading times increased a bit with the Regenerate Navmesh setting enabled, but the end result is a lot better.
  • Made the Cruiser actually collide with and take damage from map props by including them all in the Room layer.
    • Driving full speed into, say, a popcorn stand now has disastrous consequences. Don't fall asleep at the wheel!
    • This change apparently also made map props visible on the ship map, though the map screen is still pretty dark when the sun goes down.
  • Adjusted some visuals and general lighting.
    • Lamps now turn on a bit earlier, at 2:00 PM.
    • Increased lamp light range and intensity to 12 units and 9000 Lumen, respectively.
    • Increased popcorn stand light range and intensity to 1 unit and 1000 Lumen, respectively.
    • Disabled volumetric lighting from all light sources, which were giving the map's fog a weird tint.
    • Rebaked reflection probe using lighting at 12:00 PM as its base, which affects all reflective surfaces (e.g. water surface and rollercoaster steel).
      • Still not sure how I feel about the new water, so it's subject to change based on feedback. Looks great during the 10:00 event, though!
  • Raised Ferris Wheel very slightly and adjusted NavMesh areas within.
    • Medium and small-sized enemies can now properly path underneath it.
    • Players should have less trouble taking cover under the gondola in the center, though it might still be a bit janky.
  • Improved NavMesh surrounding the lake a bit more.
  • Fixed custom Goofy Puffer and Clown Giant names applying only for the host.
    • Names are selected locally, so having a matching list of names in the ClownGiantNames and GoofyPufferNames settings is needed to see the same names as other clients.
  • Made circus ambiance no longer persist when leaving Bozoros.
    • Bozoros sound effects should no longer play when at the Company when it was the last moon routed to.
    • Might make this a config setting, since the Company having the same ambiance as the last moon routed to is a vanilla thing.

Version 2.0.2

  • Defined area underneath the ship as a NavMesh obstacle to avoid.
    • Small to medium-sized enemies should no longer be able to path under the ship for surprise attacks through the ground.
  • Fixed an extra sneaky misconfigured AudioReverbTrigger that was not throwing errors.
    • All of them should now match the pre-v2.0.0 Bozoros configuration, hopefully all audio issues are fixed!
  • Set announcer voicelines to deactivate immediately after finishing their audio, to avoid playing more than once.
    • For some reason this was happening on my personal modpack, but I couldn't find the mod responsible for it...
  • Removed accidentally-duplicated clear weather AnimationClip.
    • I don't think it was actually causing any issues, but it's gone regardless.

Version 2.0.1

  • Simplified NavMesh a lot and rebaked it once more.
    • There are no longer surfaces on top of the tents for enemies to stand on (they shouldn't have been able to get up there normally in the first place).
    • Changed object collection from all objects to only objects within a specified volume, which is within the expected play area instead of the entire terrain.
    • Voxel size lowered to 1.4 voxels per Agent radius (previous value was 3).
    • Loading times should be drastically improved when using 2-sToRy sHiP by MelanieMelicious with the Regenerate Navmesh setting enabled.
    • So far I haven't noticed any issues with it, but if enemies start having difficulty pathing I can further tweak the NavMesh parameters.
  • Fixed sneaky misconfigured AudioReverbTrigger that was throwing errors when the ship was leaving.
    • It was hiding in a separate location from the other AudioReverbTrigger instances near the ship.
    • I don't think it was actually causing any issues, but having no errors is typically good!
  • Adjusted illumination of the Bozoros moon preview outside the ship when orbiting.
    • Not visible unless using a mod that adds windows to the ship, or allows players to open the ship door in space.
  • Removed Key from the scrap spawn pool (LethalLevelLoader was removing it automatically, but this gets rid of the warning it was throwing).
    • Keys are still able to spawn.

Version 2.0.0

  • NOTE: Removed CircusFacility interior for now, it'll likely be uploaded as a separate mod once it's fully updated.
  • NOTE #2: BozorosTweaks by me is no longer needed and will be deprecated after this update. I'm not sure if it actually breaks anything, but it should be disabled to prevent any potential issues.

