paradox75831004-ParadoxClientPack icon


A modpack that allows you to preserve the originality of the game, improve the visual part and make it easier to play with random players. The ability for any player without mods to join you.

Last updated 7 months ago
Total downloads 17975
Total rating 5 
Categories Mods Modpacks Client-side
Dependency string paradox75831004-ParadoxClientPack-5.0.0
Dependants 2 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

NutNutty-SellTracker-1.2.1 icon

Displays your quota and the calculated value of the scrap you are currently selling on a new screen at the company building. (Now with configurable colors)

Preferred version: 1.2.1
vasanex-ItemQuickSwitch-1.1.0 icon

Use keybinds to access your items directly!

Preferred version: 1.1.0
sunnobunno-BonkHitSFX-1.0.5 icon

JAIL FOR YOU! Replaces the hitSFX of the shovel and other items to the BONK SFX.

Preferred version: 1.0.5
EliteMasterEric-Coroner-1.6.0 icon

Rework the Performance Report with new info, including cause of death.

Preferred version: 1.6.0
Sv_Matt-HideModList-1.0.1 icon

Hides the mod list popup

Preferred version: 1.0.1
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
LoadingSomething-Sort_by_Player_Count-1.0.1 icon

Adds a button to the server list to sort by number of players.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
taffyko-NameplateTweaks-1.0.6 icon

Client-side tweaks for player username billboards. Voice activity speaking indicators, better visibility, etc.

Preferred version: 1.0.6
Sligili-HDLethalCompany-1.5.6 icon

Additional graphics settings such as resolution, anti-aliasing, fog quality etc.

Preferred version: 1.5.6
gamendegamer-Lethal_Admin-1.3.0 icon

A mod that adds a few admin tools

Preferred version: 1.3.0
Ozone-BepInUtils-1.2.1 icon

A library some of my mods depend on.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
Ozone-Lockdown-1.0.3 icon

Prevent griefing in a public lobby! Restricts connected clients from doing many configurable actions.

Preferred version: 1.0.3
BatTeam-LethalFashion-1.0.6 icon

Unlocks all of the base game suits immediately for free.

Preferred version: 1.0.6
fivetoofive-DetailedScan-1.2.2 icon

A terminal command for a detailed scan of the scrap still remaining outside the ship.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
NotAtomicBomb-TerminalApi-1.5.2 icon

A Terminal Api

Preferred version: 1.5.2
SoulWithMae-BlackMesaInternTransferProgram-1.1.0 icon

Plays a Half Life Scientist scream for each player death.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
anormaltwig-LateCompany-1.0.11 icon

A mod to allow players to join after the game starts.

Preferred version: 1.0.11
kRYstall9-FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadar-1.3.2 icon

The FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadar mod let's you switch each player's cam, while using the radar built in the in-game Terminal, by pressing some predefined hotkeys, such as: RightArrow, LeftArrow

Preferred version: 1.3.2
NotAtomicBomb-Terminal_History-1.0.4 icon

Command History for the Terminal.

Preferred version: 1.0.4
Sligili-More_Emotes-1.3.3 icon

[v49/v45] Adds even more emotes

Preferred version: 1.3.3
sunnobunno-LandMineFartReverb-1.0.3 icon

They say you fart up to three hours after you die. Better go out with a big one.

Preferred version: 1.0.3
TwinDimensionalProductions-CoilHeadStare-1.0.8 icon

Makes the Coil Head slowly turn and face you even while you are looking directly at it. Reminding you that it only needs you to falter for a single moment. Extra feature: Coil Head spring bounces when hit with a shovel.

Preferred version: 1.0.8
Glitch-RankFix-1.0.2 icon

Fixes rank when hosting.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.6.3 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.6.3
Hamunii-JetpackWarning-2.2.0 icon

Adds visual and audio indicators for when your jetpack may explode. Now maintained by Hamunii.

Preferred version: 2.2.0
akechii-DiscountAlert-2.3.0 icon

Alerts you which items have a discount when the round begins. Client-side! Customizable!

Preferred version: 2.3.0
mrov-LethalRichPresence-0.5.8 icon

Discord Rich Presence support in-game.

Preferred version: 0.5.8
Jamil-Corporate_Restructure-1.0.6 icon

A QoL Overhaul for Corporate Executives

Preferred version: 1.0.6
ButteryStancakes-AccurateStaminaDisplay-2.0.1 icon

Fixes the stamina meter display on the HUD, so it more accurately represents your current stamina percentage.

Preferred version: 2.0.1
Treyotech-Treys_Health_Text-1.3.1 icon

Displays Player Health as a Number

Preferred version: 1.3.1
ShaosilGaming-FlashlightFix-1.1.0 icon

Fixes annoying flashlight bugs like being toggled when it shouldn't be.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
Dev1A3-RecentlyPlayedWith-1.0.3 icon

Makes players show up on the steam "recently played with" list.

