shudnal-Seasons icon


Four customizable seasons

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Total downloads 21143
Total rating 17 
Categories Tweaks Misc Server-side Client-side Utility Hildir's Request Update
Dependency string shudnal-Seasons-1.1.9
Dependants 40 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202



Four customizable seasons.

If you feel impact on fps.

If you do then probably you GPU can do better. Try setting launch options -gfx-enable-gfx-jobs -gfx-enable-native-gfx-jobs in Valheim general settings at Steam.

It unlocks more GPU power available to the game which could help. It's more handy than editing boot.config file. It won't harm at least.

If you use RenderLimits mod and have "Distance area" setting more than 10 it may cause noticable fps loss at tree heavy areas. It couldn't be optimized further using only tools available for mods.

What can be customized in different seasons

  • environments. Add new weathers, replace currents weathers properties, remove weather.
  • random events. Make some events appear more often or be removed completely, change biome restrictions.
  • lightings. Control luminance, fog density on every time of day and indoors.
  • stats. Control different stats and multipliers like regeneration modifiers, stamina usage, skill levels or raise skill speed, damage modifiers and so.
  • seasonal settings like days in season, night length, related production and other multipliers
  • trader items. Adds some items targeting potential lack of gatherable items in corresponding (prices may be high but he's an entrepreneur after all)

Configurating the mod

The mod have general settings done by usual config through bepinex.

Custom settings

Custom seasonal settings are done by creating/changing JSON files.

The mod creates a directory "shudnal.Seasons" at bepinex/config folder. There is the storage of cache, default and custom settings.

This folder will henceforth be called "config folder".

Default settings

On every launch the mod is generating "Default settings" folder at config folder. There is storage of files with mod's default values to be applied.

This folder will henceforth be called "default settings folder".

Texture recoloring

The mods comes without built-in textures and generate them on the first launch. You can change cache settings as you pleased if you don't like the defaults. Cache settings will be synced from the server on log in.

The textures and rules for applying them to objects are stored at \BepInEx\cache\shudnal.Seasons folder. By default cache is saved as nonhumanreadable binary file for further faster loads. It can also be saved as JSON and PNG files.

The rules for cache forming are stored at "Cache settings" folder in config folder. The list of the objects comes from prefab, clutter and locations list after ZoneSystem.Start. Due to procedural generation of objects textures if the game have custom assets loaded at that moment they will be tried to recolored the same way as the default game's assets.

You can replace generated textures with your own ones.

The main idea of the mod is only to change vanilla colors without changing other parts of object appearance.

Recoloring settings

Seasonal settings

Basic seasonal settings are located in JSON files: Spring.json, Summer.json, Fall.json, Winter.json. Files with default settings are located in "Default settings" folder.

To start making custom changes you should copy the corresponding file to config folder "shudnal.Seasons". When you change the file there should be "[Info : Seasons] Settings updated: Season_Name" line in the bepinex console and LogOutput.log file.

Every property not represented in the custom file will fall to default value from "Default settings" seasonal file. It means you may left only changed values at custom file to make it more meaningful.

Settings descriptions

  • daysInSeason (integer, 10) - season length in days, change of this value will recalculate current day and season with immediate effect
  • nightLength (integer, 30) - the fraction of the day which is gonna be night. Default 30 is vanilla which means 30% of day length will be night time. Change of the value will immediately take effect on sun/moon position and corresponding values
  • torchAsFiresource (bool) - torch become a warmth source with a price of extra durability drain
  • torchDurabilityDrain (float) - vanilla drain is 0.0333 and warm torch are worn at x3 speed of 0.1f
  • plantsGrowthMultiplier (float) - multiplier of speed which plants and pickables(consumable ones) are growing
  • beehiveProductionMultiplier (float) - multiplier or beehive production speed
  • foodDrainMultiplier (float) - multiplier of food drain speed
  • staminaDrainMultiplier (float) - works on every action that uses stamina
  • fireplaceDrainMultiplier (float) - multiplier of how much woods are used in fireplaces, oven and bath
  • sapCollectingSpeedMultiplier (float) - multiplier of sap collection speed (sap level restoration is intact)
  • rainProtection (bool) - makes building pieces not damaged by weather
  • woodFromTreesMultiplier (float) - multiplier of the maximum count of possible wood drops from trees and bushes
  • windIntensityMultiplier (float) - multiplier of wind force and intensity (affect boats and windmill)
  • restedBuffDurationMultiplier (float) - multiplier of rested buff duration
  • livestockProcreationMultiplier (float) - complex multiplier of creatures breeding speed (affects pregnancy chance, speed, distance to partner, distance to other creatures)
  • overheatIn2WarmClothes (bool) - if you wear two armor pieces that have ResistantVSFrost modifiers you will have Warm status effect reducing stamina and eitr regen by 20% (change your cape to less warm one if you need)
  • m_meatFromAnimalsMultiplier (float) - multiplier of the maximum count of possible meet drops from boars, deers and other living creatures except bugs

