BBLoader-BBModPack icon


A lightweight expansion mod pack for my friends. User-friendly, includes bug fixes and QoL tweaks to improve Risk of Rain 2. Thanks to the mod makers in this pack! Feel free to use and modify it to your liking!

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 393
Total rating 0 
Categories Modpacks
Dependency string BBLoader-BBModPack-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
prodzpod-StageAesthetic-1.1.9 icon

Adds randomly-selected color schemes to stages.

Preferred version: 1.1.9
6thmoon-HistoryFix-1.0.0 icon

Prevent arbitrary deletion of run reports. Minor improvements to logbook functionality.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Goorakh-NoAllyAttackBlock-1.2.0 icon

Makes attacks not collide with your allies

Preferred version: 1.2.0
Wolfo-WolfoQualityOfLife-3.2.7 icon

Gives Merc Skins, Blight Acrid colored effects. Adds a lot of information and visual Quality of Life. (This mod no longer affects game play)

Preferred version: 3.2.7
viliger-RestoreGrandparentRock-1.0.0 icon

Randy Bobandy broke my gamandy. Restore Grandparent's rock projectile ghost.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Wolfo-WolfoAlternateSkins-2.1.1 icon

Adds 40+ skin recolors for vanilla characters and 30+ skin recolors for modded characters. A lot of them based on RoR:Returns palettes. Unlocked by beating alt endings or Simulacrum wave 50.

Preferred version: 2.1.1
marklow-HellfireCaptain-1.2.2 icon

After investigating a mysterious message from Abyssal Depths, Captain is forever changed. Now void compatible!

Preferred version: 1.2.2
TailLover-DraconicFalseSon-1.0.0 icon

A skin for False that makes them more Draconic. Has tail physics

Preferred version: 1.0.0
amogus_lovers-StandaloneAncientScepter-1.1.34 icon

1.1.34 - Fixed for SOTS, no new skills | A full port of ThinkInvisible's Ancient Scepter, complete with a custom model, item displays, and no extra dependencies.

Preferred version: 1.1.34
prodzpod-RealerCheatUnlocks-1.0.4 icon

Right-click unlockables to unlock/relock them. AFFECTS STEAM/EGS ACHIEVEMENTS!

Preferred version: 1.0.4
AceOfShades-QuickRestart-1.5.3 icon

Allows quickly starting a new run.

Preferred version: 1.5.3
KingEnderBrine-ScrollableLobbyUI-1.9.1 icon

Adds scrolling to lobby UI (skills, loadout, character select, difficulty)

Preferred version: 1.9.1
KingEnderBrine-LobbySkinsFix-1.2.1 icon

Fixes issues with switching to modded skin and back to vanilla in lobby

Preferred version: 1.2.1
Moffein-TeammateRevival-4.2.1 icon

Survivors can revive fallen teammates, but it comes at the price of their own health and safety! Optional death curse mode. Highly configurable. ( multiplayer heal spawn )

Preferred version: 4.2.1
JaceDaDorito-FogboundLagoon-1.1.5 icon

I can't even see my reflection in the water... only those mysterious crimson lights...

Preferred version: 1.1.5
Quizzik-AddFoVSettings-1.0.0 icon

Add FoV slider and toggle for sprinting FoV changes to the settings menu. Based on

Preferred version: 1.0.0
IHarbHD-DebugToolkit-3.18.3 icon

Adds console command for debugging mods.

Preferred version: 3.18.3
Moffein-EliteReworks-1.13.2 icon

Reduces Elite bulletsponge and makes their abilities more impactful.

Preferred version: 1.13.2
viliger-Roomba-1.0.10 icon

Is that... a roomba? Must've fallen out of UES Contact Light.

Preferred version: 1.0.10
tristanmcpherson-R2API-5.0.5 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 5.0.5
Goorakh-GrowthNectarDisplay-1.0.0 icon

Shows an indicator on buffs that counts for Growth Nectar. Clientside.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Zirnis_Kr-BitesOut-1.0.1 icon

Swaps the regenerative property of Acrid's bite for reset cooldowns on kill.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
HIFU-LeapSkills-1.0.4 icon

Allows Acrid to use all abilities during both Leaps.

