Dodge and Jump Mechanics and tips

Updated 8 months ago

Dodge utility button and jump button during attacks

Mechanics for both

Provides 300 armor while using.

Duration scales with attackspeed. Distance scales with movespeed.

Able to be used as soon as the overlap attack for the weapon comes out.

Retains knowledge last used weapon.

Costs 10 mana by default. Cdr items reduce it eg. Alien head (reducing by %) or purity (reducing by flat amount).

Dodge specific

Dodge can be held down and chained back to itself.

In air, airstep is used when using dodge, which increases Noctis' height.

Jump specific

Jump always increases Noctis' height, approx jump height gained.

During the duration of jump, holding jump plus the polearm attack button results in the polearm swap attack double dragoon thrust.


As they both retain the previous weapon, using them to quickly cancel a weapon attack and loop back to another weapon swap attack.

An example is going from a fast sword attack into the polearm backward swap attack (throwing the polearm), using a sword neutral swap attack but cancelling earlier then using the polearm backward swap attack. This gives Noctis a reliable ranged attack.