
Updated a day ago


Settings Description
Adjust Scrap Slightly reduce scrap quality. See below
Mostly Mineshafts Significantly decreases factory chance, and increases mineshaft chance.
No Coil-heads Coil-heads no longer appear as a rare encounter.
No Traps Landmines and turrets do not spawn, like in v9.


Vow already feels good, so I've made only some small adjustments.

Scrap quality changes were very small, and help place Vow in between Experimentation + Assurance and March; "the most lucrative tier 1." More often than not, the scrap bonus from mineshaft being selected will boost its total value above Assurance.

On that note, mineshafts have been made the primary interior again. It won't be the same as v60 (where mineshafts completely replaced factory), but the interior change helps set Vow apart from other options. It's about a 20% factory 80% mineshaft split, now.

Coil-heads are a pretty evil addition to Vow, especially considering it boasts the highest spawn rate for the Bracken, an awful combo. Honestly I just don't feel like they belong at all, even as a rare encounter.

I think being able to disable traps spawning also gives Vow a bit more of a niche - it's the first map with a larger-than-default interior, and also the first map that's not dominated by factories. Having a few less wildcards to worry about makes the transition smoother.