Config Reference/Teleporters

Updated 7 months ago

Teleporters - Settings related to modifying the telporter behaviors.

Setting Description Default
InverseTeleporterCooldown How many seconds to wait in between button presses for the INVERSE teleporter. Vanilla = 210. If using the vanilla value, the teleporter code will not be modified. 210
KeepItemsDuringInverse Whether to keep Held, Non Scrap, or All items in inventory when using the inverse teleporter. WARNING: THIS WILL CAUSE INVENTORY DESYNCS IF OTHER PLAYERS DO NOT SHARE YOUR SETTING! None
KeepItemsDuringTeleport Whether to keep Held, Non Scrap, or All items in inventory when using the regular teleporter. WARNING: THIS WILL CAUSE INVENTORY DESYNCS IF OTHER PLAYERS DO NOT SHARE YOUR SETTING! None
RegularTeleporterCooldown How many seconds to wait in between button presses for the REGULAR teleporter. Vanilla = 10. If using the vanilla value, the teleporter code will not be modified. 10