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TeamMoonstorm-MoonstormSharedUtils-2.2.2 icon


An API focused with the intention of working in an editor enviroment using ThunderKit, MSU is a modular API system designed for ease of use and simplicity.

Date uploaded 3 days ago
Version 2.2.2
Download link
Downloads 20433
Dependency string TeamMoonstorm-MoonstormSharedUtils-2.2.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.1.1 icon

Core R2API module

Preferred version: 5.1.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.6 icon

API for adding content to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.6
RiskofThunder-R2API_ArtifactCode-1.0.1 icon

API for making Artifact Codes

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_Colors-1.0.1 icon

API for registering Colors to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_DamageType-1.1.2 icon

API for registering damage types

Preferred version: 1.1.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Director-2.3.1 icon

API for easily modifiying the Director (RoR2 monster / interactable spawner) behaviour

Preferred version: 2.3.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_Elites-1.0.4 icon

API for adding custom elite types

Preferred version: 1.0.4
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.4.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.4.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Addressables-1.0.3 icon

R2API Submodule for implementing Addressables functionality

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Dot-1.0.3 icon

API for adding custom damage over time effects

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2 icon

Networking API around the Unity UNet Low Level API (LLAPI)

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Stages-1.0.2 icon

API for Stage creation

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_StringSerializerExtensions-1.0.0 icon

Increased string serializer support

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2
Smooth_Salad-ShaderSwapper-1.0.1 icon

A lightweight library for upgrading stubbed shaders to actual shaders at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Nebby-LoadingScreenSpriteFix-2.0.0 icon

API for adding new Loading Sprites to the Loading Screen, also fixes sprite overlapping

Preferred version: 2.0.0


Moonstorm Shared Utils - Content Loading and General Utility Framework for Large Content Mods.

MoonstormSharedUtils, otherwise known as MSU, is an API designed to work around the ThunderKit system for creating Content Mods.

Originally part of the API and Framework built for updating Starstorm2 to a ThunderKit setup for a better development experience, it has grown exponentially into it's own separate library so anyone with the desire to create large Content mods with thunderkit can use it.

Goals of the API

MSU strifes for the following goals regarding mod development and management.

  • Simple but powerful systems for managing and loading content for the game in an Asynchronous fashion.
  • A robust framework built upon modules that allows you to automate various parts of the modding workflow, such as equipment execution, monster and interactable spawning, and more.
  • Simplification of the ThunderKit workflow by providing a custom set of CompossableObjects for managing Manifests, Paths and Pipelines.
  • A High enphasis on utilizing the systems provided by the game over hooks whenever possible, such as default provided delegates, base item behaviours, and more.
  • Utilization of the Existing R2API Framework to power systems such as Director modifications.
  • Emphasis on working within the Editor instead of working on code for the creation of assets.

Key Features

The IContentPiece, IContentPieceProvider and Module Framework

While Code only mods create their Content (Prefabs, ScriptableObjects, etc) at Runtime and usually at Awake, this causes the issues known as "Forever Black Screen", where most of the mod's systems are initialized before the Loading Screen of the game starts. this gives the idea that the game is frozen and not responsive to oblivious users. And while this is true, managing the loading and interactions between custom made content from Assetbundles and the game's systems is difficult.

MSU solves this by the triad of the ContentPiece, the ContentPiece Provider, and the Module framework. This triad is utilized to allow mods to Load their assets Asynchronously during the loading screen, and have them working properly with the base game's systems.


  • Represents some form of Content that a mod is adding
  • Each ContentPiece is tied to a specific Module which handles loading and the implementation of the Content.
  • ContentPieces have Availability systems, which the module uses to know what content to load and initialize.
  • A ContentPiece has an Asynchronous loading method which the module uses during initialization, which is used to Asynchronously load assets for your content.
  • Being an interface, the API provides further implementations:
    • IContentPiece<T>, which represents a Content that's tied to a specific UnityEngine.Object.
      • MSU includes the following interfaces that implement IContentPiece<T>
        • IArtifactContentPiece, for ArtifactDefs
        • IEquipmentContentPiece for EquipmentDefs
          • A sub-interface called IEliteContentPiece manages EliteDefs associated to a specific Equipment.
        • IItemContentPiece for ItemDefs.
          • A sub-interface called IVoidItemContentPiece manages the Item Corruption system added in Survivors of the Void.
        • IItemTierContentPiecefor ItemTierDefs
        • ISceneContentPiece for SceneDefs.
    • IGameObjectContentPiece<TComponent>, which represents a Content that's tied to a specific type of UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
      • MSU includes the following interfaces that implement IGameObjectContentPiece<TComponent>
        • ICharacterContentPiece for CharacterBodies
          • The sub-interface called IMonsterContentPiece can be used for managing hostile monsters
          • The sub-interface called ISurvivorContentPiececan be used for managing new Survivors.
        • IInteractableContentPiece for Interactables.
    • IVanillaSurvivorContentPiece, which represents modifications for a Vanilla survivor.
  • IContentPiece classes can also implement the IContentPackModifier, which is used for directly interfacing with your mod's ContentPack.


  • A Module is a class that manages the loading and interaction of IContentPiece classes with the base game.
  • Each Module handles a specific type of Interface, alongside possible sub-interfaces.
  • The Module knows what classes to instantiate and initialize utilizing the IContentProvider system.
  • Once you provide a IContentProviderto a module, you can call it's Initialize method to get back a Coroutine that'll initialize your content in an Asynchronous fashion.
  • MSU supplies the following modules:
    • ArtifactModule, manages IArtifactContentPieces, the ArtifactModule interfaces with R2API.ArtifactCode to add new Artifact Codes to the game. It'll also handle proper hooking and unhooking of the Artifact, so that only when the artifact is enabled it's hooks are enabled.
    • CharacterModule, manages ICharacterContentPiece, ISurvivorContentPiece and IMonsterContentPiece, the module interfaces with R2API.Director to handle the spawning of Monsters for the stages of the game.
    • EquipmentModule, manages IEquipmentContentPieceand IEliteContentPiece, the module utilizes a single hook for managing the Execution calls for the Equipments.
    • InteractableModule, manages IInteractableContentPiece, the module interfaces with R2API.Director to handle the spawning of Interactables for the stages of the game.
    • ItemModule, manages IItemContentPiece and IVoidItemContentPiece. It automatically handles item corruptions.
    • IItemTierModule, manages IItemTierContentPiece, it automatically creates at run start collections of the available drop list for the tier.
    • SceneModule, manages ISceneContentPiece, it interfaces with R2API.Stages to handle the addition of a Stage to the game.
    • VanillaSurvivorModule, manages IVanillaSurvivorContentPiece. which is used to add new content to the base game's survivors (Skins, skills, etc.)


