5. Survivors - MUL-T
Updated 6 months agoMUL-T
Buffs to his less-used skills.
(RiskyTweaks) Nailgun
- Shot radius increased from 0 -> 0.2
- Always triggers ending shotgun burst.
Rebar Puncher
- Damage increased from 600% -> 660%
This roughly puts it back at Early Access levels, before he got a total base damage nerf due to his Nailgun being too strong at the time.
(RiskyTweaks) Scrap Launcher
- Reload speed scales with attack speed.
- Removed random spread.
- Removed falloff.
Power Saw
- Gives barrier on hit.
- Hitbox size increased 50%
- Self-force is more controllable.
- Blast Canister
- Applies downwards knockback to flying enemies.
- Reloads primaries.
Power Mode
- Reduced armor from 100 -> 60
- 1. General - Character Mechanics
- 1. General - Interactables
- 1. General - Run Scaling
- 1. General - Teleporters and Holdouts
- 2. Allies
- 3. Items - Quick Overview
- 3. Items - Tier 1 Common
- 3. Items - Tier 2 Uncommon
- 3. Items - Tier 3 Rare
- 3. Items - Tier Boss
- 3. Items - Tier Lunar
- 3. Items - Void
- 4. Equipment
- 5. Survivors - Acrid
- 5. Survivors - Artificer
- 5. Survivors - Bandit
- 5. Survivors - Captain
- 5. Survivors - Commando
- 5. Survivors - Engineer
- 5. Survivors - Huntress
- 5. Survivors - Loader
- 5. Survivors - Mercenary
- 5. Survivors - MUL-T
- 5. Survivors - Railgunner
- 5. Survivors - REX
- 5. Survivors - Void Fiend
- 6. Enemies
- 6. Enemies - Spawnpools
- 7. Stages - Commencement
- 7. Stages - Void Fields
- 7. Stages - Void Locus