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icebro-SkillsPlusPlus-0.6.1 icon


Add progression to your runs with skill upgrades (+SOTS support!)

Date uploaded a week ago
Version 0.6.1
Download link
Downloads 2212
Dependency string icebro-SkillsPlusPlus-0.6.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
tristanmcpherson-R2API-5.0.5 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 5.0.5
Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2


Risk of Rain 2 - Skills++ Mod

Discord source code

What's new in 0.6.0

  • Updated for Seekers of the Storm! (Expect some bugs (again) (please report them on the github !!))
  • Fixed incorrect scaling for MUL-T causing his dash to deal 4x damage
  • Added new upgrade for MUL-T's Power Mode
  • SOTS survivor support is yet to be added

What's new in 0.5.0

  • Updated the way the mod finds the names of skills to hopefully alleviate future problems with implementing new skills. (For modders: Skill Names now finds the Object.Name of the SkillDef rather than skilldef.skillname. If your mod was using different names for those two, please update your Skills++ integration to use the correct name.)

  • Fixed an error that prevented Engi's turrets from getting their buffs.

  • Fixed some tooltip issues regarding Huntress' second utility skill and Void Fiend picking up Acrid's tooltips by mistake.

  • Added Not Yet Implemented messages to the unsupported vanilla skills to reduce confusion.

What's new in 0.4.5

  • Added more protection against NullReferenceErrors and added error logging to some to track the issue.

Full changelog history


Using a mod manager like r2modman or gale is recommended to install mods in general, but if you're running a manual install simply extract the mod's files to your BepInEx/plugins folder.


While ingame your will earn skill points at certain levels that can be used to purchase upgrades to your characters skills. By default, your first skill point is earned upon reaching level five, and subsequently rewards every fifth level.

You can change the number of levels between skill points within the gameplay settings in Risk of Rain 2. Changes to this setting will be applied at the start of each run.

To redeem points open the info screen (hold TAB by default) and click the skill you would like to buy. Upgrades do not carry over between runs so you will be starting from scratch every time.

  1. When you have levelled up enough to buy a skill the icons will change to have a yellow border.

  2. Opening the info screen will present 'Buy' buttons over the top of skills that can be purchased.

  3. Clicking on any of the 'Buy' buttons will spend a single point and the skill will upgrade.

Modded characters

Go and check out all of these characters and give them some love!

If you have added Skills++ to your own modded character let me know and I will add it here.

TTGL by Mico27


Using controllers is now support for purchasing upgrades for your skills. In order to begin using it you must bind your desired control to entering the buying mode. You can find the binding at the end of all the gamepad controls.

While ingame just press and the bound button and activate the skill you wish to upgrade.

Disabling survivors

Console commands have been added to disable and reenable Skills++ for selected survivors. You can use this to exclude survivors that conflict with Skills++.

The two commands are:

  • spp_disable_survivor <survivor name> Disables Skills++ for the named survivor
  • spp_enable_survivor <survivor name> Re-enables Skills++ for the named survivor

Example usage:

spp_disable_survivor Artificer

By default all characters will be enabled for Skills++. The enable command is there to re-enable a survivor if the conflict no longer exists.

Feedback and bug reports

The best way to give feedback or raise bugs is through opening a github issue (please provide a log !!). I welcome everyone who uses Skills++ to drop by and share your thoughts.


When playing multiplayer my/friend's game doesn't work. What is going wrong?

Skills++ does have multiplayer support but there may still be gaps in the logic. The best action to resolve this is to raise it in a github issue with as much info as possible

Will Skills++ support modded characters?

Yes. There is support for third party code to integrate with the Skills++ system. Guides are available here alongside the mod's source code.

Skills++ makes the game a cakewalk. Do you recommend any other mods to balance the game?

I'd highly recommend HIFU's Inferno mod. It adds an extra difficulty to the game that should level the playing fields a bit more.

Special thanks

A very special thanks to the following people. They have been amazing people providing feedback and bug reports for the mod

  • K'Not Devourer of Worlds
  • Maxi
  • TEA

Upgrade descriptions

Upgrade descriptions are also shown ingame when hovering over a skill's icon.