  • For a module to know what content pieces to create, load and initialize. MSU utilizes the IContentPieceProvider to provide IContentPieces to modules.
    • While you can create your own implementations of the IContentPieceProvider interface to manage availability scenarios, MSU's ContentUtil class contains methods for creating them from scratch, by only analyzing your Assembly.

RoR2 Friendly Systems

One of the key goals of MSU is working alongside the Risk of Rain 2 systems, making content that works with it instead of forcing the base game's systems to work with ours. As such, MSU provides a robust system to interact alongside the game's key systems such as equipments, buffs, items, and more.

Interfaces for Components

To avoid unecesary hooking for commonly used types, MSU provides interfaces that can be used inside components for the following systems:

  • IOnIncomingDamageOtherServerReciever, it works as a hook on TakeDamage, which can be utilized to modify the incoming damage for a victim.
  • IStatItemBehaviour, an interface that works as an On hook for Recalculate Stats, containing methods for running before and after stat recalculations.
  • IBodyStatArgModifier, an interface that works as an implementation of R2API.RecalculateStats's GetStatCoefficient delegate.


The BaseItemMasterBehaviour, much like it's Body counterpart (BaseItemBodyBehaviour) is utilized for creatinng a behaviour that's added to a CharacterMaster when a specified item is obtained.


The BaseBuffBehaviour is a component that can be used for managing the effects of a Buff. For performance reasons, BaseBuffBehaviours are not destroyed when the buff gets removed, instead, when the buff is first obtained by a body, the behaviour is added, when the buff stacks are depleted, the behaviour is disabled, afterwards, when the body recieves the buff again, the behaviour is enabled. this reduces the workload of the GarbageCollector and overall improves the performance of the system.

Improved Thunderkit Workflow:

As MSU's goals revolve around working in the Editor, MSU comes bundled with a multitude of utilities regarding the creation of content for the game.

WWise Support

MSU provides a custom ImportExtension that can be used to blacklist the WWise assemblies from the game, allowing you to use the WWise Integration system for your project.

Scriptable Objects

MSU provides the following ScriptableObjects that allows for the creation of "runtime only" content at Editor time.

  • AchievableUnlockableDef, works as an abstraction of the UnlockableDef and AchievementDef system, its an UnlockableDef thats unlocked via an achievement.
  • DotBuffDef, works as an abstraction of the DotDef, and automatically assigns a DotDef to its specified BuffDef.
  • ExtendedEliteDef, works as an extension of the EliteDef class, supporting automatic addition to base game tiers, elite ramps, overlay materials, and more.
  • InteractableCardProvider, a ScriptableObject that contains the metadata needed for spawning Interactables in stages, multiple stages can be assigned to a single card.
  • MonsterCardProvider, a ScriptableObject that contains the metadata needed for spawning Monsters in stages, multiple stages can be assigned to a single card.
  • ItemDisplayDictionary, a ScriptableObject that works akin to R2API.Items's ItemDisplayDictionary system, it can be used for adding multiple RuleGroups to existing ItemDisplayRuleSets, the key assets and display prefabs are powered by the ItemDisplayCatalog system within MSU.
  • NamedItemDisplayRuleSet, a ScriptableObject that can be used for creating a complete ItemDisplayRuleSet for character models. the key assets and display prefabs are powered by the ItemDisplayCatalogsystem within MSU.
  • SerializableEliteTierDef, works as an Abstraction of the EliteTierDef system within the game, can assign a cost multiplier, addressable references to base game elite tiers and mode.
  • VanillaSkinDef, works as an Extension of the SkinDefsystem, its used for adding new skins to vanilla characters.

Prebuilt CompossableObjects

Since MSU was created with thunderkit in mind, MSU provides the following CompossableObjects to your project:

  • A simple Manifest with the necesary ManifestDatums for declaring your mod
  • A setup of PathReferences that's used for clean building and releasing of your mod
  • A highly configurable Pipeline system:
    • A release pipeline that automatically builds a zip file ready for release of your mod.
    • Generic pipelines, which can be used to build your assembly, build your assetbundles either compressed or uncompressed, and staging your mod's StreamingAssets.
    • A Contributor pipeline setup, which contributors can use to easily setup a pipeline for building your mod.

Management of Configurations and Tokens

Creating configuration for your mod can be extremely verbose using the default BepInEx implementations, MSU implements a Configuration system on top of BepInEx that allows you to easily configure anything.

ConfigureField, ConfiguredVariable, and Risk of Options

MSU provides the following abstraction of the BepInEx Config System:

  • ConfigureField

    • A custom attribute that can be applied to static fields to automatically configure them.
    • The configuration process utilizes a unique string ID that you assign to a custom ConfigFile to tie the configuration to the ConfigFile.
    • The ConfigSection and ConfigNames are not necesary to be implemented, MSU by default utilizes the MemberInfo's name as the ConfigName, and the DeclaringType's name as the ConfigSection
    • A "RiskOfOptions" version of the ConfigureField exists, which automatically creates options utilizing the RiskofOptions API. These options however cannot be heavily customized due to the limitation of attributes.
  • ConfiguredVariable

    • The ConfiguredVariable is a class that represents a Variable that can be Configured.
    • it can be used for creating complex configuration scenarios with Risk of Options.

The FormatToken system

Tying Configuration changes to Token values is one of the best parts of creating tokens using code, however, translation of these tokens can be difficult to manage as it requires translators to code the translations directly into the C# source file.

MSU provides the FormatToken system, you can now write your token's values utilizing the String Formatting system of C#. With this, you can properly levrage JSON langauge files, which translators can easily use for translations as long as they keep the proper order of indexing.

