Zethical-Zeths_Moons_Modpack icon

Zeths Moons Modpack

A collection of a bunch of moons that we use. Compiled by Zethical.

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 133
Total rating 0 
Categories Modpacks
Dependency string Zethical-Zeths_Moons_Modpack-1.1.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.3.8 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.3.8
DiFFoZ-CompanyCruiserFix-1.0.5 icon

Fixes Dropship throws NullReferenceException on custom moons

Preferred version: 1.0.5
AudioKnight-StarlancerAIFix-3.7.0 icon

Automatically assigns interior/exterior AI for enemies based on their spawn location. Also fixes a null reference exception regarding EnableEnemyMesh(). Part of my Starlancer Series!

Preferred version: 3.7.0
IAmBatby-LethalToolbox-1.0.4 icon

A Lethal Company Mod & Editor Tool to provide custom content creators with easily accessible ways to implement features and mechanics without then need for custom code.

Preferred version: 1.0.4
sfDesat-ViewExtension-1.3.0 icon

[v55] Increases the view distance

Preferred version: 1.3.0
fumiko-CullFactory-1.2.0 icon

Stops rendering interior rooms that aren't visible - Helps with performance without affecting visuals.

Preferred version: 1.2.0
mrov-TerminalFormatter-0.2.23 icon

Rework of terminal's pages.

Preferred version: 0.2.23
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1
Yorimor-CustomStoryLogs-1.4.5 icon

Allows the addition of custom story logs.

Preferred version: 1.4.5
Hardy-LCMaxSoundsFix-1.2.0 icon

Simple mod that increase max number of simultaneous playing sounds, hopefully fixing missing footsteps and other missing sound problems.

Preferred version: 1.2.0
AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.4.2 icon

Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Preferred version: 1.4.2
xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI-3.1.1 icon

A library/API to allow developers to easily add networking to their mods.

Preferred version: 3.1.1
mrov-MrovLib-0.2.4 icon

Common methods for my mods.

Preferred version: 0.2.4
Magic_Wesley-Wesleys_Moons-4.0.28 icon

All of my moons in one bundle.

Preferred version: 4.0.28
Tolian-Tolian_Moons-2.1.7 icon

(LLL) Adds 21 new moons to the game

Preferred version: 2.1.7
RosiePies-Rosies_Moons-2.0.3 icon

[2.0.3] An overhaul of Lethal Company's universe.

Preferred version: 2.0.3
DemonMae-oneshotmoons-1.7.3 icon

A mod that adds 3 of Oneshots major locations as playable moons!

Preferred version: 1.7.3
AudioKnight-StarlancerMoons-2.3.3 icon

(LLL) 4 new moons: 1 free, 1 intermediate, 1 late-game, and 1 hidden. Part of my Starlancer series!

Preferred version: 2.3.3
Autumnis-HarvestMoons-1.4.4 icon

Four new moons, Sierra, Fray, Cambrian and Temper.

Preferred version: 1.4.4
Zingar-SecretLabs-3.4.1 icon

[3.4 Release] A custom moon based on the game SCP:Secret Lab and located on the facility Site-02. An abandoned lab once known as Site-02. Proceed with caution, entities once contained here now roam its halls.

Preferred version: 3.4.1
Zingar-Atlas_Abyss-1.2.2 icon

[1.2 Release] A new moon of dark secrets, jagged terrain and carved stone. Below the surface, the Masked Men have broken free. The abyss below extends *redacted* metres and none have survived the fall.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Boniato-Ganimedes-2.4.0 icon

[2.4 Release] (v55/v56 update) (LLL) A challenging late game moon with hidden places, parkour shortcuts, 4 fire exits and new themed scrap with unique features!

Preferred version: 2.4.0
LethalMatt-Bozoros-1.0.1 icon

A custom clown / circus themed moon. Featuring custom music, weather events, interior, enemies and a firework show!