Jump to character

Commando Huntress Bandit MUL-T Engineer Artificer Mercenary REX Loader Acrid Captain Railgunner Lunar Items


Skill Description
Double Tap Double tap +20% rate of fire and +15% recoil reduction per level
Phase Round Phase Round +30% damage and +30% projectile velocity per level
Phase Blast Phase Blast +30% bullets fires and +20% blast range per level
Tactical Dive Tactical Dive Grants +0.75 seconds of invulnerability per level
Tactical Slide Tactical Slide +0.125s slide duration. Converts +6% movespeed while sliding as attack speed, damage and armor
Supressive Fire Supressive fire +30% bullets fired per level
Frag Grenade Frag Grenade +20% explosion damage and +20% blast radius per level


Skill Description
Strafe Strafe +20% range and +20% proc chance per level
Flurry Flurry +10% range and +1 arrow fired per level. Crits fire twice as many arrows
Laser Glaive Laser Glaive +1 bounce, +10% damage, and +10 units of bounce range per level
Blink Blink Grants +1 second per level or full crit time
Phase Blink Phase Blink Grants +0.5 seconds per level or full crit time
Arrow Rain Arrow Rain +25% area of effect and +20% damage per level
Ballista Ballista +1 bullet and +20% damage per level


Skill Description
Burst Burst +1 bullet and +5% damage per level
Blast Blast +20% damage, +10% proc chance, and +20% stability per level
Serrated Dagger Serrated Dagger +20% hitbox size and +20% damage per level
Serrated Shiv Serrated Shiv +1 projectile per two levels. +10% damage per level
Smoke Bomb Smoke Bomb +1 base movement speed while invisible. +15% hitbox size and +20% damage per level
Lights Out Lights Out +10% to +30% damage per level, based on remaining enemy health
Desperado Desperado +1% Execute threshold


Skill Description
Auto-Nailgun Auto-Nailgun +20% damage and +4 bullets to final burst per level
Rebar Puncher Rebar Puncher +15% rate of fire and +10% damage per level
Scrap Launcher Scrap Launcher +1 stock, +20% damage, and +15% blast radius per level
Power-Saw Power-Saw +20% rate of fire, +20% damage, and +30% blade hitbox size per level
Blast Cannister Blast Cannister +3 child bombs, +20% spread radius, +20% child blast radius, and +20% damage per level
Transport Mode Transport Mode +10% duration, +10% speed, and +30% damage per level
Swap Swap Upon activating gain +1 second of bonus attack speed and +1 second equipment cooldown per level
Power Mode Power Mode Gain +25 defense, 15% damage and 10% speed per level


Skill Description
Bouncing Grenades Bouncing Grenades +1 and +2 to the minimum and maximum grenades fired per level
Pressure Mines Pressure Mines -10% arming time, +20% damage, +20% blast radius, and +20% trigger radius per level
Spider Mines Spider Mines +30% activation range and +20% damage per level
Bubble Shield Bubble Shield +15% duration and +15% size per level
Thermal Harpoons Thermal Harpoons +1 harpoon ammo, +20% damage, and +30% targetting range per level
TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret +25% enemy detection range and +10% damage per level. +1 deployable turret per two levels
TR58 Carbonizer Turret TR58 Carbonizer Turret +15% damage, +25% proc chance, and +10% rate of fire per level. +1 deployable turret per two levels


Skill Description
Flame bolt Flame bolt +2 stock and -10% stock recharge time per level
Plasma Bolt Plasma bolt +2 stock and -10% stock recharge time per level
Charged Nano-Bomb Charged nano-bomb +20% damage and +10% max charge time per level
Charged Nano-Spear Charged nano-spear +20% damage and +10% max charge time per level
Snapfreeze Snapfreeze +30% wall damage, +15% wall duration, and +20% wall length per level
Flamethrower Flamethrower +20% range, +25% flame radius, and +20% damage per level
Ion Surge Ion Surge +25% damage and +30% area of effect per level


Skill Description
Laser Sword Laser Sword +20% damage, and +15% attack speed per level
Whirlwind Whirlwind +25% damage and +25% larger hitbox per level
Rising Thunder Rising Thunder +25% damage per level. +1 stock per two levels
Blinding Assault Blinding Assault +20% damage, and +0.5 seconds extra delay before reset
Focused Assault Focused Assault +20% hitbox size, and +15% proc chance per level
Eviscerate Eviscerate +30% chain range, +15% attack speed, and +10% proc chance per level
Slicing Winds Slicing Winds +20% attack speed and +20% damage per level