Documentation and Sourcecode

  • The Documentation and Sourcecode can be found in MoonstormSharedUtil's Github Repository, which can be found here


MSU is a passion project from one of TeamMoonstorm's members, Nebby. as such, he works in his free time on this to allow the rest of the community to create amazing and awe-inspiring content.

MSU will forever be free to use and never gated behind paywalls, however, donations are incredibly appreciated.


Mods Utilizing MSU

(Click me!)

(Note: click the icon to open a new tab to the Mod!)

Icon/URL Name Description
StarstormIcon Starstorm2 A sequel to Starstorm 1. Adds new survivors, mechanics, items, skills, enemies, and more!
LostInTransitIcon Lost in Transit Lost in Transit is a mod focused on restoring features lost from Risk of Rain 1, currently including items.
VarianceAPIIcon Variance API VarianceAPI allows you to create Variants for CharacterBodies, Variants can have different textures, lights, skills, and more.
FortunesFromTheScrapyardIcon TO BE RELEASED - Fortunes from the Scrapyard An expansion-esque content mod that revolves around a third party Space Corporation, and visually based on Junkyard and Cyberpunk themes.
RulersOfTheRedPlaneIcon Rulers of the Red Plane A general content mod expanding upon the Red Plane

Thanks and Credits

  • Twiner for the creation of ThunderKit.
  • IDeath and Harb for helping out with various coding questions.
  • KingEnderBrine and RuneFox237 for the RoR2SkinBuilder, which was used as a base for the VanillaSkinDef system.
  • GrooveSalad for helping out during the conceptualization of the module system and providing the StubbedShaders.
  • UnknownGlaze for MSU's Logo
  • The Starstorm 2 Team, for allowing nebby to go off the deep end and create MSU in the first place.
  • The Fortunes from the Scrapyard team, for believing in my goals and utilizing MSU for their mod.
  • KevinFromHPCustomerService, for creating the original modules systems that eventually became MSU 2.0
  • Everyone from the Risk of Rain 2 community for appreciating my work.


'2.2.2' - Loading Screen Sprite Changes


  • Added dependency to LoadingScreenSpriteFix
  • Marked the LoadingScreenSpriteUtility class as obsolete
    • Using the LoadingScreenSpriteFix's API is encouraged instead of using this class
    • Methods now just call the LoadingScreenSpriteFix methods to avoid backwards compat breaking

'2.2.1' - Hotfix


  • Fixed an oversight which caused the BaseMasterItemBehaviour system to always be disabled.

'2.2.0' - Material Variants


  • Added the MaterialVariant system
    • A MaterialVariant is a custom ScriptableObject that allows you to create a Variant of an existing material.
    • By supplying an original material, you're able to override specific shader properties of said material.
    • Works with both regular shaders and the AddressableMaterialShader system
  • Added new features to ExtendedEliteDef
    • ExtendedEliteDef can now replace the light color of CharacterBodies.
    • ExtendedEliteDef can now specify a material override for particle system renderers in a CharacterBody
  • Most modules will no longer apply hooks when there's no content ingame utilizing said modules.
  • Added a new method for adding a standalone SimpleSpriteAnimation in LoadingScreenSpriteUtility
    • The SimpleSpriteAnimation will get destroyed when the loading screen is over.
  • Marked ParallelMultiStartCoroutine as Obsolete.
    • All usages of ParallelMultiStartCoroutine have been replaced by ParallelCoroutine


  • The ShaderDictionary system now exists in the main assembly alongside other shader related qualities
    • This is due to the new MaterialVariant system


  • Marked all classes and structs as [Obsolete]

'2.1.0' - Fixes and Async Additions


  • Adjusted the ShaderUtil class to also copy over the render queue for addressable material shaders
  • Addressable Material Shaders now work properly in the editor again
  • Removed accidental [Obsolete] attributes from ItemModule
  • Fixed an issue where the MSUEliteBehaviour would spawn multiple effect prefabs.
  • Fixed an issue where the MSUEliteBehaviour would not destroy itself when the MSUContentManager behaviour was destroyed, causing effects to linger on
  • Fixed an issue where the FormatToken attribute wouldnt properly retrieve the corrent formatting value.
  • Fixed an Issue where ConfiguredVariable.configFileIdentifier was being treated as ReadOnly Before the config was bound.
  • Added log methods when an end user attempts to change a now read only property of a ConfiguredVariable
  • Added an instance property to MSUMain
  • Added a boolean property to the ConfigSystemto check if the Configuration systems have been bound
  • Fixed various issues with the LoadingScreenSpriteUtility
  • Changed around how language is loaded.
    • LanguageFiles are now loaded by the LanguageFileLoader
    • Loading can either be synchronous or asynchronous.
    • Language tokens are added directly to the currently loaded language.
      • This fixes an issue where MSU would wrongfully unload the english language, causing issues with other mods.


  • Removed all the classes that do not inherit from UnityEngine.Object.
  • All the classes and structs left have been marked as Obsolete.

'2.0.0' - Seekers of the API


  • Updated to version 1.3.Z of the Game, otherwise known as the Seekers of the Storm release.
  • Updated to version 2021.3.33 of Unity.
  • A Complete ground up rewrite of the API, Moonstorm Shared Utils version 2.0 is the most stable and performant version created yet.
  • While there have been hundreds, if not thousands of changes below the hood, you can look below for the main changes MSU 2.0 brings.


Major Changes:

  • Asset loading is now completely asynchronous, utilization of the IContentPackProvider system and understanding of Coroutines is heavily encouraged for initializing your content.
  • Most of the API marked as obsolete has been removed.
  • Classes have been changed their names to better reflect what they do (TokenModifier has been renamed to FormatToken)
  • The old API, now called "MoonstormSharedUtils.Legacy" internally, is still included in the GithubRepo, this was done to allow a "smooth" switch between both versions of the API
    • The LegacyAPI will be removed in a future version, and does not work ingame, it exists purely to ensure no references in unity are lost.

"Loader" classes have been removed completely.

  • Loader classes such as AssetLoader, ConfigLoader, LanguageLoader and others where confusing to utilize and obfuscated too much code of what was going on behind the scenes.
    • We recommend utilizing the MSUTemplate github repo (coming soon) to create new mods utilizing MSU, the Template already comes with prebuilt static classes that handle Assets, Configs, Logging and IContentPackProvider classes that replace the now defunct "Loader" classes.
    • For language loading, you can now use the LanguageFileLoader class.
    • Most of the methods relating to the ConfigurationSystem has been consolidated into the ConfigFactory class.

