5. Survivors - Captain
Updated 5 months agoCaptain
Mechanically the same, but with a lot of tweaks. Beacons now refresh on a cooldown.
- (RiskyFixes) Orbital Skills care usable in Hidden Realms.
- Shock is no longer interrupted by damage.
- Defensive Microbots
- No longer deletes stationary projectiles. (ex. Gas Clouds, Fire Pools)
- No longer scales off of attack speed.
- Scales off of drone count.
Vulcan Shotugn
- Damage reduced from 8x120% -> 7x110%
- Attack Speed increases pellet count, instead of reducing pump duration.
- Can be toggled in-game with Risk of Options.
- Fully charging removes falloff.
Damage was a bit too high, outdamaging a lot of more mechanically complex survivors by simply mashing the fire button.
- Power Taser
- Shock chains to nearby targets on the initial hit.
- Slows unshockable enemies.
Diablo Strike
- Increased proc coefficient from 1.0 -> 3.0
- Bandoliers reduce cooldowns by 20s, instead of a full reduction.
Hacky change due to skill restock beacons being a thing.
- Beacons now recharge on a 60s cooldown, unaffected by Bandoliers and other cooldown restock effects.
- Hack beacons are excluded from this, unless you enable the rework in the config.
Beacon: Shocking
- Radius increased from 10m -> 15m
- Slows unshockable enemies.
Beacon: Resupply (Reworked)
- Reduced Equipment restock from +1 Stock -> -20s cooldown
- Now restores skill charges.
- 3 uses, each use recharges after 20s.
- 1 Bandolier worth.
- 1. General - Character Mechanics
- 1. General - Interactables
- 1. General - Run Scaling
- 1. General - Teleporters and Holdouts
- 2. Allies
- 3. Items - Quick Overview
- 3. Items - Tier 1 Common
- 3. Items - Tier 2 Uncommon
- 3. Items - Tier 3 Rare
- 3. Items - Tier Boss
- 3. Items - Tier Lunar
- 3. Items - Void
- 4. Equipment
- 5. Survivors - Acrid
- 5. Survivors - Artificer
- 5. Survivors - Bandit
- 5. Survivors - Captain
- 5. Survivors - Commando
- 5. Survivors - Engineer
- 5. Survivors - Huntress
- 5. Survivors - Loader
- 5. Survivors - Mercenary
- 5. Survivors - MUL-T
- 5. Survivors - Railgunner
- 5. Survivors - REX
- 5. Survivors - Void Fiend
- 6. Enemies
- 6. Enemies - Spawnpools
- 7. Stages - Commencement
- 7. Stages - Void Fields
- 7. Stages - Void Locus