5. Survivors - Commando
Updated a week agoCommando
Mostly the same, with buffs to his less-used skills.
- Double Tap
- (RiskyFixes) Fixed attack speed cap being lower than intended.
Phase Round
- Increased damage from 300% -> 450%
- Increased hitbox size by 100%
Phase Lightning (New)
- Fire a piercing round for 450% damage that zaps nearby enemies for an additional 150% damage.
- 1.0 proc on direct hit
- 0.5 proc on lightning hits
- Fire a piercing round for 450% damage that zaps nearby enemies for an additional 150% damage.
- Tactical Dive
- Reduces non-Utility cooldowns by 1s.
- Distance increased.
Suppressive Fire
- Reduced cooldown from 10s -> 7s
- Increased damage from 100% -> 120%
- Increased shot count from 6 -> 8, and increased fire rate proportionally.
- Removed falloff.
Frag Grenade
- Explodes on direct hit with an enemy if it hasn't bounced yet.
- Increased radius from 11m -> 12m
- Removed falloff.
Suppressive Barrage (New)
- Stunning. Fire fragmentation rounds for 6x120% damage. The number of shots scales with attack speed.
- Shots explode with a 3m AoE.
- 7s cooldown
- Stunning. Fire fragmentation rounds for 6x120% damage. The number of shots scales with attack speed.
- 1. General - Character Mechanics
- 1. General - Interactables
- 1. General - Run Scaling
- 1. General - Teleporters and Holdouts
- 2. Allies
- 3. Items - Quick Overview
- 3. Items - Tier 1 Common
- 3. Items - Tier 2 Uncommon
- 3. Items - Tier 3 Rare
- 3. Items - Tier Boss
- 3. Items - Tier Lunar
- 3. Items - Void
- 4. Equipment
- 5. Survivors - Acrid
- 5. Survivors - Artificer
- 5. Survivors - Bandit
- 5. Survivors - Captain
- 5. Survivors - Commando
- 5. Survivors - Engineer
- 5. Survivors - Huntress
- 5. Survivors - Loader
- 5. Survivors - Mercenary
- 5. Survivors - MUL-T
- 5. Survivors - Railgunner
- 5. Survivors - REX
- 5. Survivors - Void Fiend
- 6. Enemies
- 6. Enemies - Spawnpools
- 7. Stages - Commencement
- 7. Stages - Void Fields
- 7. Stages - Void Locus