  • Rebaked NavMesh and defined almost every environment object as an obstacle to path around.
  • Scattered a considerable number of additional OutsideAINode points across the map (there were only 10 before, now there's 156).
    • Allows enemies to both spawn in and pathfind to more areas.
    • Should solve most pathing-related issues enemies (especially modded ones) were having.
  • Improved colliders for circus tents.
    • Circular tents now simply use the MeshCollider they've always had.
    • Rectangular tents no longer have a sky-high BoxCollider players could crash into when flying over the map.
  • Smoothed edges around the lake and improved NavMesh around it a bit.
    • Enemies should no longer occasionally go for a swim when pathing around the lake.
  • Added spot for the Cruiser to land on when dropped off by the dropship.
    • CompanyCruiserFix by DiFFoZ is no longer needed for the Cruiser to arrive.
    • Made trees and speaker poles breakable when rammed into by the Cruiser.
    • The Company Cruiser is now legal on Bozoros!
  • Clown Giants and Goofy Puffers (Bozo-Lizards) are now enemy skin variants, using EnemySkinKit by AntlerShed.
    • By default, if they're the only skins installed, they have a 100% chance of spawning on moons with either the Fun or the Circus tag.
    • They can be configured to show up on different moons, or be turned off entirely if so desired. This dependency is also completely optional.
    • Due to this change, Giants and Spore Lizards now spawn naturally, and their spawn rates can be adjusted through LethalLevelLoader configuration or other mods.
    • Clown Giants are now also properly killable and their AI no longer breaks, since the enemy skin simply modifies the vanilla Forest Giant.
  • Miscellaneous map changes:
    • Added a couple more firework spawning locations for the 10:00 PM event.
      • Truly dazzling!
    • Added ambient music to the fire exit near the Ferris wheel.
    • Added a couple colliders to the food truck, near the bell.
    • Patched two holes players could walk through to get to the outer parts of the map.
    • Increased tree LOD distance to make texture swaps less noticeable when approaching trees.
    • Modified ship scan node to be slightly more accurate.
  • Optimization changes:
    • Increased total size of occlusion area to help with performance.
    • Enabled compression for all textures and meshes to reduce AssetBundle size by around 55 MB.
  • Updated configuration file:
    • Relocated configuration file to LethalMatt.Bozoros.cfg, settings will need to be reconfigured.
    • Changed StreamerFriendly setting to be enabled by default.
    • Added GoofyPufferNames setting, a comma-separated list of names that are randomly selected for Goofy Puffers that spawn on Bozoros.
    • Added ClownGiantNames setting, a comma-separated list of names that are randomly selected for Clown Giants that spawn on Bozoros.
  • Updated general map properties:
    • Added number 823 to moon name to match vanilla naming standards (also for compatibility with Archipelago).
      • May have to update custom enemy and scrap spawning configs to use the new name 823 Bozoros, but I'm not sure.
    • Added tags Fun, Funny, Circus, Clown, Lake, and Paid.
    • Added spike traps to the hazard spawn pool.
    • Added enemies from v50 and above to the enemy spawn pools.
    • Added certain scrap items from v61 to the scrap spawn pool.
    • Increased difficulty rating to B+ due to the added enemies and hazards.
    • Increased routing price to 300 scrap to match the difficulty rating.
    • Balancing might be a bit rough, it'll likely be adjusted over time, and I'm looking for feedback on this.

Update brought to you by pacoito!

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed issue where Bozoros would load before LethalLevelLoader.
  • Fixed issue where interior First Time Audio would fail to load and give a log warning.

Version 1.0.0

  • Bozoros is now out of beta!
  • Added a new Circus Interior. Should be familiar as it is a reskin of the vanilla factory.
  • Removed Giants from outdoor spawn pool and added Penny and Teller; the two guardian Clown Giants.
  • Added 4 Bozo-Lizards: Steve, Krusty, Ronald, and Arthur.
  • Removed lake from Navmesh so Giants and Lizards don't walk into it and drown.
  • Attempt to fix eclipse object texture not loading.
  • Added new water fountains to EOD firework show.
  • Replaced textures and music on Item Ship drop to fit thematically.
  • Added fire effects to the eclipse atmosphere.
  • Added a new music track for the firework show.
  • Tweaked enemy spawns for indoors and outdoors. Good luck!
  • Added a config file to change various audio volumes, pfx amounts, streamer-friendly music, and Circus Interior settings.
  • Compressed audio and limited texture resolutions to decrease filesize and loading times.
  • Fixed a floating lamppost by the ferris wheel.

