Adds rare magical requirements to making and using Portals. Colors Individual Portals
Last updated | a year ago |
Total downloads | 72327 |
Total rating | 9 |
Categories | Server-side Client-side Hildir's Request Update |
Dependency string | WackyMole-RareMagicPortal-2.7.2 |
Dependants | 234 other packages depend on this package |
This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.
Preferred version: 5.4.2200README
Support me!
Tired of portals being the end all, be all of Valheim?
You don't want to unnecessarily restrict which items can be teleported or not?
Do you want to see more PVP or more cooperation between your buddies and their bases?
Do you want more colors on your portals or more freedom or restrictions?
Well, I've a mod for you!
Main Feature:
Magical Portal Fluid
- Added 1 extra required item to the Portal building recipe
- Controlling the distribution of fluid = Controlling the amount of portals can be built in the world
- Increasing portals' scarcity and value on a multiplayer server
Crystal and Key Economy
- v2.0 adds 6 Crystals and 6 Keys, color-tiered:Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Tan and Gold/Master.
- Crystals will be consumed upon entering the portal
- Keys to be possessed before entering the portal
Simulate the economy progression from spending and upgrade to long-holding possession
- Allows you to make special portal for:
- Special access portal by team members only
- Special toll charges for custom locations/bosses portal
- Helps your server build a more interactive economy in Valheim
- v2.0 adds 6 Crystals and 6 Keys, color-tiered:Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Tan and Gold/Master.
Restrict Additional Items
- You can Restrict Wood or Stone or any other item
- Editing IsTeleportable with wackysDatabase is better, but you can do it here
Portal Drink
Allows you to teleport anywhere with anything on you.
Bypasses normal inventory checks - should be rare
Portal Colors
- If you just want to see different Portal Colors, this mod is great for that.
How to Get Crystals/Keys/Fluid in your World
Added Drop Config for Fluid,Drink and Crystals -
By Default Fluid drops from Elder - 100% chance for 1-2 drops.
The Crystals/Keys/Fluid are mostly meant for Multiplayer Worlds
The Admins can add them to the world in several different ways.
Drop That mod : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/ASharpPen/Drop_That/
Sell That mod : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/ASharpPen/Sell_That/
Better Trader: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/OdinPlus/Better_Trader_Remake/
CLLC: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Smoothbrain/CreatureLevelAndLootControl/
KG's Marketplace https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/KGvalheim/Marketplace_And_Server_NPCs_Revamped/
KnarrTheTrader https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/OdinPlus/KnarrTheTrader/
Make it a Bounty Reward in EpicLoot
Server rewards for completing objectives, like in KG marketplace mod for bounties,
https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/NewHaven/Server_Rewards/ Server rewards, but I don't recommend
Portal Colors
Portal Colors - You can manually edit or cyle through colors with "LeftControl-E" as Admin or Owner with EnableCrystal off
With TargetPortalMod users will see"^" with a number this is the internal value - this is normal, If you remove TargetPortal mod you might have to rename portals to get them to connect
All Portal Colors can be focred to Use Gold Crystal and Gold Key with USE_GOLD_AS_PORTAL_MASTER
Yellow Portal -With EnableCrystals- Yellow Portal, Yellow Key - Value 1
Red Portal -With EnableCrystals- Red Crystal, Red Key, - Value 2
Green Portal -With EnableCrystals- Green Crystal, Green Key - Value 3
Blue Portal -With EnableCrystals- Blue Crystal, Blue Key - Value 4
Purple Portal -With EnableCrystals- Purple Crystal, Purple Key - Value 5
Tan Portal -With EnableCrystals- Tan Crystal, Tan Key, - Value 6
Cyan Portal -With EnableCrystals- Cyan Crystal, Cyan Key, - Value 7
Orange Portal -With EnableCrystals- Orange Crystal, Orange Key, - Value 8
White Portal -With EnableCrystals- White Crystal, White Key - Value 20
Black Portal -With EnableCrystals- Black Crystal, Black Key - Value 21
Gold Portal -With EnableCrystals- PortalCrystalMaster (Gold) Crystal, Gold Key - Value 22
- Portal Drink
- Allows you do drink a potion and be able to Teleport Anything for a configurable amount of time. (Turns Any Portal White with base color behind)
YML files are synced on creation to the rest of the clients. Server always override client files on sync, except on finding a new portal or changing Portal color.
