5. Survivors - Void Fiend
Updated 6 months agoVoid Fiend
Corruption reworked to be based on killing enemies and no longer scales off of crit/healing to prevent anti-synergies.
- Corruption
- Removed Crit/Healing interaction.
- Increased passive corruption build time from 30s to 60s
- Now gains +4% Corruption on kill and assist.
- Reduced transformation time from 1s to 0.5s
- Corrupted form duration reduced from 15s to 12s
- Removed Corrupted armor bonus.
- (RiskyTweaks) Drown
- Removed random spread.
- Flood
- Primary can be used while charging.
- Trespass
- (RiskyTweaks) Uncorrupted form no longer scales with movement speed.
- Gives fall damage immunity after exiting.
- (RiskyTweaks) Corrupted Suppress
- Reduced duration from 1.0 -> 0.3
- Removed use limit.
- 1. General - Character Mechanics
- 1. General - Interactables
- 1. General - Run Scaling
- 1. General - Teleporters and Holdouts
- 2. Allies
- 3. Items - Quick Overview
- 3. Items - Tier 1 Common
- 3. Items - Tier 2 Uncommon
- 3. Items - Tier 3 Rare
- 3. Items - Tier Boss
- 3. Items - Tier Lunar
- 3. Items - Void
- 4. Equipment
- 5. Survivors - Acrid
- 5. Survivors - Artificer
- 5. Survivors - Bandit
- 5. Survivors - Captain
- 5. Survivors - Commando
- 5. Survivors - Engineer
- 5. Survivors - Huntress
- 5. Survivors - Loader
- 5. Survivors - Mercenary
- 5. Survivors - MUL-T
- 5. Survivors - Railgunner
- 5. Survivors - REX
- 5. Survivors - Void Fiend
- 6. Enemies
- 6. Enemies - Spawnpools
- 7. Stages - Commencement
- 7. Stages - Void Fields
- 7. Stages - Void Locus