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ThinkInvis-TinkersSatchel-3.9.1 icon


An adequate assortment of anomalous additions: acquisitions, artifacts, and abilities abound.

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 3.9.1
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Downloads 8221
Dependency string ThinkInvis-TinkersSatchel-3.9.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2103 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2103
RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.0.6 icon

Core R2API module

Preferred version: 5.0.6
RiskofThunder-R2API_DamageType-1.0.3 icon

API for registering damage types

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Deployable-1.0.0 icon

API for adding custom deployables

Preferred version: 1.0.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Director-1.0.0 icon

API for easily modifiying the Director (RoR2 monster / interactable spawner) behaviour

Preferred version: 1.0.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Items-1.0.1 icon

API for adding custom items

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_Language-1.0.0 icon

API for modifying the language localisation of the game

Preferred version: 1.0.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2 icon

Networking API around the Unity UNet Low Level API (LLAPI)

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.1 icon

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.2.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.2.0
ThinkInvis-TILER2-7.4.0 icon

ThinkInvisible's Library of Extras for RoR2 -- modularization/boilerplate and multiplayer config sync tools for other mods.

Preferred version: 7.4.0


Tinker's Satchel


Use of a mod manager is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

Seriously, use a mod manager.

If the versions of Tinker's Satchel or TILER2 (or possibly any other mods) are different between your game and other players' in multiplayer, things WILL break. If TILER2 is causing kicks for "unspecified reason", it's likely due to a mod version mismatch. Ensure that all players in a server, including the host and/or dedicated server, are using the same mod versions before reporting a bug.

While reporting a bug, make sure to post a console log (path/to/RoR2/BepInEx/LogOutput.log) from a run of the game where the bug happened; this often provides important information about why the bug is happening. If the bug is multiplayer-only, please try to include logs from both server and client.


Tinker's Satchel is a general content pack, containing assorted items, equipments, interactables, artifacts, and skill variants. In total, this mod includes:

  • 42 items/equipments:
    • 7 tier-1,
    • 8 tier-2,
    • 7 tier-3,
    • 1 boss item,
    • 5 equipments,
    • 4 lunar items,
    • 4 lunar equipments,
    • 3 tier-1 void,
    • 3 tier-2 void,
    • 3 tier-3 void;
  • 2 interactables:
    • 2 drones;
  • 6 skill variants:
    • 3 for Commando
    • and 3 for Engineer;
  • 6 artifacts;
  • and 1 other feature:
    • a UI tweak.

Short summaries are provided below. For a full description of each item, see:

Mod Content: Items & Equipments

Icon Name/Description

Tier-1 Items

Close-range attacks reach farther and deal slightly more damage.
Macho Moustache
The bigger the fight, the higher your damage.
Mostly-Tame Mimic
Mimics your other items at random.
Old War Lidar
Periodically fire weak projectiles at all hostiles.
Percussive Maintenance
Hit allies to heal them.
Sturdy Mug
Chance to shoot extra, unpredictable projectiles.
Triskelion Brooch
Chance to combine ignite, freeze, and stun.

Tier-2 Items

Gain armor by hoarding money.
Your heals can crit.
En Passant
Melee strike with your Utility skill to recharge it.
Fudge Dice
Periodically guarantee luck.
Negative Feedback Loop
Some incoming damage is dealt over time.
Pixie Tube
Drop random buffs on using skills.
Pulse Monitor
Auto-activate your equipment for free at low health.
Unstable Klein Bottle
Gravity slam nearby enemies on taking damage.

Tier-3 Items

Go-Faster Stripes
Your Utility skill gains more mobility.
Your Utility skill builds a stunning static charge.
Your broken/consumed/scrapped items increase all your stats.
Pinball Wizard
Projectiles may bounce and home.
RC Controller
Nearby turrets and drones gain attack speed. Ping to take control.
Shrink Ray
Suppress a single target's non-primary skills and damage.
Spacetime Skein
Gain mass while stationary. Lose mass while moving.

Boss Items

Scavenger's Rucksack
Hold an extra Equipment. Activate with scoreboard open to rummage through the rucksack.