Modules and Content Classes have changed drasticly

  • Modules are no longer instantiable and are now static.

    • This has been done to avoid the confusing system of "inheriting" from a module to utilize it's functionality.
    • For curated process of content initialized and added to the game, you can utilize the IContentProvider system from the API.
  • ContentBase classes and it's subclasses have been replaced.

    • This system was replaced by the IContentPiece system. a "Content Piece" is any type of Asset or Object that adds new features to the game.
    • Loading of assets on the constructor level is now discouraged, as IContentPiececontains a coroutine method that'll be called by its module to load it's asset asynchronously in parallel.
    • IContentPieces still rely on modules for initialization. To initialize your mod's content you can utilize it's respective module's Initialize method, which works as a coroutine that you can await in your ContentPackProvider.
  • Added the IContentPieceProvider system.

    • A ContentPieceProvider, like its name says, provides IContentPiece instances to a MSU Module.
    • You can either create the provider manually, or utilize the methods inside ContentUtil to automatically scan and create a provider for your content.
  • The following modules and content classes have been removed:

    • EliteModuleBase && EliteBase
      • The functionality of the module has been assigned to the EquipmentModule, while now you can use the IEliteContentPiece to create elite equipments.
    • BuffModuleBase && BuffBase
      • Buff overlays have been assigned to a new class called the BuffOverlays class.
    • DamageTypeModuleBase && DamageTypeBase
    • ProjectileModuleBase && ProjectileBase
    • UnlockablesModuleBase && UnlockableBase
    • The removed classes with no alternatives have been removed because the type of "Content" they managed cannot exist "by themselves". For example, a "DamageType" does not exist on its own, it's always related to a proper content piece such as a Character.

Events have been reworked completely.

  • The EventDirector system, while it had good intentions, it proved to be difficult to work with and not scalable for bigger projects, as such, the Event system has been replaced by the GameplayEvent system.
    • GameplayEvents are custom GameObjects that change how the game's played in a temporary fashion, the mod Starstorm2 showcases what's possible with this framework. Events being GameObjects means you can properly utilize the Component framework that unity provides.
    • GameplayEvent are no longer spawned automatically by MSU, instead, the mod author must utilize the GameplayEventManager for spawning new events according to their desired functionality.
    • The GameplayEvent system also has the GameplayEventRequirement component, a component that can be inherited to specify custom requirements for a GameplayEvent to be spawned succesfully using the GameplayEventManager.
    • The EventText system has been rewritten, and now no longer overlaps texts and supports more features.
    • EntityState based events are still supported, as GameplayEvents are NetworkBehaviours and as such can utilize the EntityStateMachine system.

Buff Behaviours are no longer Ephemeral.

  • While the BuffBehaviour system allowed modders to create complex monobehaviours when buffs where applied, it had the fatal flaw of Buffs not being something "constant" for a body (they can be timed). This in turn caused issues related to GarbageCollection and FrameDrops for potentially constant creation and destruction of Components.
    • To remedy this, BuffBehaviours are now static and will never be removed from the body, instead, the behaviours will be dynamically enabled and disabled depending on the amount of buffs the body has.

'1.6.2' - Whoops


  • Removed "Error On Obsolete" setting for MSDirectorCardCategorySeleection and MSDCCSPool


  • Fixed Inspectors still showing the deprecated fields instead of the new ones

'1.6.1' - Dependency changes and Rectifications

  • Added Onboarding and Documentation to begin developping a PR for MSU, Thanks Buns!


  • Now Dependant on R2API_Addressables
  • Deprecated the following classes:
    • AddressableAsset
    • AddressableBuffDef
    • AddressableEliteDef
    • AddressableEquipmentDef
    • AddressableExpansionDef
    • AddressableGameObject
    • AddressableItemDef
    • AddressableSpawnCard
    • AddressableUnlockableDef
      • These have been replaced by the AddressReferencedAsset system from R2API_Addressables
      • Any ScriptableObject affected by these changes now have a ContextMenu for upgrading to their new versions.
    • MSDCCSPool
    • MSDirectorCardCategorySelection
      • These have been replaced by the AddressableDCCSPool and AddressableDirectorCardCategorySelection from R2API_Director
  • InteractableBase and MonsterBase can now specify multiple Cards.
  • InteractableBase and MonsterBase can now implement custom IsAvailable methods, which will determine if the Monster or Interactable will be added to the stage
  • Added IEqualityComparers for MSMonsterDirectorCard and MSInteractableDirectorCard, used for comparing equality between card prefabs.
  • AddressableInjector now only shows fields which are of type UnityEngine.Object, largely cutting the amount of invalid options
  • Fixed issues where AddressableInjector, CameraInstantiator, InstantiateAddressablePrefab and SurfaceDefInjector would cause invalid GUIDs on scenes
  • Attempted to fix an issue where MSU would create multiple reflection type objects during dependent mod initializations
  • Fixed issue where the EventDirector would sometimes fail to find the required state machine

Debug Build Exclusive

  • MSU now only breaks when a fatal log is reached.


  • Removed property drawers for AddressableAsset related classes.

'1.6.0' - LogLoader and Utilities

  • Reformatted the Readme


  • Modified the EventDirector scaling system to no longer be exponential.
    • New scaling formula is PlayerTeamLevel * (currentStageCount / 5) * DifficultyScalingValue
  • Fixed issue where CharacterBase classes wouldnt be added to the CharacterModule's Dictioanries.
  • Added LogLoader, a Logging system for mods
    • Based off the MSULog class
    • Uses the BepInEx ManualLogSource
    • Contains static methods for logging level Info, Message, Debug, Warning, Error, Fatal
    • On the UnityEditor, these static methods use the UnityEngine.Debug class' methods to avoid exceptions
  • ConfigFiles created with ConfigLoader can now specify if they show as separate entries in the RiskOfOptions ModSettings window
  • Added missing support for KeyboardShortcuts on ConfigurableFieldAttribute
  • Added ConfigurableKeyBind
  • publicized the DelegateContainer
    • With ConfigurableVariables. Any methods that get invoked when the ConfigEntry changes are stored in a separate object, which allows ConfigurableVariables stored in temporary fields to be garbage collected.
    • A DelegateContainer stores these invoked methods, can be used to manually raise said methods.
  • Deprecated ConfigurableString MakeConfigurableInt(string, Action<ConfigurableString>) as it was wrongly named.
    • Added a new method with the correct name to rectify this
  • Fixed an issue where MSInteractableDirectorCard and MSMonsterDirectorCard couldn't specify the custom category's Weights.