Skill Description
DIRECTIVE: Inject DIRECTIVE: Inject +1 syringe and +10% damage per level
DIRECTIVE: Drill DIRECTIVE: Drill +10% damage, +10% duration, and +20% radius per level
Seed Barrage Seed Barrage +20% radius and +20% damage per level
DIRECTIVE: Disperse DIRECTIVE: Disperse +30% range, +20% angle, +20% debuff duration per level
Bramble Volley Bramble Volley +20% range, +20% angle, +20% damage per level
DIRECTIVE: Harvest DIRECTIVE: Harvest +20% damage, +10% radius, +1% life steal on marked enemy per level
Tangling Growth Tangling Growth +20% damage, +20% radius, +10% healing rate per level


Skill Description
Knuckleboom Knuckleboom +1% barrier gained and +20% damage per level
Grapple Fist Grapple Fist +30% hook range per level.
Spiked Fist Spiked Fist +15% hook range and +20% damage per level
Charged Gauntlet Charged Gauntlet +10% max charge, +20% base damage, and +15% velocity based damage per level
Thunder Gauntlet Thunder Gauntlet +15% damage and +20% cone range per level
M551 Pylon M551 Pylon +20% damage, +20% range, and +20% rate of fire per level
Thunder Slam Thunder Slam +5% damage, +10% to +100% range based on travel distance, and +25% leap height per level


Skill Description
Vicious Wounds Vicious Wounds +20% normal damage, +25% combo finisher damage, and +15% attack speed per level
Neurotoxin Neurotoxin +20% damage, +30% projectile speed, and +30% blast radius per level. +1 stock per two levels
Ravenous Bite Ravenous Bite +20% damage and +1 stock per level
Caustic Leap Caustic Leap +20% blast damage, +30% acid pool damage, and +20% acid pool size per level
Frenzied Leap Frenzied Leap +25% blast damage and +15% refunded time per level
Epidemic Epidemic +5 infection bounces, +20% infection range, and +20% on hit damage per level


Skill Description
Vulcan Shotgun Vulcan Shotgun +20% shell count and +10% damage per level
Power Tazer Power Tazer +40% blast radius and +20% damage per level
Orbital Probe Orbital Probe +20% blast radius and +20% damage per level
OGM-72 'DIABLO' Strike OGM-72 'DIABLO' Strike -1 second drop time, -15% cooldown duration and +4% friendly fire prevention range per level
Beacon: Healing Beacon: Healing +20% healing range per level
Beacon: Shocking Beacon: Shocking +30% shock range per level
Beacon: Resupply Beacon: Resupply +1 resupply stock per level
Beacon: Hacking Beacon: Hacking +20% hacking speed and +20% hacking range per level


Skill Description
XQR Smart Round System XQR Smart Round System +10%rate of fire and+20%` range
M99 Sniper M99 Sniper +1 max empowered round and +1 stock every 2 levels
HH44 Marksman HH44 Marksman +1 temporary armor per kill. Turns into +0.25s movement speed boost after zoom out
Concussion Device Concussion Device +0.5s slowfall on hit and +15% throw range
Polar Field Device Polar Field Device +10% global damage on affected enemies, +15% range, and +15% throw range
Supercharge Supercharge +10% proc chance, +20% crit multiplier, and -5% cooldown duration
Cryocharge Cryocharge +2s frostfire burn and -10% cooldown duration

Lunar Items

Skill Description
Hungering Gaze Visions of Heresy +2 stock per level and +20% damage per level. As Heretic, +0.25 base damage per level
Slicing Maelstrom Hooks Of Heresy +1 maelstrom tick per second and +15% hitbox size per level. As Heretic, +3 base armor per level
Shadowfade Strides Of Heresy +10% speed bonus and +15% healing ticks. As Heretic, +3% max health per level
Ruin Heart Of Heresy +5% damage and +20% Ruin stack odds per attack, per level. As Heretic, +0.25 base attack speed per level



What's new in 6.0.1

  • Re-added configs with support for Risk of Options (sorry controller bros .., looking into how extra skill slots adds controller support!)
  • Fixed a bug where skill upgrades wouldn't stay until re-upgraded on the next stage
  • Fixed Arti's Snapfreeze upgrade not doing anything

