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darmuh-ShipColors-0.3.4 icon


Style your ship with your own personal colors! (Now with visibility feature)

Date uploaded 3 weeks ago
Version 0.3.4
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Downloads 4322
Dependency string darmuh-ShipColors-0.3.4

This mod requires the following mods to function

darmuh-OpenLib-0.2.14 icon

Open-source development library for LethalCompany, initially created for use with darmuh's Mods

Preferred version: 0.2.14


ShipColors by darmuh

Style your ship with your own personal colors!

  • Mode "Generate Config" dynamically generates config items for materials throughout the ship for further customization.
    • Due to the dynamic nature of this mode, you may need to load the lobby multiple times to get some config items to show.
    • Also, working from an existing save file may detect scrap and other items within the ship. These can be filtered out in the setup config.
  • Generate a Webpage to easily modify your config and update your settings.
  • Buttons added via LethalConfig!
    • Regenerate your config at any time
    • Generate a web page from your config at any time
    • Generated config items are added to the LethalConfig menu immediately
  • Compatibility with darmuhsTerminalStuff will not generate Terminal customization config items when TerminalStuff customization is active.
  • Any time you change a setting the customizations will instantly reload.

WARNING: With the "Use Shared Textures" mode, this mod can change colors of materials not just on the ship.

  • If you see odd colors on scrap or in the facility it's likely using the same shared texture.


  • This mod has built-in compatibility for ShipWindows, LethalConfig, and darmuhsTerminalStuff
  • For mods like OpenBodyCams and GeneralImprovements, the default ban configuration items have added their respective screen objects/material names to avoid issues. [v0.2.3+]
  • For all other mods, if you encounter issues please consider adding game objects associated with their mod to the GenBannedObjects list.


  • As of 0.3.0 there is now an API class for external mods to utilize.
  • The API class has the following public methods:
    • InitCustomization: Calls the internal StartCustomizer method which is normally called at Terminal Start
      • If called after Terminal Start it will not create new configuration items and only read for changes from existing config items.
    • RegenConfigItems: Calls the RegenerateConfig method (the one used for the button in LethalConfig)
      • This will restart config generation and search the entire ship for objects to create config items for.
    • BanObject: Will ban the game object provided from generating color configuration items (will also prevent color changes)
    • UnbanObject: Will unban the game object provided from generating color configuration items and changing material colors
      • You'll only ever need to use this if you have banned your object at some point and want to unban it later.
    • AddObject: Will register your object to create a configuration item for color changes
      • This is used by my AutoParentEvent patch to register furniture/upgrade spawned objects.
      • If for whatever reason my patches are not detecting your modded object that you want to register, you can call this method to add it.
      • Once you've added all objects you wish to register, you will need to call RefreshLethalConfig
    • RefreshLethalConfig: Refresh the lethal config menu for shipcolors with any new configuration items since last refresh
Please see below for a helpful guide on configuring this mod in "Use Shared Textures" mode: (Credits to Endoxicom)

ShipColorChanges by Endoxicom

For detailed information on configuring this mod in "Generate Config" mode, please see the ShipColors Generated Google Doc which is also maintained by Endoxicom

See below some early examples of this mod after configuration:

Vanilla Example (1)

Image 1

Vanilla Example (2)

Image 2

Christmas Ship by Lunxara


Lunxara Fancy Ship Example (1)


Lunxara Fancy Ship Example (2)



Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


  • Changed from using MeshRenderer references to using Renderer references which should now include SkinnedMeshRenderer references as well
    • This was done to get the beltbag's skinnedmeshrenderer, however, this should add a lot more references detected by the mod in general.
    • Thanks for the suggestion Zaggy
  • Updated default layers config to include the terminal's default layer (layer 29)
  • Updated TerminalStuff compatibility
    • If a provided game object is the terminal will
      • Check if terminalstuff's customization config item is enabled
      • If terminalstuff customization is enabled, will not create color config items
      • will still create visibility config items regardless of terminalstuff's color customization
  • This update doesn't need OpenLib version 0.3.0 so will leave the required version as 0.2.14 in case there's any issues that require reverting to a lower version
    • feel free to update your OpenLib, just mentioning it shouldnt be needed at this time


  • Added new Visibility feature that is default disabled under the GenVisibilityConfig config item
    • When the config item is enabled, all objects with a color config entry will also generate a visibilty config toggle.
    • When visibility is disabled, the respective game object is disabled.
    • You can disable literally anything so this does have the ability to brick your game if you're dumb about it. Use at your own risk.
  • Added new API methods to force hide or force show certain objects.
    • I expect ship model replacement mods like wider ship, ship windows, 2 story ship, etc. to need to use these API methods when a player is switching between different model configurations.


  • General performance improvements. Most noticeable when purchasing upgrades/furniture
    • removed a couple of foreach loops in favor of LINQ Find methods
  • Added config item to disable upgrade/furniture event watcher per recommendation.
    • Disabling this will result in no upgrades/furniture/etc. getting configuration items created for their colors. And their colors will likely only be changed during lobby reload.
  • Removed LethalConfig refresh for every new object that is added via AddObject in ShipColors.API
    • You will now need to call RefreshLethalConfig when you want to refresh the lethal config menu with your new configuration items.
  • Added new Refresh button to LethalConfigMenu. This button will refresh lethalconfig with any configuration items that were generated since the last time it was refreshed.
    • While in-game looking at the LethalConfig menus, you will need to open another mod's config and then return to this mod's config to see the newest configuration items.
  • Updated some logging messages.


