Fearlessagent-Vanilla_Friendly_Client_Only_Mods icon

Vanilla Friendly Client Only Mods

A balanced take on a set of Vanilla Friendly Client Only Mods. Intended to be very light in actual gameplay changes with a focus on reducing grind through the simplest methods possible without adding new mechanics.

Last updated a year ago
Total downloads 157
Total rating 1 
Categories Modpacks Tweaks Client-side Mistlands Update
Dependency string Fearlessagent-Vanilla_Friendly_Client_Only_Mods-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

RandyKnapp-MinimalStatusEffects-1.0.3 icon

Shrink the status effect list and put it in a vertical list below the minimap. Position and size is customizable.

Preferred version: 1.0.3
Nexus-FarmGrid-0.2.0 icon

Allows for all plants planted with the cultivator to automatically be snapped and placed into a grid in which they will have enough space to grow. Made by Sarcen

Preferred version: 0.2.0
RagnarokHCRP-Clock-1.5.0 icon

Adds a simple configurable clock widget to the screen showing the in-game time of day or a fuzzy representation like 'Late Afternoon' and optionally the current day.

Preferred version: 1.5.0
nexus2thunderstore-HoeRadius_By_aedenthorn-0.1.2 icon

Lets you adjust the hoe radius using the scroll wheel or custom hotkeys

Preferred version: 0.1.2
Nextek-SpeedyPaths-1.0.6 icon

Gives more purpose to paths. Increases player speed on paths and constructions. Reduces stamina consumed while sprinting on paths. Exposes optional modifiers for regular terrain in each biome. All values are tuneable.

Preferred version: 1.0.6
casual_plebs-BetterLadders-0.2.0 icon

Mod changes ladder's behavior, so player can go up smoothly without need to auto-jump (REUPLOAD FROM NEXUSMODS)

Preferred version: 0.2.0
Azumatt-Official_BepInEx_ConfigurationManager-17.0.0 icon

Mod to assist with configuration of BepInEx mods

Preferred version: 17.0.0
denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1901 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.1901
LVH-IT-UseEquipmentInWater-0.2.3 icon

Allows you to use your Equipment while swimming in water

Preferred version: 0.2.3
WithinReason-MultiCraft-1.1.1 icon

Easy interface to craft multiple items of the same recipe.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
k942-MassFarming-1.6.0 icon

Xeio's mod to assist with large scale farming in Valheim [v1.6.0]

Preferred version: 1.6.0
Advize-PlantEverything-1.13.0 icon

Allows your cultivator to plant berry bushes, thistle, dandelions, mushrooms, previously unavailable tree types, and other decorative flora. Includes many other miscellaneous features (see description). Highly configurable with localization support.

Preferred version: 1.13.0



A balanced take on a set of Fanilla Friendly Client Only Mods. Intended to be very light in actual gameplay changes with a focus on reducing grind through the simplest methods possible without adding new mechanics.

Main features

  • Basic UI Changes (Clock, ImprovedBuildHud, MultiCraft, Minimal Status Effects)
  • Balance Improvements with Speedy Paths (brings functional purpose to creating paths)
  • Mechanic Fixes (Better Ladders, UseEquipmentInWater, Hoe Radius, Farm Grid)
  • Grind reduction (Plant Everything, Mass Farming)

Before you start

This collection can be used on servers, but recommended to do so only with permission by the owner of the server, as this can unbalance how it was intended to be. If the server has any of these mods installed, the server may enforce their own configuration while you are connected to the server.

The intended configuration for this collection disables wood and stone spawners and increases the cost of berry spawners. Follow the steps below to configure the collection:

  1. Install Vortex
  2. Install all mods in the collection. Ignore the provided Installation Instructions for now.
  3. Deploy Mods
  4. Launch the game through Vortex, then close the game.
  5. Follow any instructions provided next to each mod that has instructions in the list to update your config files.
  6. Launch the game and play!