Debug Build Exclusive:

  • Removed the Material Tester. We recommend you use this instead
  • LogLoader has a property to specify what level of severity of Debug.Log can cause a Debugger to Break.
  • Debugging related config entries for MSU are now stored on a separate ConfigFile. The ConfigEntries in this ConfigFile also appears as a separate entry on RiskOfOptions's ModSettings window
  • You can now toggle the Self Connect debugging feature
  • Changed how Run-Start Command Invoking works.
    • Made each Command toggleable with a ConfigEntry
    • Added ability to automatically invoke the command god
    • Added automatic invoke for command give_item extralife 100
  • Added Utility keybinds that can be triggered with key presses. The following commands are:
    • next_stage
    • kill_all
    • spawn_ai lemurian 1 (parameters can be changed in a config entry)
    • teleport_on_cursor
    • respawn
    • remove_all_items
    • noclip
  • Added a utility method on MSUtil to invoke commands


  • Fixed general instability with the IDRS related inspectors and windows

'1.5.5' - That was a lie

  • Fixed issue with ConfigurableVariables
  • ConfigLoader no longer throws null reference exceptions on Editor reload

'1.5.4' - Config Update End


  • TokenModifierManager reformats tokens when the Risk of Options menu is closed
    • This in turn makes it so tokens are always updated with the proper values from configurations.
  • TokenModifierAttribute now works with ConfigurableVariable classes
  • TokenModifierAttribute can now have ModuloN stat type
  • Non assigned ConfigurableVariables now get collected by the Garbage Collector, while keeping any of their OnConfigured actions in memory
  • Added a ConfigEntryBase property to ConfigurableVariable
  • Added a ConfigHash property to ConfigurableVariable
  • OnConfigChanged event in ConfigurableVariable now becomes ReadOnly once its configured
  • Increased verbosity of ToString()method of ConfigurableVariable
  • Deprecated SetOnConfigChanged(OnConfigChangedDelegate) on the following ConfigurableVariables
    • ConfigurableString
    • ConfigurableInt
    • ConfigurableFloat
    • ConfigurableEnum
    • ConfigurableColor
    • ConfigurableBool
    • (These have been replaced by AddOnConfigChanged(OnConfigChangedDelegate) to ensure method chaining works properly.)
  • Made all of the dictionary that have string keys to be case insensitive

'1.5.3' - That was stupid


  • Constructor for ConfigurableVariable no longer attempts to set the ModGUID and ModName to the Calling Assembly's BaseUnityPlugin
  • Added Factory methods to ConfigLoader<T> to create ConfigurableVariables and their built in inheriting classes.
    • Factory methods require an instance of your ConfigLoader to work
    • Factory methods automatically set the ConfigurableVariable's ModGUID and ModName
    • Factory methods contain an optional Action<ConfigurableVariableType> to initialize the configurable variable, as a near identical implementation of initializing them using the ObjectInitializer pattern

'1.5.2' - ConfigurableVariable improvements


  • Constructor for ConfigurableVariable attempts to automatically sets the ModGUID and ModName to the Calling Assembly's BaseUnityPlugin
  • Added a ToString() override to ConfigurableVariable<T>

'1.5.1' - De(eznuts)stroyImmediate


  • Fixed certain components and code using Object.DestroyImmediate() outside of an UnityEditor enviroment.

'1.5.0' - Config Update May

  • Now dependant on Risk of Options
  • Cleaned up the source code


  • Deprecated TokenModifierAttribute.extraData, replaced by operationData
  • Reworked the Configuration systems of MSU
  • Deprecated ConfigurableFieldManager, replaced by the ConfigSystem class.
  • Deprecated ConfigLoader.identifierToConfigFile
  • Added OnConfigured method to the ConfigurableFieldAttribute.
  • Added RooConfigurableFieldAttribute
    • Allows for very basic Risk of Options implementation.
    • Supports bool, float, int, string, UnityEngine.Color, Enum
  • Added ConfigurableVariable<T> class
    • Represents a variable that can be configured using the bepinex config system
    • Works as fields and properties.
    • a ConfigFile can be assigned directly or via the identifier system of the ConfigSystem
    • Just like ConfigurableFieldAttribute, if a Section and Key are not specified, it uses a nicified string of the DeclaringType and MemberInfo names
    • ConfigurableVariables can be created with method chaining or Object Initialization
    • ConfigurableVariables can be bound immediatly, or bound automatically when RoR2 loads
    • Doesnt support Risk of Options by itself
  • Added the following classes that inherit from ConfigurableVariable:
    1. ConfigurableBool
    2. ConfigurableColor
    3. ConfigurableEnum<TEnum>
    4. ConfigurableFloat
    5. ConfigurableInt
    6. ConfigurableString
    • These classes automatically gets implemented into your mod's RiskOfOptions configuration page.
    • Allows for complexity with the OptionConfig system of Risk of Options
  • Implemented Risk of Options support for MSU's config


  • Added InstallRiskOfOptions import extension`

'1.4.3' - No one will ever know!


  • Added a Return statement on EventDirector's FindIdleStateMachine when the event card's event flags has the WeatherRelated flag.

'1.4.2' - Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed issue where instantiate addressable prefab wouldnt properly instantiate the prefab under multiplayer circumstances
  • AddressableInjector, CameraInstantiator and SurfaceDefInjector now properly wont save the instantiated assets
  • Fixed interactable and monster director cards not working properly
  • Made the bool IsAvailable() method of Interactable and Monster director cards virtual
  • Added new stubbed speed tree shaders
  • Deprecated EventFlags.WeatherRelated
  • Event Cards can now specify the name of the entity state machine it must play on
  • Added a method to the EventDirectorClass to add new EntityStateMachines.
  • Fixed issue where the Event director wouldn't pick new cards after getting a valid one. causing repeating events without checking availability

Debug Build Exclusive:

  • Prefixed debug commands and convars with ms
  • Fixed the MoonstormIDH component not working properly
  • Fixed MSUDebug having an unintended dependency on DebugToolkit
  • Added back the EnableEvents conVar
  • Added ms_enable_event_logging BoolConVar
  • Added ms_play_event command, which tries to play an event while following the regular availability checks
  • Added ms_add_credits command, which allows you to add or subtract credits from the Event Director.


