Chou_Chou_Team-Chinese_myth icon

Chinese myth

When I faced the God , I was able to defeat many with few.当年我面对猴弟摇人,我可以一巴掌拍俩

Last updated 4 days ago
Total downloads 16836
Total rating 4 
Categories Mods
Dependency string Chou_Chou_Team-Chinese_myth-0.2.1
Dependants 2 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Fhpslime-SLMACore-1.1.3 icon


Preferred version: 1.1.3
BepInEx-BepInExPack_TABS-5.4.16 icon

BepInEx pack for TABS. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.16


Chinese myth - 中国神话

A mod initiated by the ancient god Ham that adds a unit from ancient Chinese mythology with each update.


Added 1 new hidden unit to the game, along with brand new unit editor items.


Unit Name Map Description
Great Sage Equalling Heaven齐天大圣 Dynasty王朝 One of the main and most famous characters of Journey to the West, one of the four great masterpieces of China. 中国四大名著之一——西游记的主角之一,也是最有名的角色。
Nezha哪吒 Tribal2部落2 A god from ancient Chinese mythology who killed the third prince of the Dragon King before he was ordained as a god, committed suicide and was resurrected with a lotus root as his body.来自中国古代神话的神仙,在封神之前就杀死过龙王三太子,自杀后以莲藕为身体复活。
Bull Demon King牛魔王 Dynasty王朝 Like Great Sage Equalling Heaven from Journey to the West, he was once sworn brothers with Great Sage Equalling Heaven before turning against him.同样来自西游记,当初与猴哥为结拜兄弟,但是之后反目成仇。并且也号平天大圣,用混铁棍,名字跟武器都有点大圣翻版的感觉()

Changelog - 更新日志

- 0.2.1:

  • Add new character Bull Demon King - 加入新角色牛魔王

- 0.1.1:

  • Add new character Nezha - 加入新角色哪吒

- 0.0.2:

  • Change Team. - 更改团队。

- 0.0.1:

  • Mod release. - MOD 发布。

Credits 成员:

  • Fhp Slime_Fhp史莱姆- Coder 程序
  • StarFan_ 老星辰 - Modeler 模型
  • Chou Chou_非主流臭宝 Initiation and planning 发起与策划