5. Survivors - Acrid

Updated 5 months ago


This mod used to have a gameplay rework, but that's been condensed into a selectable alt passive.


  • (RiskyTweaks) Regenerative now counts as healing, and is unaffected by difficulty regen modifiers.
    • Still affected by Eclipse healing modifier.


  • (RiskyTweaks) Poisonous

    • Removed hidden damage cap.
  • (RiskyTweaks) Blight

    • Resets duration on stack.

    Nonscaling flat damage falls off hard, and is immediately apparent in loops/multiplayer. Duration reset on stack is limited by Acrid's cooldowns, and is pretty much exclusively a single-target thing due to how short the duration is.

  • Contagion (New)

    • Reduces base damage by 20%.
    • Every skill applies a different DoT effect.
      • Primary: Poison on 3rd hit.
      • Secondary: Blight
      • Utility: Blight
      • Special: Infects for 6x100% damage, can trigger item effects.
        • 0.5 proc coefficient
    • Poison and Blight spread to 1 nearby enemy on kill.

    Gameplay rework is now a selectable alt passive to improve cross-mod compatibility.


  • (RiskyTweaks) Vicious Wounds
    • Increased hitbox size.


  • Caustic Leap

    • Increased acid puddle proc coefficient from 0.1 -> 0.7
    • Knocks enemies downwards.
  • Frenzied Leap

    • Reduced cooldown from 10s -> 6s
    • Reduced cooldown reduction from 2s -> 1s
    • Knocks enemies downwards.

    Lower cooldown should make this less of a liability to take since it's on-par with Caustic Leap now. Cooldown reduction lowered to compensate, though the real choice between the 2 is being able to stack debuffs versus being able to spam.