IntoxicatedKid-Aya_Shameimaru icon

Aya Shameimaru

Add playable Aya Shameimaru. Beta version.


0.1.11: Fixed Momiji reacting to Momiji and creating loop.
0.1.10: Fixed Anything is Newsworthy causing error against cards added to discrd pile. Updated Korean localization.
0.1.9: Fixed Close-up not working. Updated Korean localization.
0.1.8: Added Close-up, Dashing Grace, Fast Shot, Heavenly Partner, Tengu's Edible Pompoms.
Fast Draw condition cost 2(3) -> 2, non-"News" -> Unplayable. Multi-Camera cost 2G(1G) -> 2G(2), damage 12 -> 12(14), growth now costs 1 less. Protection Paper Block 2(3) -> 1(2). Reign of Wind cost 3W -> 2W. Requesting Air Support cost U -> U(0).
Fixed Tengu's Macroburst exiling an already exiled card. Fixed Hatate and Megumu's Ultimate not accurate. Fixed Perfect Evasion activated by 0 damage accurate attack.
Protection Paper now displays accumulated Block. Renamed Fast Draw -> Quick Draw, Tengu's Little Help -> Little Salvation.
0.1.7: Apex Predator cost 2RRR(1RR) -> 2RRR, now gain 0(4) Acceleration. Authority of Evasion Deceleration 4(3) -> 4. Comically Large Hat Deceleration 3(2) -> 2. Effortless Flight gain 2(3) Acceleration immediately. Fastest Gun in the East Lock On and Acceleration 2(3) -> 3(4). Illusionary Dominance damage 8x2 -> 10x1. Bunbunmaru Newspaper Special Block and damage 14 -> 12. Protection Paper add 1(2) -> 2 Bunbunmaru Newspapers. Ward no longer exile "Bunbunmaru" or "News" card if player is Aya.
0.1.5: Apex Predator no longer gain Acceleration, cost 2RRR -> 2RRR(1RR). Effortless Flight Acceleration 3(4) -> 2(3).
News Overwhelming cost 2GG(1G) -> 2GGG(1GG). Fastest Gun in the East Lock On and Acceleration 3(4) -> 2(3).
0.1.4: Updated Korean localization.
0.1.3: Blackmail now apply Temporary Firepower Down to each enemy at the start of next turn. News Dissemination and Protection Paper add Bunbunmaru Newspaper(s) to the discard pile.
0.1.2: Beta release.

0.0.11: Added missing portraits. Updated Korean localization. Wallet is no longer applied to summons. Fixed missing tooltip when Keywords is set to Short.
0.0.10: Fixed Panorama adding incorrect card. Fixed News Dissemination not working. Fixed Momiji attacking dead enemy. Fixed Wallet not applying correctly to summons.
0.0.9: Added Blackmail, Bunbunmaru - Aya Special, Comically Large Hat. Added Aya's theme, can be heard with Your Theme when Winning mod.
Aya now applies Wallet to each enemy. Wallet is currently only used for Blackmail.
Fixed Armored Raven, Blackmail and Momiji, The Petty Patrol Tengu causing Action Resolver error. Contribution of Neoshrimp#7746.
Acceleration now displays the amount of Evasion you'll get. Breaking News cost 1GG(1G) -> 1G(0). Momiji Unity 3 -> 5.
0.0.8: Reverted Armored Raven.
0.0.7: Armored Raven now activates target's Graze. Fixed Breaking News, Anything is Newsworthy not working in other languages.
Fixed Panorama not working correctly. Fixed Spell Card text. Removed Breaking News' additional damage.
0.0.6: Added Korean localization. Contribution of raspberry Caffeine Monster.
0.0.5: Fixed Bunbunmaru Printer text.
0.0.4: Now supports localization. Fixed Protection Paper not applying block per level.
Take Picture adds Newspaper to top of the draw pile, draw 1 card.
0.0.3: Illusionary Dominance damage 1 -> 9(12), Upgrade to attack each enemy.
Added missing descriptions and icons for status effects. Fixed Reign of Wind applying wrong buff and Spell Card portrait.
0.0.2: Added Reign of Wind. Fixed Aya's portrait not shown.
0.0.1: Alpha released.