Config Reference/Terminal

Updated 2 months ago

Fixes - You may disable any of these if you feel they are not necessary.

Setting Description Default
TerminalHistoryItemCount How many items to keep in your terminal's command history. Previous terminal commands may be navigated by using the up/down arrow keys. 20
TerminalFastCamSwitch If set to true, will allow use of the left/right arrow keys to quickly cycle through radar cameras while using the terminal. true
LockCameraAtTerminal If set to true, the camera will no longer move around when moving your mouse/controller while at the terminal. true
ShowMoonPricesInTerminal If set to true, the moons will also display the cost to fly to them next to their name and weather. false
ShowBlanksDuringViewMonitor If set to true, typing commands while View Monitor is active requires you to scroll down to see the result. true
ShowHiddenMoonsInCatalog When to show any hidden moons in the terminal's moon catalog. AfterDiscovery is per save file. AfterDiscovery