Preferred version: 1.0.3
sunnobunno-YippeeMod-1.2.4 icon

Changes the chitter SFX of the Hoarding Bug to the yippee-tbh sound

Preferred version: 1.2.4
Ozone-Runtime_Netcode_Patcher-0.2.5 icon

Patches Netcode RPC methods during runtime utilizing Harmony

Preferred version: 0.2.5
AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.3.4 icon

Provides an in-game config menu for players to edit their configs, and an API for other mods to use and customize their entries.

Preferred version: 1.3.4
Drakorle-MoreItems-1.0.2 icon

Changes the max amount of items that the game saves from 45 to 999. Requires BepInEx.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
Hexnet111-SuitSaver-1.1.4 icon

A plugin for saving your last used suit. (Compatible with v47)

Preferred version: 1.1.4
Danos-LethalStats-0.9.2 icon

A Mod for the game Lethal Company that collects and displays your stats at

Preferred version: 0.9.2
TinyMins-ShipGrabbableStat-1.0.7 icon

Reliably shows the total count of specific grabbables in your ship.

Preferred version: 1.0.7
Zaggy1024-OpenBodyCams-1.2.9 icon

An open-source implementation of a body/head camera that is displayed on the bottom right monitor in the ship, with the goal of appearing almost identical to the player's actual perspective while providing good performance.

Preferred version: 1.2.9
FutureSavior-Hold_Scan_Button-1.1.1 icon

This mod allows you to hold the scan button to continuously keep scanning instead of having to spam the button.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
linkoid-DissonanceLagFix-1.0.0 icon

This plugin significantly reduces the duration of lag spikes simply by changing the log level of DissonanceVoip.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
FlipMods-LetMeLookDown-1.0.1 icon

This mod simply lets you look down all the way. Well, almost all the way.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Hamunii-JetpackFallFix-2.0.1 icon

Fixes buggy jetpack fall damage logic.

Preferred version: 2.0.1
fumiko-CullFactory-0.8.7 icon

Stops rendering faraway factory rooms - Helps with performance.

Preferred version: 0.8.7
Zaggy1024-PathfindingLagFix-1.2.1 icon

Lethal Company mod to fix stutters caused by the AI of Brackens, Spore Lizards, and Snare Fleas.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
DOkge-InventoryFixPlugin-0.0.1 icon

Solves the problem of interacting with objects. add a button to change the "ThrowingObjects" parameter, which tracks a random point in time and blocks interaction. The "ThrowingObjects" parameter is reversed when the button is pressed

Preferred version: 0.0.1
Swaggies-BetterEXP-1.2.2 icon

Lethal Company mod to replace the vanilla EXP system with a more advanced system, plus some cool performance report changes.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
PotatoCoders-MinimumQuotaFinder-1.1.3 icon

Calculates and highlights the minimum total value of scraps that you can sell to still reach the quota.

Preferred version: 1.1.3
LeKAKiD-SignalTranslatorAligner-1.1.0 icon

Signal Translator always display centered text

Preferred version: 1.1.0
Hardy-LCMaxSoundsFix-1.1.0 icon

Simple mod that increase max number of simultaneous playing sounds, hopefully fixing missing footsteps and other missing sound problems.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Gloveman23-MoonPriceDisplay-1.0.1 icon

Displays the cost of travelling to a moon on the catalogue.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
LessonLethal-BetterUI-1.1.0 icon

Custom Settings & Hotkeys for the HUD, FPS, Clock, and Chat

Preferred version: 1.1.0
BlueAmulet-LogNeuter-1.0.3 icon

Utility to block certain log messages from the game

Preferred version: 1.0.3
EliteMasterEric-CleanerLogs-1.0.0 icon

Reduces log spam to boost performance.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
willis81808-LethalSettings-1.4.0 icon

A centralized place for configuring mods from in-game

Preferred version: 1.4.0
Kesomannen-KeepItDown-1.2.1 icon

Volume tuning mod for various sounds in the game.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
HydratedDragon-BetterItemHandling-1.1.1 icon

A Lethal Company mod for improving the item handling

Preferred version: 1.1.1
JS03-Control_Company_Detector-3.3.6 icon

A fully configurable mod that detects Control Company by giving you an in-game warning, marking lobbies that have it and detecting when the host spawns an enemy indoors. It can also hide or only show said lobbies.

Preferred version: 3.3.6
loaforc-loaforcsSoundAPI-0.1.3 icon

A soundtool made to give Soundpack creators ultimate control.

Preferred version: 0.1.3
paradox75831004-ParadoxFunSounds-1.1.4 icon

Some funny sounds

Preferred version: 1.1.4
paradox75831004-ParadoxMonstrSounds-1.1.4 icon

Scary monster sounds.

Preferred version: 1.1.4
paradox75831004-ParadoxCustomSounds-1.2.5 icon

A sound mod that tries to make the game more immersive and a better ambient feel.

