Midon-AutoCloseDoors icon


Mod to automatically close doors after a few seconds.

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 1858
Total rating 2 
Categories Server Mods 1.0 Update
Dependency string Midon-AutoCloseDoors-2.0.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_V_Rising-1.691.3 icon

BepInEx pack for V Rising. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 1.691.3
deca-Bloodstone-0.2.2 icon

Plugin framework and general utilities for V Rising mods.

Preferred version: 0.2.2
deca-VampireCommandFramework-0.9.0 icon

Command framework for developers to easily create universal commands for their plugins.

Preferred version: 0.9.0



Server Only Mod

Server only mod for Auto Close Doors.


Copy & paste the AutoCloseDoors.dll to \Server\BepInEx\plugins\ folder.


If your server is on windows, or can be shutdown properly.
All you need to do to remove the mod is shutdown your server and delete the dll.

If your server is on linux, or can't be shutdown properly
Make sure to disable the plugin by using the command ".acd disable" before removing the dll.
Shutdown your server and remove the dll.


  • Enable Auto Close Doors [default true]
    Switch on/off auto close for doors.
  • Auto Close Timer [default 2.0]
    How many second(s) to wait before door is automatically closed.


Disable mod

.acd disable

Revert all doors in the game world to not close automatically (admin only).

Enable mod

.acd enable

Enable the mod to close the doors after X seconds (admin only).

Set time

.acd time <seconds>

Changes the auto close timer on the fly (admin only).

More Information



  • Removed "Always Auto Close Doors" option
  • Added .acd time <seconds> command to change the close timer on thy fly
  • State (enabled/disabled) and timer saved to config if using the commands
  • Added fix for linux/wine servers to use the config values correctly
  • Removed Bloodstone reload function for this mod since it's not necessary due to the commands
  • Bugfixes


  • Thunderstroe Release for v2.0.1


  • Initial Release for v2.0.0


This mod was forked from AutoCloseDoors mod by @Kaltharos.

@Deca, VampireCommandFramework and Bloodstone.