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Wydrop-MANTIF-1.2.5 icon

MANTIF is a moon with an abandoned science lab on it. Mantif Dungeon recommanded

Preferred version: 1.2.5
Guodan-Crest-1.1.2 icon

Adds the snowy mountain moon 38 Crest.

Preferred version: 1.1.2
luakite-Synthesis_Moon-1.0.8 icon

Adds new moon named 86 Synthesis with elevator + apparatus to enter the facility!

Preferred version: 1.0.8
fiufki-Siabudabu-5.0.1 icon

[5.0.1 (The Extended Cut Update)] A frozen vanilla exomoon with rocky terrains and a tough atmosphere.

Preferred version: 5.0.1
NeatWolf-Tranquillity-0.5.30 icon

v0.5.30 Tranquillity - Eternal sunlight and aggressive fauna. 16 hours before leaving. A+ moon crowded with enemies. Custom enemies and interiors (Manor+Facility). 2 'adapted' monsters. Turrets in, Mines out. Bring a shovel.

Preferred version: 0.5.30
Turbotaliz-Aerona-1.0.7 icon

New hard vanila-like snowy moon from LCTTeam!

Preferred version: 1.0.7
s1ckboy-Seichi-0.8.1 icon

[v56] The Japanese Sacred Land

Preferred version: 0.8.1


Zeth's Moons Modpack

A modpack with a bunch of moons that I've compiled for myself and friends that we use. I do not own any of these mods!!! All credit goes to the respective owners!!!

Below is a list of all the mods categorized by who made them and what modpack they are featured in.

Wesley's Moons by Magic Wesley.

Moon Price Difficulty
Asteroid-13 0 B
Junic 30 C
Atlantica 130 B
Gloom 220 B
Infernis 280 B+
Gratar 430 A
Desolation 510 A+
Acidir 580 S
Fission-C 600 A
Polarus 650 A
Oldred 720 S+
Etern 750 S+
Cosmocos 2300 ???

Tolian Moons by Tolian.

Moon Price Difficulty
Aquatis by SfDesat. 0 D
Azure 0 A
Maritopia 0 C
Nyx 0 B+
EGypt by KayNetsua. 60 B+
Crystallum 150 B
Echelon 180 B
EchoReach 200 B
Spectralis 290 B+
PsychSanctum 340 B+
Celest by SfDesat. 350 ???
Nimbus 360 ???
Zenit 470 A
Argent 510 A
Sanguine 520 A
Celestria 600 S-
Kast by Ceelery. 650 S
Orion by SfDesat. 750 ???
Budapest by PandaHUN. 800 MCXI
Harloth 910 P
CaltPrime 1000 SS

Rosies Moons by RosiePies.

Moon Price Difficulty
Affliction ??? ???
Eve ??? ???
Summit ??? ???
Sector-0 ??? ???
iYbxXByI ??? ???

oneshotmoons by DemonMae.

Moon Price Difficulty
Glen 0 ???
The Barrens ??? ???
Refuge ??? ???

StarlancerMoons by AudioKnight.

Moon Price Difficulty
Solace 0 B
Triskelion 350 B+
Auralis 850 SS
StarlancerZero 2000 ???

HarvestMoons by Autumnis.

Moon Price Difficulty
Sierra 0 B+
Fray 0 B+
Cambrian 225 A
Temper 650 S

Other Various Moons.

Moon Price Difficulty
Tranquillity by NeatWolf. 0 A+
Atlas Abyss by Zingar. 200 ???
SecretLabs by Zingar. 400 ???
Crest by Guodan. 400 A
Seichi by s1ckboy. 500 S
Mantif by Wydrop. 530 S+
Ganimedes by Boniato. 2000 ???
Aerona by Turbotaliz. 2500 S+++
Bozoros by LethalMatt. ??? ???
Synthesis by luakite. ??? ???
Siabudabu by fiufki. ??? ???

This modpack also contains Terminal Formatter by mrov to properly display all the moons due to the vanilla way of moons being displayed gets way too small. In total, there are 61 moons.