  • Fixed general issues with the NamedIDRS and ItemDisplayDictionary editor windows
  • Removed InstallDebugToolkit import extension

'1.4.1' - Whoops

  • Fixed an NRE that could occur under specific circumstances caused by the ItemDisplayCatalog

'1.4.0' - IDRS Utility and Stabilization

  • Finally updated the package.json file to properly display the Runtime version


  • Objects loaded/instantiated by the AddressableComponents no longer save in editor and builds. theyre not editable but do show up in the hierarchy
  • Fixed an issue where the ItemTierPickupDisplayHelper would throw an NRE under specific situations
  • Added HOLY.dll support
    • Internally fixes issues where interfaces implementing IStatItemBehaviour.RecalculateStatsStart() would run after orig(self)
  • Added an AsValidOrNull extension method which allows the ussage of the ?. and ?? operators with unity objects
  • Improved the InstantiateAddressablePrefab (thanks Caxapexac)
  • Marked AddressableKeyAsset and AddressableIDRS as Obsolete
  • Marked NamedIDRS.AddressNamedRuleGroup.keyAsset and NamedIDRS.addressNamedDisplayRule.displayPrefab as Obsolete
  • ItemDisplayDictionary can now have multiple display prefabs, the selected one is chosen via indices.
  • Marked ItemDisplayDictionary.NamedDisplayDictionary.idrs and ItemDisplayDictionary.displayPrefabs as Obsolete
  • Added ItemDisplayCatalog
    • The ItemDisplayCatalog is used at Runtime for appending the item display data of ItemDisplayDictionary and NamedIDRS to their respective target
    • This is done via collecting all the IDRS in the game and assigning string keys, alongside collecting all the display prefabs, and assigning string keys that correspond to their key asset
    • In DEBUG mode, the ItemDisplayCatalog serializes all the data collected into an ItemDisplayCatalog.json
    • The ItemDisplayCatalog.json is then used in the Editor for adding data and manipulating existing ItemDisplayDictionary and NamedIDRS assets
  • Added ContextMenus for ItemDisplayDictionary and NamedIDRS for updating to the ItemDisplayCatalog system
    • This is also ran at runtime awake to ensure previous, non updated mods dont break.
  • Fixed issue where moduleAvailability didnt work at all


  • Updated to use RoR2EK 4.0.1
  • Fixed issue where BasicBuild would Stage Assetbundles before Staging the Assembly
  • Fixed issue where the GenericContributorBuild wouldn't have MSU in its whitelist
  • Stubbed Shaders are now included in the MSU AssetBundle to avoid duplicate assets across multiple bundles
  • CameraInstantiator now doesnt save in Editor (thanks Cacapexac)
  • Added ItemDisplayCatalog class, which is populated by the ItemDisplayCatalog.json which is created at Run time when building MSU in Debug mode.
  • Added a new and improved version of the NamedIDRS window that uses the ItemDisplayCatalog
  • Added a new and improved version of the ItemDisplayDictionary window that uses ItemDisplayCatalog
  • Fixed issue where DecaliciousDeferredDecal would have the wrong shader name

'1.3.0' - Stage Creation Utilities

  • Removed MSUTests, as it wasnt an actual tests package, it'll come back soon(tm)
  • Github package updated to use ThunderKit version 7.0.0 or Greater


  • Fixed issue where BaseBuffBodyBehaviour would throw exceptions under certain circumstances.
  • Added a GetEnabledExpansions method thatt returns all the enabled expansions for a run inside MSUtil
  • Fixed mutliple isssues with EventtCard's IsAvailable() method
  • Added Implicit bool and UnityEngine.Object casts to AddressableAssets
  • Added components for creating and manipulating vanilla assets inside scenes
    • AddressableInjector, for injecting an AddressableAsset to a component's field
    • CameraInstantiator, which instantiates the ror2 camera prefab for using PostProcessing
      • This component should exist in editor only and not on release builds.
    • InstantiateAddressablePrefab, for Instantiating prefabs
    • SurfaceDefInjector, for injecting a surface def address to multiple GameObjects
    • These are untested, report bugs if necesary
  • Removed a large amount of Debug related code, which now exists in Debug development builds.
  • Added missing EventDirectorCategorySelection for Artifact Reliquary
  • Marked event Actions on module bases as obsolete, replaced by ResourceAvailability.
  • Marked RemoveIfNottInCollection method as obsolete, as its wrongly named.
  • Removed config option for enabling debug features, as to obtain them you must build MSU on Debug mode
  • Added MSDCCSPool and MSDirectorCardCategorySelection & AddressableSpawnCard
    • These are used for creating DCCSPools and DirectorCardCategorySelection respectively for custom stages.
    • Untested, report bugs if necesary
  • Added a field to Eventcard to specify a cost multiplier if the event has already played on a stage
  • Fixed an issue where Events that should only play once per run could play multiple times


  • Added inspectors for AddressableInjector, InstantiateAddressablePrefab
  • Added a pipeline to change the BuildMode for StageAssemblies jobs on a Pipeline, which allows to build mods on Debug or Release mode.
  • Added ChangeAssemblyBuildMode to Release & GenericContributorBuild pipelines
  • Added MSU's R2API hard dependencies JSON file into the Editor folder of the package, use this when setting up a MSU project in ThunderKit
  • Added a PropertyDrawer for AddressableSpawnCard
  • Fixed issue where SwapShadersAndStageAssetBundles would still add .yaml shaders into the finished bundle.

