Config Reference/Tools

Updated 6 months ago

Tools - Any modifications to tools.

Setting Description Default
AutoChargeOnOrbit If set to true, all owned* battery-using items will be automatically charged every time the ship goes into orbit. *You are considered to 'own' an item if you are the last person to have held it. false
FlashlightToggleShortcut A shortcut key to allow toggling a flashlight at any time. None
OnlyAllowOneActiveFlashlight When turning on any flashlight, will turn off any others in your inventory that are still active. true
ScannableTools A comma separated list of which tools, if any, should be scannable. Accepted values: All, BoomboxItem, ExtensionLadderItem, FlashlightItem, JetpackItem, LockPicker, RadarBoosterItem, KnifeItem, Shovel, SprayPaintItem, StunGrenadeItem, TetraChemicalItem, WalkieTalkie, PatcherTool
ToolsDoNotAttractLightning [Host Only] If set to true, all useful tools (ladders, jetpacks, keys, radar boosters, shovels & signs, tzp inhalant, knives, and zap guns) will no longer attract lighning. false
TreatLasersAsFlashlights If set to true, laser pointers will be like flashlights and automatically toggle off and on when switching to them, etc. false