Preferred version: 1.0.4
TheTimesweeper-AcridHitboxBuff-1.1.1 icon

Makes Acrid's attack hitbox more consistent and comfortable to use.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
Withor-AcridBiteLunge-1.9.69 icon

Adds a small lunage to acrid's bite. Inspired by DuckSurvivorTweaks.'

Preferred version: 1.9.69
OakPrime-BlightBurstBuff-1.0.2 icon

Blight now deals remaining DoT damage at once at 3 stacks with proc coefficient

Preferred version: 1.0.2
Moffein-Heretic-1.2.9 icon

Adds the Heretic as a selectable survivor with stats balanced around the base cast. Grab all 4 Heresy items to power up!

Preferred version: 1.2.9
HIFU-HuntressAutoaimFix-1.2.0 icon

Makes Huntress able to target enemies nearest to her crosshair. Now with realtime config!

Preferred version: 1.2.0
dotflare-LostThroughTimeSkinPack-1.1.4 icon

Guess who's back, back again

Preferred version: 1.1.4
KrononConspirator-MadVeteran_Skinpack-1.4.2 icon

Skinpack based on the concept or idea of a Meta Related to each and (soon to be) every Survivor in RoR2.

Preferred version: 1.4.2
Wolfo-WLoopWeather-1.4.1 icon

Adds more Sots-style loop weather variants and adds config for loop variants to happen pre-loop

Preferred version: 1.4.1
DestroyedClone-MusicDisplay-1.0.2 icon

Adds a persistent text element on screen to show the current track that's playing.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
IrrationalIntegral-BetterVoidBands-1.0.1 icon

Buff Singularity bands to have the same cool down as normal bands, shorten the blackhole duration, and deals DOT to enemies inside black hole

Preferred version: 1.0.1
HIFU-BetterRaincoatIcon-1.0.2 icon

Makes Ben's Raincoat Buff Icon look better.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
HIFU-ShockStunDebuff-1.0.2 icon

Makes Shock, Stun and optionally Freeze count as Debuffs.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
HIFU-FixedFont-1.0.2 icon

Makes interactable font display properly when close to it - makes colors not invert for ??? reason.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
HIFU-LookStraightDown-1.0.5 icon

Allows you to look straight down, and straight up. Configurable. My first SOTS mod update, I have like 50 mods to update HELP M-

Preferred version: 1.0.5
Nebby-LoadingScreenSpriteFix-2.0.0 icon

API for adding new Loading Sprites to the Loading Screen, also fixes sprite overlapping

Preferred version: 2.0.0
zombieseatflesh7-Captain_Lysate_Fix-1.0.1 icon

Makes lysate cell actually give captain extra beacons. SOTV DLC required.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Necrofearfire-Helldiver_Captain-1.0.0 icon

Bring Freedom and Liberty to Risk of Rain 2. For Super Earth! Captain skin inspired by Helldivers from the game Helldivers 2.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
OakPrime-CaptainSkillsUsable-1.0.1 icon

Makes Captain's abilities usable in hidden realms.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Goorakh-PizzaClientLagFix-1.3.2 icon

Fixes unpredictable multiplayer lag for Mithrix's pizza (big spinny) attack

Preferred version: 1.3.2
farofus-Captain_Busted_Diablo_Strike-1.1.0 icon

The more attack speed you have, the less you have to wait for the nuke.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
DropPod-LookingGlass-1.10.0 icon

A QoL UI mod that exposes statistics for items and the player, adjusts the size and features of command and scrapper menus, and much more. Fully open source and compatible with RiskUI!

Preferred version: 1.10.0
score-MiscFixes-1.2.3 icon

Fixes some bugs

Preferred version: 1.2.3
pseudopulse-Boss_Rush-1.3.2 icon

Fight through a gauntlet of nearly all the bosses! Fully networked & supports modded bosses.