Version 0.9.9

  • The park is now open! Default ticket price is 100.
  • Added cotton candy and balloon stalls.
  • Added new music track to CircusTypeAmbience Insanity Music.
  • Adjusted base volume of many insanity queues.
  • Changed firework music to a DMCA-free original track. (Will be available again when config file update happens.)
  • Removed invisible colliders leftover from rollercoaster support beams.

Version 0.1.8

  • Added a set of Ambience sounds for both outside, indoors, and increased insanity.
  • Fixed some collider issues in a few places.
  • Minor adjustments to a few spawn rates, including increase in Nutcrackers and outdoor Lizards.
  • Fixed some spawn points that were producing errors.
  • Increased texture resolution of several textures (for HDLethalCompany users).
  • Decreased dungeon size from 2 to 1.8 for performance.

Version 0.1.7

  • Fixed missing skybox

Version 0.1.5

  • Added a service bell to BigTop Burger.
  • Added popcorn machines at various corners of the map.
  • Updated planet preview prefab.
  • New icon and README update.

Version 0.1.4

  • BigTop Burger is now open for business on the south end of Bozoros!
  • Bumped up emission of many textures to be slightly more visible in shadows.

Version 0.1.3

  • Added trash and recycle bins. Keep Bozoros clean!
  • Added a Big Shot cannon at the far side of the lake.
  • Updated lake reflection probe.
  • Made most level objects static, this should boost performance.

Version 0.1.2

  • Added benches and balloons all over the map.
  • Stopped enemies from spawning over the lake.
  • Confetti removed from storms; replaced by rogue balloons! All weather types now have unique reasons to visit.

Version 0.1.1

  • Fixed material missing on Fire Exits.
  • Added a lake between the ship and the ferris wheel to discourage darting to and from the fire exit there.
  • Map now has a baked reflection probe.

Version 0.1.0

  • Added loudspeaker prop at various points on the map.
  • Added unique voiceover announcements for fireworks for all three weather types.
  • Timed point lights during clear days that turn off for the firework show.
  • Adjusted heights of rollercoaster support beams to prevent them from clipping into the interiors.

Version 0.0.9

  • Decreased max particle count for confetti from 10,000 to 8,000.
  • Constrained confetti volume and fireworks to the same positions at all time in the world.
  • Added a kill trigger for confetti underneath the ground to prevent confetti in interiors.
  • Shifted fog color towards a dark blue instead of off-red.
  • Disabled fireworks during weather events.
  • Removed Foggy weather type.
  • Replaced MouthDog enemy spawns with Sandworm
  • Added Spore Lizards to outside spawns.
  • Added a preview video to the ship monitor prior to landing.
  • Added a real info description of the moon in the terminal.
  • Updated README screenshots.

Version 0.0.8

  • Attempt to fix colliders that go into interior.

Version 0.0.7

  • The Trickster rollercoaster comes to Bozoros, the most thrilling ride in the star cluster. Prepare to ascend to great heights and maximum g-forces while plummeting several stories down to the ground. A drop just high enough could mean your DOOM. Scared yet?

Version 0.0.6

  • Ladies and Gentleman; patrons of Bozoros! The IN YOUR HEART Firework Spectacular show is now in season! This fabulous celebration of Worthikids and BigTop Burger can only be viewed at 10pm on clear weather days. Thank you for visiting our park and remember, watch out for giants!

Version 0.0.5

  • Tweaked volumetrics of point lights to be less intense.
  • Confetti now rains down during special weather events!

Version 0.0.4

  • Big adjustments to Skybox and Daytime Volumes.

Version 0.0.3

  • Fixed AudioReverbTriggers with default Forest Ambience for now.
  • Enabled Read/Write access for meshes.

Version 0.0.1

  • Initial release. Expecting things to not work correctly and a lot of art is still missing. Just wanted to get this out into the world for a fun journey.