Cardboard Box
Pack up and move. [Cooldown: 60 s]
Causal Camera
Phase briefly and rewind yourself 10 seconds. [Cooldown: 90 s]
Command Terminal
Revive an ally or summon a drone. Consumed on use. [Cooldown: 10 s]
Pull nearby enemies and allied item effects. [Cooldown: 20 s]
Quantum Recombobulator
Reroll an interactable once. [Cooldown: 60 s]

Lunar Items

Bismuth Tonic
Gain resistance when hit by one enemy type... BUT gain weakness to the others.
Celestial Gambit
Gain an extra item reward from teleporters... BUT jumping for too long gives the item to enemies instead.
Hydroponic Cell
Half your healed health grows a plant that provides a single-use damage bonus... BUT you don't receive the converted healing.
Wax Feather
Staying airborne ignites your attacks and reduces gravity... BUT also weakens your armor and speed.

Lunar Equipments

EMP Device
Disable skills on enemies... BUT disable non-primary skills on survivors. [Cooldown: 60 s]
Faulty Mortar Tube
Throw a bomb that will detonate when damaged... BUT it may damage survivors too. [Cooldown: 40 s]
Lemurian's Claw
Open a chest for free and drop an extra item... BUT living enemies also receive items. [Cooldown: 120 s]
Silver Compass
Shows you a path... BUT it will be fraught with danger. [Cooldown*: 180 s]

Void Items

(requires Survivors of the Void DLC)

Bramble Ring (T2)
Return some damage to sender. Corrupts all Negative Feedback Loops.
Gup Ray (T3)
Split enemies into two much weaker copies. Corrupts all Shrink Rays.
Lens of Order (T2)
Gain massive armor by focusing your item build. Corrupts all Chestplates.
Nautilus Protocol (T3)
All turrets and drones gain flat armor and regen, and a slight damage bonus. Ping to detonate. Corrupts all RC Controllers.
Obsidian Brooch (T1)
Chance to spread DoTs on hit. Corrupts all Triskelion Brooches.
Timelost Rum (T1)
Chance to shoot temporal echoes of projectiles. Corrupts all Sturdy Mugs.
Unraveling Loom (T3)
All your attacks become progressively slower and more powerful. Corrupts all Spacetime Skeins.
Villainous Visage (T1)
Deal more damage when given time to plot. Corrupts all Macho Moustaches.
Voidwisp Hive (T2)
Drop damaging wisp allies on using skills. Corrupts all Pixie Tubes.

Mod Content: Skill Variants

Icon Name/Description


Pulse (Primary)
Rapidly shoot an enemy 4 times with high recoil. Damage per shot ramps from 75% to 150% over the course of the burst.
Jink Jet (Utility)
Perform a small jet-assisted horizontal jump in your aim direction. Hold up to 3.
Plasma Grenade (Special)
Ignite. Throw a sticky grenade with very-close-range homing that explodes for 500% damage. Can hold up to 2. Watch your aim near low walls.


Smart Flak (Primary)
Continuously fire proximity fragmentation shells. Direct hits deal 50% damage. Shrapnel tracks enemies for up to 8x25% damage (maximum 5x25% on a single target).
Decoy Chaff (Secondary)
Deal 4x75% damage and clear enemy projectiles in a frontal cone. Struck enemies within line of sight of any of your turrets will be Taunted by a turret for 6 seconds.
Speed Dispenser (Utility)
Deploy a stationary decanter that stores up to 4 delicious, caffeinated, precision-brewed charges of +50% speed while sprinting and +25% jump height. Charges last 15 seconds; restores 1 charge every 7.5 seconds.

Mod Content: Interactables

Icon Name/Description


Item Drone
Give items to share them with allies near the drone.
Bulwark Drone
Enemies near the drone will attack it more often. Has high health and innate shield and armor.

Mod Content: Artifacts

Icon Name Description
Artifact of Tactics All combatants give nearby teammates small, stacking boosts to speed, damage, and armor.
Artifact of Suppression Players take heavily increased damage while airborne.
Artifact of Haste All combatants attack 10x faster and deal 1/20x damage.
Artifact of Danger Players can be killed in one hit.
Artifact of Safekeeping All item drops are taken and guarded by the teleporter boss, which will explode in a shower of loot when killed.
Artifact of Reconfiguration Start with 3 equipment slots. Equipment is more common, and is consumed instead of going on cooldown.