  • Added early return for NewObject method when the config has not yet been generated.
    • This should fix some noticeable lag at startup.
    • Thanks Lunxara/Endoxicom for reports/testing
  • fixed some typos in readme


  • Removed early return when ship windows is present.
    • Generated Customization will now run at terminal start regardless of whether the mod is present.
    • The earlier issues that the early return had previously solved are no longer present.
  • Added new patch via OpenLib at AutoParentToShip which all new furniture/upgrades use when they spawn.
    • This will create a configuration item when the item is spawned so long as it meets your filtering criteria.
    • Fixes compatibility with Ship Inventory's new upgrade feature.
    • Appears to catch most furniture/upgrade mods.
  • Added new API class that will allow other mods to
    • register their game object to create/track color configuration items
    • ban their object from generating color configuration items
    • unban their object (if they previously banned it) from generating color configuration items
    • initiate/regen configuration
    • Added support for custom configuration item names and section names via the API
  • Slight refactor in generated customization to break up a big method (for use with the API)
  • Added new button to LethalConfig menu to remove orphaned config items from the generated config, this will delete any config items that are not currently attached to a game object.
    • Be careful with this option as it will remove your customizations for items that have not yet spawned in (if you have them set up already)
  • Added new configuration items to help further filter configuration items created via the generated config:
    • GenAcceptScrap: determines whether detected scrap game objects will create configuration items
    • GenAcceptItems: determines whether non-scrap holdable game objects will create configuration items


  • Fixed issue that would throw errors following the firing sequence when used with Ship Windows. (Thanks Lunxara)
  • Updated default GenBannedObjects to not filter out the outside ladder. (Thanks Endoxicom)
  • Updated dependency to latest OpenLib version


  • Removed generation of useless alpha config items (material colors with alpha set to 1 by default)
  • Added new config item [GenPermitListObjects] to explicitly permit game objects to generate configs, even if the game object matches something in [GenBannedObjects]
  • Updated to latest version of OpenLib
  • Updated default configurations with new GenPermitListObjects in mind (suggest using these settings)


  • Further improved configuration generation.
    • the funny log message appeared so now we are tracking an object's entire family tree
    • Emptied objects out of the ShipModels2b black-hole into multiple sections
    • Hopefully should be the last time this is reworked completely
  • Fixed banlist config options and they now allow partial matches to object/material names
  • Updated default configuration items
    • Screens added by GI and screens modified by OpenBodyCams should now be automatically ignored by default config items


  • Improved configuration generation & sorting.
    • Will now check for game objects with children & grand children.
      • Hopefully no game objects need a deeper dive than that, if this happens you will see a fun log message.
    • Configuration sections are now labeled by the root parent object of the ship.
      • This results in some config item names being pretty long to display their full path :)
  • Moved config generation to TerminalStart (which is a bit later than before)
    • This will hopefully solve issues where certain objects were not added until config regen.


  • Fixed darmuhsTerminalStuff soft compatibility
  • Fixed ShipWindows compatibility for Generated Config
  • Adjusted Config Generation to sort game objects with children into one singular section and to list each child's materials
    • This should fix cases where one of the storage closet's doors would not update their color
  • Added configuration items for more customization as to what generates in the config
    • GenAcceptedLayers: [Comma-separated listing] - This sets the acceptable layers to search for materials in each GameObject in the ship.
      • If a GameObject has a layer not specified here it will be skipped.
    • GenBannedObjects: [Comma-separated listing] - This listing of game objects will be skipped and no config section will be generated.
      • Existing config section/items will be deleted on re-gen.
    • GenBannedMaterials: [Comma-separated listing] - This listing of materials will be skipped and no config item will be generated.
      • Existing config items will be deleted on re-gen.


  • Added new mode that will generate config items for different textures located within game objects on the ship.
    • This is done dynamically and can be generated via a new button added in-game with LethalConfig.
  • Updated to OpenLib v0.2.0, with this update comes support for HTML Config Page generation.
    • A new button has been added in-game which will generate a webpage for another way to modify your configuration.
    • The html page is located as a file in your mod profile folder at Bepinex/config/webconfig
    • You can import your current config file or work from the defaults and then copy the code at the bottom of the page to paste in the new [ConfigCode] setting.
  • With OpenLib v0.2.0 and LethalConfigv1.4.3 the generated configs are added directly to the game after they are created.
    • Modifying any generated config item will see their corresponding material color update immediately.
  • Added the 3 other ship lights for further customization (they were originally being changed with their accompanying light 1/4,3/5,4/6)
  • The new generated configs will also grab modded prop's materials.
    • This has been tested only with ShipInventory's chute. If the modded prop's materials is not being grabbed you can try regenerating the config with the "regen config" button that is added via LethalConfig.


  • Initial Release.