Preferred version: 1.3.2
KingEnderBrine-RandomCharacterSelection-1.5.0 icon

Adds buttons to pick a random character and random loadout

Preferred version: 1.5.0
prodzpod-HuntressMomentum2-2.0.3 icon

Continuation of TeamGoose's HuntressMomentum. Gives huntress a passive.

Preferred version: 2.0.3
MagnusMagnuson-ItemExchangeNotifier-1.4.1 icon

Notification for which items you exchange at the 3D Printer/Forge.

Preferred version: 1.4.1
IrrationalIntegral-ArtiQOL-1.1.2 icon

Configurable tweaks and quality of life changes for Artificer

Preferred version: 1.1.2
dfialkov-ToggledChargedGauntlet-1.0.0 icon

Changes Loader's Charged Gauntlet so that you hit the key once to begin the charge and then again to release without needing to hold down the key. Reduces hand gymnastics on odd keyboards.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Thrayonlosa-QolElements-2.6.1 icon

A collection of QoL elements that are too small to warrent their own mod. Minimal gameplay changes. Vanilla compatible.

Preferred version: 2.6.1
BULLETBOT-BetterScoreboard-1.1.2 icon

Changes the scoreboard a little bit. (Can be configured)

Preferred version: 1.1.2
Faustvii-QoLChests-1.2.0 icon

Quality of life changes to chests, terminals, scrapper, duplicator, turrets and drones. - Hide when empty and highlighting.

Preferred version: 1.2.0
Flyingcomputer-Exchange_Changes-1.1.1 icon

A mod to simply change the time exchange interactions happen, letting you have faster printers, faster scrappers, and faster shrines of chance!

Preferred version: 1.1.1
Wolfo-WolfoItemBuffs-1.0.8 icon

Hunter's Harpoon works like in Returns. Aegis slows barrier decay. Beads of Fealty spawns multiple Twisted Scavengers. Other small item buffs.

Preferred version: 1.0.8
Wolfo-LunarSoap-1.0.3 icon

Adds 1 Lunar Item : Doubled movement speed... BUT movement is harder to control.

Preferred version: 1.0.3
Goorakh-AudioOverlapFix-1.2.1 icon

Prevents multiple instances of the same sound from playing within the same frame, resulting in a sound potentially becoming very loud. Clientside.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
Goorakh-CollapseDisplay-1.3.3 icon

Displays how much damage Collapse and Warped Echo will deal on your health bar.

Preferred version: 1.3.3
Goorakh-AttackDirectionFix-1.2.2 icon

Fixes attacks not always aiming where your crosshair is. Also known as the "Pierce Bug".

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Goorakh-FreeCostFix-1.0.0 icon

Fixes free cost displays not initializing properly and always showing as "$25". Clientside.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Prototype-GammaSettingFix-0.1.2 icon

"Gamma Boost" option works again (under Video), to keep the game from being too dark.

Preferred version: 0.1.2
kking117-ExpiredPingFix-1.0.0 icon

Fixes expired pings blocking newer ones.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Moonlol-SeerPing-1.2.1 icon

Shows the location where a lunar seer leads to in the ping message.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
rob_gaming-OutOfBoundsItemsFix-1.0.1 icon

Fixes items dropping out of bounds by respawning them on the nearest ground node. Updated for SOTS

Preferred version: 1.0.1
pseudopulse-SeekersPatcher-1.1.1 icon

Patches ROR2 to add redirects for three things renamed / replaced in the recent patch that would prevent some mods loading.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
TheTimesweeper-SurvivorSortOrder-1.1.2 icon

Sorts all survivors to your configurable liking. Force modded characters to the end, individually set survivor's sort order, etc | now supports custom survariants.

Preferred version: 1.1.2
Rune580-StopStealingMyMouse-1.3.0 icon

Stops RoR2 from stealing your mouse during load.

Preferred version: 1.3.0