Inscryption_LFTD-Legends_From_The_Darkness icon

Legends From The Darkness

A collection of cards, sigils and tribes based on real animals and urban legends.


Legends from the darkness Changelog!


Previous updates
= V 1.0.1

Missing Dependencies

= V 1.0.2

Bug Fixes

= V 1.0.3

Fixed Stalker Card

Changed Chupacabra card

Added 3 cards

= V 1.0.4

Small Stalker rework.

Skinwalker changed

New prefixes

= V 1.0.5

Added new cards, updated a few.

Added 2 new sigils (Bird Of Prey and Swarm).

= V 1.1.0

Added new cards (some of which with special abilities).

Reworked old golem card

Removed Owl and Bird Of Prey Sigil.

= V 1.1.1

Updated Readme with card and sigil names.

Properly deleted Owl

= V 1.1.2

More cards.

Buffed electric eel to +1 attack.

Nerfed Dog Summon sigil to not retain mods (caused problems with the bloodhound)

= V 1.1.3

Even more cards.

2 tribes and 1 KCM Starter pack (Undead)

= V 1.1.4

2 More cards.

Added pixel portraits to: Bloater, Scavenger and Stalker.

Added Replacement for cat to fit more with the feline tribe.

= V 1.1.5

Added 5 cards.

Changed nightcrawler.

= V 1.1.6

Nerfed Bush Dog and Fisher Cat to be more in-line with vanilla game's balancing

= V 1.2.0

Added Vampire, Strigoi, Horde, Haggard and Shrieker (includes shrieker's call, new sigil that wipes the card's side of the board for horde) and re-added Owl.

Added Sigilarium sigils.

= V 1.2.1

Added Gashadokuro and Camel

= V 1.2.2

Added 2 new starter decks for KCM.

Changed chupacabra with new stats/sigil and changed it from regular to rare.

Added Kappa, Warthog, Thorny devil.

(Experimental) horde encounter found in difficulty 5-20

= V 1.3.0

Various balance changes to better fit within the balance of vanilla.

3 NEW encounters! (LFTD.MoreCanines, LFTD.Horde, LFTD.WetlandHazards)

Added: Goose, Schrödinger's cat, Zombie, King Cobra, Boa, Sloth Bear, Fox.

Fixed Dart frog's hideous emission textures.

Revamped Changelog.

= V 1.3.1

Encounter and sloth bear fix that caused the mod to not work for some reason.

= V 1.3.3

Fixed Fox's eyes, gashadokuro has the rare card background and ahuizotl tail changed to avoid bugs.

= V 1.4.0

Moved Encounters out to their own standalone mod.

1 New starter deck! (Shark deck: Hammerhead, Thresher, Cookiecutter)

Regular cards added: Undead Elk, Undead Moose, Undead Redhart, Scorpion, Carpenter Moth, Hawk Wasp, Smilodon (+cub), Clouded Leopard, Leopard, Puma, Bombardier Beetle, Anglerfish, Penguin, Mongoose, Osprey, Falcon, Eagle, Tiger.

Rare cards added: El Silbon (added sigil, bonepile strafe)

Removed Drunk sigil and Schrodinger's cat (redundant sigil and unbalanced card).

Retweaked various names and text/descriptions.

Changed Talking card "Wendigoon" to be fix text length issues.

Fixed names for certain cards (mainly capitalizing old cards).

Changed name of "Wing Clipper" sigil to "Bird of Prey" and "parasitic" sigil to "Infested"

Updated Shrieker's call and Infested sigil icons.

Updated readme to be a bit more legible, aswell as adding tribes, sigils and starter decks for KCM.

= V 1.4.1

Fixed Changelog.

= V 1.4.2

Embarassingly missed 1 quotation mark for thresher shark card's pixel portrait

= V 1.4.3

Fixed wendigo Sigil.

Fixed Scorpion art not showing.

Added 3 new cards (Mako Pup, Puma Cub, Tuna).

Changed Hawk Wasp.

= V 1.4.4

Fixed some misc. stuff

Wendigo sigil will not show up as an opponent totem (hopefully)

Added Cadejo

= V 1.4.5

Added: Heron, Highland Cow, Shrike, Antlion & Antlion Larva

Fixed Cadejo being found in regular card pool (meant to be rare)

Remade skinwalker's design

Added a new sidedeck(Parasite) available through: TVFLabs - CustomSideDeck Infiniscryption - Side_Deck_selector

= V 1.4.6

fixed antlion

= V 1.5.0

Changed tribes to its own mod with dependency

Added more act 2 cards

= V 1.5.1

fixed missing clouded leopard pixel portrait

changed Lion's stats

fixed lion and cicada being in the rare card pool

added missing bombardier and cicada into the act 2 card pool.

= V 1.5.2

Fixed Cadejo (again)

= V 1.5.3

to go with the encounter updates, added the mod into a plugins folder for organization

= V 1.5.4

took out 2 testing cards

buffed alligator by 1 attack

fixed wendigo sigil appearing on cave trial cards