GoblinKingShmee-GenshinImpactOverhaul icon


Replaces all entities with characters from Genshin Impact, including animations, sounds, and terminal entries. v50 Monsters compatible!

Last updated 11 hours ago
Total downloads 4857
Total rating 4 
Categories Mods Client-side Monsters Asset Replacements
Dependency string GoblinKingShmee-GenshinImpactOverhaul-1.2.1
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
no00ob-LCSoundTool-1.5.1 icon

Let's you easily load audio files, replace in game audio, send audio over the network and log any audio playback into console.

Preferred version: 1.5.1
Clementinise-CustomSounds-2.3.2 icon

Let's you easily load audio files (With LCSoundTool) and replace any in game audio clip.

Preferred version: 2.3.2
BunyaPineTree-ModelReplacementAPI-2.4.4 icon

API to simplify model replacement

Preferred version: 2.4.4


GoblinKingShmee's Genshin Impact Overhaul Mod

Replaces all entities in Lethal Company with characters from Genshin Impact.

  • Every character is complete with animations, voice lines, and terminal entries!

  • Now compatible with Butler, Butler bees, Old Bird(mech), and Flower Lizard

  • There are also changes to ambient music, and a few other silly Genshin sounds.

  • Characters included: Albedo, Bennett, Chevreuse, Childe, Dori, Furina, Freminet, Itto, Kazuha, Klee, Navia, Neuvillette, Nilou, Paimon, Qiqi, Raiden Shogun, Razor, Ruin Guard, Scaramouche, Venti, Wriothesley, Xiao, Yaoyao, and Zhongli.

  • With the official release of v50, FreminetButlerMod has been merged with this

  • Installation Instructions

    • Easily Downloaded with the use of ThunderStore but works as well with manual installation.
    • Just make sure the GenshinImpactOverhaul.dll file is in the same folder as genshinoverhaul.
  • Contact

  • Conflictions

    • Should work with any mod added, but naturally will conflict with any mod that alters creature and map hazard models, sounds, or terminal entries.
  • Credits

    • Thanks a ton to KinkyDeathMagic for animation finding and creation, model alterations, as well as Visual Effects creation for multiple entities! Thank you as well for testing throughout the creation process!

    • All models and sounds are property of Hoyoverse.

    • A big thank you to the Lethal Company Modding Community for all the help! https://discord.gg/v5t3KkEdsv

    • And thank you for downloading this mod!

Version Tracker

- v1.2.1
	- Added more ambient sounds

- v1.2.0
	- Wriothesley should no longer rarely make Neuvillette's anger noise, but hard to test as it seems to happen randomly.
	- Qiqi no longer occasionally makes Albedo noises
- v1.1.9
	- Fixed certain characters getting stuck in animations and not correctly transitioning to the expected animations
	- Nilou should better face the player
	- Furina noises volume adjusted
	- Adjusted Itto's carry item animation to work better

- v1.1.8
	- Reverted prespawn Ruin Guard object back to vanilla one as only the host can see it, and the Ruin Guard doesn't ever wakeup

- v1.1.7
	- Qiqi now correctly appears only for one person, and disappears when she should

- v1.1.6 
	- Reduced the distance which you can hear Venti's idle, no more cacophany of "Yaho"
	- Added effect on Xiao's pounce
	- Added music for new ambient tracks
	- Furina now makes additional noises to announce her presence
	- Adds a glider to Venti
	- All stun animations correctly setup so characters no longer just stand there

- v1.1.5
	- Dependency with ModelReplacementAPI added to allow Albedo to work correctly for those using 3D charcter models, won't affect those just running base skins. May just be a temporary fix
	- Yaoyao kills a little more consistently, will still need to be tweaked
	- Albedo no longer laughs when spawning
	- Ruin Guard noises should play more consistently
	- Reduced the distance which you can hear Scaramouche's idle

- v1.1.4
	- Kazuha shouldn't impact performance much as now either

- v1.1.3
	- Scaramouche shouldn't impact performance as much now

- v1.1.2
	- Venti got over his fear of heights and now correctly ascends and faces the direction he's flying
	- Wriothesley now has cloth physics for his coat
	- Klee death sounds have been added
	- Scaramouche should no longer spam the console

- v1.1.1
	- Adds Freminet (Pers too!), Ruin Guard, and Xiao in replacement for v50 enemies
	- Re-adds terminal entries for enemies, as well as adding in new ones for Freminet, Ruin Guard, and Xiao
	- Venti's animations have been redone and he no longer goes underground(conversely, he doesn't go much above 5 feet in the air)

- v1.1.0
	- Furina now correctly switches between walking and idling	

- v1.0.9
	- Nilou now correctly does animations! No longer does she just thrash!
	- Venti no longer spams voicelines when dead
	- Adjusted volume for certain sounds
- v1.0.8
	- Scaramouche continues being a problem, but location on hive is fixed, for some reason he can phase through the ship door in v50 (Seems to be a general issue with bees)
	- Itto's animations timed better, and no longer spams his hurt voice lines when dead and being hit by Wriothesley
	- v50 animations added for Klee death and Wriothesley cowering
	- Yaoyao now correctly appears on v50 moons

- v1.0.7 
	- Disabling Bestiary as it's extremely broken in v50

- v1.0.6
	- Scaramouche should preform better in the rain
	- Altered positioning of some scan nodes to make scanning easier
	- Sound volume adjustments
- v1.0.5
	- Fixes Albedo, Chevreuse, and Itto's death pose clipping
	- Fixes Neuvillette glow for real this time
	- Certain sounds should play with more consistency

- v1.0.4
	- Scaramouche is now officially alive and correctly uses electro
	- Nilou's dance circle glows more brightly
- v1.0.3
	- Zhongli and Raiden Shogun are no longer shiny

- v1.0.2
	- Walking sounds no longer doubled for characters

- v1.0.1
	- Fixed Neuvillette's glow and Razor's claws

- v1.0.0
	- Release
  • Known Bugs

    • Scaramouche can phase through ship door, could just be a problem with bees in general
    • Ruin Guard struggles to pick players up
    • Yaoyao might not be able to kill you & she gets stuck under rocks on Embrion, leading to a strange interaction