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • default season length of 10 days should take enough time both to struggle and make profit of season effects
  • short nights in summer and long nights in winter corresponds with similar cycle in Scandinavia. Also white snow in winter even at night makes environment look pretty bright
  • you could face freezing at some moments of fall and winter hence it's handy to use torch to get warm
  • plants doesn't grow in winter, slow growth in fall, and grow fast at spring and summer to balance overall value
  • bees sleep in winter and do most of the work in summer and fall
  • you don't need much firewood at spring and summer but much more to make warmth in fall and winter
  • snow in winter doesn't damage the buildings
  • summer and fall have more winds
  • creatures breed mostly in spring and summer
  • it's harder to stay rested in winter
  • you will get overheat in summer if you're wearing 2 warm clothes at once
  • creatures ususally gets more weight to live through winter so fall and winter means more meaty enemies

Seasonal environments

There are files with unloaded vanilla environments "Default environments.json" (basically vanilla weather list) and biome environments "Default biome environments.json" (distribution between biomes). This files are for informational purposes only. To get an idea behind vanilla weather and to further copy that weather to customize.


The structure of the environment reflects adapted ingame environment settings. The most useful to change vanilla environment properties:

  • m_default (bool) - this is the default valheim weather to be set in default situations (it is set to true for "Clear" by default and it should stays that way)
  • m_name (string) - name of the environment, it should be unique
  • m_isWet (bool) - should exposed to environment characters get Wet debuff
  • m_isFreezing (bool) - should exposed to environment characters get Freezing debuff (despite time of day)
  • m_isFreezingAtNight (bool) - should exposed to environment characters get Freezing debuff (at night time)
  • m_isCold (bool) - should exposed to environment characters get Cold debuff (at all time)
  • m_isColdAtNight (bool) - should exposed to environment characters get Cold debuff (at night time)
  • m_alwaysDark (bool) - if set to true then environment will darken all colors (like in the vanilla Swamps)
  • m_psystems (string) - particle system names separated by commas (mist, rain, snow effects, etc)
  • m_ambientLoop (string) - name of audio clip being played on the loop (sounds of wind, snow, rain, etc)

Custom properties:

  • m_cloneFrom (string) - which vanilla environment properties should be copied to custom environment

Biome environments

The structure of the biome environment reflects adapted ingame biome environment settings. Customized biome environment settings:

  • m_name (string) - name of the biome settings, in most cases the biome name
  • m_environments - contains an array of environments represented by name and weight. More weight the environment have means the weather will be like this more often.

Weather are chosed from environments list based on pseudorandom value common to all clients.

Custom environments

File "Custom environments.json" contains default custom environments being added to environment list. Basically it's the list of new weather.

Properties in that file are similar to Environment while only changed one are presented.

There are seasonal variants of vanilla weather mostly.

Custom biome environments

File "Custom Biome Environments.json" contains default custom environments and their distribution between seasons.

Environments set in property "add" will be added to m_environments list in vanilla Biome environments. Environments set in property "replace" will be replace set "m_environment" with the same weight in m_environments list in vanilla Biome environments. Environments set in property "remove" will be completely removed from biome environment.

Use Add to add completely new weather to the biome environment. Use Replace if you made some seasonal variant of the weather (like changing particle system from "Rain" to "Snow" in "LightRain" Meadows weather means what used to be rainy weather becomes snowy weather without other parameters to be changed) Use Remove to get rid of some weather.

