Config Reference/UI

Updated 3 months ago

UI - Modifications to the in game HUD or UI elements.

Setting Description Default
HideEmptySubtextOfScanNodes If set to true, will hide the subtext section of scannables that do not have subtext or scrap value. true
ShowUIReticle If set to true, the HUD will display a small dot so you can see exactly where you are pointing at all times. false
ShowHitPoints If set to true, the HUD will display your current remaining hitpoints. true
ShowLightningWarnings If set to true, the inventory slots will flash electrically when an item in the slot is being targeted by lightning. true
HidePlayerNames If set to true, player names will no longer show above players. false
TwentyFourHourClock If set to true, the clock will be 24 hours instead of 12. false
AlwaysShowClock If set to true, the clock will always be displayed on the HUD when landed on a moon. false
DisplayKgInsteadOfLb If set to true, your carry weight will be converted from lb to kg. false