Mod Content: Other

Name Description
Equipment Drone Labels If enabled, this module will apply the same naming scheme that Item Drones have ("Item Drone (colored name of item)") to vanilla Equipment Drones ("Equipment Drone (colored name of equipment)").


  • ItemDisplayRule incompleteness:
    • A few TkSat items have absent or incomplete ItemDisplayRules.
    • Non-Survivor vanilla characters have no display rules for TkSat items.
  • Most items need some effects & model polish in general.
    • Chestplate texture has unintentional specularity in some areas.
    • Broken drones are missing smoke/sparks effects.
    • Cardboard Box alternate icon has not been updated to vanilla style like other icons as of v2.2.3.
  • Some class-specific item behaviors on Go-Faster Stripes are missing or placeholders.
  • Mimic usually displays a count of 0 in chat pickup announcements; might also not count towards logbook stat tracker.
  • See the GitHub repo for more!


The 5 latest updates are listed below. For a full changelog, see:

(🌧︎: Involves an accepted GitHub Pull Request or other significant assistance from the community. Thanks for your help!)


  • Fixed Scavenger's Rucksack (equipment slot swapping), RC Controller (ping AI override), and Nautilus Protocol (ping detonation) not working for clients in multiplayer.
  • Fixed En Passant VFX not appearing for clients in multiplayer.
  • Due to difficulty of netcode implementation, RC Controller and Nautilus Protocol are no longer able to suppress vanilla ping behavior.


  • New content:
    • Items:
      • En Passant (T2): Melee strike with your Utility skill to recharge it.
      • Wax Feather (Lunar): Staying airborne ignites your attacks and lowers gravity... BUT also weakens your armor and speed.
      • Nautilus Protocol (T3 Void): All turrets and drones gain flat armor and regen, and a slight damage bonus. Ping to detonate. Corrupts all RC Controllers.
  • Balance pass:
    • Lemurian's Claw:
      • Partial rework.
        • New behavior: targets a chest, which it will open for free and add an extra drop to. Will also grant enemies copies of an item from the same drop table, with count dependent on rarity (more common items grant more stacks).
        • Old behavior: targets an item, which it will duplicate one copy of to each ally, and one copy per ally to enemies.
        • This item had too much cheese potential, between allowing saving it for "useless for enemies" items & being able to use it with an item discard mod. This change should make Lemurian's Claw harder to abuse, while also giving it some use in singleplayer.
  • Lemurian's Claw now displays an animation for granting items to enemies, instead of granting instantly and silently.
  • Fixed Celestial Gambit being able to grant items to enemies after the teleporter boss dies.
  • RC Controller now suppresses vanilla ping behavior while triggering an AI override (may be reverted in config).
  • Potential fix for Scavenger's Rucksack slot swapping not working in multiplayer.
  • Fixed missing Risk of Options integration on Tinker's Satchel/Items.FudgeDice/BoostAmount.


  • Balance pass:
    • Celestial Gambit:
      • Partial rework.
        • No longer debuffs health nor prevents jumping.
        • Now gradually removes bonus items from the teleporter pool and gives them to enemies while the player carrying Celestial Gambit remains in midair. After 20 seconds of airtime (configurable), all bonus items will have been given to enemies.
        • The more stacks of Celestial Gambit an airborne player has, the faster bonus items will be given to enemies.
  • Fixed Kintsugi not counting itself as a valid item.
  • Fixed Kintsugi granting 1/100 of the intended armor and crit chance bonuses.
  • Kintsugi now uses internal item names by default, but may also accept name tokens if prefixed with "@".