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • Rain component of weather was replaced by snow one for winter variants
  • Added summer swamp weather without wet status
  • Added summer swamp darklands weather (a bit different color scheme)
  • Winter weather variants have combination of freezing status (freezing at night or in the wet rain/storm)
  • Added summer weather variation without cold at night
  • Added more clear weather at summer
  • Added more rainy weather at fall
  • Spring is default weather
  • Added dark variants of winter weathers (to represent cloudy days IRL)

Random events

Default vanilla randon events are saved in "Default events.json". They represent the name of the event and biome distribution. Weight value can be ignored. This file is for informational purposes only to copy event name and biomes.

Custom events

File "Custom events.json" contains default custom events and their distribution between seasons. Every other settings have no meaningful purpose in seasonal logic hence were omitted.

Event structure:

  • m_name (string) - event with that name will be modified
  • m_biomes (string) - comma separated biome list in which the event can be started
  • m_weight (integer) - how much more likely that event will be started. 0 to never, 1 to usual probability

That parameters only counts when possible events are being selected.

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • in winter there could be wolves not only in mountains and plains
  • there are no skeletons, blobs, trolls and surtlings in winter but increased chance of dragons and wolves raid
  • there are more draugrs, blobs and skeletons in fall due to rainy weather
  • in summer there are no wolves but more surtlings, bats and cackling goblins
  • in spring there are more trolls, meaties and greydwarves

That way overall raids should be balanced and immersive.

Custom lightings

File "Custom lightings.json" contains default custom lighting settings and their distribution between seasons.

There are distinct luminance and fog density settings for morning, day, evening, night and indoors. "luminanceMultiplier" controls the luminance component of HSL color model of environment lightings. "fogDensityMultiplier" control how much the "air" itself will block lights.

You better test it yourself to find out how it actually looks.

Settings "lightIntensityDayMultiplier" and "lightIntensityNightMultiplier" controls how much light will come from sun and moon. Less luminanceMultiplier and more lightIntensityNightMultiplier makes nights more realistic, moonlit swamp looks terrific.

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • Spring is default
  • Summer has more light at night
  • Fall have more darker lightings
  • Winter have dark nights which compensated by more moonlight and overall white surroundings reflecting more light

Custom stats

File "Custom stats.json" contains default custom stats settings and their distribution between seasons.

Current stats tooltip will be shown in almanac to see actual effect. Reopen the almanac after background stats config was changed.

Stats file structure reflects vanilla SE_Stats status effect which has properties:

  • m_tickInterval (float) - time in seconds in which m_healthPerTick will apply damage or heal
  • m_healthPerTickMinHealthPercentage (float) - percent of max hp you will be affected by m_healthPerTick heal/damage
  • m_healthPerTick (float) - actual number HP. If m_healthPerTick > 0 you will be healed otherwise damaged
  • m_healthHitType (string) - type of damage m_healthPerTick damage
  • m_staminaDrainPerSec (float) - how much stamina will be drained per second
  • m_runStaminaDrainModifier (float) - 1.0 for 100%, 0.1 for 10%, -0.5 for -50% means less stamina used
  • m_jumpStaminaUseModifier (float) - 1.0 for 100%, 0.1 for 10%, -0.5 for -50% means less stamina used
  • m_healthRegenMultiplier (float) - 1.2 for +20% regeneration, 0.8 for -20% regeneration
  • m_staminaRegenMultiplier (float) - 1.2 for +20% regeneration, 0.8 for -20% regeneration
  • m_eitrRegenMultiplier (float) - 1.2 for +20% regeneration, 0.8 for -20% regeneration
  • m_raiseSkills (string, float) - set pairs of skill and its raise multiplier, means more/less skill point gained on action
  • m_skillLevels (string, float) - set pairs of common skill and its addition, i.e. "Jump": 15.0 to get +15 to jump skill
  • m_modifyAttackSkills (string, float) - set pairs of weapon skill and its addition, i.e. "Swords": 15.0 to get +15 to swords skill
  • m_damageModifiers (string, string) - set pairs of damage type and damage modifiers listed below
  • m_noiseModifier (float) - 0.2 for 20% more noise generated, -0.2 for 20% less noise generated
  • m_stealthModifier (float) - 0.2 for 20% more effective stealth, -0.2 for 20% less effective stealth
  • m_speedModifier (float) - 0.05 for 5% more movement speed, -0.05 for 5% less movement speed
  • m_maxMaxFallSpeed (float) - 5 is the default value of Feather SlowFall cape
  • m_fallDamageModifier (float) - fall damage modifier, 0.7 for 30% less damage from falling