What's new in 0.6.0

  • Updated for Seekers of the Storm! (Expect some bugs (again))
  • Fixed incorrect scaling for MUL-T causing his dash to deal 4x damage
  • Added new upgrade for MUL-T's Power Mode
  • SOTS survivor support is yet to be added

What's new in 0.5.0

  • Updated the way the mod finds the names of skills to hopefully alleviate future problems with implementing new skills. (For modders: Skill Names now finds the Object.Name of the SkillDef rather than skilldef.skillname. If your mod was using different names for those two, please update your Skills++ integration to use the correct name.)

  • Fixed an error that prevented Engi's turrets from getting their buffs.

  • Fixed some tooltip issues regarding Huntress' second utility skill and Void Fiend picking up Acrid's tooltips by mistake.

  • Added Not Yet Implemented messages to the unsupported vanilla skills to reduce confusion.

What's new in 0.4.5

  • Added more protection against NullReferenceErrors and added error logging to some to track the issue.

What's new in 0.4.3

  • Added a missing setting for Buy Skills to disable the input block when buying

What's new in 0.4.2

  • Extended support for Buy Skill key to Keyboard+Mouse (as well as enabling the VR version)
  • Fixed Railgunner's Supercharge cooldown issue with some mods
  • Fixed Captain not being able to hack after level 6 in Linear Mult mode
  • Captain's Supply Drop now properly show its range before dropping
  • Fixed Captain's Diablo cooldown not returning to normal on repeat games

What's new in 0.4.1

  • Railgunner support!
  • Changed how Captain's Diablo Missile' cooldown is calculated
  • Fixed an issue with Huntress blinking endlessly when Zet mods is present
  • Fixed an issue with Loader gaining 10x the amount of damage expected with Thunderslam
  • Fixed an issue with buffs not being applied and their icons not working

What's new in 0.4.0

  • Survivors of the Void update! (Expect some bugs)
  • Mod has been stabilized for SotV but new content will come in 0.4.1

What's new in 0.3.1

What's new in 0.3.0

  • Heretic support is here!
  • Fixed issues caused by changing character mid-run. (Artifact of Metamorphosis, Heretic, Guren Lagann, etc.)
  • Fixed a bug where some aspects of skills wouldn't look at the correct skill's level to determine their power.

What's new in 0.2.5 to 0.2.8

  • 0.2.5 = Makes the mod functional (unlike 0.2.4)
  • 0.2.6 = Removes logging used to fix 0.2.4
  • 0.2.7 = Fixes Multiplayer
  • 0.2.8 = Corrects some skills' bonuses.

What's new in 0.2.4

  • Added support for Captain's Diablo Strike, Mercenary's Focused Assault, REX's Directive: Harvest, and Loader's Thunderslam.
  • Added new setting to use Linear Multipliers rather than exponentials.

What's new in 0.2.3

  • Bandit support. Full credit to Volvary, Risk of Rain 2 modding discord and send them some love.
  • Updated R2API dependancy to 3.0.30
  • Improved mod support for third party skill upgrades

Version 0.2.2

  • Updated to work with the RoR2 anniversary update
  • Updated R2API and BepInEx depenancies
  • Readded upgrade descriptions to README

Version 0.2.1

  • Added skill upgrade for Strides of Heresy item
  • Added ingame skill upgrade descriptions as tooltips on skills
  • Added defensive checks to prevent NPE when the player's character is unloaded
  • Changed Artificer's Nano Bomb to have the blast size of the bomb increased with levels invested.
  • Removed Artificer's Nano Spear scaling of charge time

Version 0.2.0

  • Added mutliplayer support

Version 0.1.5

  • Refactored internal code to make in more stable for future development
  • Fixed mercenary's primary attack not upgrading
  • Fixed REX's DIRECTIVE: Disperse and Bramble Volley skills pulling enemies instead of pushing them away when the skill is levelled up
  • Fixed upgrading MUL-T's Rebar Puncher not affecting the rate of fire.
  • Fixed support for rob's Aatrox
  • Fixed Hungering Gaze having insanely high scaling.