'1.2.0' - Item Tier Support


  • Updated to use the R2API Split Assemblies update.
  • Added ItemTier support
    • Support is in the form of the ItemTierModule and ItemTierBase
    • ItemTierModule handles loading of ItemTierBases, and implements custom lists that contain the amount of items using said tier, and the current available items in a run.
    • ItemTierBase can be used to specify custom Color entries using R2API's ColorsAPI, alongside a custom pickup display VFX
  • Added a deconstruct method for key value pairs.
  • Added a nicify string method to MSUtils
  • Marked MaterialCopier as Deprecated
  • Elites now properly have their ramps set ingame.
  • Added the AddressableMaterialShader shader
    • replacement for MaterialCopier
    • Contains a custom field where the address can be inputed
    • Calling "FinalizeMaterialsWithAddressableMaterialShader" method in your assetloader copies the addressable material's properties and shaders to your custom instance.
  • Event Related
    • Removed the requiredExpansionDef field from EventCard
    • EventCard's selection weight now ranges between 0 and 100
    • Fixed a major issue where the EventDirector prefab was set to server only (this fix makes events actually network.)
  • Fixed TokenModifiers and ConfigurableFields crashing the game if no instance of either was found.
  • When a field configurable by ConfigurableFied gets it's value changed, Configurablefield will now apply the new value. (this allows ConfigurableField to work with ROO)
  • Added missing XML documentation

'1.1.2' - Hotfix


  • Fixed issue where event messages wouldnt display properly.

'1.1.1' - Bug Fixes


  • Event Related:
    • Fixed null reference exception issue with the Event Director on Custom Stages.
    • SetupWeatherController no longer causes issues with Custom Stage
    • Added an X offset for the event messages
    • Event director wont instantiate new events when the teleporter is charged, or when it's charging percent is over 25%
    • Event Cards can now have multiple required Expansion Defs.
    • Added missing EventDirectorCategorySelection for Gilded Coast
    • Fixed most Properties in VanillaEventDirectorCategorySelection returning null
  • Token Modifier changes:
    • Marked "AddMod" method as obsolete
    • Now inherits from SearchableAttribute
    • Now works on Properties and Fields
    • Marked StatTypes.Percentage and StatTypes.DivideBy2 as obsolete
    • Added the following StatTypes:
      • DivideByN
      • MultiplyByN
      • AddN
      • SubtractN
    • added a new field for representing the N in the new stat types, this allows mod creators to have a lot more control on the displayed values.
  • ConfigurableField attribute now uses SearchableAttribute
  • AddressableAssets changes:
    • AddressableAssets' OnAddressableAssetsLoaded no longer runs before initialized sets to true.
    • Added constructors for the bundled in AddressableAssets


  • Shader Dictionary now is kept loaded in static memory on domain reloads.
  • SwapShadersAndStageAssetbundles will now revert swapped shaders back to normal if an exception is thrown

'1.1.0' - Void Items


  • Added Tests for MSU
  • Not bundled with the Thunderstore Release
  • Contains classes for testing out the systems of MSU and the API as a whole


  • AddressableAssets now have a bool to check if it uses a direct reference rather than an addressable reference
  • Added a VoidItemBase, for creating Void items
  • Added the following extensions:
    • Play for NetworkSoundEventDefs
    • GetItemCount for CharacterBodies
  • Event announcements now are properly networked
  • Added configuration options for the Event Announcements
    • Opacity reduced to 75%
    • Message size set to 40
    • Y position Offset of 225 (Messages appear right below boss health bars)
  • Added a Tri-Planar and CalmWater material controlers, courtesy of jaceDaDorito
  • Added missing documentation
  • Removed most weather related components, these have been migrated to Starstorm2


  • Added a custom property drawer for AddressableAssetDrawers
  • Added a Constants file
  • Updated ShaderDictionary to use the SerializableShaderWrapper from RoR2EK
  • MaterialShaderManager's Upgrade and Downgrade methods now use the correct dictionary

'1.0.0' - Official Release

  • MSU is now a "PackageRepo" in github! this means that it is now heavily recommended to use the repository for creating mods with MSU instead of this release version.

  • Updated to Survivors Of The Void (Version 1.2.4)

  • Complete Refactoring of the entire codebase.

    • Some names have changed
    • Some systems have been redone or checked up.
    • A lot of internal changes on how things work.
    • This just means that 1.0.0 marks the begining of LTS, which means future versions shouldnt break compatibility with older versions.
  • Events are now considered to be in a Finished, usable state.

  • Complete XML Documentation for all classes except some components

  • Improved experience with Scriptable Objects.

  • Added a custom Addressables Solution

  • Removed redundant features with newest version of R2API

  • Removed already deprecated classes.

  • Deprecated some existing classes

  • Improved loader systems.

  • Way, way too many more changes i cant remember currently, a more complete changelog can be found here!


  • Additions:
    • Added a method on MSUtil for playing a networked sound event def
    • The HGCloudRemap controller now has the option to modify the Src and Dst blend enums.
    • Revamped the CharacterModuleBase class
      • Now allows for proper implementation of Monsters, including having them spawn on stages
      • Added the MonsterDirectorCard scriptable object
  • Fixes:
    • Added missing Submodule dependency for UnlockableAPI and DirectorAPI
  • Other:
    • Moved the entire codebase and project to the github, instead of being inside Starstorm2's Github
    • Rewrote parts of the ReadMe


  • Additions:

    • Now finally comes bundled with proper XML based documentation, huzzah!
    • Added Assets, Content and Language Loaders
      • These classes handle external loading of assets, such as assetbundles and language files
      • ContentLoader works as a simplified version of a class implementing IContentPackProvider, and helps with loading content Asynchronously
  • Changes:

    • The AchievementDefs are now added directly to the game using R2API


  • Changes:

    • MSU no longer has any kind of dependency on AspectAbilities
    • MSU no longer handles the implementation of an aspect ability by itself
    • Removed dependency on Microsoft.Csharp
    • Event Director:
      • No longer should gain negative amounts of credits on custom difficulties with indexes on the negatives.
  • Additions

    • Interfaces:
      • Added IBodyStatArgModifier Interface
        • Used for interacting with R2Api's RecalculateStatsAPI
    • Unlockables:
      • Added an Unlockables Module
      • Unlockables module handles the implementation of UnlockableDefs and the creation of AchievementDefs
      • UnlockableDefs and Achievementdefs are made inside the MSUnlockableDef class
      • Unlockables are registered inside UnlockableBase classes. the norm is also having it's related Achievement as a nested class
      • Unlockables can have dependencies on other ContentBases
      • If a dependency is not enabled, the unlockable will not be added to the game
      • In case the dependency is a custom made content base, you can override OnFailedToCheck() method to handle it.
    • Interactables:
      • Added an Interactables Module
      • Interactable Module handles the implementation of custom Interactables to the game
      • Interactables are created from the MSInteractableDirectorCard, which itself inherits from the InteractableSpawnCard
      • Interactablkes are automatically added to stages via DirectorAPI


  • Fixed the Damn Readme file.