3.7.0 The Doozy of a Balance Pass Update

  • 1 Balance Pass, Doozy of a:
    • 🌧︎ Thank you for your feedback! Many of these changes were made after considering suggestions from the community.
    • Old-War Lidar:
      • Reworked.
        • Now fires a weak laser projectile (40% damage + 20% per stack) at acquired targets on reaching maximum charge. Charge resets after a projectile is fired.
        • Reduced charge time to 3 seconds (was 15 seconds).
        • No longer provides a damage buff.
    • Percussive Maintenance:
      • Now additionally scales with attack damage coefficient and maximum health.
        • New defaults: healing = 1% of maximum health * relative attack damage * attack proc coefficient * item stack count.
        • Old defaults: healing = 2 HP * attack proc coefficient * item stack count.
      • Increased self healing to 50% of ally healing (was 25%).
      • Who's Leeching Seed? Never heard of 'em.
    • Triskelion Brooch:
      • No longer stacks chance.
      • Now inflicts 80% slow instead of freeze.
      • Changed first-stack damage from 100% to 50%.
      • Changed per-extra-stack damage from 25% to 50%.
      • This item was drastically overperforming for a tier-1, and also had something of a disparity in power between the different debuffs it could inflict.
    • Defibrillator:
      • Removed the first-stack healing modifier. All stacks now add 25% to the healing value for critical heals (was 50% for first stack).
      • First stack now provides 5% crit chance (configurable), similarly to Predatory Instincts.
    • Negative Feedback Loop:
      • Changed damage absorption per stack to 10% (was 20%).
      • Changed absorbed damage delay to 3 sec (was 5 sec).
    • Pulse Monitor:
      • Changed low health threshold to 50% (was 25%).
        • Low health threshold is now configurable.
        • This does not affect the low health threshold for the item's unlock achievement, which remains hardcoded at 25%.
      • Old War Stealthkit's 25% threshold was fine for triggering a guaranteed defensive buff, but using the same threshold here could be problematic with some equipment.
    • Unstable Klein Bottle:
      • Reworked.
        • Now holds affected enemies stunned in midair for 1 second (duration and height configurable), instead of pushing/pulling based on nominal character playstyle.
      • Increased internal cooldown from 0.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds to remove the potential for complete stunlocks.
    • RC Controller:
      • Changed tier from Lunar to Rare/3.
      • Now only overrides an AI ally's aim for 30 seconds (configurable) after pinging it. Multiple AI may be overridden at once. All valid AI within range, overridden or not, will still receive the fire rate buff.
    • Spacetime Skein:
      • Buffs are no longer mutually exclusive. While one buff charges, the other buff will decay at 200% (configurable) of the charge speed.
      • Being hit will now force charging onto the movement buff for 0.25 seconds (configurable), instead of resetting the stationary buff.
      • Removed the grace period before registering a movement stop, as it's redundant with the above.
    • Scavenger's Rucksack:
      • Now intercepts equipment activation while the scoreboard is open and swaps slots then, instead of while standing still.
      • I just fixed a bug here, and now I'm throwing away the fix and everything around it. Such is life!
    • Bismuth Tonic:
      • Reduced increase to incoming damage from differing enemy tiers to 12.5% (was 25%).
    • Silver Compass:
      • Now applies a second stack of Challenge of the Mountain, but only one extra item (behavior was already present, but off by default).
    • Lens of Order:
      • Reduced base armor bonus to 100 (was 500).
      • Reduced downscaling per other item to 2.5% (was 12.5%).
      • Now scales linearly instead of exponentially with further stacks.
      • The variation of usefulness of this item between early and late game was a little too spiky.
    • Villainous Visage:
      • No longer triggers when entering danger (taking damage), only when entering combat (dealing damage or using a combat skill).
      • My evil plan starts when I SAY it does, and no sooner, thank you very much.
  • Fixed an issue where Item Drone was not respecting the FakeInventory item blacklist under some circumstances. Resolves a bug with Standalone Ancient Scepter et al.
  • Implemented a slightly cleaner solution to keeping Timelost Rum projectile tracer effects in worldspace (also used in Old War Lidar rework).
  • Updated TILER2 dependency to 7.3.4.


  • Balance pass:
    • Fudge Dice now provides 10 luck (configurable) on affected rolls, instead of guaranteeing a success. This is intended to prevent an inordinate effect this item was having on very-low-chance events, such as Aspect equipment drops.
    • Kintsugi now counts itself as a broken/consumed item by default (so it will never have zero effect).
    • Gup Ray now also debuffs its targets' move and attack speed by 50% per split (configurable, exponential).
  • Restored missing chunks of the Taunt effect description.
  • 🌧︎ Fixed a typo that was preventing the Scavenger's Rucksack movement grace period from working.
  • Fixed Timelost Rum proc chance displaying in its description as 1/100 of the actual value.
  • Updated R2API dependency to 5.0.6 (now using split assembly).
  • Updated TILER2 dependency to 7.3.3.
  • Updated BepInExPack dependency to 5.4.2103.