Prefab IDs:
Configuration Options:
- Force Server Config:
Enable/Disable ServerSync enforcement
- YML Logs
Useful for seeing what a Portal Requirements are: Default: True
- Force Server Config:
- EnablePortalFluid:
Enable/Disable Portal Fluid to be loaded and used in game: 2.1.1 Default false
- PortalMagicFluidSpawn:
Default spawning 3 fluids upon NEW CHARACTER created into the world/server
- PortalFluidValue: Value at trader - 0 means won't sale
- portalmagicfluid.DropsFrom.Add("gd_king", 1f, 1, 2); // Elder drop 100% 1-2 portalFluids
- [Drops for Fluid,Drink and Crystals can be configured in Bepinex Manager, but recommend manually editing]
- "gd_king", 1f, 1, 2); // Elder drop 100% 1-2 portalFluids for example
- EnablePortalFluid:
[3.Portal Config"]
- CraftingStation_Requirement = $piece_workbench
Default required workbench
- Level_of_CraftingStation_Req:
Default required lvl 1 of workbench
- OnlyCreatorCanDeconstruct:
Allow/Disallow ONLY creator of the portal can demolish/destroy the portal
- Portal_Health:
Configure the HP of portal = 400
- OnlyCreatorCanChange:
Allow/Disallow ONLY creator of the portal can rename the portal tag
- Portal_D_Restrict:
Additional Items to Restrict by Default.
For Example you can add - Wood,Stone - And those items will restricted
Will only work for New Portals. You need to edit existing Portals in .YML files
Make sure '' has your restrictions in YML file
- Modifier key for toggle = LeftControl
Default Shortcut for admin and !EnabledCrystal && owner color cycling
If Crystals and Keys is disabled than the owner can change coloring.
Shortcut is LeftControl + E on hovering
- Force Portal Animation
Forces Portal Animation for Target Portal Mod, is not synced and only config only applies if mod is loaded
- ConfigMaxWeight
Makes it so any player weight above this amount can not teleport.
Default is 0. Which disables checks
Will apply checks to all portals
- CraftingStation_Requirement = $piece_workbench
[4.Portal Crystals]
- Careful of serverdevcommands mod - will not consume crystals with even devcommands enabled
- Enable Portal Crystals and Keys = false
Enable/Disable Crystals and Keys to be loaded and used in game - This controls all usage and restrictions
If this is not enabled then, Free Passage Color, Admin Color and Teleport anything color do NOT WORK, PortalDrink will still work.
- Crystal_Consume_Default:
Default required 1 crystal for each portal
- Portal_Crystal_Color_Default:
Default required RED crystal for TP consumption
Options include Yellow,Red,Green,Blue,Purple,Tan,Cyan,Orange,White,Black,Gold,none,None - None makes portals free passage by default
Will Set Gold to always be true on regular colors - Making Gold Key the Master Key
If you turn this off, you have to cycle through ALL Portals to get rid of Gold setting
- UseTopLeftMessage
false, In case a mod is interfering with Center Messages for Portal tags, display on TopLeft instead.
[5.Portal Drink]
- Portal_drink_timer = 120 : Seconds that PortalDrink lasts
[6.Biome Colors]
- Force Biome Colors for Default
Overrides CrystalKeyDefaultColor and sets UNCHANGED portals to their BiomeColor
- BiomeRepColors
Biome Colors "Meadows:Tan,BlackForest:Blue,Swamp:Green,Mountain:Black,Plains:Orange,Mistlands:Purple,DeepNorth:Cyan,AshLands:Red,Ocean:Blue", "Biomes and their related Colors. - No spaces
- Force Biome Colors for Default
- Enabled Colors
Any color not in list will not cycle through, reboot required
- Free Passage Color
Won't collect toll crystal or use key - Only 1 can be selected
Recommend none
- Admin only Color
Only Admins can pass through this portal, - inventory checks still applied
Recommended none
Does nohting when Enable Portal Crystals and Keys = false
- TelePortAnythingColor
This color portal will allow anyone to come through, free of cost and free of inventory checks
It might be bugged
recommend none
Does nothing when Enable Portal Crystals and Keys = false
- Portal Drink Color
Color to let the player know that PortalDrink is active on them. - Rainbow mode alternates every second
Rainbow or White recommended
Doesn't change underlying color requirements
- Enabled Colors
Set Item usage for different colors - Defaults are entered but you can use JewelCrafting gems
CrystalMaster is Gold, -fyi
JC has around 7 type of base colors, currently RMP has 11. - JC has 5 base type of gems. $jc_shattered_color_crystal, $jc_uncut_color_stone, $jc_color_socket, $jc_adv_color_socket, $jc_perfect_color_socket
You could use combination crystal names if you want to be very very restrictive. name has to be the ItemDrop.shared.m_name
YML (config/Portal_Names/*.yml)
The mod will auto generate default data into each yml named after your current world upon getting close to ANY portal.
Free_Passage, TeleportAnything, AdditionalProhibitItems, Admin_only_Access may have to be manually edited if you changed settings after setting up portals!
