Config Reference/Ship

Updated 6 months ago

Ship - Anything that changes things or behavior in the ship.

Setting Description Default
CounterClockwiseKey If SnapObjectsByDegrees > 0, configures which modifier key spins it CCW. LeftShift
DisableShipCamPostProcessing If set to true, the internal and external ship cameras will no longer use post processing. This may improve performance with higher resolution camera settings. false
FreeRotateKey If SnapObjectsByDegrees > 0, configures which modifer key activates free rotation. LeftAlt
HideClipboardAndStickyNote If set to true, the game will not show the clipboard or sticky note when the game loads. false
HideShipCabinetDoors If set to true, the storage shelves in the ship will not have doors. false
LightSwitchScanNode If set to true, the light switch will have a scan node attached. true
MoveShipClipboardToWall If set to true, the ship's clipboard will not start on the table but instead on the wall in front of the player. true
SaveShipFurniturePlaces Determines what ship furniture positions and storage states will not be reset after being fired. StartingFurniture
ShipMapCamRotation If specified, makes the ship cam face a specific direction instead of a 45 degree SW angle. None
ShipPlaceablesCollide If set to true, placeable ship objects will check for collisions with each other during placement. true
SnapObjectsByDegrees Build mode will switch to snap turning (press instead of hold) by this many degrees at a time. Setting it to 0 uses vanilla behavior. 45
SpeakerPlaysIntroVoice If set to true, the ship's speaker will play the introductory welcome audio on the first day. true