Preferred version: 1.2.5
Karster-Light_Switch_Scan_Node-1.0.1 icon

Who let the lights out

Preferred version: 1.0.1
quackandcheese-ToggleMute-1.3.1 icon

A mod for Lethal Company that adds a customizable toggle mute hotkey

Preferred version: 1.3.1
Ryokune-Better_Lobbies-1.1.1 icon

Enhance your multiplayer experience by having additional lobby related QoL features in game! v49!

Preferred version: 1.1.1
PXC-ShipLootPlus-1.0.8 icon

Rewrite of the OG ShipLoot and enhanced with more customization

Preferred version: 1.0.8
ViViKo-ItemClippingFix-1.1.3 icon

Fixes ground/storage clipping & rotation on almost all items

Preferred version: 1.1.3
axd1x8a-LCAmmoCheck-1.1.1 icon

Mod that allows you to check ammo in shotgun

Preferred version: 1.1.1
SillySquad-BetterTotalScrap-1.1.1 icon

Changes the end game screen to display the real amount of scrap in the level instead of just the spawned scrap at the start of the round.

Preferred version: 1.1.1


ParadoxClientPack V1.1.0 - Paradox75831004 | CLIENT SIDE 🎈

ModPack Trailer



Extract the necessary files into the main game folder (where Lethal Company.exe is located). Make sure you have BepInEx installed

If you have any questions or problems with the mod pack, write in the discord [Discord] ( (my nickname is Paradox75831004)

Why this modpack? And how do you know that even with this modpack, random players without mods will be able to join you? Does this mod change the mechanics of the vanilla game?

Yes, you can really create a lobby with this modpack and players will be able to join you without even having these mods.

Neither I nor anyone else in the lobby encountered any problems while testing the modpack. Many game conditions have been tested, but there may be untested conditions that may be broken or cause the software to freeze. If you're having problems like this, please let me know on the Discord server linked at the top of the description of this page.

This modpack practically does not change the mechanics of the vanilla game, it simply adds convenience for games with casual players or newbies.

Installation 🛠

  • Установка по руководству Steam
  • Если у вас Steam-версия, лучше устанавливайте r2modman. В видео гайде есть быстрая установка модов или модпака. Код профиля находится в категори "Wiki" сверху страницы модпака.
  • У вас пиратка?: если выхотите установить сразу всё - то с папки "LC_RUS (mods+sounds+Руссификатор)" все файлы в основную папку игры с заменой нужно кинуть. Если хотите расширить лобби больше 4, то нужно с папки "Расширение лобби +" кинуть в основную папку игры. Если вам моды не нужны, а нужно просто расширение лобби, то просто можете его один кинуть и сможете без проблем играть.
  • If you have the Steam version, it is better to install r2modman. The video guide contains a quick installation of mods or a modpack. The profile code is located in the "Wiki" category at the top of the modpack page.
  • Do you have a pirated version?: if you want to install everything at once, then from the folder “LC_RUS (mods+sounds+Russifier)” you need to throw all the files into the main game folder with replacement. If you want to expand the lobby more than 4, then you need to drop it from the “Lobby Expansion +” folder into the main game folder. If you don’t need mods, but just need an expansion of the lobby, then you can just throw it in and you’ll be able to play without any problems.
  • The r2modman application does not work with the pirated version of the game. Therefore, install manually from the archive
  • After downloading the archive, my configurations for all current mods are installed there. If you are interested in where and what settings, you can go to the “Lethal Company\BepInEx\config” folder and look at each file.**
  • To install ready-made mods with a good configuration, download the archive from the Wiki category, then open the archive and there will be a folder "Lethal Company". All contents from this folder must be moved to the folder with the game "Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company" (if the pirated version, then just go to the "Lethal Company" folder).**
  • If you update to another version through a ready-made archive when downloading from the "Download manually" button. Then before installation, delete the "BepInEx" folder with all the mods in the root folder of the game.**
  • If you want to save the loot after the death of the entire crew, then you need to move all files from the “Lethal Company (for beginners)” folder to the root folder of the game
  • When updating the modpack, it is advisable to delete the "BepInEx" folder and install the mods in a new one-

Modpack option 📃

This modpack supports logging into any servers that do not have mods. If you create a Host Server, any player can join you, even if they don't have mods.

In the archive I added a save folder, in which there is a ready-made lobby with a standard number of things for beginners as an introduction to the game. Let the game saves be "Disk_Name:\Users\User_Name\AppData\LocalLow\ZeekerssRBLX\Lethal Company". There you throw the save file from the "Lobby save slot for beginners" folder, which is called "LCSaveFile3", after which you launch the game and can play with the ready-made lobby. Enjoy!

If the game slows down on a weak computer configuration, then you better remove the graphics mod (which changes the screen resolution to 1080p). The path to the file is "Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins\HDLethalCompany.dll"

Individual meme sounds in the “Sounds_Fun” folder.

There will be a separate crack in the "Руссификатор" folder. If you need it, put all the files from there in the root folder of the game "Letnal Company"

If you create a server you will have:

  1. Unlocks standard costumes.
  2. Allows players to join during the game.