Red: 0
Green: 0
Blue: 0
Purple: 0
Tan: 0
Gold: 1
Yellow: 1
Cyan: 0
Orange: 0
White: 0
Black: 0
Red: false
Green: false
Blue: false
Purple: false
Tan: false
Gold: true
Yellow: true
Cyan: false
Orange: false
White: false
Black: false
Free_Passage: false - No Crystal or Key requirement
TeleportAnything: false - Portal allows you to Teleport Anything
AdditionalProhibitItems: -- Additional items restricted at this portal or [Stone, Wood]
- Stone
- Wood
BiomeColor: skip - this doesn't do much
SpecialMode: 0 - nothing
AllowedUsers: [] - Only the players in this list will be allowed to go here - manual add only, [WackaMole, Player2] - Empty allows all
Admin_only_Access: false -- Only admins
WayShrine by Azumatt
TargetPortal by Smoothbrain
This a recommended mod, it has good compatibility with RMP.
BiomeColorForce is a tricky for TargetPortal - so Icons will have ^(num)(1-22) next to the name on map. This is to let the mod know what color the icon is for later use
Warning - Removing TargetPortal mod with ForcedBiomes, might make Portals unable to connect with each other. You might have to deconstruct and rebuild them or change names. - Debug Logs should show Portal Real name
Most of the other mods.
Author's Note:
- Mod was produced with the hope that multiplayer servers will require more teamwork or more PVP to capture the scarce resource.
- Other mods can allow the resources to be bought at the trader for high prices, gambled on or become rare drops from bosses.
- If you are using ServerCharacters,
- It is suggested to set the starting quantity amount to 0 for dedicated server and let ServerCharacters mod handle the first time spawn in amounts.
Wacky Git https://github.com/Wacky-Mole/RareMagicPortal
For questions or suggestions please join discord channel: Odin Plus Team or my discord at Wolf Den
Support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/WackyMole or https://ko-fi.com/wackymole

Change Log:
Version 2.7.2
Update for 217.29
Known bug for relog portal craftingstation changing to default
ersion 2.7.1
Wacky learned Vulkan
Changed Cyan flame a bit.
Version 2.7.0
217.24 Update
Fix for Portal Colors
Version 2.6.9
Hildr's Update
Version 2.6.8
Thunderstore really needs to let modders edit the readme without another upload.
Version 2.6.7
Bug Fixes, Fixed issue when not allowing all Colors on multiplayer.
Version 2.6.6
Updated for 216.9, Updated ItemManager
Version 2.6.5
Update ItemManager, Added Portal Drink Wont Allow, for admins to restrict drink for some items.
Version 2.6.4
Added Use Small Server Updates to replace the bulk YML file change sync. </br> Risky Server Save - ONLY SAVES YML on SERVER Exit (not recommended, except for large servers)
Version 2.6.3
Fix for 214.2, Upated ItemManager and Localiz Mananger.
Version 2.6.2
Bug Fixes - A lot
Version 2.6.1
Fixed some log spam, set some defaults to mirror more closely vanilla.
If you see ▲ 6 or numbers in a portalname that is just displaying for Forced Biome Color: lets other mods know the color
Version 2.6.0
Big update: Added BiomeColorForce, EnabledColors, FreePassageColor, adminColor, TelePortAnythingColor, PortalDrinkColor
Was a pain to make compatitle with TargetPortal, you will notice ^(num) on Portals with ConfigUseBiomeColors, just passes info
Individual configs for each Crystal Color used, can now set JC crystals to be consumed - which is pretty cool.
Fixed - Only Owner can deconstruct, added AllowedUsers - If any added, only players in this list can go through
More bugs, but hopefully you can live with those.
Version 2.5.3
I didn't do spanish correctly, fixed some spanish yml error.
Version 2.5.2
Fixed Color visual, added Spanish Translations <br/>
Made it so if you have PortalFluid disabled then it doesn't spawn PortalFluid not matter the number.
Version 2.5.1
Special ItemManager update for RMP
Version 2.5.0
Updated for Mistlands, ItemManager, Added ConfigMaxWeight for all portals (maybe individual in future)
Added Drop configs for Fluid,Crystals and Drink. Fixed Crystal Size, adjusted CrystalTan
Messed up All your configs, no need to thank me with a donation.
Version 2.4.8
Removed SteamAPI for actual crossplay. Made it so Server doesn't get updated for no named Portal
Fixed Icons
Version 2.4.7
Updated ServerSync For 211.11 and hopefully fixed another Portal Admin issue.