Version 0.1.4


  • Added Captain upgrades. All vanilla characters are now done!!!!
  • Added upgrades for Hungering Gaze. It was a stink one to pick up Visions of Heresy and lose upgrades. They now transfer onto the item.
  • Fixed REX's primary fire having too much spread. The base value has reduced back to normal.
  • Fixed Huntress's flurry to fire the arrows faster before the ability is cancels.
  • Added extra time to Huntress's ballista so the player has more time to take aim and fire all shots.

Version 0.1.3


  • Added REX upgrades
  • Added ingame setting to change the levels between skill points
  • Updated R2API dependancy to 2.5.7

Version 0.1.2


  • Removed need for Rewired MonoMod dlls

Version 0.1.1


  • Added instructions for console command usage

Version 0.1.0


  • Fixed mod to work with changes in the game's 1.0.0 release.
  • Added support for controllers to spend skill points. Button is rebindable in gamepad options.
  • Added support for other modded characters to integrate with Skills++.
  • Added console command to disable Skills++ for chosen survivors. This is for all of the Sniper players out there.
  • Removed limits on upgrading skills.
  • Reduced the rate of acquiring skill points to one per 5 levels.
  • Changed percentage/multiplication compound the scaling. As an adjustment some scalings have been pulled back to compensate.
  • Removed Blinding Assault cooldown reduction now the mechanism is core to Mercenary's loadout.
  • Changed UI to show the upgrades as a number rather than as multiple '+' symbols
  • Removed MUL-T's swap duration reduction scaling in favour of a new equipment cooldown buff.

Version 0.1.0-rc1


  • Prelease of public API for modded character support

Version 0.0.11


  • Added upgrades for Loader
  • Improved readme's mod usage section with images.
  • Added FAQ section to readme

Bug fixes:

  • #31 - Fixed Mercenary's eviscerate not applying upgrades
  • #33 - Fixed Acrid's caustic leap ability having only one charge instead of two.

Version 0.0.10


  • Added upgrades for Mercenary
  • Replaced +2.5% bounce damage from Huntress's Glaive skill with +10% flat damage bonus. The bonus damage per bounce made the skill far to over powered as the skill levelled up.
  • Added support across the remaining characters for Classic Items's scepter item

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a null pointer happening on launch

Version 0.0.9


  • Added upgrades for all of Acrid's abilities

Bug fixes:


Version 0.0.8


  • Removed Engi's thermal harpoon target paint duration per missile
  • Added +50% targetting range to Engi's thermal harpoon

Bug fixes:

  • #20, #22 - Fixed Acrid's passive ability not working

Version 0.0.7


  • Added MULT skill upgrades

Bug fixes:

  • #19 - Fixed Huntress's arrow rain not dealing any damage
  • Fixed robustness of upgrade icons showing for the correct skills

Version 0.0.6


  • Added Engineer's skill upgrades
  • Buffed Commando's Double tap rate of fire bonus. +15% -> +20%
  • Nerfed Huntress's glaive bound bonus from +2 to +1 per level
  • Added +25% damage to Artificer's Nano-nomb and Nano-spear. Needed more power than just longer charge time
  • Buffed Artificer's Flame bolt and Plasma bolt to recharge slightly faster per level

Bug fixes:

  • #13, #14 - Fixed bug where travelling to the Bazaar or Void Plains would reverts the character's loadout to defaults.

Version 0.0.5


  • Released Commando's skill upgrade kit

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug where Huntress's flurry wouldn't fire the correct number of arrows when critting.
  • #12 - Fixed Artificer's flamethrower dealign 1 damage per tick and not scaling with upgrades purchased.

Version 0.0.4


  • Completed upgrade paths for all Huntress abilities
  • Improved internal skill upgrade API to support character buffing

Version 0.0.3


  • Released upgrade paths for all Artificer abilities.
  • Refactored mechism for applying upgrades to abilities. Will make future work easier and much more powerful.

Bug Fixes:

  • Removed upgrading for Commando's tactical roll since there is no upgrade path yet

Version 0.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • #1 - Fixed host in multiplayer games not being able to buy upgrades
  • #2 - Fixed MUL-T, and Acrid characters not selecting correctly in character select screen
  • #3 - Fixed Commando's special ability diplaying the wring description
  • Fixed some skill upgrades carrying over between runs
  • Cleaned up print statements

Version 0.0.1

Initial release of mod