sukunabikona-PackingPlant icon


Add a factory that uses multiple types of foods to create dishes that can satisfy multiple nutritional needs at the same time.

Last updated a year ago
Total downloads 10868
Total rating 4 
Categories Mods
Dependency string sukunabikona-PackingPlant-1.1.0
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_Timberborn-5.4.15 icon

BepInEx pack for Timberborn. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.15
Timberborn_Central-TimberAPI-0.5.3 icon

Unofficial API to enable easier Timberborn modding

Preferred version: 0.5.3


Distribution Revolutions

Tired of building warehouses and trade routes for every 8 (9 if you count berries) types of food? That's why I created this.

Add a factory that creates packaged food with multiple food items. Eating packaged foods can satisfy multiple nutritional needs at the same time.

This should make it easier to manage warehouses and establish trade routes in multiple districts.

Currently, there are four different recipes for packaged foods.

  • All foods except berries
  • Basic set (carrots, grilled potatoes, bread)
  • Grilled set (grilled potatoes, grilled chestnuts, grilled spadderdock)
  • Bakery set (bread, cattail crackers, maple pastries)



This mod is currently only supported in Timberborn version Other versions will probably not work (and may crash the game).


If you install manually, put the downloaded folder in the folder where Timberborn.exe is located \BepInEx\plugins\

Remember that you will also need to install any mods that are dependencies.

How to use

You should find the Packing Plant under the food tab.


Pay attention to productivity. If it is very low, it usually means 3 things:

  • Logistics may be inefficient. Set up logistics so that all materials are readily available. For example, set up a warehouse or drop-off point nearby to store materials and products. Or perhaps the logistics in your district are as complicated and unruly as spaghetti. Improving it is a difficult work.
  • Certain materials may be in short supply, creating a bottleneck. (Most often it's maple pastry.) Increase production or import more of the food in question.
  • There is too much supply than demand and production is halted. This is an ideal case. You can further increase exports, reduce the number of workers, or close some of your multiple packing plants.

Localization Cooperation

  • English
  • Japanese
  • Russian (Thanks to Ginfuyou)
  • Deutsch (thanks to juf0816)


This mod was made from Elec's ExtendedArchitecture, so the license follows the original mod.

Known Issues

The packing plant inventory display is wrong when the recipe "Packaged Food (All)" is selected. No real harm done.


1.1.0 Target game version is (v0.3.4.3) - 2022/12/18

Timberborn version v0.3.4.3 is now supported.

1.0.6 Target game version is (v0.2.9.1) - 2022/10/12

Timberborn version v0.2.9.1 is now supported.

1.0.5 Target game version is (v0.2.8.1) - 2022/09/23

Migrated to TimberAPI 0.5.0.

Add Russian translation by GinFuyou.

Add Deutsch translation by juf0816.

1.0.4(hot fix) Target game version is (v0.2.5.0) - 2022/08/25

Timberborn version v0.2.5.0 is now supported.

With the removal of the "cooking speed" buff from the base game, packing plants are no longer affected.

1.0.3 - 2022/08/20

The following adjustments were made in "Packaged Food (All)"

Recipes have been changed to consume less sunflower seeds.

1.0.2 - 2022/08/08

Fixed a bug that prevented beavers from eating packaged food even if they were hungry if their packaged food needs were full.

Removed package food needs as they are no longer needed.

1.0.1 - 2022/08/07

Fixed a bug that prevented beavers from eating any other food if there was low class packaged food in that districts.

1.0.0 Target game version is ( - 2022/08/06