Version 2.4.6
Updated ServerSync for crossplay
Version 2.4.5
Version 2.4.4
Bug Fix for Extra Inventory Mods
Version 2.4.3
Made Coop Compatible(no dedicated server)
Bug fix for "" sending crazy amount of data and disconnecting
Bug fixes
Version 2.4.2
Added ConfigOption to force Force Portal Animation if TargetPortal is installed. - Not synced
Fixed an Error if entered wrong password on joining server. - Made Server more efficent
Got rid of Empty tag, now just '' / Made it so '' should auto update to default color on server
Version 2.4.1
Fixed TargetPortal Default Icons loading when they arn't suppose to.
Added ConfigOption for UseTopLeftMessage - Mostly for OdinsQOL or other announcing center mods
Version 2.4.0
Added the color Tan to the mix, after Purple
Will work with old PortalName Files, but recommend to del - Portals go to Defaults
Fix Portal Animation to OFF with TargetPortal(except during PortalDrink usage)
Added a check for empty portal name, so that it remains default portal type ("" and Empty Tag)
(Please delete or manually change "" and Empty Tag in yml)
TanKey and CrystalTan, Fixed Purple Logic.
Needs Updated TargetPortal update for icons. Now only TargetPortalIcons should be displayed
Fix error for RMP on logout
Version 2.3.0
Added the color Purple to the Mix, After Blue
Fix for Fluid not changing value setting
Fix for color Syncing(mostly)
Changed config .cfg names- SERVER ADMINS - CHECK CONFIGS - some will go to defaults
Will work with old PortalName Files, but recommend to del
Fix for admin Portal
Added config and fix For Shortcut for admin cycling
Version 2.2.4
Fix for Server YML continous writing loop. Change Crystal Stack size to 25.
Rewrote how Ctrl-E is displayed. Added some more log info.
Version 2.2.2
Rewrote the way YML client updates are performed. Server now is the sole distributor for YAML changes.
This should allow nonadmins to update portal colors and set names that everyone can see.
Version 2.2.1 Has a continous writing loop problem for servers, not sure if 2.2.2 fixed it.
Version 2.2.1
Bug fixes for Server not saving admin changes.
Known bug for nonAdmin Portal Creator trying to change Color, but not syncing with Portal_Crystal_Enable = false
Version 2.2.0
Changed Icons, Added a default Prohibited Items List, Add "None" to default color option for free passage ( yellow default).
Now Syncs with portal color by just hoverring over name.
Version 2.1.3
Bug fix for Admin status: I swear there are little gremlins messing up Serversync and admin permissions.
Version 2.1.2
Extra Compatibility with TargetPortal
Now shows TargetPortal Icon colors based on color of Portal
bug fixes
Version 2.1.1
Changed Default for EnablePortalFluid to false for everyone that just wants PortalColors.
Changed ConfigEnableYMLLogs to allow for indivudal log settings.
Fixed Spelling errors.
Version 2.1.0
Added PortalDrink - Configurable Time that allows a player to Teleport anything.
Added PortalColor Changing feature, can be used exclusively or with Crystals and Keys
Added AdditionalProhibitItems, If you restrict additional items on specific portals
Added TeleportAnything for individual Portals- White Portals allows anything thorugh
Defaults changed on PortalJuiceValue
Bug fixes for TargetPortal mod
Fixed WackysDatabase comptability with Portals- Keep EnablePortalFluid = false and add PortalFluid with Wackysdb instead if you want unique reqs
Version 2.0.0
Rewrite of mod: Added Crystals and Keys. YML configuration on entering portals. 4 Different types of crystals and keys.
Crystals are Consumable. Keys are not. TargetPortal, AnyPortal, TeleportAnything compatibility. YML file for each world. ServerSynced admin control
Version 1.6.0
Added three New Configs: Portal Health, OnlyCreatorCanDeconstruct ( destroy possible), OnlyCreatorCanRename
Version 1.5.1
Fixed potential SinglePlayer Bug
Version 1.5.0
Fixed another ServerSync bug, cleaned up log outputs.
Version 1.4.1
Fixed Single Player bug. 1.4.0 Removed JVL requirements.
Version 1.4.0
Removed JVL requirements from the Mod. Fixed Station Lvl message to display ingame station name.
Version 1.3.0
Added CraftingStation and CraftingStation lvl to config! You can now change midgame by editing cfg or with ConfigurationManager
Version 1.1.1
Fixed Server Sync. - Now with moar Server Sync!
Version 1.00
Mod Release
- Thank you to OdinPlus Team for some useful information.
- Zeall for readme update
- GraveBear for Icon Update
- Some code from https://github.com/redseiko/ComfyMods/tree/main/ColorfulPortals
- Assets from https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/interior/free-alchemy-and-magic-pack-142991
- crystal assets from https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/translucent-crystals-106274