
Updated a day ago


Settings Description
Buff Scrap Significantly improves the scrap quality. Increases scrap count from 22-25 to 22-27, like the v50 betas.
Reduce Butler Chance Reduces the spawn rate for butlers. Intended to be used with the "Increased Manor Chance" setting for butlers.
Adjust Indoor Enemies Somewhat increase the likelihood of weaker enemies (hoarding bugs, bunker spider, etc.) spawning and slightly decrease the likelihood of stronger enemies, like the Jester.
Adjust Outdoor Enemies Reduce the likelihood of giants and dogs, which also increases Old Birds.
Adjust Spawn Curves Reduce outdoor spawn rates early in the day - it should be peaceful outside until past 11 AM, except during an eclipse.
Fix Floods Lower the starting water level during flooded weather, so you can reach the main entrance without submerging yourself.
Add Masked Allow Masked to spawn semi-frequently.


Dine has had a pretty turbulent development history. It was pretty awful in v49, then got a redesign and some huge buffs in v50. Then there was the Dine golden age, in v56, with the Cruiser... Up until v60 completely murdered it again.

For a brief period, Rend and Dine were just about equal - but in v69, the power dynamic is just as imbalanced as it used to be in v49, and Dine gets to sit with Offense as one of the least desirable moons to visit in the game.

I have tried to mirror the risk/reward dynamic I set up for Assurance and Offense. Dine is larger and more dangerous, but significantly more lucrative. I also reduced the ridiculous outdoor spawns (no more giants at 9 AM), and tweaked spawn rates to make Old Birds a bit more common. They look really cool in blizzards :)

The Reduce Butler Chance option exists to counterbalance the increased chance butlers have to spawn in manors. It should leave manors relatively unchanged, but reduce their frequency on Dineshaft, where they are significantly harder to maneuver...

For what it's worth, rather than enabling Fix Floods, I actually suggest using Tonight, We Dine to adjust the position of the entrances instead. My personal favorite layout is the Hybrid setting, which has v49's fire exit position - just outside the ship, but only accessible with an extension ladder or jetpack.