  • Changes:

    • EventAPI
      • Fixed the Director trying to spawn events when there where no available events.
      • Director no longer spawns when there are no events registered.
    • ItemDisplayModuleBase
      • Changed how vanilla IDRS are populated, theyre not taken directly from the BodyCatalog when its initialized.
      • This in turn enables people to add IDRS to other characterBodies from mods.
      • Deprecated "PopulateVanillaIDRSFromAssetBundle()"
    • MSIDRSUtil
      • Deprecated as we're trying to change the standard on how modded IDRS are done


* Additions: * Added Event system API (*Look, I normally don't do this, okay? I don't really know what else has been done , but this is Starstorm 2's Event API, forcefully ripped out and put in a place where YOU can use it. There is NO documentation. I don't even know if it works. But you can (probably) use it to do cool stuff! ...I hope Nebby forgives me for this one.)

No, I do not.

Actual changelog:

  • Additions:
    • Added the ability to extend from the MoonstormItemManager component.
      • Extending from the manager requires you to extend from the "ManagerExtension" component.
      • Immediate References to the characterBody attatched to the manager extension, the manager itself as well.
      • Virtual methods for GetInterfaces, CheckForItems and CheckForBuffs.
    • Added the EventAPI from Starstorm2Nightly into MSU.
      • The Event API itself is not documented and very much WIP.
      • EventAPI should have everything to add custom events.
      • EventAPI works via a custom director, events themselves are simply entity states.
      • All Events should inherit from the GenericEvent entitystate, which is found in the EntityStates.Events namespace.
  • Changes
    • Artifact Content Base:
      • Added OnArtifactEnabled() and OnArtifactDisabled() abstract methods, subscribe and unsuscribe from hooks in these methods. System closely resembles how the Artifact Managers of RoR2 Work.
      • Added an Abstract field for an ArtifactCode from R2API's ArtifactCodeAPI, can be left null.
    • Artifact Module Base:
      • Added some actual hooks onto the RunArtifactManager.
    • Pickups Module Base: Added an Event when the ItemManager is added.
    • Material Tester:
      • Can no longer be spawned outside of runs
      • Renderer is no longer null by default
      • Can now be destroyed easily by enabling the "DestroyOnEnable" component.


  • Additions:
    • Added the StageModuleBase & StageBase
      • Used for handling custom stages
      • Compatible with ROS
  • Changes:
    • Marked the MSAspectAbilityDataHolder as Deprecated, will be removed on the next major update.
    • Now Dependant on Microsoft CSharp
    • Changed how Elite Equipments get initialized
      • This Retroactively fixes an issue where, if the Elite Equipment Base overrides the AddItemBehavior method, but its not fully initialized (like disabling it from a config) it would add the item behavior regardless ((Example on the issue)[])
    • Completely Revamped the Dynamic Description attribute.
      • Now called the "TokenModifier" attribute.
      • Used on Fields that are public & static
      • Requires the following arguments
        • String: the Token to modify
        • StatType: Used for modifying the value held in the field
          • Default: No changes are made
          • Percentage: The value on the field is multiplied by 100
          • DivideBy2: The value on the field is divided by 2
          • If you need a specific stat type, ask it in the starstorm discord and we might add it.
        • FormatIndex: the index used for formatting.
      • Should technically work with any mod.
      • Not usable on mods that load their language via LanguageAPI (Due to languageAPI's string by tokens dictionaries being private.)
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue where moonstorm dependant mods would try to access MSUtil on the Moonstorm.Utilities namespace despite being on the Moonstorm namespace


  • Added ConfigurableField attribute
    • Used for automatically creating config options for fields.
  • Added DynamicDescription attribute
    • Used for dynamically modifying the description of an item via the use of formatting, and provided fields.


  • Rewrote a lot of the Elite related code to allow for more pleasant and balanced behaviors.
    • Fixed Elite Ramps not Reseting properly when grabbing an MSEliteEquipment and then grabbing a vanilla one.
    • Added Tooltips for the MSEliteDef
  • Added an Opaque Cloud Remap runtime editor. (OCR are deprecated, ghor recommends using regular cloud remaps instead).
  • Projectiles with CharacterBody components now get added to the Serializable Content Pack's CharacterBody prefabs.
  • Added IOnIncomingDamageOtherServerReceiver
    • Used to modify the incoming damage of soon to be Victims in the damage report, it is similar to the IOnIncomingDamage interface.
  • Almost all classes are now documented, However, MSU does not come with XML documentation yet.
  • Made MoonstormEditorUtils Dependant on MoonstormSharedUtils.
  • Changes to the IDRS System.
    • The ItemDisplayPrefab scriptable object has been revamped to a key asset display pair holder.
    • The KeyAssetDisplayPairHolder can be given to the IDRS module and it'll populate both the key asset dictionary and the display prefab dictionary.
    • This can be used for external mods that dont directl depend on MSU to populate the item display dictionary.


  • Re-Added the MSAspectAbility, now named "MSAspectAbilityDataHolder"
    • Only holds data, doesnt use aspect abilities at all.
    • Used for elite equipments.
  • Fixed an issue where the EliteModuleBase wouldnt register new elites.
  • Fixed an issue where the ItemManager would not properly obtain new StatItemBehavior interfaces on buff removal.
  • Removed EditorUtils until further notice.
  • General internal changes


  • Deprecated MSAspectAbility due to issues with initalization of the mod.
    • It has been replaced by an Animation curve asset and a simple float for AIMaxUseDistance
  • Fixed an issue where MSIDRS/SIDRS would not be able to retrieve their display prefab correctly.
  • Changed any references to definitions adding to content pack to use the content pack's name.
  • Added more material controllers, courtesy of Vale-X
  • Removed abstract field from module abses
  • Module bases now use SystemInitializer attribute


  • Initial Release