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TriBlades3-Server_Modifier-0.5.0 icon

Server Modifier

Mod designed to provide methods for modifying game experiments.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 0.5.0
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Downloads 546
Dependency string TriBlades3-Server_Modifier-0.5.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.3.4 icon

Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Preferred version: 1.3.4


Server Modifier

This mod is designed around providing methods to customize your experience playing Lethal Company, making the game easier or harder depending on the preference of your group.


This mod uses BepInEx and Lethal Config as requirements. The mod is currently being tested on version 47 of Lethal Company. Currently unaware of any mods that conflict with this mod.


This mod adds UI elements to adjust elements before launching a save file.


These elements adjust how the quota is calculated for each round. This is normally a value calculated based on the amount of excess profit you have and the number of fulfilled quotas.

Component Value Type Short
Function Enum Function to calculate the quota
Start Value Float The quota value at the start of a new game
Rate Value Float The rate to change quota
Randomness Float The amount to randomly influence the quota

There are currently three types of functions that can be selected:

  1. Default - The default function for calculating the quota. All other values are ignored.
  2. Linear - Applies the linear function $quota = start + (rate * completed) + (randomness * U[-1, 1])$
  3. Exponential - Applies the exponential function $quota = start * e^(rate * completed) + (randomness * U[-1, 1])$

In these equations, start is "Start Value", rate is "Rate Value", randomness is "Randomness", U[a,b] is the uniform distribution between a and b, and e is Euler's number.


These elements adjust how overtime is calculated at the end of each round. This is normally a calculation based on the amount of excess profit you have and the number of days between when you turn in the quota and the deadline.

Component Value Type Short
Excess Scalar Float The amount to multiply excess profit by
Early Scalar Float The amount to multiply the number of days early by

The overtime is calculated as $overtime = (excess * excessScalar) + (early * earlyScalar)$, where excess is the amount of excess profit, early is the number of days early, excessScalar is "Excess Scalar", and earlyScalar is "Early Scalar". The default for the game is $excessScalar = 0.2$ and $earlyScalar = 15.0$.


These elements adjust how many days are in a round. Normally the game is split into segments of 3 days for scrap collection at a set time rate and 1 day for submitting the scrap to the company.

:warning: Recommended to adjust values on new saves: In testing, the day and time calculations performed by the game are very sensitive. Changing these values can have uninteded consequences on how the game progresses (skipping days, always on deadline, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to make a new save file when adjusting these values.

Component Value Type Short
Days Remaining Int The number of days for collecting scrap
Time Multiplier Float The multiplier for the time rate

The Days Remaining is set as a max of 9 days. Reading accounts of other mods attempting to adjust the number of days, weird things tended to happen to the company and enemy spawn when the number of days exceeded 10.

The Time Multiplier is a multiplier for the time rate. The time rate is the amount of time that passes in the game for each second of real time. The default is 1.0, which is the same as the base game. Values less than 1 mean there will be more time to collect scrap, while values greater than 1 mean there will be less time to collect scrap.


Version 0.1.0

  • Released for group testing

Version 0.5.1

  • Fixed "Days Remaining" to work with version 47 of the game -- Location of day calculation had moved into synchronization function
  • "Time Multiplier" might be working (? at least not breaking deadline as frequently) -- Manipulates the "lengthOfHours" variable, with should make length of days longer or shorter
  • Testing in single player runs, need testing in multiplayer

Version 0.6.1

  • Removed "Time Multiplier" -- Results of testing were more stable after removing -- May be added back once a better understanding of the variable has been established
  • Fixed "Days Remaining" adding additional day after the first quota
  • Added selling functions
  • Testing in single player runs and running multiple instances on same computer, need testing in multiplayer