Azumatt-ModAge icon


A simple client mod that will show you which mods you have that might be out of date, based on age alone. It will show you what version you have installed, last updated time, as well as the latest version available on


Version Update Notes
1.0.5 - Target new 0.217.46 time by default. Remember this is EST, change if needed.
1.0.4 - Add configuration options. This comes with a drawback of less initial accuracy due to it being defaulted to EST (my local time)
- Add the ability to show all of your installed mods not just those needing updates.
- Can configure the target comparison date, should you wish to target another date and time. This should be your local time for each date! The time for "Last Updated" in the UI is Thunderstore's UTC upload date converted into your local time.
- Allow for the UI to update when the configurations change via the configuration manager for immediate feedback
1.0.3 - Update internal date check to check for 0.217.28 update. 0.217.29 is out, but isn't the "mark" of when mods break. So the previous update is used as that is where some mods break.
1.0.2 - Update internal date check.
1.0.1 - README update. Add credit and thanks where it's due, almost forgot!
1.0.0 - Initial Release