Damage types

  • Blunt
  • Slash
  • Pierce
  • Chop
  • Pickaxe
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Lightning
  • Poison
  • Spirit
  • Physical
  • Elemental

Damage modifiers

  • Normal
  • Resistant
  • Weak
  • Immune
  • Ignore
  • VeryResistant
  • VeryWeak

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • there are poison resistance and slow healing in spring
  • spring and summer are easier to move and get more skill from that actions
  • fall and winter are focused at resource gathering and fishing
  • in summer you move faster, use less stamina, make less noise and better hiding
  • good weather in summer makes your health restore faster
  • pessimistic thoughts in fall make your eitr restore faster
  • fresh winter air makes your stamina regen faster
  • you are more resistant to fire in winter
  • you make more noise on the snow and worse at hiding
  • snow traversal takes 5% of your movement speed
  • but you take less damage from falling in the snow

Custom trader items

File "Custom trader items.json" contains default custom trader items and their distribution between seasons.

Items can be customized distinctly between seasons and traders. You can use custom traders names.

You can adapt items list from as it shares the item structure.

Trader names

You can use different names of the same trader. Case insensitive

  • original prefab name (internal ID, haldor has "Haldor")
  • unlocalized name (m_name value, haldor has "$npc_haldor")
  • localized name (result of translation of unlocalized name to current language, in english "$npc_haldor" becomes "Haldor")
  • for vanilla Haldor and Hildir you are just fine using "haldor" and "hildir"

Trader item

The structure of the trader item reflects adapted ingame tradeable item description:

  • prefab (string) - game object prefab name. Current list of items here. Wrongly set prefab names will be ignored.
  • stack (int) - how much of item will be sold
  • price (int) - price for stack
  • requiredGlobalKey (string) - global key used to track progress in game worlds. Current list of keys here

Some explanations and ideas behind default settings

  • Hildir hats are there merely to get an example of file structure. Yet it's seasonal hats why wouldn't she had it.
  • Haldor stacks meat through winter to sell it to you in spring
  • Haldor has some surpluses from the current harvest in fall (you may get some to prepare for winter)
  • Haldor has some potentially unavailable items in winter
  • Haldor has some seeds in winter because he knows you will need some in spring

General settings

  • minimap will be recolored using the seasonal colors setting
  • seasonal items will be enabled in the corresponding season
  • you won't die from freezing debuff if you're not in the mountains or deep north. You will stay at 1 hp.
  • seasonal stats will be applied only outdoors. In dungeons you won't have advantage.
  • current seasonal buff can be hidden and timer format can bet set to current day or the time left to next season
  • seasons are changed in the morning of first day
  • seasons are changed with small fade effect which can be disabled
  • seasons are changed instantly and current season can be overriden
  • you can set localization strings for season names and tooltips
  • due to seasonal change of honey production and plants growth there are settings to show estimates of plants and beehive production (like in BetterUI)
  • seasons can be set changeable only when sleeping
  • ice floes will spawn in ocean in set period of days in winter
  • water will freeze in set period of days in winter
  • ships can be pushed out of water when the surface is frozen
  • you can hide certain grass materials in winter

Custom world settings for realtime seasons calculations

File "Custom world settings.json" contains example entry of custom world settings.

You can set start time in UTC timezone and the day length in seconds. Your world name should be equal the set world name in settings for them to activate.

If the world setting is set then seasons will be calculated from set datetime using current UTC time, set daylength in seconds and days in season from season settings.

That way you will not have an option to change season on the sleep. Season will change when time is come.

For example you can

  • set start time as 0:00 of Monday
  • set day length 86400 seconds (1 day)
  • set days in season = 7

It will mean your world has week long seasons starting from set Monday.

Seasonal buff icon replacement

You can place files in the config folder to replace current buff icon (restart required):

  • season_fall.png
  • season_spring.png
  • season_summer.png
  • season_winter.png

Seasonal global key

You can enable setting of season related server wide global key. It's disabled by default. You can customize the key in case you need it.

Default seasonal keys:

  • season_fall
  • season_spring
  • season_summer
  • season_winter

Installation (manual)

extract Seasons folder to your BepInEx\Plugins\ folder


The best way to handle configs is configuration manager. Choose one that works for you:


